Clark's face changed, but he still insisted:

"I believe in the punishment of the law, and the prison will not let these criminals escape easily!"

Listening to his innocent words, Arno pointed at his heart expressionlessly and looked into his eyes:

"Touch your heart and tell me, do you believe what you say?"

Looking at Arno's dark and indifferent eyes, Clark wanted to say that he believed it.

But when he opened his mouth, he found that he was speechless.

Yes, he didn't believe it.

Even he didn't believe in his heart that the prison could hold those vicious criminals.

Looking at Clark who was still struggling in his heart, Arno planned to give the young man another heavy blow.

"Touch him."

Arno pointed to the robber who had lost consciousness due to the pain.

Clark looked at the robber who had no good place on his body, and felt a little reluctant and at a loss.

God knows how cruel the bat's means are.

There is no good place on this guy's body.

Broken ribs and comminuted fractures of limbs.

Finally, Clark chose to put his hand on the relatively intact chest of the robber.

Temporarily intact...

A memory image appeared in his mind at the moment of contact.

Although it was very sudden, he did not feel uncomfortable with his super brain.

It was just a trance to adapt to the extra memory images in his mind.

What came into view was the daily life of the robber.

Gotham went to work on time at six o'clock every evening, picking today's lucky person.

And this guy seemed to be extremely fond of robbing a family of three.

But the difference this time was that he did not intend to shoot and kill the robbed couple after robbing the family of three.

Instead, he took the money to avoid disaster, and directly made an international gesture and slipped away.

As we all know, criminals in Gotham disdain to wear masks.

So his appearance was remembered by the man in the family of three.

It happened that the man was a sketch artist, so he called the police and drew the robber's appearance perfectly.

Not long after, the robber was arrested on the way to work again.

But, with his arrest, the matter did not end.

On the contrary, it had just begun.

The robber was not alone, he had a gang.

He went to work on time every day, and half of the green bills he had robbed had to be handed over to the gang.

And for such a hard-working employee, the gang would naturally not treat him unfairly, and soon hired a lawyer for him.

Or rather, their gang already had a professional lawyer who was responsible for after-sales service.

Not long after the lawyer's appeal, the robber was released due to insufficient evidence.

This is Gotham.

You can't expect him to be reborn and change his ways after he comes out.

He only uses his fists to teach others how to be a man, and uses the shotgun in his hand to physically wash others' faces!

So he took the gun and found the home of the man who reported him.

As for how he found it, the omnipotent gang will give him the answer.

The robber was very angry.

I kindly let you go, but I just robbed all your money, and you dared to report me to the police!

This was his last words before he washed the faces of a family of three with a shotgun!

Bang! x3

Then there was blood splattering on the spot, and the family of three was unrecognizable and died tragically at home.

Clark gritted his teeth, he was just a bystander, he could do nothing.

He could only watch this guy who should have been tried by the law, but was acquitted because of the law and killed an innocent family of three.

If this could still allow Clark to control his emotions.

Then the robber hid a bomb in the home of the police who arrested him.

When the police returned home after a hard day and had a warm dinner with his family, they were blown to death.

His anger reached its peak, and his hands began to exert force unconsciously!

At the end of the picture, the robber looked at the house burning in the distance and laughed wildly.

But because he did not leave direct evidence and was covered by the gang, he escaped legal sanctions again.

Until he met the bat.

And the family of three, the policeman and his family, are just the tip of the iceberg in the robber's five-star life.



A crisp sound and a scream brought Clark back to his senses.

He opened his bloodshot eyes and left the robber's memory.

Only then did he realize that his hand had crushed the robber's chest unconsciously.

If he moved forward a little, he would press directly into his body.

And even if it was just his sternum that was crushed now, this guy had his ribs broken by the bat and his limbs were crushed.

Now that his sternum was broken by himself, even if he was not dead, he would be living a life worse than death.Just waiting for death.

But Clark didn't have a trace of sympathy in his heart at this moment, but was secretly happy. He deserved it!

But immediately, he came back to his senses.

"I... What am I thinking?!"

Clark looked at the blood on his hands with horror. He didn't understand why he had such a terrible idea? !

Then what's the difference between him and those criminals!

And what's the difference between him and the bat that tortured privately!

"The difference is that they use power to kill innocent people.

And we use power to protect innocent people.

And the best protection for innocent people is to eliminate the root of evil."

"Eliminate the root of evil, do you mean to kill them all?"

Clark looked at his godfather with lifeless eyes. The super brain that can solve everything was blank at this moment.

This time the super brain didn't give him an answer.

So he could only beg his godfather to give him an answer.

Arno shook his head, pressed his shoulders, and said slowly and heavily:

"No, Clark, there is no end to evil.

As long as there are people, there will always be evil.

What we need to do is not mindless killing.

But let them know that evil can never escape punishment!

There is a pair of eyes in the sky watching them all the time."

Clark's pure and kind heart seemed to be shaken.

"Sanctions? Break their limbs like that bat and brand them?"

"No, that bat is still too conservative!

I said I want to let them know that there is a pair of eyes in the sky watching them all the time!

You have to let them know that evil should be buried in the ground!"

Arno pressed Clark's head and pointed it at the robber's face:

"And those eyes are sacred, dazzling, and deadly!"

There was still some struggle in Clark's eyes, and the last kindness in his heart was resisting him from carrying out such a cruel practice.

Until the hand behind his head lit up with a yellow light.

The power of the Mind Stone spreads.

But it is not to control Clark, but to give him the last straw that breaks the camel's back!

That is...

The mind connection of the whole city of Gotham!

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