With Fiora and Clark, they almost renovated the ground of the metropolis and fought to the next city.

Finally, someone couldn't help it.

The first to attack was not the US military whose ten fighters were just shot down by Fiora.

Instead, it was a person, or a god.

Zhenzhenzhen Zhenzhenzhenzhen~

As a non-existent BGM sounded, a golden lasso suddenly tied up Fiora who was fighting with Clark in the air from the ground.

Suddenly, Fiora and Clark looked at the woman in red and gold short skirt armor who was pulling the other end of the golden rope in surprise.

Wonder Woman, Diana is here!

"Kryptonians, stop it, I won't let you destroy the earth like this again."

Diana said and pulled down hard. Before she had been in the sun for a long time, Fiora, who had consumed a wave with Clark, was actually thrown off the ground!


But such damage is not a damage to the Kryptonians at all.

Fiora stood up from the pit she was smashed into, feeling the toughness of the Lasso of Truth on her body and the huge force coming from it, her eyes became indifferent.

The master's order was to help Clark become a god who saves mankind, but he didn't say to limit his power and not cause casualties...

In that case, then... go to hell!


The violent heat vision shot out from Fiora's eye sockets, and directly blasted Diana, who was holding the Lasso of Truth tightly and had no time to dodge, into a building!

This also forced Diana to let go of the Lasso of Truth, allowing Fiora to break free of her hands.

Facing Diana who suddenly appeared and tried to destroy the master's plan, Fiora was not as "gentle" as facing Clark.

After the heat vision blasted Diana into a building, the whole person flew up with boundless power and punched Diana!

Boom! ! !

Even if Diana reacted in time and blocked this terrifying punch with the Amazon Aegis.

But it was still blown away by Fiora's huge power!

The shock wave from Fiora's fist and shield directly cut the entire building in half!

And Diana's strength did not decrease, and she went through several buildings before stopping!

Kryptonians, so terrifying!

But Fiora had no intention of stopping, and flew straight to Diana again.

Clark watched this scene and had no time to appreciate the fight between the two women.

He flew up quickly and caught the upper half of the building that was cut in half with both hands.

Clark didn't have time to watch, so naturally someone had time to watch.

If there is anything that is the most interesting thing in the world, then the fight between two women must be one of them.

Arno crossed his legs in the command center, eating popcorn and watching the science fiction blockbuster without special effects on the screen, and couldn't help but think of the low-profile version of Superman in the American TV series in his previous life.

The little baby of the motherland who likes to drink milk.

If it were him, let alone whether he could bear the weight of a building, even if he could, he probably wouldn't be able to catch it, and would just pass through it.

Superman can catch objects without damaging the objects themselves because of his biological force field.

Homelander basically has no force field, or the biological force field can only cover himself, but can't extend out.

I don't know if there will be a chance to open the space gate of the black robe world in the future. He is quite interested in the more realistic screen heroes in that world.

Especially the Zubao among them.

Such a cute group of superheroes.

It must be fun to crush them all to death one by one.

He smiled cruelly, looked at the screen again from the satellite perspective, and the metropolis was already filled with gunpowder, stretched and stood up.

"OK, it's almost done, it's time for the final performance."

This level is enough to make Clark the god of justice on this earth.

Next, some people will jump off the wall in desperation.

And... Arno's eyes were shining with platinum light, and his expression was inexplicable.

He took a step forward, and disappeared in the blue light with Zod.

The only person left in the command room was the Martian Hunter, whose skin had turned black again.

And tens of thousands of subordinates who were facing the ruins of the base outside and had no idea what was going on.

Sure enough, it was just as Arno thought.

The US military could no longer bear the continuous appearance of these superhumans as powerful as gods.

The two of them were already enough to annoy them.

They did not launch another attack, not because they were afraid of the loss of the ten fighters.

But they knew that ordinary attacks had no effect on the two.

They planned to see if they could wait for Clark and Fiora to lose both of them and then take advantage of the situation.

But with the arrival of Diana, the situation became even worse.

That obviously evilThe woman on the evil side became even more violent. The battle with the man in the red cape basically destroyed only the ground.

