Arno landed in a large garden, and several maids who were pruning branches not far away immediately spotted him.

"Master, you're back!"

Several young and beautiful maids dropped their pruning tools and swarmed around him.

The chirping sound did not annoy Arno. He smiled and touched the heads of several maids, feeling very relaxed.

He liked this place, his home, one of the few places where he could relax completely.

"Where's Wanda?"

A maid immediately answered: "Miss Maximov went to school and hasn't come back yet, but she should be back soon."

The other maids waited for her to finish before speaking again: "Master has only come back once in a long time, and he thinks about Wanda when he comes back. Obviously we came earlier than her, so biased~"

"You are all the same, I miss you all. Okay, go prepare a sumptuous dinner, I'm going to entertain guests tonight."

Arno touched the little heads of the maids with different hair colors again.

Although the hair color varies, the skin color is only yellow and white.

He does not discriminate, he just doesn't like chocolate color.

The maids left sensibly and went to inform the preparation of dinner.

Arno made a phone call: "Stephen, long time no see, come to the manor for dinner tonight, I need your help."

After hanging up Stephen's phone, he made another call.

"Hey, Chen, tonight..."

The same words, the same words.

Stephen Strange, a famous surgeon in New York.

Chen Jun, the first person in Chinese and Western medicine in China, a strange man who perfectly combines Chinese and Western medicine.

They are all well-known figures in the medical field.

And there is only one purpose for calling them here.

To remove the fragments in Tony's chest.

He doesn't want his only brother to have some shrapnel around his heart that can threaten his life at any time.

Although Arno and Tony didn't say it to each other, they cherished their only relative in their hearts.

Buzz buzz buzz! ! !

A roar of sports car came, and a red Ferrari rushed into the manor in a high-profile manner.

The moment it saw Arnault, the sports car shook obviously, and then stopped at a high speed not far from Arnault.

The car door opened, and a handsome man with silver hair got out of the car and trotted over.

"Brother Arnault, I'm sorry I didn't know you were back, sorry sorry~"

Pietro looked embarrassed.

Although Arnault had taken him and his sister in, he had never had any restrictions on them.

But for some reason, every time he saw Arnault, he was like a child meeting his parents, and he unconsciously became nervous.

In the car, a girl also opened the door and got out.

Brown-red hair, bright face, pure and lovely figure.

Wanda Maximov.

Pietro Maximov's twin sister.

Born in 1989, the two were almost only ten minutes apart.

The two are only nineteen years old now. After being taken in by Arnault unexpectedly a few years ago, they were sent to study in New York.

In fact, all the people in the manor are orphans taken in by Arno.

Some of them became his deadpools, and some of them worked in the manor.

Some elites went to work in Stark Industries, lurking in every department and industry of Stark Industries.

That's why he can quickly grasp the list of all the people who do shameful things behind the Stark family.

These people are one of the forces he controls.

Although he doesn't really need other forces besides himself.

But he can't do everything himself, that's annoying and unrefined.

After all, he is the current head of the Stark family.

Wanda threw herself into Arno's arms, and he touched her brown-red hair lovingly.

"Have I studied hard in the past few months?"

"Of course, first in the whole grade."

Wanda and Arno smiled at each other.

Pietro scratched his head awkwardly, he felt like a glowing large light bulb at the moment.

In fact, he had no objection to his sister dating Arnault, and even agreed with both hands and feet.

However, Arnault seemed to be unaware of Wanda's thoughts, and Wanda did not have the courage to confess to Arnault.

The two never broke through this window paper.

It's just a difference of more than 20 years, what's the big deal.

If I were a woman, I would have pursued Arnault brother a long time ago.

Pietro thought, and then interrupted his unrealistic thoughts.

Forget it, let them do it, it doesn't matter to me.

"I'll go to the kitchen to see what delicious food they made, you guys chat slowly~"

After Pietro finished speaking, he walked away quickly. He didn't want to stand here to illuminate these two sour and smelly people.

Arnault was very interested in Pietro.Trotello was very satisfied with his own feelings, and he was going to add two more zeros to his credit card limit as a reward.

From a limit of 100,000 to 10 million.

He didn't dislike Wanda. On the contrary, he liked this sunny and cheerful girl.

But when he took her and Pietro in, she was only fifteen years old. Although in this "free" country, many people at this age have tried countless fancy games.

But fifteen-year-old Wanda was too immature and too young for him, and he spent most of his time in outer space basking in the sun because of the sense of restraint on his body.

So he didn't have any thoughts and treated the relationship between men and women formally.

But now it's different. The restraint on him has disappeared, and she has become an adult.

"Beautiful lady, can I invite you to visit the garden together?"

"Of course!"

Arno stretched out his hand, and Wanda smiled even more brightly and held his hand.

The two bathed in the sun and strolled in the fragrant sea of ​​flowers.

It was not until the evening when the guests were about to arrive that Arno and Wanda returned to the manor.

"Come to dinner together, Wanda."

Knowing that Arnault was going to entertain guests tonight, Wanda, who had originally planned to go back to her room, was stunned.

Having dinner with guests is a treatment that only family members, or hostesses, can enjoy.

Wanda's face flushed and her head felt dizzy.

Is this too fast? Should I agree or accept it?


Wanda was awakened by Arnault's gentle call, and she was a little flustered:

"I...I, then I'll go change into a dress first."

After saying that, Wanda fled in a hurry, and Arnault looked at her back with a slight smile on his face.

Buzz buzz buzz! ! !

Another burst of ostentatious roar interrupted Arnault's beautiful view.

A black Lamborghini drove into the manor and drifted steadily to a stop at Arnault's feet.

The car door opened, and a man who looked like an elegant gentleman from ancient England came out.

"Arno, I haven't seen you for a few years. You've become stronger!

God, when I first saw you, you were a skinny guy like Captain America before he transformed.

Now you're in better shape than Captain America. How did you train?"

Stephen started talking nonstop as soon as he got out of the car, breaking his gentlemanly appearance.

"Shut up, Stephen. Compared to how I trained my body, you'd better drive more low-key. Sooner or later, something will happen."

Arnault said as he looked at the sports car that was only a fist away from his feet.

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