Chapter 45 Claude starts to ask for

[You told Alice the meaning of these two items. ]

[And made a request to Alice. ]

[You want to absorb the power of the evil god to repair your seriously injured soul. ]

Shen Sui came to Alice because he was seriously injured and needed help. He needed to instill in Alice the concept that she was not a free labor force so that Alice would not rely on him.

This is more conducive to Alice's growth.

Damn, why is it more and more like raising a daughter? Shen Sui complained in his heart.

Any gain requires a price.

Now it's time for Alice to pay the price of asking Claude to take action in the Sin City incident.

[Alice agreed to your request, but she would not allow the sacrifice of the entire city to happen. You told Alice how to bypass the third condition and how to guide the power of the evil god for you to absorb. ]

[Alice used arson to destroy the evidence of the annihilated Thunder Knights. ]

[Alice continued to go to Anlude. 】

While Alice was away at Anlude, Shen Sui opened the undownloaded fate card column. Here were the fate cards that Shen Sui had not yet loaded onto the physical card. Before loading, Shen Sui could modify them.

At this time, there were only six undownloaded fate cards left. In addition to the three God Cards and Holy Artifact Cards that could not be obtained due to insufficient Soul Card rank, there were also [Eye of the Evil God], [Contract of Sokfatis], and [Price Raising]


Card name: [Price Raising]

Category: Spell Card

Star rating: 7 stars

Effect: When the opponent pays soul points to use a fate card, you can turn over the top card of your deck and add it to the hand to activate, causing the opponent to pay an additional X soul points, otherwise the effect of the fate card used is invalid and destroyed. If the opponent pays an additional fee due to the effect of this card, the star rating of the fate card added to the hand due to the effect of this card is reduced by X. (X is the star rating of the displayed card)


After taking a look at the effect of [Price Raising], Shen Sui suddenly got an inspiration.

There are many storage boxes scattered on the continent. In addition to a large number of skill books and equipment, there are also various types of ores collected by Alice. Alice will definitely sell these things in the future.

So can we take this opportunity to try to brush Alice's profiteer form.

When he saw [Rising Price], Shen Sui had already thought of the effect. Profiteer Alice can increase the cost paid by the other party.

What a shady thing.

Shen Sui is exploring the possibility of the life card effect.

[Sokfatis's Contract] is a spell card that can only summon Sokfatis. It is of no use to Shen Sui for the time being, but this [Evil God's Eye] gave Shen Sui a surprise.

Card name: [Evil God's Eye]

Category: Equipment Spell Card

Star: 9 stars

Effect: Select a follower on the opponent's field as the target equipment to activate, and you gain control of the equipped follower. When this card leaves the field, the equipped follower is destroyed.

Although it is just a simple and crude Minotaur card, in the fate card duel, this kind of card is much more powerful than imagined.

Because, the concept of liberation in the fate card duel is much easier to achieve than the liberation in Yu-Gi-Oh.

Yu-Gi-Oh also needs a superior monster in the hand to liberate the monster on the field.

In the fate card duel, you can directly exchange the liberation of the minions for soul points.

Bringing the opponent's powerful minions over, and then liberating and exchanging them for your own expenses, this is a kind of husband's former crime.

After reading the card, Shen Sui quickly switched to the homepage.

At this time, Alice had just entered the city of Anlude.

[Alice entered the city of Anlude, but she always felt something strange. ]

The city of Anlude is a typical mountain city. Looking up from the city gate, buildings go straight up along the mountainside. The architectural style of this city is a very unified style of red roofs and white exterior walls, forming a red and white landscape in front of Alice.

[Alice decided to go to the underground sewage system of Anlude first to find Claude's treasure chest. ]

[However, the underground sewage system of Anlude is under maintenance. ]

What a coincidence? ]

[Alice didn't believe it, and she was more suspicious of the Thunder Church here. ]

[You used the divine detection on Anlude City. ]

[You detected the divinity of the Lord of Thunder and Sokfatis. ]

[Alice began to purchase materials in Anlude City according to your formula. ]

[Looking up and looking at the Anlude Thunder Church on the top of the mountain, Alice felt a kind of indifference, an indifference that ignored the lives of the lower people. ]

[Thinking of this, Alice finally understood what was wrong in her heart. ]

[At the gate of Anlude City, no nobles collected an entrance fee. ]

[This is unreasonable. Alice made a judgment based on her personal experience. The nobles in these small towns will not give up any money. 】

【Alice begins to explore Anlude. 】

【In Anlude, all the shops opened by the nobles are closed. 】

【The nobles seem to have disappeared from the city of Anlude. 】

Seeing this, even Shen Sui, who was slow-witted, saw the problem. Could it be that the ritual of summoning the evil god has come to an end, and the only thing missing is the prop in Alice's hand to complete the final puzzle?

