It turned out that Lu Ge and Lu Di were harassed by female hooligans at the Cultural Square last night. As a result, Lu Di showed his prowess and beat the female hooligans to pieces. The video went viral on the Internet.

Although the school stipulates that students cannot bring mobile phones to school, many people still bring them in, and then spread the news from one person to ten, ten to a hundred.

Overnight, everyone in the school knew about this.

Of course, the fact that Lu Di was so skilled in beating the female hooligans was not too shocking.

What shocked them was that after Lu Di took off his glasses and changed his hairstyle, even if he was wearing an ugly school uniform, he still couldn't hide his charming appearance.

They all knew that Lu Di was not ugly before, after all, he was the younger brother of the school grass Lu Ge.

It's just that Lu Ge didn't hide his appearance like Lu Di. Although he didn't have a good reputation, he was handsome! So handsome that people ignored his badness.

But they didn't expect that after Lu Di changed his image, he was so handsome that they became crazy about him.

Until the bell rang, she followed him and even went back to the first class with Lu Di!

If the teacher hadn't asked the security lady to come and chase them away, the class wouldn't have been possible...

On the other side, when Lu Ge stepped into the school gate, the students who were passing by followed him closely, and occasionally they could be seen staring at Lu Ge and talking about him.

Before Lu Ge came to school, he was also quite popular because of his appearance and figure, but not as curious and shocked as today.

From their whispers, Lu Ge learned that it was the guitar he played casually last night, and he recorded an audio and uploaded it to Douyin.

After the catalysis of Lu Di and his incident at the Cultural Square, his account gained tens of thousands of followers overnight, and his audio also received a large amount of traffic push.

Overnight, the one-minute audio was played more than 100,000 times and forwarded and liked.

Mainly because of his song, netizens searched the entire Internet record, but there was no record of that song.

There is no doubt that it is an original song, and it has caused countless netizens to send private messages to Lu Ge's account to ask if there is a complete version.

When Lu Ge went to the classroom, the classmates in the class looked at him curiously. They didn't expect that the bad boy who only skipped classes and didn't study in their eyes actually had the talent of music creation.

And the level is not low. Just look at the song that was circulated on the Internet last night. Although it is not a complete version, professional music creators have given it a high evaluation.

Some people even think that the song can kill 99% of modern music songs in seconds.

So many people who know Lu Ge's past don't dare to believe that it is Lu Ge's original.

So some keyboard warriors, black fans, and trolls who can't stand others' good things began to appear in the comment area with all kinds of suspicions and slanders.

There are even some people who claim to be music experts who posted videos to analyze the various disadvantages of that song in detail.

Lu Ge ignored the eyes and discussions of those people. After sitting in his seat, he took out his mobile phone and opened Douyin to take a look.

Fortunately, he had muted the sound in advance, otherwise, he would have heard a constant ding-ding message notification sound as soon as he opened Douyin. In the message column, the number had already exceeded 999+.

Lu Ge briefly flipped through it, and most of the messages were asking him about the name of the song he recorded and released last night, and whether there was a complete version.

There were also some music workshops that came to ask him if there was a complete version that had purchased the copyright.

Of course, the Internet is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and he could actually find some inexplicable messages scolding him...

Fortunately, Lu Ge had experienced a lot of things, and these things had no effect on him.

But just when he was about to turn off his phone and prepare to take a nap, WeChat sent a message.

Since he bought a new phone and phone card, he has only registered WeChat with Su Yunyin and Lu Di, who he added last night.

Although Lu Di bought a phone, it was class time now, and the top students were studying hard.

So Lu Ge was a little surprised to see the message from Su Yunyin.

[Did you write this song? What's it called? ]Attach a piece of music.

Su Yunyin didn't have the habit of watching Douyin, but she heard her sister watching videos at home last night, and accidentally heard Lu Ge's song.

So she snatched her sister's phone and saw the video of Lu Ge playing the guitar. He was very handsome, but she was more concerned about the song!

So she remembered the song, and when she knew Lu Ge came to school this morning, she also sent a message to ask.

[That was written by an idol of my world, called "Blue and White Porcelain", what's wrong? ] Lu Ge also typed a few lines in reply.

