University student Lee Cheol-woo (1)

“Cheolwoo! Stop playing games and come out and hold a memorial service!”

I heard my mother calling from outside the door, but I ignored it and continued playing.

「Hey, isn’t there a Top Emmy? Why do you crawl there and search?”

Seriously, I don’t understand why top laners go in there and die.

“Aren’t you the one without Emi?”

“Yeah, Amy.”

「Everyone, if I say it one more time, I’ll throw it.」

Ha, I don’t know how there’s not a single decent guy in the game.

The country also has to work hard.


Some time ago, the word “defeat” was drawn in large letters on the computer monitor.


Oh, if it weren’t for that troll in the promotion failure again.

“Hey! Cheolwoo Lee! Are you playing games again? Are you not coming out quickly?”

“Oh, I’m going.”

I groaned and went out into the living room.

Why, in this day and age, is it possible to hold a ceremony by cooking food yourself to such an extent that the upper legs bend like this? My family is a bit strange.

“No, what did your ancestors do for you? Are you setting up the ancestral table so carefully? Isn’t that too old-fashioned?”

“Oh my gosh, this guy. I’m not saying that.”

“No, did I say something wrong? My grandfather gave me the land or the house? Or did he give me the money? I didn’t do anything.”

I heard there was a good life in the days of my great-grandfather.

Did my grandfather say that he ate the house and the land while gambling… … .

Ugh, I don’t understand why the grandfather is so good at holding the ancestral rites with so much care.

“You bastard, how hard your grandfather worked to feed your father.”

“No, my grandfather worked hard? He said he ate the whole house and land while gambling.”

“No matter how much, I’m not saying that. Because Dad is here, so are you.”

“What are you both doing in front of your ancestors?

Dad said before the fight.


I thought as I approached the altar and bowed twice.

‘Even though I am very poor, I offer a ancestral table with such sincerity. Please, ancestors, if you have a conscience, please help me get out of poverty in my family.’

Seriously, Grandpa has no conscience.

Even though we ruined the family, we put up a ancestral table with so much care.

How nice it would be if I was born in a slightly rich family.

After bowing twice, the father comes out and continues the ancestral rite, carrying a cup of wine.

“Lee Cheol-woo, you too, watch and learn. Because you have to do it later.”


“Okay, let’s all do me twice and finish.”

After the ancestral rites, I played a few more games in the late evening before going to bed.

* * *

‘what? Where is this?’

I’m sure it’s a place you’ve been to? I don’t remember very well.

‘uh? That farm?’

I remembered seeing the porridge on the wall. Surely this was ten years ago? It was the house of my grandfather who passed away then.

I left the room, passed the living room, and entered the main room.


I couldn’t remember what my grandfather looked like because I had only seen it when I was young, but I was sure of it. The person sitting in front of me now was my late grandfather.

It wasn’t very pleasant.

“Tsk tsk.”

Grandpa looked at me and clicked the tip of his tongue.

“Eh? Grandpa? Didn’t he die some time ago?”

what? What will happen? Am I even dreaming?

ah? dream? is this a dream

I tried pinching my cheek right away, but no matter how much I pulled it, it didn’t hurt.

‘what? Aren’t you sick? It must be a real dream.’

Grandpa appeared in my dream? So, did my wish really come true? Is your grandfather telling you the lottery numbers now?

“Grandpa! Tell me quickly. Lotto numbers!”

“Yeah, you bastard! Do you think I appeared in your dream to tell you that?”

“No, grandpa~ If you really have a conscience, shouldn’t you tell us? How much do we raise the upper legs of the ancestral rites?”

I’ve lost all of my family’s wealth. If you have a conscience, you should let me know.

Cancer, no way.

“No, man, are you preparing a ancestral rite? Your daughter-in-law is having a lot of trouble.”

“No Grandpa, then why did you come out! Please tell me the lottery numbers.”

He grabbed his grandfather’s arm and begged him.

“You bastard. If you say that, you will be arrested for leaking heavenly knowledge.”

“No, then what about other people? When I hear about people who won the lottery, they say that their ancestors appeared in their dreams and told them about it. How did they win?”

Grandpa said, raising his eyes.

“You bastard, grow up! Is it polite to ask your grandpa, whom you haven’t seen in a while, the lottery winning numbers?!”

“What am I?

I didn’t want to lose to my grandfather who was addicted to gambling and didn’t take care of the family properly.

“This guy is really aggressive… that’s okay. Hey, what am I going to do with my grandchildren? More than that, do you know what will happen if you continue to live like this?”

“How is it going?”

“Let’s see, you’re 20 years old this year, and your university is an unnamed local university, isn’t it?”

“Yes. Donghae University.”

No, what is the importance of education? After graduating, you just have to make good money.

“Didn’t you think it would be nice to just graduate and make good money?”

“Yes! You’re not wrong.”

“Oi, bastard, that’s why you can’t do it. Let’s see, let’s see…”

Grandpa seemed to be thinking about something, wiggling his fingers here and there.

“In your twenties, you graduate from university, get a job at a small and medium-sized business, work overtime every day for a low salary, and then get rid of it in three months. I will live.”

“……Well, after graduating from university, I will get a job at a large company and demonstrate my abilities to the fullest.”

“Yeah, you bastard! What are you talking about? Do you think that’s possible with your abilities? If you’re stupid, you have to work hard. If you’re lazy and don’t even try, how can you get into a large company? Are large companies really smart?”

fast? Grandpa is… … .

