Especially Alisem, he clenched his only remaining hand tightly, staring at Arno who followed them to the edge of the Milky Way in an instant.

He could sense that Arno did not use the power of the rules of the Infinity Stones, but only used his own strength to repel the five of them.

In short, it was a miracle with great strength.

But how could this guy's pure strength be so strong!

Although one of his arms was cut off before, he just felt that the opponent's strength was not inferior to his own.

But now, Alisem found that he was wrong, so wrong!

This person's hard power is much stronger than he imagined!

This will not be a trial, but a fierce battle!

Fierce battle? No, it's a massacre!

Arno looked at the five people of the Celestial Group indifferently, without any fluctuation in his eyes, as if looking at five corpses.

The moment they stepped into the Milky Way, their fate was destined to fall here.

"Hey, not one of them died. This sandbag is good. Give me two to play with~"

Yena looked at the five members of the Celestial Team with shining eyes, whose hand armor was broken.

It was really glowing, red light filled her eyes, and the corners of her mouth rose wildly!

She didn't even dare to say that she could easily take Arno's attack with her body, but these rainbow kids actually chose to join forces to take it!

OK, very cool!

6 hairs!!!

If the five members of the Celestial Team knew her thoughts, they would definitely beat her up at the first time!

Is this what we want to take it? You two have blocked the space and can't use space abilities. Under the lock of the solar wheel, they can't dodge at all, so they can only take it!

Yena didn't care about that. With a flash of blue light, she instantly came behind the searcher Ethan and the analyst Jamia.

Two slender hands burst out with terrifying power and grabbed the back of their heads.


Ethan and Jamia felt the huge pressure and armor shattering from their heads, and immediately launched a counterattack.

Both of them burst out with the strongest force to elbow Yena behind them!

MAN! ! ! *2

Yena is not a player, elbows are ineffective against her.

The hands holding Ethan and Jamia's heads suddenly slammed into the middle to forcibly interrupt their elbows.

Bang! ! !

Before they recovered from the huge impact, Yena's hands were filled with purple light!

Boom! ! ! !

Broken armor flew all over the starry sky, and Ethan and Jamia were directly knocked away by the power of the power gem, turning into a stream of light and disappearing in an instant.

Yena took a step forward, and the whole person disappeared in an instant.

Arno ignored Yena and chased the other two members of the Celestial Group. His eyes were locked on the other three members of the Celestial Group.

The naked killing intent locked on Alisem and the other two could only watch their teammates being beaten by Ye Na, and they had no way to help!

Of course, they didn't just watch, but each of them was accumulating the strongest means of attack!

Now is the time!

Alisem's telepathy connected the other two members of the God Group and communicated with them through the mind:

"Do it! Use the strongest means!"

But in front of Arno, who has the power of mind rules, his mind communication is undoubtedly a clown act.

You are holding back your big moves, am I just idle?

"It's too late to do it now, be careful in your next life..."

A faint voice sounded behind Alisem and the other two, and Arno, holding the five-colored sword, appeared behind them.

The Superman Sword formed by the power of the sun in his hand, attached with the four rules of space, time, reality, and mind power, was raised high!


The three were shocked, he was clearly in front of them!

Then they realized that it was the clone created by the power of the Reality Gem!

The original body had used the power of the Space Gem to escape into the void and accumulate power inside!

The long-term superiority made them forget that the enemy would not foolishly wait for you to accumulate power to use a big move.

If that was really the case, it could only mean that the opponent was holding back a bigger move!

Just like now!

"The first one..."

With a faint voice, the five-colored sword slashed down, and the calculator Nezar couldn't even resist, and was instantly cut in half from the shoulder!

Consciousness disappeared instantly, and life ended in an instant!

The spiritual power on the sword erased his thoughts, the power of time ended his time, the power of space destroyed his self-healing factor, and the power of reality deprived him of the meaning of existence.

His existence, except for this broken body, has disappeared without a trace in the universe.

It's like he never existed!

Arno's version of Superman's sword, touch it and you will die!

"Back off..."

Measurer Hagen stared at Arno holding the Superman Sword and kept backing off.

He didn't dare to let ArnoArno disappeared from his sight for even a moment.

Because it only takes a moment for the sword in his hand to deprive the omnipotent gods of their lives.

Just like.... like this!


The tip of the five-colored sword pierced Hagen's chin from the back of his head, and Arno twisted it casually, and Hagen's head was instantly separated!

"The second one..."

The only one left, Arno, looked at the clone slowly disappearing in the red light in front of him in disbelief, and Arno appeared behind him.

Another clone? !

"How is it possible, how could it be another clone?!!!"

It was understandable that he hid in the void when they were not paying attention, but now he was replaced by a clone under the full lock of himself and others!

"When did you have the illusion that you could lock me..."

Arno spoke lightly, slowly raising the Superman Sword in his hand.

Arno looked at this seemingly slow, but impossible to dodge sword, and sighed silently.

Is the gap between their strength and his so big?

For the first time, Arisom, who had not had many emotional fluctuations, felt a sense of powerlessness.

Just like those idiots who faced Arno in the past, facing the God of the World, there was no other choice but to kneel down and wait for death!


Arisom was split into two.

The five members of the Celestial Group were all destroyed!

As for why it was five people, it was because Ye Na, holding two huge heads, appeared beside him at the same time.

"Hey, I thought I could grab another head, but I didn't expect you to be faster than me~"

Arno casually put the broken bodies of the five members of the Celestial Group into the space. This thing is full of treasures, such as their armor can be used as armor for Tony.

The strength of this thing is much stronger than vibranium and adamantium.

As for the head...

Arno canceled the mirror space and kicked the three heads around the earth.

Ye Na also casually threw the two heads in her hand into the space around the earth.

Although this thing is precious, it is useless to her.

Five heads larger than the earth are suspended in the starry sky around the earth.

Arno injected the power of space, so their big heads did not affect the earth's magnetic field and ecology.

But the earth, including aliens or any creatures close to it, can see these five heads of gods.

But they cannot approach the space where they are.

They exist for only one purpose, deterrence!

Both inside and outside!

If you want to invade the earth and cause damage inside the earth, weigh your own strength first!

"Want to visit my earth?"

"Forget it this time, I have to go back first to take the big head to other universes. My girlfriend is waiting for me."

Yena winked at Arno and declined Arno's invitation.

"Next time, I have memorized the spatial coordinates of this universe. Next time I will bring my girlfriends to play together."

Yena's figure gradually shrank to normal size, and the observer beside her appeared obediently.

There was no way, it dared not run again.

If it ran again this time, it would face the pursuit of two supermen next time.

Yena grabbed the collar of the observer with one hand and waved at Arno's still tall figure with the other hand.

Disappeared in a burst of blue light.

Yena left, and it was time for Arno to go home.

One step forward, already above the earth.

Arno looked at the blue earth in a trance. Unconsciously, he was no longer just the god of the earth.

But the god of the earth in American comics...

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