It was so stable that it was a little scary.

"My turn is over." Alice ended her turn.

Xu Tianzhi couldn't help but take a look at Alice's graveyard.

Including the three [Magical Girl] minions she put into the graveyard through [Magical Girl Stage], Alice now has a total of fifteen minions in her graveyard.

In addition to the several [Magical Girl] minions she summoned on the field this turn, she basically played all the [Magical Girls] in the deck.

The fifteen minions in the graveyard, under the effect of [Magical Girl Returned from Hell·Niino Keiko], were like a sword hanging over Xu Tianzhi's head.


No more, no less, just enough for Niino Keiko to activate five effects.

This means that if he doesn't think of a way, five of the effects he activated this turn will be in vain.

The next turn is a psychological game between him and Alice.

Xu Tianzhi took a look at his hand and calculated silently in his heart.

Which effect is irrelevant and which effect must be countered?

I must find a way to trick Alice into countering, otherwise it will be difficult to deploy.

And when Alice faces me, she must also counter the key cards, otherwise the omnic can still deploy.

But soon, Xu Tianzhi gave up this calculation.

He started his turn and drew a card.

The moment he saw the life card he drew, Xu Tianzhi knew that he didn't need to worry so much in this turn.

His deck finally responded to him at this moment!

"Real deployment." Xu Tianzhi looked up at Alice, with a smile on his face, "Even if you have five counters, you can't stop it!"

With this announcement, he officially started his turn.

Then he activated the spell card [Welding Separation] from his hand.

This card can be directly activated by banishing an omnic minion in the graveyard without paying soul points.

Banish a minion on the opponent's field.

This effect is naturally aimed at Niino Keiko.

I came up and directly targeted your core minion, will you counter or not? !

To be precise, Alice must counter this effect.

After she activated the effect of [Welding Separation] to negate the effect of Niino Keiko, Xu Tianzhi immediately activated the effect of the minion that was just excluded by the effect of [Welding Separation] and special summoned it from the exclusion zone.

This special summon, do you counter or not!

Alice barely knows this minion.

When it is special summoned from the exclusion zone, it can destroy a card on the opponent's field.

There is no doubt that Xu Tianzhi will choose to destroy Niino Keiko. Since it will be handed over sooner or later, it is better to hand it over directly.

"I knew you would do this! Activate the effect of [Intelligent Tyrant Troyve] in the graveyard, and when my special summon is negated by the card effect, it can be activated and special summon it from the graveyard."

The same question was placed in front of Alice again.

Do you counter, or not?

Chapter 660 Struggling Alice

To counter or not.

It is a classic question for any duelist.

Because you never know, after countering this unfolding card, the opponent will take out something more terrifying from his hand.

Alice actually made sufficient preparations before the duel exam.

After knowing that her examiner was Xu Tianzhi, she also watched several duels of Xu Tianzhi and asked Aragaki Tanchun for a set of Xu Tianzhi's game decks that Aragaki Tanchun had recently summarized.

Logically speaking, she should be quite familiar with Xu Tianzhi's deck.

But it was precisely because of this familiarity that Alice was a little hesitant in this round.

The Omnic Tyrant deck has too many starting points!

Xu Tianzhi looked at the reading bar at the time point and knew that Alice was still hesitating in her heart.

Although it is indeed a bit unethical to use the means of professional competitions to deal with Alice, a novice who has just participated in the duel exam.

But it must be admitted that this method is really useful.

Sometimes he would deliberately show some rarely used cards in the game to intentionally show his ability to explode in various ways.

In this way, the more opponents know about his deck, the more they will be entangled about how to deal with him when facing him.

If you are a reckless and ignorant novice, you should not hesitate at this time.

Alice is not the kind of person who likes to be entangled.

Without hesitating for too long, she decisively countered Xu Tianzhi's card effect.

Xu Tianzhi was not discouraged and activated Troyve's second effect. When her effect was invalidated, Xu Tianzhi recovered the soul points of the same value as her star rating.

As the most classic expansion deck user, Xu Tianzhi has honed a complete set of expansion decks to deal with this situation over the years.

Each of his start point follower cards is a tested existence.

This time, Alice failed to counter Troyve's effect because the effect of Niino Keiko cannot be activated repeatedly in a chain.

Xu Tianzhi recovered 12 soul points as he wished.

Then he decisively paid the soul points and activated the spell card from his hand.

This time, Alice no longer hesitated.

As soon as she saw the name of the card used by Xu Tianzhi, she handed over the effect of Niino Keiko without hesitation.

Xu Tianzhi's mouth curled up.

So, will you use it for the last time or not?

Alice has already removed ten minions from the graveyard.

Fortunately, Alice's magic girl deck is not mainly based on graveyard effects, otherwise she would not be able to bear the removal of minions from the graveyard.

And the remaining five magic girls are basically useful.

It is said that there are five counters, but in fact, Alice will not use this fifth opportunity anyway.

And this means that Alice has no means to hinder Xu Tianzhi's next move.

