When asked to do something, talk about rewards first and then contribution.

"What the hell! One million?" Shen Sui picked up the commission contract and was dumbfounded. Did he see the wrong number? "What is this?"

"The additional bonus after the mission is completed." Wu Ziqin said, "It will be distributed after the information from other soul cards in World No. 1 is summarized and confirmed. If the information you provide is detailed and true enough, I can help you apply for a higher amount. Bonus, but I hope you do what you can, after all, it’s not easy to survive in the No. 1 Soul Card World.”

The country's annual exploration budget for the soul card world starts at three trillion, part of which flows into the professional life card master system and becomes the professional life card master's monthly subsidy, and part of which is allocated to the Exploration Bureau for monitoring Various soul card worlds and searching for new technologies that can be transformed in the soul card world, most of the rest are used in the transformation of soul card technology, thus cultivating a group of wealthy scientists.

"Okay...then what is this tax exemption?"

"That's the salary for accepting the task. After all, you are not a staff member, so we can't let you work for nothing." Wu Ziqin explained gently, without the airs of a director at all.

"It seems that this information is very important." Shen Sui said, "Otherwise you wouldn't have come to find me in person. Isn't my coach also from World No. 1? Her soul card is considered strong in World No. 1, why don't you go find her? she?"

"I don't think she can drive Isabella to do things." Wu Ziqin actually knew Isabella's name, "Of course, I don't force you to accept this task. I came to you because I was sick and wanted to seek medical treatment, but this time The information is very important to us. If we don’t investigate clearly, the No. 1 soul card world will probably escape our control. "

"Ah? Did something happen over there?" Shen Sui wondered, "It's been quite peaceful recently."

Wu Ziqin showed a bitter smile: "World No. 1 has never been peaceful. This time, big things seem to have happened one after another there. We must understand the reasons for these things. After all, we have sacrificed the souls of seventeen agents for this. It's stuck. That's World No. 1. The entire China Exploration Bureau has not been able to survive a few soul cards. In this month, it has lost half of its soul cards. First, several soul cards died mysteriously due to the wrath of the gods. Then nearly ten souls died in a bloody war, but until now, we still haven’t figured out why the gods were angry or how the war happened..."

Shen Sui suddenly had a bad premonition.

Open the contract and take a look.

Mission 1: Investigate information related to the destruction of Sin City.

Mission 2: Investigate information related to the wrongful war in Payin Jiacheng.

Chapter 70 Feng Lindu: I’m already preparing for the finals

Just when Shen Sui was calling him a good guy in the duel classroom, Feng Lindu finally got rid of those fans and walked into the teaching building under the escort of security. However, he went to the toilet first, which was his habit before a duel. .

"It seems that you are very popular now." The voice of his coach Chai Dasheng came from his earphones. "I can hear the support of those fans through the earphones."

"They are not my real fans yet." Feng Lindu raised his lips, very satisfied with his popularity, "There is a lack of heroes in the professional arena who dare to challenge the old system, and I am such a hero now."

"Okay, our hero." Chai Dasheng returned to the topic and said, "This duel was determined to be an accident. You don't need to spend too much effort on this matter. The video of this duel will be Uploaded to the Internet, you'd better be careful not to reveal too many trump cards in the duel. This will not be conducive to your performance in the final. You know how important this final is to you and me."

"Of course I understand." Feng Lindu's eyes flashed with desire, "I want to step on that woman named Yang and become famous throughout the country."

The woman he was talking about was named Yang Lijun.

Yang Lijuan is also a relatively famous seventh-level life card master. She comes from the Yang family in the Demon City, which is considered a standard duel family.

However, compared to her dueling prowess, she is more famous for her arrogant character. She will use very vicious language to taunt her opponents during duels. The worse the opponent's family background, the more ferocious her taunts will be, successfully triggering Aroused public outrage. In Category B competitions, the duels involving her are often the most popular, because many spectators come here specifically to see her defeated.

It's a pity that Yang Lijuan's duel strength is not weak. As a seventh-level life card master, she rarely loses in Class B competitions. The last time she lost a duel was the final against Xu Tianzhi.

The long-lost civilian duelist, plus the fact that the opponent is a player from a notorious family, really makes this duel full of antagonistic elements.

And this is the opportunity for fame that Feng Lindu has been waiting for for a long time, and it is a fleeting opportunity to gain both fame and fortune.

In today's environment, the audience's resentment and anger have been accumulated to the limit, and they are just waiting for a fire to ignite this pile of firewood. The recent admission of the Exploration Bureau vaguely expresses the official attitude.