The battle between the two women was really like that. Every blow could collapse a few buildings or damage a few streets!

This is too much. At this rate of destruction, the metropolis will be razed to the ground in less than half an hour!

In one day, the entire United States will be broken up by them!

So they gritted their teeth.

Rather than letting those three guys attack other cities and cause greater losses.

It is better to let the citizens of the metropolis sacrifice their lives for the great love of the whole of America.

So, they launched nuclear bombs.


Other foreigners watching the live broadcast looked down on it, one for each person!

Arno grinned at this, and the live broadcast perspective seamlessly switched to the black technology camera of the Kryptonian spacecraft.

The entire process of launching the nuclear bomb was broadcast live.

Then the world exploded!

Especially when the metropolis was protected by Superman and few people died.

All the people in the metropolis were stunned.

Oh my god, nuclear bombs! We are still in the city!

You put nuclear bombs here, and three of them!

Are you afraid that some of us will survive?

The people in the metropolis were already somewhat desperate because of the devastating battle between the two women.

But the existence of Superman completely extinguished the little hope they had raised again!

The two women in the battle and Clark who was constantly saving people also discovered the three flying nuclear bombs.

Clark and Diana frowned at the same time.

Clark flew directly towards the nuclear bomb, grabbed a nuclear bomb in each hand, and rushed straight into the sky.

Diana's arms collided fiercely, and a golden ripple shook Fiora away.

She also flew towards the nuclear bomb, and after entangled the last nuclear bomb with the Lasso of Truth, she also followed Clark to fly high in the sky!

Fiora didn't care about the nuclear bombs and the lives of the people in the metropolis, she just wanted to catch up and stop Diana.

"No need to chase, your mission is successfully completed."

A faint voice sounded beside her, and Fiora turned her head sharply to look at the three people who stood beside her at some point.

That was General Zod and the big guy who was blasted into the ground by Clark's heat vision before, and...


The feeling from her heart made her immediately understand that this was the person she needed to be loyal to.

Arno just waved his hand and ignored Fiora.

Instead, a deep blue space channel appeared behind him.

His platinum eyes passed through layers of space and looked at the blue figure standing on the anti-life equation.

Silent words came out.

"The next time I come again, it will be the time to crush your blue bald head."

After saying that, he finally looked at the three nuclear explosion flames burning in the sky, turned around and walked into the portal.

Zod and the other two followed without hesitation.

At the same time, the Kryptonian spaceship in outer space of the earth also disappeared in a burst of blue light.

Now someone here doesn't welcome him, so next time he comes, he won't be as kind as this time.


At the same time, in the original Marvel Universe.

Earth, above Stark Manor.

A huge and strange alien spaceship appeared in the sky of the manor.

Such a huge spaceship appeared out of thin air, and many forces immediately discovered it.

Two of them immediately took action.

US military fighters.

Tony's Iron Man armor.

However, after Arno's figure appeared on the top of the spaceship, the US military fighter turned around and clocked out and went back.

And Tony landed in front of Arno in the Iron Man armor.

The armor unfolded, and Tony came out and gave a big hug.

After the two separated, Tony felt much more relaxed and said jokingly:

"What an irresponsible person. As the head of the Stark family and the owner of such a large manor, he has been gone for more than a year!"

"Something happened, but it has been more than a year? It seems that the time to go to other universes is equal to that here..."

Arno touched his chin and asked casually:

"Let's not talk about this for now. Did Superstar tell us about Thanos?"

His strength has been greatly improved this time. It is time to deal with some threats in this universe, and Thanos is the first step.

Tony was silent for a while after hearing this, and then he said with a strange look:

"There is news, and Deadpool only used one sentence to interrogate Thanos' location a year ago. This is the method..."

Tony's hesitation made Arno curious.

"How did Wade interrogate him?"

You know, Superstar is a psychic ability user, and ordinary torture is not enough.It probably won't have much effect on her, at least she won't be asked out with just one sentence.

Tony was silent again for a while, organized his words, and slowly said:

"He smeared the limbless superstar with ticklers all over her body, and then told her that if she didn't cooperate, he would hollow out her internal organs and make a ** cup for Hulk..."

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