Although the adamantium claws were not broken directly when they were inserted into Arno's thigh.

However, the huge rebound force caused the claws to bend back to the back of his hand.

Deadpool screamed out in empathy:

"Oh my god, I swear, it must be very painful, more painful than tearing off a long string of skin when the skin of the finger flies~~~"

Listening to Deadpool's perfect description, Arno, who was poked by the old wolf without even a scratch on his clothes, felt an inexplicable pain in his finger skin.

Even Logan, who had already reluctantly pressed the claws back into his flesh and blood, began to ache again after the wounds had healed.

It must be said that Deadpool's words were more lethal than Logan's claws, mentally.

"Shut your stinky mouth, Wade!"

Arno and Logan couldn't help but yelled at Deadpool in unison.

Arno and Logan smiled at each other, and the little unhappiness just now disappeared.

Although it was just Logan who was unhappy, Arno felt that it was fun to try out the sharpness of the Adelman.

Deadpool crossed his hands over his mouth, secretly looked at the non-existent camera next to him, and whispered.

"Wow, today we not only saw Henry's Super Wolf, but also saw the famous scene of Marvel Superman and Wolverine yelling at each other in tacit understanding.

You really got your money's worth, and even made a profit~"

Arno and Logan ignored Deadpool who was constantly yelling at the air.

It's better to let him bother the non-existent audience than to bother the two of them.

The two tough guys shook hands after a fight.



A big red head stuck out from the middle of the two people's handshake.

"Wade, why didn't anyone call me for the personal introduction? Are you afraid that I'll disturb you?

Oh my god, you guys don't want to have a show of sympathy between tough guys, do you?

I remember this is my and Logan's personal movie, Deadpool 3, Deadpool and Wolverine..."

When the two heard Deadpool's words, they let go of each other's hands and looked at Deadpool.

To be precise, it was his stinky mouth.

But before Arno and Logan could physically close Deadpool's stinky mouth, a violent buzzing sound interrupted them.

Buzz buzz buzz——————————————

Deadpool looked over and began to pat the two people's shoulders frantically, pointing at the Savage Wind convoy coming towards them and screaming wildly:

"Oh my god!!! Gosh!!! Mad Max! This is Mad Max!!!

Wow!!! The budget for this third Deadpool movie must have exploded!!!

I really don't know how many nights Ryan slept with the director to invite such a luxurious lineup!

Can there be more surprises!!!"

However, when the convoy approached, he saw that the blond on the roof was not the Undead Joe, but the old version of Sabretooth.

After seeing that the others were just a group of third-rate mutants, Deadpool's face fell.

"I knew that Ryan Reynolds, that bastard, didn't have the presence to invite the original cast of Mad Max!

Sure enough, it was just a group of fake marginal and second-rate mutant characters."

The mutants who were said to be useless by Deadpool didn't buy his visible disgust, and they were screaming to fight him.

"Don't worry, kids, I'm here!

I'll take care of these minions!"

While Deadpool was still complaining, a voice came from above the three people's heads, interrupting the mutants who were about to rush up.

I saw another figure with his back to the sun appear on the Fox logo.

He did a neat somersault and jumped to the side of the three people.

He took off the hood on his head, revealing the face of an enthusiastic young man. This is...

Deadpool looked at the familiar face of justice with surprise.

"Wow! It's him! It's him! He's going to shout that sentence!!!"


"Thunderbolt Fire!!!"

A loud roar interrupted Deadpool's words, and the guy who looked like Captain America was on fire and soared into the sky!

And a long flame burst out from his hand, falling towards the pirated Max team with a scorching breath!

Thunderbolt roared excitedly in the air:

"Oh! I can burn like this all day long!"

It must be said that this dragon-like pillar of fire is quite powerful.

Even in this void, Thunderbolt's strength is actually quite good.

But unfortunately, he is Thunderbolt, and there happens to be a fireman who can control fire in the convoy.

Although the fireman can't make fire out of thin air like Thunderbolt Johnny, and is not even immune to the damage of fire to himself.

But he can control the fire!

So the unlucky enthusiastic guy Johnny, just the other party stretched out his hand, the fire went out when it approached the convoy, and even Johnny's bodyThe flames on the body were gradually extinguished.

The Human Torch was on, and the Human Torch was finished.

The flames went out, and Johnny's flying ability disappeared, causing him to fall directly from the sky.

Still face down!

If he landed, this face that looked like Captain America would become a damaged version.

At the critical moment, a big hand grabbed Johnny's ankle.

Arno looked at the Human Torch that looked like Captain America in his hand, and was somewhat interested.

Captain America's version of the Human Torch, out of print, not bad.

Well, take it back.

"Congratulations, you have been hired, go to the training."


The Human Torch had a question mark on his face, and before he could ask what the application was successful.

Arno threw the Human Torch to Deadpool.

The Human Torch's vision was spinning, and when he regained his vision again, he was already in Deadpool's arms.

Deadpool held Johnny in his arms and began to skillfully introduce him to the various benefits and five social insurances and one housing fund of the manor.

The team would not wait for Deadpool to slowly develop future employees for his big boss.

A blond, fleshy man jumped down from the car, pointed his claws at the four people, and was ruthless and didn't talk much.

"Submit or die!"

Sabertooth, Wolverine's brother from another universe.

"Fuck! It's really unprofessional!"

Logan looked at Deadpool, who was popularizing the manor business to the Human Torch without paying attention to others, and cursed helplessly.

"Let me do it."

Nodding to Arno, who was watching the show with his arms crossed, he stretched out his steel claws again.

The classic Sabretooth vs. Wolverine, the love and hate between brothers is staged again.

But this Logan is not an ordinary Wolverine, he is a bloody old wolf who has slaughtered countless lives!

In just one round, Sabretooth's head was chopped off!


Logan looked at the other people in the team with a fierce look.

"Or you can all come together!"

The Fireman smiled and pressed the button next to him.

A huge suction force came, and Logan was firmly attached to a huge magnet on the car.

This was the tool used to trick a certain Magneto last time.

Seeing that Logan was completely unable to move due to being sucked, the Fireman sneered.

"It's your turn next!"

As he said that, another black-haired Asian man with a short hair jumped out of the team.

Suddenly, a strong momentum came from the man and rushed towards the remaining three Arnos.

The man twisted his neck, not taking Arno and the other two seriously at all, and activated his ability.




"Do you?"

Looking at the man covered with thorns and looking invincible.

Arno: ...

Deadpool: ...

Human Torch: ...


A red light burst out, and immediately, thorns, flesh, intestines, flew everywhere.

Level 5 Omega Mutant, Confidence Man Out!!!

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