Fiora's bio-force field was closed, and she fell directly to the ground, walking towards the big hole made by Carol with an elegant step.


Carol's photon energy exploded, and the surrounding gravel and vehicles flew everywhere, and by the way, several reporters who were still filming were killed.

However, Fiora, who had lost her mind and didn't care about humans, didn't care about the lives of a few ants.

Carol just wanted to tear Fiora apart.

Fiora just wanted to have fun with this stupid woman.

But the audience around the world who watched the news live before didn't think so. Seeing that Carol with cockscomb hair got up and killed several innocent reporters, it was more certain that she was an alien.

I couldn't help but fear in my heart. This alien invasion is really getting more and more frequent. I just solved the Skrulls, and then there came such a strong alien.

However, fortunately, there is Superman and his Justice League.

While people in other countries breathed a sigh of relief, the citizens of London ran faster.

It's over!!! It's not enough to escape from the city, you have to escape from the country quickly!!!

Carol didn't know that some reporters were still secretly broadcasting live, or she didn't care about the people around her because she had lost her mind.

There was only violent killing intent in her eyes, and she quickly punched Fiora.

This punch was very fast and plain.

Or it could be said that it was a random attack. Carol herself had no high-level combat experience, only crushing experience.

If she didn't use her special ability, an ordinary warrior could defeat her.

After all, Carol had never fought against an opponent of her same level of strength.

And Fiora was obviously not only as strong as Carol, but also stronger than Carol in combat quality.

Fiora leisurely dodged Carol's constantly attacking fists. Carol's light-speed fists that her enemies could not react to in the past failed to hit the target for the first time.

Fiora was able to dodge so easily not only because she was also strong, but also because of two words.


With Carol's idiotic fighting style, Fiora can predict her next set of moves as soon as she raises her hand.

"You are too weak, Earthling."


"You have strength and speed, but your skills are almost zero."


"Even worse than the kid who has been on the farm for decades in another universe."


In the interval between Carol's punches, every time Fiora dodges, she will accurately hit Carol's vitals with a punch.

One punch to the liver, one punch to the heart, and the last punch to the temple.

After three punches, Carol fell to the ground and doubted her life.

Three punches from Krypton, a little sweet.

"Reason, skills, character, these warrior qualities you don't have any, but are full of anger, recklessness, and brainlessness."

Fiora stepped on Carol's golden cockscomb with one foot, and her indifferent words were full of disdain.


Carol had never suffered such humiliation in her life, even during her time in the Kree Empire!

The anger caused by this humiliation completely broke through the critical point, and a fierce golden light shone from Carol!

Fiora felt the sudden surge of energy from Carol under her feet and raised her eyebrows, and fell backwards a hundred meters away.

The next moment, Carol's body burst with golden light, and a powerful energy rose from her body, even the cockscomb helmet on her head was burst by this powerful energy!

Binary Star Mode·Captain Marvel·Carol, debut!

The violent energy fluctuations caused the ground within a hundred meters around Carol to crack inch by inch, until it extended to Fiora's feet.

Fiora was not surprised at all, all this, including the damage range of Carol's energy burst, was within her calculation.

Looking at Carol, who was covered in golden light and even had golden hair, and had a terrifying aura, Fiora's blue eyes remained calm.

"You have a good aura, and your physique and energy have also increased significantly, so is this your trump card?"

Carol's eyes, shining with golden light, were full of murderous intent. Her confidence soared in the binary mode.

"Bitch! Now that you know how powerful I am, it's too late to beg for mercy. I'm going to break all your bones!"

Fiora rarely showed a sincere smile, but it was just a mockery.

"Beg for mercy? There are no such words in the dictionary of Kryptonian warriors, but there are two other words. Do you want to know what they are?"

Carol was stunned and asked subconsciously, "What?"

Fiora waved her hand.

The next second, the ground kept shaking.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, steel bodies fell from the sky and landed around Carol, raisingA puff of smoke!

In the smoke, pairs of red eyes kept lighting up!

One pair, two pairs, three pairs... until ten pairs of red eyes appeared around Carol, Carol could see the surrounding situation clearly!

There were ten of them, no, including the woman who humiliated her, a total of eleven people surrounded her!

"Those two words are "gang fight"."

Fiora appeared above Carol's head, and her mouth at 36° spoke out the cold words of minus 36°.

Carol was sweating profusely. One Fiora forced her to activate the double star mode of her trump card. If there were ten more, she would not be sure of winning even if she activated the double star mode...

Carol's body, which was unmoved by thunder, began to tremble a little, not knowing whether it was anger or fear.

She looked at Fiora in the sky angrily:

"You don't have martial ethics, if you have the guts, just fight alone..."

Bang! ! !

Before she could finish her words, a fist bigger than Carol's hit her face hard, interrupting her invitation to a duel!

Fiora's partner, Arlo, who was three meters tall and had much more power than ordinary Kryptonians, made Carol in binary mode dizzy with just one punch, and her nose was bleeding all over the floor!

As we all know, there is no martial ethics in a group fight, and no one will wait for you to be ready.

So as Arlo fired the first punch, the other nine Kryptonians immediately started to combo!

You punch, I palm, and then a sweeping kick.

Carol was like a volleyball, being hit back and forth by ten Kryptonians!

The dizziness in her head never stopped, leaving Carol with no room to fight back!

Even if she occasionally forced a punch, it would be interrupted by the other Kryptonians behind her before hitting the target!

Carol couldn't even run away from this place. Every time she took off, Fiora above her head would swat her down like a fly.

Soon, Carol's consciousness was blurred by the beating, and her whole face was swollen like a pig's head. She couldn't even stand up. She could only lie on the ground with her hands on her head, and was kicked by a group of Kryptonians.

There was blood splattering, screaming, and the scene was extremely cruel.

Nick Fury, who was far away in SHIELD, was shocked and angry when he saw Carol being beaten to death on the satellite screen.

"Fuck! Carol!!!"

Nick Fury cried out in pain, slammed the control desk in the satellite control room, and shouted with bloodshot eyes:

"Hill, order the fighter planes of SHIELD England to rescue Carol first, and the aerospace carrier to set off to England immediately, prepare the nuclear bomb, I want to blow up these damn Kryptonians!!!"

However, his shouting did not receive any response.

Nick Fury turned his head sharply and looked at Hill behind him.

Maria Hill, the current deputy director of SHIELD, and many SHIELD agents behind him looked at him with disappointment.

"Sorry, Nick, you have lost your mind. I cannot execute your order. Your current behavior is pushing the country and even the whole world into the abyss of destruction."

Nick Fury looked at Hill in disbelief. Hill was promoted to deputy director by him and was one of the few people he trusted.

But looking at Carol whose light was almost extinguished in the picture, Nick Fury couldn't care less and said in a tough tone:

"I am the director of SHIELD. You have no right to refute my order. This is an order, not a request!

Agent Hill, you are relieved of your position as deputy director!

Now, immediately start the sky carrier to England! Forget it, get out of the way, I'll do it myself!"

After saying that, he ignored Agent Hill who was still unmoved, and directly pushed the operator on the seat away, intending to use his own authority to directly start the sky carrier to England to save Carol.


[Ding···Access restricted···Your authority is insufficient···]

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