It just so happens that I lack everything except energy!

The energy of the four Infinity Stones makes it possible for him to materialize the entire universe!

But it's just a thought. Why would he create a new universe for nothing? Why would he create trouble for Loki?

And without the Soul Stone, he created a universe without a soul.

But speaking of the Soul Stone, when will I find time to get it back?

Let it reunite with other brothers!

As for the Soul Stone, it needs a loved one to exchange soul for soul?

Ha, funny.

Want Wanda?

I can throw the Red Skull to you at most.

If the Soul Stone knows what's good for him, he will quickly give the Red Skull a step down.

If he doesn't know what's good for him, don't blame him for using unconventional means.

He has a hundred ways to find or force the Soul Stone to appear!

Arno touched his chin and his soul had already floated to the location of the Soul Stone of Vormir.

"Your affinity with the Infinity Stones is incredible."

Odin's exclamation interrupted Arno's wandering thoughts.

He snapped his fingers, and a blue mouth opened in the void, swallowing the adamantium liquid metal into Arno's storage space.

Odin's exclamation has not stopped yet, he continued:

"Space, mind, time, and the reality I just gave you, I have already felt the power of four Infinity Stones in you.

And the power of each stone not only perfectly matches you, allowing you to use it without a container, but also exceeds its original upper limit. How did you do it?"

Even Odin was a little curious about this question.

You know, as strong as he was in his heyday, he needed to borrow the Infinity Gauntlet to control the Infinity Stones.

"Oh, you're talking about this? Then you have to thank your cheap son."

"Uh, aba aba..."

Odin and Frigga's curious expressions changed instantly, as if they didn't hear anything, and immediately turned their eyes away.

Even the Ancient One closed his eyes, as if he couldn't hear or see anything.

A soft and distressed smile flashed in Frigga's eyes, and then she smiled gently at Arno and changed the subject:

"Your Majesty, the new God King, your people have been waiting for a long time, and it's time for them to see their new God King."

Arno didn't care about Odin and the Ancient One's avoidance and Frigga's abrupt change of subject.

He didn't care about the Lord of Multiverse Time, and other people were not as relaxed as he was when facing such an existence.

"Well, this long and stinky God King handover ceremony should indeed end. With the Reality Gem, I still have a lot of things I want to do.

Let's go and perform the final God King ceremony."

Arno held the Sun God Godhead in his left hand and Gungnir in his right hand.

As soon as he thought about it, a rainbow bridge enveloped everyone in the hall.

God's Domain, Gods Square.

The beam of light from the rainbow bridge fell on the most magnificent platform.

That was the specially built place where the new king appeared in front of everyone in Asgard for the first time after ascending the throne!

The light of the rainbow bridge descended, which meant that the new king was about to appear!

All Asgardians were full of expectations.

When the light of the rainbow bridge dissipated, two people appeared on the stage.

It was the new king Arno and the old king Odin.

And Frigga, General Zod and others were teleported to the bottom of the platform.

"Odin, the father of the gods! Odin, the father of the gods! Odin, the father of the gods!"

The moment the Asgardians saw Odin on the platform, they all started cheering wildly. This was their god king, their faith!

Odin just smiled with relief, then his face became dignified, and he began to shout again in a deep voice:

"Asgardians, today I will abdicate, and you will welcome your new king, the Sun God King, Arno!!!"

Odin, who originally wanted to give a long speech with a few words, silently cut to the chase after seeing Arno's dead eyes.

After that, he stepped down from the platform and gave up the C position.

Arno didn't say much, no matter how much he said, it would be better to let his next people see the visual shock from the God King Superman!

With this thought, Arno pressed the Sun God Godhead in his left hand on his forehead.

He closed his eyes, and the golden Sun Godhead immediately merged into his brain.

The next moment...

Sun God, start!

The power of the Sun Godhead and the infinite energy in his body began to merge.

Instantly, the intense golden sunlight shone through Arno's body, and the light spread so widely that the entire Asgard was illuminated by the sunlight.

The entire Asgard continent became a true golden kingdom of God!!!

It was scorching and dazzling!!!But despite this, the sun's rays did not cause any harm to the Asgardians who were illuminated.

Even the Asgardian warriors who had old injuries began to recover quickly under this golden light.

The Asgardians who were not injured also had their physical fitness significantly enhanced in the golden light.

It can be said that under the shining of the golden light, even the weakest children in Asgard have surpassed the physical fitness of Captain America, and are even stronger.

Not to mention adults, just one Little Hulk per person!

And the ones who benefited the most were the Kryptonians who were closest to him in the audience. In this rich golden sunlight, they felt that their already powerful strength had been directly improved to a higher level.

Fiora even felt that she could beat up Carol in the previous binary form with pure strength.

Although she could beat up before, she still needed some skills, but now she doesn't need it!

You know, it has been less than two months since she started sunbathing, and now her strength is not inferior to Marvel's "strongest" Captain Marvel.

However, if Fiora knew that the black Captain Marvel in a parallel universe was killed by Wanda with a stone sculpture, would she regret comparing Captain Marvel to herself?

Ahem, I've gone off topic again.

Although the Sun Godhead is strong, it is not a power that Arno needs to digest for a long time now.

Therefore, he quickly completed the inheritance of one of the strongest godheads in Asgard.

The golden light of the sun that illuminated the entire Asgard also quickly converged into his body.

Arno slowly opened his eyes, and a golden-red light wave swept across all the Asgardians who were still shocked by their physical improvement.

"Arno, the Sun God King! Arno, the Sun God King! Arno, the Sun God King!!!!"

The next moment, crazy cheers broke through the clouds and rushed straight into the sky!

The cheers were several levels higher than when Odin appeared just now!

After all, the first thing the new king did when he ascended the throne was to bring benefits to all Asgardians. Who doesn't like this? ! !

If someone can turn you from an ordinary sub-healthy state into the peak physique of Captain America, will you be loyal or not!

I am Kamisato Ayaka' of the Sun God King!

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