Arno's super vision was activated, and his dark pupils turned platinum.

Suddenly, everything in this world became visible to his eyes.

Whether it was matter itself, the so-called impenetrable lead, or the mysterious magic barrier, none of them could block his current super vision.

This was also the change caused by the complete fusion of his mental power and body.

His eyes could not only observe everything in matter, but also everything else that was not natural matter.

Now that Thor's Thor's hammer was placed in front of him, he could see clearly the leeks that the dwarf king accidentally left in the hammer when he made the hammer.

In fact, according to his current situation, he was no longer an ordinary Kryptonian.

Instead, he was heading towards a higher-dimensional life form.

He had a hunch that if he continued to evolve like this, his eyes would see more than just this universe itself.

Maybe he could directly observe another world!

But at the moment, he had not evolved to that level, but there was nothing in this world that could be hidden in his eyes.

His eyes swept across the planet.

"Metropolis, Gotham City, Paradise Island, Atlantis, Mother Box, oh? This is the so-called anti-life equation..."

The platinum light in Arno's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the anti-life equation engraved deep underground became clearer and clearer.

"Interesting, the ultimate weapon that can control all free thoughts..."

Although he didn't know much about this thing, he knew it was a very dangerous existence. He would see if he could take it away when he left this universe.

After all, since he was here, it was a handy thing.

But now, he had something more interesting.

His eyes finally looked in the direction of Kansas.

There was a person who was extremely dazzling in this dark world... Superman!

Or Clark Kent.

Looking at the young and immature Clark, it was obvious that he had not yet become the god of the world in the future.

And at this moment, our young Superman was experiencing the most confused moment of his life.

A tornado that changed his destiny.

Arno's mouth curled up with an interested smile.

"Things are getting interesting..."

He actually came to the world of the DC universe, which in a sense belongs to his "real" universe.

Although he went back to the wrong "home", Arno was not panicked. He made the best of it.

Especially since the space gems in his body did not become ineffective, he was not panicked at all.

He could feel that he could still connect his universe in the Marvel universe and the branch line 1999 universe he had visited.

Even if he encountered an unbeatable existence, he could at least escape back to the Marvel universe.

In fact, not only space, but also the two gems of time and mind in his body can be used normally.

As for the other three garbage things.

After studying the three gems of power, soul, and reality, he returned them to Tony and sent them back to the universe they should belong to.

Because after his attempts, the other three garbage gems brought back by the Avengers from various timelines.

He could not integrate them into his body together with the three gems in his body, and thus become a part of himself.

Maybe it was because they were not from the same universe, the three stones in his body still rejected the other three stones.

Although he could use them, he could not obtain their abilities.

Then what was the use of these three pieces of garbage, so he simply returned them to Tony and asked him to send them back to where they belonged.

He planned to return to his own universe and put the other three stones that belonged to him back into his pocket.

Well, his Earth, and then his universe, so it was reasonable that the infinite stones in the universe were also his, right?

In the Ganges!

A highway in Kansas.

Clark was filled with anxiety.

Because his adoptive father, Jonathan Kent, was facing a life-and-death crisis at the moment.

A violent tornado was sweeping up countless vehicles all the way to his adoptive father.

But his father's foot was sprained by a car that fell from the sky because he was saving his dog, so he could not escape.

He wanted to save his adoptive father, and as long as he wanted, he would definitely save his adoptive father.

But Jonathan reached out his hand to stop him, shook his head, and pointed out to him that there were many civilians under the bridge.

He understood what his adoptive father meant.

In the past, his adoptive father often told him that humans were not ready to accept his existence.

Therefore, he had to hide his ability, otherwise it would cause panic among ordinary people.

So he couldn't take action and expose his specialness.

He shed tears with pain on his face, and could only watch the tornado continue to move.He kept approaching his adoptive father.

"Your father stretched out his hand and asked you to save him within five seconds. Didn't you understand?"

A voice sounded in Clark's ears.

He suddenly found that a man who was a few points taller and stronger than him was putting his arm on his shoulder!

The most important thing is that with his sensory ability, he didn't even notice when the other party put his arm on him!

Arno ignored Clark's shock. In his opinion, Clark was still too immature and could not inspire his fighting spirit at all.

He wanted to do something else.

"Do you want to save your adoptive father?"

Clark seemed to see hope when he heard this. He turned around and grabbed Arno's shoulder tightly, and said anxiously:

"Can you save him? Please save him!"

He didn't realize that the force he was using now was enough to crush an ordinary person.

But Arno didn't care about this strength at all. He showed a meaningful smile and said slowly:

"Be my godson, your adoptive father won't die, are you willing?"

Clark was stunned for a moment when he heard this, but saw that his adoptive father was about to be swallowed by the tornado.

He didn't have time to think about it, and immediately agreed:

"I am willing, as long as you can save my adoptive father, anything is fine!"

"Good boy."

Arno patted Clark's hairy head.

He took a step forward, and appeared in front of Jonathan the next second.

Jonathan had been watching Clark, so he also noticed Arno who appeared next to Clark out of thin air. After the two said something, the man disappeared again.

The next second, he appeared in front of him out of thin air again.


Just when Jonathan was about to ask who the other person was, he felt his vision blurred.

When the picture became clear again, he and the man next to him were already under the bridge.

Martha hurried forward to support Jonathan, crying with joy and hugging him.

Arno ignored the two people showing off their affection and patted Clark on the shoulder.

"Follow me."

Clark looked at his adoptive parents hesitantly, and then he realized that there were only his adoptive parents.

All the other people under the overpass had a faint yellow light in their eyes and stood there motionless.

No wonder they were not surprised at all when this mysterious man disappeared in an instant and was discovered by his adoptive father.

He has lost consciousness!

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