The old man was very tired, and the old man was very happy.

"What's going on?" Xiaoying said.

Yuwen Zuo looked at the scene: "Tsk! Is it an illusion?"

"It seems so!

We are completely caught!

It seems that we are all carefully circling around in the same place!" said Yaoshi Dou.

Yuwen Zuo: "It seems that we are all under surveillance. I'm afraid...

They want to weaken our physical strength and attack us when we are tired and not paying attention!

The enemy's plan has succeeded."

Yashi Dou: "Then the enemy should be coming soon, right?"

As soon as the voice fell, countless people in black clothes came out from the tree trunks, the ground, and the treetops.

There was still something like a ventilator in his mouth.

Like a zombie, approaching Naruto and others.

Yuwen Zuo: "Finally appeared."

Naruto smiled: "You came just in time."

"There are quite a few, and they are all clones." Yakushi Kabuto looked at the surrounding situation.

One of the clones smiled: "It's really a trap."

"Shut up, hum!" Naruto. Instantly came to a figure and punched him.

Sakura thought: "What? So weak!"

"Good job, Naruto, come on!"

But after Naruto hit his body, his body scattered like ink.

Yuwen Zuo saw this, his face was solemn: "Damn, who are these guys."

A new clone came out of the clone that was hit and smashed.

And Naruto staggered and fell to the ground because his body was not under force.

"Damn, look, I see through you."

Yuwen Zuo opened his Sharingan.


Swish, swish, swish!

Yuwenzuo threw a flying knife to cut off the arm of the clone attacking Naruto.

The black clone didn't care, but turned to attack Yuwenzuo.

He was almost hit by the flying knife when he opened his Sharingan, but fortunately Kabuto saved him.

"What's going on...? Body..." Yuwenzuo asked in his heart.

The exquisite seal on his neck shone.

"Brother Zuo, are you okay?" Xiao Xiaoying convinced Yuwenzuo.

Kabuto picked up the weapon that had just attacked and looked at it carefully.

"That's right, this is a real entity, not an illusion." Kabuto was shocked when he analyzed it here.

Oboro threatened: "Hand over the jade slip."

Countless black clones continued to approach under his control.

"Brother Kabuto is injured. Are these guys real shadow clones?

But...but the shadow clones will disappear after being attacked.

And they didn't disappear. Is this really an illusion?

What is it?"

Naruto made a lot of analysis in his heart.

"Hand over the jade slip, hand it over."

Long continued.

[I can tell at a glance that he is just being mysterious. If he has the strength, he won't be so hesitant. ]

[This guy is very brave. It depends on whether he can withstand the pressure of the protagonist group. ]

[This clone is also disgusting. It walks like a zombie. ]

[Hey, hey, Naruto still has some analytical ability! ]

[The stubborn protagonist finally made an analysis. I thought he would rush to the end. ]

[The mark on the neck, is it the Linglong Seal about to take effect, or what? ]

[There is no doubt that this spell has side effects, and now is the time to take effect. ]

Just when Naruto was about to continue, Yuwen Zuo stopped him.

"Stop, Naruto, these are all illusions, the enemy's illusions."

Sakura heard: "But, but the injuries on Brother Kabuto's body... are real."

Yakushi Kabuto covered the wound on his arm: "No, Yuwen Zuo is right, I'm afraid the enemy is hiding in the dark, coordinating the attack movements of the illusion, and attacking us from other places.

This is all to make us mistakenly believe that it is the illusion monks who are attacking us."


Listening to Yakushi Kabuto's analysis, Long sneered in the dark.

Naruto said angrily: "Then find out the guy who threw the knife secretly and kick him away."

"Wait a minute, Naruto, we don't know where the real knife came from yet, and we can't confirm the real position of the enemy.

Do you know the purpose of these guys?"

Yakushi Kabuto gave them an analysis: "Those who like to use this tactic, from the data, are weak in physical skills and close combat.

The real enemy will not show up until we lose our ability to move.

Listen everyone, now we can only try to avoid the enemy's attack."

Naruto rolled up his sleeves: "Very good,

Since you guys are going to play like this. "


"Then let's see how long you can hold out, the night is very long!"

Oboro and his two teammates laughed.

Then he manipulated the clones to attack, and Oboro also threw out physical flying knives, and under the cover of the clones, he carried out the attack.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Naruto and others used weapons to resist his flying knife attack.

It made a sound of metal collision.

Some were physical, with a large number of illusory flying knives.

With the huge number of clones, they were overwhelmed.

Sakura: "Damn, this is not a solution at all."

Naruto was very annoyed, and made seals with both hands: "In this case..."

"Naruto, wait, don't waste mana, it's useless to attack these guys." Yakushi Kabuto stopped Naruto.

Naruto also had his own judgment: "If we can destroy all the phantoms in one breath, before they recover, the guys in the dark will not dare to act rashly, right?

The hiding place will be exposed. ”

Shadow Clone Technique!

Bang, bang, bang!

Countless Naruto spread out in the forest, attacking the phantoms around them.

“This is the Shadow Clone Technique.” Oboro looked at the overwhelming Naruto, his face was shocked.

Ah, ah, ah!

The phantoms were dispersed one by one, and then transformed into clones again.

Looking at Naruto’s impulsive behavior, Sakura asked: “Brother Zuo, what should we do?”

“Damn, this idiot, we can only go together.” Yuwen Zuo gritted his teeth.

Yakushi Kabuto said: “Indeed, he can’t handle this situation alone, so go for Sakura.”

After the conversation, several people rushed up together.

The battle was about to break out.

This battle lasted until dawn.

The four of them were already extremely tired.

“It’s not over yet.” Naruto gritted his teeth.

“Ah, it’s dawn, and it’s finally time to hunt. "Looking at the tired four people, Long smiled.

"Menghuo, it's enough. Their spirits have collapsed. Now only the body is left."

"How lucky."

All the phantom clones slowly dissipated, revealing the figures of the three of them.

[Naruto has the analysis and ability, but the combination of them is not very good.]

[Kabuto can only say that he is worthy of being a spy. His disguise ability is really not to be underestimated!]

[If it were in the real world, he would at least be awarded an Oscar.]

[The strength of these enemies is also good. They actually fought from dusk to dawn.]

[The spirit of the monks is good. They don't have to stay up late like us!]

[ If I knew Shadow Clone, why would I use it like Naruto! ]

[You think the three enemies are noobs? Don't you know that the one called Kabuto Yakushi doesn't know it? Wouldn't he use such rich experience? ]

Obscure Clone: ​​A primary spell of the spiritual system. It creates different phantom clones according to the user's mana. It has no physical attack ability and can cooperate with the main body to carry out real and fake tactical actions.

With the earth escape technique, hiding in the phantom clone, if there is no intelligence, it will be easily defeated by the monks hiding in the soil.

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