As long as he wins the Silver Moon Promise Cup, he will become a hero who breaks through such an environment.

The audience will cheer him on to the altar.

Feng Lindu even looked forward to the ban card restrictions that would come with those aristocratic families. With just a little manipulation, this would become the nourishment for him to become a saint.

A large group of people, including the angry spectators and those members of the Discovery Bureau who were forced to retire by the competition environment, will become his strongest support.

By then, even if the Life Card Association resists the pressure and does not lift the card ban, fame and wealth will follow.

Besides, he is not worried about any card ban.

Feng Lindu touched the duel instrument in his hand.

Calculating the time, his third lover is almost eaten by zombies, and it is time to lift the limit of the regulator.

This time, how many life cards will this crazy man bring to him.

Well, maybe there will be a brand new form.

Feng Lindu couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

It's great, it's great. If those people hadn't taught me these methods, I might have been forgotten by everyone in the card ban half a year ago, and I wouldn't be so glorious now.

"However, the student you are going to identify this time seems to be a young genius who is as famous as Xinyuan Yingxue. You should be a little more careful when dueling, and don't fall like Xu Tianzhi." Chai Dasheng reminded.

Feng Lindu smiled and said, "I'm not as stupid as Xu Tianzhi, and you know my deck. Let alone a mere student, even if Xinyuan Yingxue stood in front of me, I can easily defeat her."

"Okay, okay, you just need to be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll make a quick decision." Feng Lindu said. If it weren't for the fact that dueling was the obligation of the coach of the Duel Academy, and he wanted to keep the nominal position of coach as his retreat, he wouldn't have participated in such a basic thing. "Dueling with a student doesn't take much time."

"That's right. By the way, do you plan to let him pass the certification? That student seems to be in a similar situation to you. If it weren't for his teacher, he might have fallen on the streets."

"Certification? Humph." Feng Lindu snorted coldly, "I'm enough as a hero of the common people."

After that, Feng Lindu hung up the call with Chai Dasheng, walked out of the toilet and washed his hands, and then came to the door of the duel classroom under the attentive guidance of the staff.

At this time, the duel classroom was already full of people, and Liang Hui, the dean of Tianyi College, was waiting at the door.

"Mr. Feng! I have heard of you for a long time!" Liang Hui saw Feng Lindu at a glance and greeted him enthusiastically, "I am so sorry that you have to come here in person."

Feng Lindu waved his hand and said, "It's just a small matter. Some of my fans are bothering your college."

"It's a small matter." Dean Liang raised his hand to open the door and sent Feng Lindu into the duel classroom.


As soon as Feng Lindu entered the door, the whole classroom was filled with cheers.

Shen Sui, who was already dozing off, was suddenly awakened by the cheers of the audience.

There were only 20 spectators, but with the good audio-visual structure of the duel classroom, there was a sense of impact as if hundreds of people were cheering together.

Shen Sui knew that the first step of his career, this crucial identification duel, was about to begin.

He straightened his sleeves, pulled out the excitement of picking up a million for nothing from his mind, and quickly calmed down his mentality.

He looked up at the door and happened to meet Feng Lindu's eyes.

Feng Lindu nodded slightly and showed a signature smile.

He looked very friendly, but Shen Sui always felt a sense of alienation.

After all, this was not a formal competition, and there was no host to create an atmosphere. After the notary went on stage to talk about the rules of the duel, he hurried off the stage.

Those who came to watch were all here for the duel. Every time he said one more word, he would be scratched by the audience's eyes.

Shen Sui came to the duel stage, and opposite him was Feng Lindu with a smile on his face.

Does this guy always have a fake smile?

Shen Sui thought to himself.

I wonder if this duel today can make him really laugh.

"Duel rules: Competition rules, both sides have an initial health value of 6000, 16 soul points per round, and the duel begins!"

As soon as the voice fell, the two raised their wrists at the same time, and the duel instrument was instantly activated with their movements.

A virtual but extremely real venue appeared between the two.

"Then I'll take the first attack!" Shen Sui shouted, taking the initiative.

And it turned out to be true.

Shen Sui got the first attack for once.

Damn, it really worked!

The animation really didn't lie to me.

Chapter 71 Earn a lot of cards

Shen Sui glanced at his starting hand.

Four spell cards and one minion card.

It was in line with the environment of the fate card duel in this world.

He was already good, as some duelists couldn't even take out minion cards in one or two rounds of the duel.

"On my turn, pay 5 soul points and Normal Summon [Armed Doll·Sonya] on my field!"

Shen Sui summoned the only minion card in his hand on the field.