“It’s fast Japanese.”

“You fool!”

“No, how does my grandfather know that? Did he see my future? Did he see it! Without even knowing it.”


“Eh…? Really?”

“Yes, you bastard! Can you hear Grandpa’s words now?”

“So, so what happens to your 30s?”

I don’t know what the afterlife mirror is, but I became interested in telling you about my life.

“Let’s see… Abby retires in her 30s and there is no one to earn money at home, so she has no choice but to get a job in a small factory.”


small factory?

It’s unbelievable.

“And in my late 30s, I somehow got married, gave birth to a child, and live there, but oh tsk tsk, I’m going to live without being caught by my wife.”


“It’s literally. Because I can’t make enough money, my wife always scolds me for saying it’s hard to live. I ignore my one and only child. Ugh, so the family will be fine.”

… … . That I live that kind of life?

“So? What happens next?”

“After that? What’s next? Even if you make money like that all your life, you won’t be recognized by your wife and children, you will be divorced by your wife at the age of 50, and your children will follow your wife and grow old alone. “

It can’t be, it can’t be

“Didn’t you just think that couldn’t happen? Look back, which university did you think you could get into when you were in middle school?”

“Seoul National University.”

“Why did you think so?”

“Of course, I just didn’t study, but I thought I could easily get into Seoul National University if I studied a little.”

“Yes. I would have. But how did it change when I was in high school?”

“……I thought I could get into universities in Seoul.”

“I guess so? After studying for a while, I felt it was difficult. I did! What are the results now?”

“… A local, unnamed university.”

“Yes, you bastard. If you have a bad brain, you should at least try, so now you know that you can get a job at a large company once you graduate, right?”


“Oh, oh, my heart is breaking. What did you just learn?”

“I don’t know?”

“It’s the same, if you don’t prepare and don’t work hard, there’s nothing to be gained.”

“No, what should I do if I’m that kind of person? Well, wasn’t my grandfather like that? Someone’s blood I inherited.”

Still, I don’t gamble.


The old man’s mouth was closed.

“So, do you want to live like that?”

“Of course I don’t want to live like that.”

“Then how do you want to live?”

“I want to live well.”

“Then, this is how you want to live.”

“Hmm… I haven’t thought about it specifically…”

what was my dream Did I have a dream of mine?

“Think about it now.”

What’s certain is that I don’t want to live the life my grandfather told me.

“It’s just… to live happily with a pretty wife, a cute daughter and a son.”

“Is that all your dreams?”

“Yes. I just need to live well like everyone else. So Grandpa~ Please tell me the lottery number once~ Please, I don’t want to live like that.”

“What kind of man doesn’t have aspirations. Want to become a world-famous person, or become a great man who will mark a stroke in history.”

I don’t know what kind of nonsense this old man is talking about.

“Well, does anything change if you have aspirations? Actually, I vaguely know. That I don’t have that level of talent and background.”

I just didn’t want to admit it to myself, I’m lazy, I’m not smart, I don’t have any talent.

By the way, isn’t the life that grandfather said too much… … .

“Don’t you want to be like that?”

do you want to be like that? hmm… … .

“I don’t know about that. If I become a great person who will go down in history or become a world famous person, wouldn’t I be extremely busy?

“You want it only because you have so little greed…. You will have to think a lot in the future. What is your dream?”

What do you keep saying? what is my dream

“What do you mean?”

“Tsk tsk, bow twice.”

“Yes? A big bow? Can you give me something?”

“Uh huh, if an adult tells you to do it, where are you talking back?”

“Yes! I will. I will!”

I quickly bowed to my grandfather twice.

“You must be wondering why this old woman appeared in your dream?”

“Didn’t you come to give me the lottery numbers?”

“It’s not like that, listen. Actually, this old woman bought a lottery for the underworld this time.”

From noble mtl dot com

“Huh? There’s a lottery in the underworld? There’s a lottery in the underworld as well? No, wait a minute… We didn’t protect our house with our ancestral rice, and we used all that money to buy a lottery, right?”

The feeling comes. sense.

I don’t know how the underworld came to be, but there must be a lot of things going back to the grandfather if the children did diligently in the ancestral rites.

I wouldn’t use it to protect my family, but I’m sure I wasted it on the afterlife lottery or something.

Gambling addiction can’t be cured even after death… … . It was true.


Grandpa had a grumpy expression.

“You can’t lie about your bloodline, it’s obvious. For some reason, our family has a lot of troubles.”

“Keuheum, anyway, keep listening. This time, I won the lottery in the underworld.”

“Eh? Did you win? That?”

I don’t know what the underworld lottery is in detail, but it must be as difficult to win as the lottery I know.

“That’s right, so now this old lady has a lot of money in the afterlife.”

… … . Were you successful when your grandfather died?

“Really? Hell money? What can I do with it?”

“There are so many things you can do. Appear in your grandchildren’s dreams and give them lottery numbers, get rid of troubles in the house, and so on.”

“Ohhh! So Grandpa~ Please~ Just tell me the lottery numbers!”

Finally, am I also benefiting from my ancestors!

“Tsk, that’s something you can do with only 1 billion of the underworld’s money.”

“Sure? Would you like something better?”

“I’ll make your wish come true, and make you world-famous and influential.”

“Eh? Really? How?”

“This time, I bought a big one! A 10 billion dollar ‘Scroll of Giving Talent to Grandchildren’ to Yeomra.”

“Talent Cycle? What is it?”

give talent? what? Do I have a talent?

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