Lu Ge hesitated for a while last night, and chose Jay Chou's ancient and beautiful song "Blue and White Porcelain", which is also his favorite songOne of them.


After receiving the message, Su Yunyin was silent for a while, and then ignored Lu Ge's first sentence, staring at the three big characters "Blue and White Porcelain" for a while.

Blue and White Porcelain... It sounds very beautiful, especially the ancient style of the song, which makes her feel like it's piercing her heart!

[I want to use the copyright of the complete song, name a price. ]

After a long time, Su Yunyin replied to Lu Ge's message, and she wanted to buy the copyright of "Blue and White Porcelain" as soon as she opened her mouth.

After Lu Ge learned that Su Yunyin's father's family was the richest and the largest family in the Magic City, he realized that she was a legendary white, rich and beautiful woman.

And Lu Ge was very welcome to this kind of white, rich and beautiful woman who only wanted his music, not his body.

[No problem, we are all old customers, the price is the same. ]

Lu Ge did not ask for a high price just because she was rich. After all, he believed that he would have a lot of business with this white, rich and beautiful woman in the future.

[Okay, I'll have someone pick you up after school this afternoon. ]

Soon after the message was sent, Lu Ge received another transfer of 50 million and an electronic contract.

Su Yunyin didn't come to school today, so she had arranged for someone to pick up Lu Ge after school in the afternoon to play the complete song at her house so that she could remember it.

And Lu Ge didn't have any objections. It was reasonable to pay for the song: [Okay. ]

After replying the message, Su Yunyin didn't reply any more messages.

After finally getting through the get out of class, Lu Ge began to feel backache.

Because he knew all the content of the course taught by the teacher and could apply it, he began to feel sleepy while listening.

So... Lu Ge made up his mind again, or he might as well skip class.

Anyway, he had learned all the knowledge points, and this time he had learned it for the third time. If he continued to listen, he would just doze off and waste time.

When Lu Ge came out of the science teaching building, he was still a little sleepy and couldn't help yawning.

On the other side, after Lu Di came out of the liberal arts teaching building, the girls around him came over to give him various small gifts, which were also flowers, snacks, milk tea and the like. Soon his hands were full, and his roommates Fang Xiaohai and Zhong Tong had to help him carry them...

Lu Di looked at the letters and flowers that were constantly stuffed into his hands, and his brows were furrowed. He felt annoyed and regretted listening to Lu Ge's change of image.

When he saw Lu Ge coming out of the science teaching building with a cold attitude, although there were many junior and senior students around him, no one dared to come forward to stuff gifts into Lu Ge's hands.

That cold style was enough to make those girls who were ready to move back.

So they were better to get closer to Lu Di, who was gentle and easy to talk to.

"Brother! Save me!"

Lu Di hurriedly ran to Lu Ge to ask for help. He could hardly hold the things stuffed by those women.


Lu Ge saw that he didn't know how to refuse, and his face was full of black lines. Then he pointed to the trash can not far away and said: "Throw it all away!"

"Ah? But..."

Lu Di was a little hesitant and embarrassed. They were all gifts from others. Wouldn't it be too ruthless for him to throw them away like this?

He was a soft-hearted person and didn't dare to refuse other people's kindness, so he had so many troubles.

"Then keep it for yourself. I can't help you."

Lu Ge spread his hands and said indifferently.

In the past, he was like Lu Di now, receiving countless love letters and small gifts from girls, but he ignored or threw them away directly.

Later, no one wrote love letters or gave him small gifts, mainly because Lu Ge skipped classes too much...

"Hey hey..."

Lu Di hurried to catch up with Lu Ge's pace, because when he was with Lu Ge, those women didn't dare to come close to stuff things.

"I have something to do later, go eat by yourself."

Lu Ge refused Lu Di's proposal to go to the cafeteria to eat together.

Then, under Lu Di's surprised eyes, Lu Ge got on a luxury business car and left the school.

The scene of Lu Ge getting on the car was also seen by many classmates.

They didn't know about the deal between Lu Ge and Su Yunyin, and they still thought that Lu Ge was an orphan male god, how could he afford to sit in that luxury business car?

Could it be that he was kept by a rich woman?

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