"What a beautiful and stunning sight..."

Arno crossed his arms and let his body drift slowly towards the "World Tree" without resistance or fear.

He just calmly appreciated the beauty of the green World Tree filled with colorful nebulae.

His body kept moving forward until his entire body was completely integrated into the World Tree and entered a new realm.

This is...

Arno looked at the green lines composed of countless timelines and already knew the answer.

The center of the multiverse, the end of time.

As if sensing something, he looked up at the steps in front of him, the lofty figure that he could never see clearly before?

This time, His face gradually became clear.


Arno chuckled, without much surprise in his eyes, but more of relief.

He walked slowly in the gaps between countless green lines with his hands behind his back, just like walking in his own manor.

Every time he took a step, the green lines around him would automatically avoid him and make way for him.

He looked around at the green lines and the chaotic green mist with pure appreciation.

His mood did not fluctuate at all, just like looking at the flowers and plants in his own manor.

Although this chaotic green was not the place where he was when he first crossed over.

"No wonder, I feel so familiar here. The first time I was brought to this world was here, right?

The one who brought me to this world, Loki."

Arno walked to the bottom of the steps, slowly raised his head, and looked at the completely clear figure.

The new king who was eternally lonely on the throne, the god of stories, Loki.

"Arno, long time no see."

Loki, wearing the golden horned Asgard crown and sitting on the gilded throne, raised his fingers lightly.

A transparent step rose from the ground under Arno's feet, raising him to the same height as himself.

"Zi, if Odin saw your current achievements, I really don't know whether he should be relieved or distressed."

Arno looked at Loki, who was entangled by countless green time lines and firmly tied to the throne, with an inexplicable expression.

Unprecedented power, endless cage.

"Father will understand. For Asgard, for all the people I love, no matter what the price of sitting on this position is, I must sit here."

Loki's tone was light, but his eyes couldn't help but reveal a desire for freedom.

No matter how powerful he is now, he can only watch from the perspective of a bystander, and he can never leave this place to change it personally.

"Is that so? So you used your private power to create a parallel branch universe that didn't exist originally, right..."

Facing Arno's questioning but willing tone, Loki did not refute and directly acquiesced.

Arno didn't care whether he answered or not, but directly held the other end of the timeline that Loki held in his right hand.

Suddenly, a platinum light appeared in his eyes, and he saw everything in that timeline.

That was exactly what was happening in Arno's universe.

With a thought, the screen came to the Earth at this moment.

Opening critical hit.

As soon as the screen cut to the Earth, a black boiled egg flew out.

That was Nick Fury, who questioned Tony's actions and was knocked out 20 meters by Tony's iron fist and fainted directly.

At the same time, there was also a female prime minister of a certain country who was replaced by the Skrulls and was beheaded neatly by Steve's shield.

Finally, there was the Skrull gathering place, with a dozen or so gods floating in the sky, with red light constantly shooting out of their eyes.

This was all the Skrull elimination plan happening on his Earth.

Arno looked at the Skrulls who were almost eliminated and nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"Well, it's not bad. The first batch of alliance members have passed the test for now."

Loki had no sympathy for the slaughtered Skrulls. Instead, he chuckled and agreed:

"Hehe, they did a good job, but the most important thing is that you are here.

In the future when you don't exist, there are many parallel universes that will cause a lot of trouble on Earth."

He was very satisfied with Arno's handling of the Skrulls. He was worthy of being the chosen one he carefully selected.

These garbage should become nutrients for the soil of the Nine Realms, not borers of the Nine Realms!

You should know that he is not only the God of Stories in the Multiverse, but also the Third Prince of Asgard!

One of the heirs to the throne of the controller of the Nine Realms, the God of Trickery, Loki Odinson!!!

These green monkeys are trying to control Midgard, one of the Nine Realms, right in front of him!

He did not wipe out all the Skrulls in the multiverse from the root, which was already a kind and conservative person after he had experienced many things.Rules!

If it were my old self, these guys would have died eight hundred times!

But... they wouldn't be much better now.

Loki looked at his most proud story with a smile.

A god on earth who doesn't exist in the "Marvel" universe, the chosen one he brought from another world.

Arno Stark.

His traces will never be limited to a simple parallel universe, and the fate of the Skrulls will not be limited to the current universe.

Arno noticed Loki's unreserved admiring eyes, but didn't care.

He took a last look at the BB machine that Black Salted Egg woke up and took out with gritted teeth in the timeline, sneered at it, and put down the timeline in his hand.

Nick Fury's biggest trump card.

Captain Marvel, no, it should be called Captain Skrull.

Carol Danvers.

Of course he knew about this woman.

A woman who still wanted to be a great interstellar philanthropist at the moment of crisis on Earth.

A "strongest" person who always appears at the last minute and actually plays no role.

Forget waiting for Carol to come back now, Zod and his men would have already wiped out the Skrulls and scattered their ashes.

Even if she could arrive in time, more than a dozen Kryptonians would be able to beat the shit out of her and stuff it back into her!

The strongest person in the world?

Sorry, I have more than a dozen such people under my command.

And even if the Kryptonians under his command don't take action, Hulk and Thor are enough to surprise Auntie.

So Arno doesn't care whether Nick Fury will call his biggest trump card Carol.

He cares more about the purpose of the person in front of him bringing him here this time.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of bringing me here today, the system master who brought me to this world?"

"Hehe, first of all, I'm not your system, I just wrote a story that didn't exist before."

Loki smiled faintly and raised his second finger.

"Secondly, I brought you here for two reasons.

One is to thank you for taking care of my useless brother and making Asgard more glorious.

The other is that I want to ask you for a favor, a favor that concerns the fate of the entire multiverse."

Arno accepted Loki's thanks for taking care of Thor and Asgard calmly without commenting.

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