While she was thinking this, Alice was still continuing her story.

Three minutes, she had been telling stories for three minutes.

Tang Lili saw that half of Alice's deck was missing.

Seeing this, Tang Lili held back her mouth twitching.

At least this duel style must have been learned from Shen Sui.

As long as this guy gets the first attack, you will never stop until you wait for a few minutes.

The field that Alice made also followed Shen Sui's duel thinking.

The development of the first attack round is to highlight the core idea of ​​not letting the opponent play.

The four magic girls in the final field each have their own duties.

[Magical Girl·Kyudo Moon] can invalidate the opponent's card effect once.

[Magical Girl·Lin Sansan] can invalidate the effect of one of the opponent's followers.

[Magical Girl of Tiangong·Mamiya Sixteen] can directly exclude all cards on both sides of the field.

[Magical Girl·Tanabuchi Yae] can protect Alice from effect damage, and at the same time give all magic girl followers resistance to being destroyed by card effects.

And the last one, Yae Tabuchi, was obviously coming for Tang Lili.

Her previous mainstream play style had always been to win by burning blood with the cheering stick.

Tang Lili looked at the four minions and two covered cards on Alice's field and blinked.

She regretted why she didn't put one or two hand traps in the deck.

However, the hand trap didn't seem to stop Alice's development.

If it were the old me, I would have surrendered directly when seeing such a field. How to play this TM?

But Tang Lili's mentality is completely different now.

Isn't it just a suppression field?

What to solve?

Isn't it better to just push it over!

"My turn!" Tang Lili drew a card from the deck, "Draw a card!"

"Main phase! When I don't have an [Idol] minion on the field, activate the effect of [Idol Etude] in my hand and place it directly in the spell area to activate!"

At this time, the time light lit up.

This is the effect of [Magical Girl·Kyudo Moon], once per turn, it can invalidate a card effect.

Alice hesitated slightly.

[Idol Etude] is a song card. Once activated, Tang Lili can special summon an [Idol] girl from the deck to assist.

After that, as long as [Idol Etude] is on the field, the idol girl will not be destroyed by battle and effects.

Alice activated the effect of Jiudao Yue without hesitation and directly countered [Idol Etude].

She didn't want Tang Lili to take out a spinning top.

Alice had a key clearing effect in her hand, so she was not afraid of Tang Lili's deployment.

At worst, everyone would come together to overthrow the field.

She thought that the deployment of the magic girl would not worry about this kind of clearing.

But this effect must not be easily activated until the critical moment.

Tang Lili had expected Alice to do this, so she was not discouraged.

Anyway, she didn't pay soul points when she activated the idol exercise just now, so it was not a loss.

At the moment when Alice countered the exercise, Tang Lili had already drawn another card.

"Activate the effect of [Shengxiang Idol Group·Lin Sansan] in my hand, banish a [Song] card in the graveyard, and special summon her to the field."

Accompanied by the flash of summoning, an identical girl appeared on Tang Lili's field.

Yes, this Miss Lin Sansan is the same person as Lin Sansan on Alice's field!

The effect of [Shengxiang Idol Group·Lin Sansan] allows Tang Lili to discard a [Song] card from her hand to activate it, and she can special summon three idol girls from the deck.

This is undoubtedly a super search card!

She must not be allowed to activate the effect so easily!

"At this moment, activate the effect of [Magical Girl·Lin Sansan] on my field! Invalidate the effect of the minion on your field!"

So, Alice used the effect of Lin Sansan to invalidate the effect of Lin Sansan.

If Lin Sansan in the soul card world knew that her two minion cards were fighting in the real world, I don't know what she would think.

Seeing this dramatic scene, both sides couldn't help laughing.

Such a scene is probably rare in the history of duels in the entire real world.

Alice's effect was invalidated but did not stop Tang Lili from continuing to unfold.

Thanks to Alice, Tang Lili's deck is now different from the past!

Tang Lili then activated the effect of the spell card [Magical Girl Concerto] from her hand, liberating an idol girl on the field and directly activating it from her hand.

This time, Alice had no cards that could stop Tang Lili.

According to the effect of [Magical Girl Concerto], Tang Lili turned over the top three cards of the deck in turn, and then performed the following operations according to the type of card:

If it is a spell card, cover it on the field. Spell cards covered in this way can be used in the current round.