Sonya's appearance was made by Alice based on Anna's car. Alice's craftsmanship was really good. Although it was a doll, it was 70% similar to a real person.

"Then, pay 5 soul points and activate the spell card [Malicious Gift] from my hand!" Shen Sui unfolded the deck, selected the event card [Chaos] from it and put it into Feng Lindu's hand, and asked Feng Lindu to make a choice based on [Malicious Gift].

Either let Shen Sui draw two cards.

Or let Shen Sui look at his hand and draw a card.

Feng Lindu took a look at the event card that Shen Sui forced over. It was surprising that a newbie had an event card, but the effect of this event card was not necessarily completely positive.

This card, for Feng Lindu who thought he had a sure win, was not a good effect, but would give the opponent a chance.

However, at the same time, it meant that Shen Sui did not need to take back this card. If he chose the second effect, he could completely take away the key card in his hand.

A very uncomfortable card effect.

Feng Lindu frowned slightly.

"This card of classmate Shen has a very good effect. Giving a useless card to the opponent is enough to put the opponent in a dilemma." Dean Liang said attentively to Wu Ziqin on the side.

Wu Ziqin still smiled gently and said, "No need to explain to me, Dean Liang. I am not from the Fate Card Association, but I know a lot about the Fate Card Duel."

The director did not forget to tease the Fate Card Association in his words.

Dean Liang smiled slightly embarrassedly.

"And you have to know that many members of the Exploration Bureau were once professional fortune-tellers. Although they have retired, they still duel for fun in private." Wu Ziqin glanced at Dean Liang and said, "However, the strongest one should be Director General Zhang. If he had not been banned from playing five key cards by the Fortune Card Association before participating in the Fortune Card National Finals, he would not have been forced to retire and join the Exploration Bureau..."

Dean Liang's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Who would have thought that a kid from a rural area with no background would become the director of the Chinese Soul Card Exploration Bureau in just five or six years after being forced to retire.

The Tianfu University cheating incident was just the first blow the Exploration Bureau made to the professional fortune-telling system. Many people are analyzing that Director General Zhang, who lost the game, is likely to make a move on the Fortune Card Association next, even though the Fortune Card Association had already gone through the emergency process to release Zhang Fang's five banned cards not long ago.

Ignoring the knocks from the audience, the duel on the stage gradually became interesting.

Facing the famous fifth-level card master in his perfect form, Shen Sui showed no fear at all. He used the first turn to gain enough advantages for himself in an orderly manner.

Feng Lindu was unwilling to let Shen Sui draw the key card, so Shen Sui drew two cards from the deck without any surprise.

"At this time." Shen Sui spoke again, "Activate the effect of [Armed Doll·Soyya] on my field. Once per round, after my spell card is resolved, I can return this spell card to my hand."

"Return [Malicious Gift] to my hand." Shen Sui recycled this spell card.

"Then, I pay 5 soul points and activate the spell card [Malicious Gift] again from my hand."

This time, Shen Sui put a [Disobedience and Rebellion] into Feng Lindu's hand.

"Interesting." Feng Lindu looked at the event card in his hand. This time, he did not hesitate and simply let Shen Sui draw two cards.

A new deck, what's wrong with letting him draw four more cards?

Seeing that Feng Lindu didn't hesitate at all, Shen Sui knew that he should have a soul card in his hand. His deck was completely based on soul cards. If Shen Sui took away the soul card, it would be equivalent to admitting defeat.

Not only Shen Sui saw this, but even the audience guessed it.

"What a disgusting card, forcibly earning two cards." Someone said, "He must have analyzed Brother Feng's deck and knew that activating this card would definitely earn money."

"But he is really brave. Do you dare to put such a useless card in the deck in a duel that doesn't matter to the opponent?"

"It may also be a card that is useful to you, but useless to the opponent." Someone guessed.

"Novice card master, except for Brother Fu, who can guarantee that the cards he gets from the soul card world can meet the construction requirements. I think he is betting whether Brother Feng dares to let him see the hand."

"What's wrong with letting him draw a card? Ten mana plus two cards for four hand cards, it doesn't seem to be a big profit."

"I say, you don't underestimate him too much, this is Shen Sui, a genius on par with Xiaoxue. Drawing four cards, how can it not be a loss?"

While the audience was discussing, Shen Sui was about to end his turn, and he only had 1 cost left.

"Pay 1 soul point, and Normal Summon [Magic Apprentice Alice] from my hand." Shen Sui summoned Alice to the field.

"Then end my turn." He didn't drag his feet and ended it quickly.

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