"High IQ crime?"

Shen Qianqian was startled and frowned slightly.

Xia Qingqing nodded slightly: "Yes, the protagonist in it is a killer, very professional, especially the way he fakes the scene after killing the target is professional!"

"Forgery scene..." Shen Qianqian whispered.

Their criminal police team had made guesses in the direction of the 'forgery scene', but as the cases came one after another, they were caught off guard.

It was difficult to launch the investigation for a while.

If it is really a high-intelligence crime involving "faking the scene", it is worth a look, and it will help with some divergent thinking in handling cases in the future.

"What's the name of that novel? I'll read it again after I finish working on these cases." Shen Qianqian said with a smile.

"Qihang Novel, this killer is too professional." Xia Qingqing laughed.

Shen Qianqian opened the Qihang Novel app and searched.


Her eyebrows furrowed slightly, her pupils trembled, and a strange color flashed in her eyes. That handsome, clean and sunny face immediately appeared in her mind.

"The author Lin... Lin Chuan?"

"Qianqian, what's wrong?" Xia Qingqing saw Shen Qianqian's expression was abnormal and asked curiously.

"This author..." Shen Qianqian paused, "I know him."

Xia Qingqing raised her brows: "Tonight, the Internet Supervisory Team informed me to screen a live broadcast of book promotion to see if there is any violation of criminal conduct. The book I was promoting was his."

Shen Qianqian frowned, and a strange color flashed in her eyes.

Why do the novels written by Lin Chuan always have themes that wander on the edge of the law?

Theft and cheating are fine.

This time, it turned out to be a high-intelligence crime type, involving "faking a murder scene". Can it be called a professional?

"Real punishment!"

Shen Qianqian murmured.

"I also think it's very punishing, but the captain said it's just a novel and there are no corresponding cases in reality. It just needs to be recorded." Xia Qingqing said with a smile.

Shen Qianqian's eyes flashed: "Do you still remember the plot? Especially the part about forging the murder scene."

Xia Qingqing drank the white fungus soup, looked up at Shen Qianqian, and said in surprise: "You don't want to rely on this to solve the case, do you?"

Shen Qianqian smiled softly: "That's not true. I just wanted to see if I could step into the perspective of the criminal suspect and imagine how to fake the murder scene."

She believed that Lin Chuan most likely faked the murder scene from the perspective of a 'criminal suspect'.

This is Shen Qianqian's understanding of Lin Chuan's writing style after watching "The Thief" and "The Coward".

In Shen Qianqian's opinion, Lin Chuan's novels have two major characteristics.

First, the first-person narrative has a strong sense of substitution.

Second, combined with the protagonist’s ‘profession’, the characteristics of the profession are vividly described and very professional!

In reality.

When many cases have no clue, criminal investigators need to use their existing experience in handling cases to think divergently and use new ideas to find relevant clues.

Too many bizarre cases are caused by clues discovered accidentally, followed by clues, and successfully solved.

Lin Chuan's novels may be the point of divergence of thinking.

"Okay, let me tell you."

Xia Qingqing nodded, finished the Tremella soup in the bowl, then took out her mobile phone, opened "This Killer is Too Professional", specially turned to the chapter about the forgery scene, and told Shen Qianqian about it.

With Xia Qingqing as the narrator, Shen Qianqian can understand the plot of the story as quickly as possible.

Especially the part where the crime scene was faked.

Shen Qianqian listened very carefully.

However, her eyebrows were furrowed, and traces of doubt appeared on her face. The more she listened, the more she felt something was wrong.

An expert knows the way.

As a professional criminal police officer, Shen Qianqian often investigates various criminal cases, especially the recent frequent homicides.

At this time, when I read Lin Chuan's book "This Killer is Too Professional", I felt a chill down my spine.

She thought Lin Chuan would write professionally.

However, these techniques are too professional!

It involves relevant forensic knowledge and the ability to handle murder scenes, which is probably even more sophisticated than that of a veteran detective.

If a few more details are improved, it can basically be concluded that this author can completely commit a perfect crime in reality.

The ceiling of high-IQ crimes!


"Linchuan, this is too much punishment!"

Shen Qianqian couldn't help but murmured.

In her mind, she was even thinking whether the three murder cases in Anling City might be related to Lin Chuan.

Lin Chuan's guess was correct.

At this time, everyone looked like a murderer to her.

However, this idea just flashed through Shen Qianqian's mind.

Although Lin Chuan has the potential to be a criminal suspect, he seems to have no motive for committing a crime.

As soon as he writes a novel, why does he go to kill people when he has nothing to do?

Looking for inspiration?

"Thank you, Qingqing." Shen Qianqian smiled, "Forging the crime scene is very helpful in solving the case."

Xia Qingqing smiled gently: "Remember to treat me to dinner after the case is solved. I have to go back to patrol the network."

Shen Qianqian smiled and returned to the Criminal Investigation Brigade.


Colleagues are still discussing a murder discovered this morning.

The deceased, female, 30 years old, an employee of Hengli Company, was found at the front desk of Hengli Company on the 4th floor of Hengli Building, Bada East Street, Chengdong District, at 7:13 on March 22.

Preliminary investigation revealed that the deceased had multiple collision injuries on his body, and the fatal injury should have been a collision on his forehead, ruling out the possibility of Zisha.

Many walls and cabinets at the crime scene had collision marks and blood stains, which basically matched the wounds of the deceased.

However, a little rust was found in the fatal wound on the forehead of the deceased, which was suspected to be caused by a heavy iron object.

Apart from this, there is no other progress.

Hu Daqiang, the captain of the criminal investigation team, looked at the members of the criminal police team and asked: "This month, three murders occurred in succession, which had an extremely bad impact. The superiors ordered us to solve the case within 7 days, but now we have no clue. Tell me what you think."

Shen Qianqian thought for a while and replied: "Captain Hu, the social relationship of the deceased is being investigated, but I think there are still some doubts at the crime scene."

"Tell me."

Hu Daqiang was concise.

"The crime scene was Hengli Company, but there were no signs of fighting, that is, the deceased did not resist when he was violated, which is not in line with common sense." Shen Qianqian first made a preliminary guess.

Hu Daqiang nodded.

With many years of experience in handling cases, I have seen countless crime scenes. In homicide cases, similar to cases of death by collision, there are basically signs of resistance from the victim.

Shen Qianqian continued to analyze: "This shows that there may be a situation where the scene has been forged, or in other words, what we see is not the first scene."

Hu Daqiang frowned: "Where do you think the first scene is?"

Shen Qianqian shook her head: "If the deceased is to be moved, then the first scene should not be far from Hengli Company. We can try to expand the scope. The warehouse on the 5th floor, the beauty salon on the 3rd floor, and the Hengli gym on the 2nd floor are all possible."

Hu Daqiang nodded.

That night, the Criminal Investigation Brigade went out again to search the upper floors of Hengli Company.

Sure enough!

Hengli Company on the 4th floor is not the first scene.


Shen Qianqian and others detected blood stains in the Hengli gym.

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