If it is a follower card, special summon her to the field.

If it is other cards, discard them, and then Tang Lili draws the corresponding number of cards from the deck after the effect of the concerto is resolved.

The moment Alice saw this [Magical Girl Concerto] printed out, she realized:

I was tricked!

Tang Lili is such a bad guy!

She now had no good way to stop Tang Lili from unfolding.

Tang Lili turned over the top three cards of the deck.

Then she summoned them all to the field.

Yes, the three cards on her top were all followers.

This powerful [Magical Girl Concerto] was created by several magic girl idols after Alice joined Tang Lili's idol group.

But until this point, Tang Lili had not completely escaped the crisis.

Because the field-clearing card was still on the field.

Tang Lili looked at the two covered cards in Alice's backcourt, and then looked at her own hand.

In fact, she now hoped to trick Alice's field-clearing effect.

In this way, she would not have to worry about the two covered cards in Alice's backcourt.

But it was obvious that Alice could not give up the effect so easily, especially after being tricked by herself once.

Tang Lili activated the effect of [Shengxiang Idol Group·Nakazawa August] that she had just summoned, and special summoned her sister Nakazawa February from the deck to the field.

"This way! I have four Shengxiang idols on the field!"

Seeing that Alice still did not intend to give up the effect of Zhen Gong Sixteen, Tang Lili gritted her teeth and pulled out the card in her hand.

"I activate the effect of the spell card [Stage Girls Don't Cry]! Activate it directly from the hand."

Tang Lili said, pointing to Alice's field: "Activate the effect of this song card, once per turn, bounce all the followers on your field back to the deck!"

"Stage Girl, no idle people are allowed on the stage!" Tang Lili said loudly.

At this moment, Alice hesitated.

Should I activate the effect of Zhen Gong Sixteen?


There must be a conspiracy here!

Alice gritted her teeth and actually watched the four magic girls on her field being bounced back to her deck.

Tang Lili didn't expect that Alice didn't use the effect at this time.

But it doesn't matter!

There are ways to play without using it!

She covered the remaining two cards in her hand in her spell area, and then entered the battle phase.

"The followers specially summoned by [Magical Girl Concerto] cannot declare an attack during the battle phase."

Tang Lili said.

This made Alice slightly relieved.

"But!" Tang Lili smiled a little, "The effect of [Stage Girls Don't Cry] allows me to bless the spiritual value of the other three idol girls to one girl!"

"I bless the spiritual value of the three idol girls to Nakazawa Nizuki!"

Nakazawa Nizuki's spiritual value suddenly jumped to nine thousand.

"Nakazawa Nizuki! Direct attack!"

With Tang Lili's attack declaration, Nakazawa Nizuki started.

However, at the moment she attacked, the time light lit up.

"At this moment!" Alice opened the cover.

"Activate the spell card [Alice Rabbit's Super Shield]~!"

"I can activate it when I receive fatal damage."

"Immune this damage and destroy all cards on the opponent's field!"

Chapter 675 Your idol, it's not right!

Accompanied by the sound of the card being destroyed, Tang Lili's mind was slightly dazed.

How can there be such a card!

Shen Sui raised his eyebrows.

It's Hanno! It's Hanno's noble power!

And it's an advanced version that destroys the whole field!

This really made Tang Lili a little confused.

"Hehehe." Alice rubbed her hands, "Next is my turn!"

Tang Lili couldn't help rolling her eyes when she saw this scene.

You made me like this, what else can I say?

"My turn! Draw a card!" Alice drew a card from the deck handsomely.

Alice took a look at the card she drew, and then directly opened the last cover.

"Open the deck! Activate the spell card [Magical Girls Gather!] I special summon three Magic Girl minions from my deck."

Alice opened her deck and selected three Magic Girls from it to special summon them to the field.

At this time, Tang Lili's field was empty, and she even had no cards in her hand, so naturally there was no way to stop Alice from deploying.

Alice started her familiar and refreshing deployment again.

"It seems that I have won this duel!"

Since there are no duplicate minion cards in the same deck in the fate card duel, Alice has no way to copy her first attack field, making this lineup lacking in suppression.

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