After watching the sunrise at Longkan Wharf, the two drove back to the hotel.

Zhang Mengqing's phone had many photos and videos of the sunrise, while Jiang Ning's phone was empty and he didn't take any photos.

Because when everyone's attention was on the sunrise, his attention was on Zhang Mengqing.

What's so good about the sunrise? Can it be as good as Teacher Zhang?

He has watched the sunrise for more than 20 years and he is tired of it.

On the contrary, Teacher Zhang is the kind that he can never get tired of watching and can watch for a lifetime.

On the way back, the two also bought roasted rice cakes and cross-bridge rice noodles as today's breakfast.

These are Yunnan and Yunnan specialties, which are still very fresh to Jiang Ning, an outsider who has never seen the world.

The boss who sells food speaks with a Northeastern accent.

"Boss, are you from the Northeast?" Jiang Ning asked casually when paying.

The boss is a 1.9-meter-tall strong man, and he is confused at the moment: "How do you know? I think I have an accent too."

It is true that there is an accent, that is, there is a stalemate when speaking Mandarin, which almost led Jiang Ning astray.

Fortunately, Zhang Mengqing speaks Mandarin in a standard and fluent manner, which brought him back.

After buying breakfast, the two drove back to the hotel quickly.

Jiang Ning took out his mobile phone to send a message to his sister Jiang Wan, but he didn't get a reply for a long time. It is estimated that the two little girls are still sleeping in.

Poor students usually get up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs in class.

Now it is not easy to get a holiday, so you have to sleep until you wake up naturally.

Jiang Ning was also a student, so he could understand.

So he didn't call Jiang Wan to wake up, but waited for his sister to wake up and send him a message.

Traveling is not about checking in at popular attractions, but about relaxing and healing the body and soul during the trip.

If you make yourself tired and rushed during a trip, isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

When Jiang Ning passed the hall, Duoduo was lying on the desk, concentrating on doing homework.

At this moment, she looked frowning, and her little head was confused.

"Dad, where is my mom? There is a question here that I don't know how to answer."

Duoduo looked at the middle-aged man at the front desk and asked weakly.

When Duoduo's father heard this, he immediately put down his phone: "You open your mouth every day, your mother, shut up your mother, can't you ask your father if you have any questions?"

"You are questioning your father's teaching ability, do you know?"

"What questions do you not know how to write? Bring them here for me to see."

Duoduo's father waved his hand and looked confident.

Although he had little education and only graduated from junior high school.

But there is a saying that the past was the past, and the present is now. Practice more if you are not good at it.

He didn't believe that he, a junior high school student, couldn't teach a primary school student.

Duoduo said "oh" and handed the homework on the table to his father.

Duoduo's father took the homework and glanced at it. The confidence he had before was gone.

"Your mother went out to do a manicure. Do the other questions first. She will be back soon."

"But I only have the last few questions that I don't know how to write. I have finished the other questions." Duoduo answered seriously.

She made three rules with her family, and she had to complete a certain amount of homework every day before she could play games.

Now there are only a few questions that I don't know how to answer. I want to play games but can only wait for my mother to come back. This is too painful.

"Then ask the big brothers and big sisters to see if they can teach you to do your homework."

Duoduo's father helped to provide an idea.

After the words fell, Duoduo noticed Jiang Ning and Zhang Mengqing passing by the hall.

"Big brothers and big sisters, I don't know how to answer a few questions. Can you teach me?"

The little guy immediately took the test paper and ran over with his short legs.

Jiang Ning took the test paper and took a look. This is a fourth-grade math test paper.

The questions are indeed a bit complicated. It's not Duoduo's fault that he can't do it, and it's not Duoduo's fault that his father can't do it.

"Duoduo, look, the formula for doing this kind of questions is from left to right, multiplication and division first, then addition and subtraction."

Jiang Ning sat next to Duoduo and patiently taught the little guy to do his homework.

He did not give the answer directly, but told Duoduo the solution and guided Duoduo to calculate the final correct answer.

Zhang Meng beside him smiled lightly. She felt that Jiang Ning was very talented in raising children.

He is gentle and patient, and his explanations are easy to understand. He deserves to be called Teacher Jiang.

"Big brother, I know how to solve this problem!"

Under Jiang Ning's guidance, Duoduo suddenly became enlightened.

Then, she lay on the table with a piece of draft paper and wrote and calculated, and soon figured out the correct answer.

And the little girl is very smart. She can draw inferences from the first question and then write the answers to several other difficult questions.

"Big brother, how should I write this composition?" Duoduo brought another Chinese test paper.

She looked very excited, because as long as she finished writing the composition, her homework for the day would be completed, and then she could play games happily.


Jiang Ning took a look at the composition. The title asked the children to write a fairy tale from the perspective of "little squirrel, little white rabbit and little turtle".

Isn't this a professional match?

Jiang Ning's main job is to write novels, so this kind of fairy tale is easy to handle.

The word count requirement of 400 words may just be the beginning for him, and he hasn't even started the main story yet.

However, for primary school students, 400 words is already a lot, and they cannot be required by the standards of adults.

"Duoduo, the three elements of writing a story are time, place and characters. We must first explain these three points clearly."

"Pay attention, this rabbit is called Xiaobai..."

Jiang Ning just glanced at the composition title and immediately had an idea.

Since it is a fairy tale, it can't be a knife, right? Then it is a happy ending.

Then according to the ending, slowly reverse the plot forward.

Zhang Mengqing listened attentively beside him. The story given by Jiang Ning was unconventional, and there was even a small reversal that was eye-catching.

From this point, it can be seen that Jiang Ning has a strong storytelling ability.

Before, Zhang Mengqing just guessed whether Jiang Ning was writing a novel.

Now after listening to this fairy tale, she can be completely sure.

Jiang Ning is writing a novel.

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