Thanks to Troyve's soul point recovery, Xu Tianzhi's soul points are still very healthy at present.

He just drew the spell card in his hand and activated its effect.

The next second, five mechanical minions filled Xu Tianzhi's front field.

It was another familiar one-for-five deployment.

Although they are all 1-star mechanical minions, thanks to the gorgeous Transformers-like appearance of the mechanical minions, the scene of these five minions appearing at the same time is still very vivid.

The students watching on the side rubbed their eyes subconsciously.


Did I miss something just now?

And this is actually the result that Alice can accept the most.

If Troyve and the effect of the spell card cannot be countered, then what is standing in front of Alice now is not five 1-star mechanical minions, but five 10-star 4000 spirit value behemoths.

Xu Tianzhi breathed a sigh of relief.

He was actually quite worried that Alice would banish five minions from the graveyard to counter this kind of spell card.

Since she did not choose to invalidate the effect of this spell card, then basically she would not turn in the counter next time.

Xu Tianzhi calculated in his mind.

"Pay 10 soul points." He pulled out another spell card from his hand and activated its effect, "Activate from my hand, spell card [Tyrant Renovation·Waste Utilization]."

"Stack any number of mechanical minions on my field and activate, special summon a [Smart Tyrant] from my deck!"

Xu Tianzhi pointed to his deck.

As soon as he thought, a life card flew out of the deck.

"I stack five mechanical tokens on the field! Special summon from my deck! [Smart Tyrant·Ligrafa]!"

Accompanied by the powerful sound of metal friction, countless gears began to turn.

A tall monster full of gears appeared on Xu Tianzhi's field.

"For minions special summoned by the effect of [Tyrant Renovation·Waste Utilization], both players must remove one stacked material at the end of each turn. When it loses the last stacked material, it is destroyed immediately."

Xu Tianzhi said the self-restraint effect of the spell card, and his hand was raised: "I activate the effect of Ligrafa. Once a turn, I can select a [Smart Machine] or [Machine] minion from the graveyard to special summon it to the field."

"I choose to special summon [Super Smart Machine·Guatemala No. 3] from my graveyard."

A seemingly small disc appeared on Xu Tianzhi's field with the sound of gears rolling.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Tianzhi activated the effect of Guatemala No. 3 and special summoned the soul card Alpha from his deck to the field.

"I have three omnic followers on the field!" Xu Tianzhi lit up the card face of [Powerful Omnic Alpha], "Activate the effect of the soul card form [Super Omnic Tyrant Alpha], and transform Alpha's form to this form!"

The next second, all the parts of Alpha's body exploded, and in the eyes of everyone sighing, all the parts began to be reassembled.

Finally, a handsome and unique omnic tyrant appeared.

"No matter how this duel wins or loses." The students watching said, "Just looking at the special effects of the transformation, I think it's worth it."

"Otherwise, why do you think Tianzhi is so popular even though he was beaten so badly by Sui Shen?" The students talked about it.

It's also fortunate that Xu Tianzhi, who was dueling inside, couldn't hear their conversation, otherwise he would probably vomit blood.

Obviously, his dueling skills are not weak!

How come in the eyes of these students, he has become a movie actor? All duels give people the impression that the special effects are good?

Xu Tianzhi's development is far from over.

But Alice obviously didn't want him to continue like this.

"When you change your form." Alice suddenly opened the cover card, "activate the effect of the cover card [No Change!], and make the form of your transformed follower change to the initial form!"

She didn't want the Super Robot Tyrant to appear at this time.

Xu Tianzhi never thought that Alice was still waiting for him here.

Of course, he couldn't let Alice get her wish, so he decisively activated the effect of [Super Robot Tyrant Alpha], sending his two robot followers on the field to the graveyard to activate, making the opponent's activated card effect invalid.

Alice knew the effect of the Super Robot Tyrant.

She did this to trick out its effect. Although she failed to solve it, losing two followers meant that Alice would have to bear less damage next. Xu Tianzhi also knew what Alice was thinking. This kind of exchange of effects is within the tolerance of both parties.

The appearance of [Super-Intelligent Tyrant Alpha] means that Xu Tianzhi's development cannot be stopped at all.

He directly activated another effect of Alpha. Once per turn, turn over the top five cards of the deck and stack the minion cards under it.

Xu Tianzhi was really lucky this time, and he turned over three minion cards at once.

Then he continued to activate the effect of Alpha. Once per turn, choose the number of stacked materials to be removed. The number of removed materials determines the number of minions Xu Tianzhi can special summon from the deck.

Stack three and then summon three.

Alice would definitely not tolerate such resource accumulation.

The resources in the graveyard are only useful if you survive.

If Xu Tianzhi kills himself this turn, it will be useless to save graveyard resources.

Alice decisively activated the fifth counter of Niino Keiko, removing the last five magical girl minions in the graveyard, making the effect of the Ultra-Limited Intelligent Tyrant invalid this time.

"What a pity." Xu Tianzhi shook his head and said, "You should have activated this counter in the last chain."

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