Calculating the time, if the Thunder Knights who were transporting the Eye of the Evil God and the contract followed the normal plan, they would have arrived at Anlude City at this time.

[Alice guessed that the ritual of the evil god had begun. ]

[Her plan needed to be accelerated. ]

[Alice followed your method and began to shuttle through Anlude City. ]

[Under your guidance, Alice began to set up a magic circle. ]

[She inserted a long sword at the gate of the city. ]

[She put a kettle in the well. ]

[She hung a pocket watch on the clock tower. ]

[She handed a bowl of rice to a beggar on the roadside. ]


[Alice ran around all day, but seemed to be doing something meaningless. ]

[But she still carried out it unswervingly, and she believed that your method would definitely save Anlude City from destruction. ]

[At night, under the cover of darkness, Alice sneaked into the top of Anlude Mountain, which is the highest point in the city. 】

【Looking up at the stars in the sky, Alice clasped her hands together, closed her eyes, and chanted the spell you taught her:】

【The stars are above, the night is my witness, I am willing to bear the difficulties of this world with my body. 】

【Alice put on a sapphire necklace. 】

【The moment the necklace was put on, a mysterious power emerged in the sapphire. Then, in front of Alice, long silver lines passed through the city of Anlude. They followed the trajectory that Alice walked during the day, connecting the people and objects that Alice touched one by one. Finally, a huge magic circle that wrapped the entire city of Anlude appeared in front of Alice. And all this was silent to others. 】

【Ding! You get a permanent spell card: Guardian of the Dusk Saint]

Card name: [Guardian of the Dusk Saint]

Category: Permanent spell card

Star rating: 10 stars

Effect: As long as this card is on the field, you must activate it when your followers on the field are attacked or affected by the effects of the opponent's cards, making the attack or card effect invalid, and then you will receive 1000 points of damage.

Next, you have to make a sacrifice to Sokfatis.

Shen Sui's mouth corners raised. Whether I can replenish a large number of follower cards at one time depends on you, Alice.

Chapter 46 Shen Sui's Puppet Rhapsody

Shen Sui thought about how to quickly replenish follower cards for a long time.

The way to obtain follower cards naturally leads to a certain threshold for obtaining them.

For some ordinary soul card worlds, you don't know where to capture followers that can become follower cards. However, if there are not enough follower cards, it is easy to cause an empty field and be seized by the opponent to be severely olived.

This has led to a large number of fate card masters deliberately guiding soul card followers in the soul card world to try every possible way to obtain follower cards in order to obtain follower cards.

Some even guide soul card followers into pure battle maniacs, launching wars or crazy battles, and obtaining follower cards by capturing enemies.

However, Shen Sui did not need to be so decisive. He got inspiration from those sci-fi soul card worlds.

In the sci-fi soul card world, soul card followers can also become follower cards by making and buying robots. Then I will also learn from them and let Alice make her own "robot" in the Dawn Continent, right?

So, in the world view of the Dawn Continent, what is similar to the setting of "robot"?

The [Lucky Doll Xia Li] that Aragaki Yingxue gave to Shen Sui gave Shen Sui inspiration.

Yes, dolls!

It can be made, it can be given life, and naturally it can also become a follower card.

In the previous life game, Shen Sui bypassed the third condition of the evil god's arrival by using the magic of [Puppet Creation] and making a large number of sacrificed puppets, thus successfully brushing materials crazily without any moral pressure.

You said you want to sacrifice the lives of a city.

Then my city is full of puppets, which is reasonable, right?

What? You said puppets are not considered lives?

You are discriminating! The lives of puppets are also lives!

[Under your guidance, Alice used materials to make puppets. ]

[Alice has been sewing puppets for blessings since she was a child, and her craftsmanship is very good. Beautiful and exquisite puppets filled the room Alice rented. ]

[Anna sat there, watching Alice's work quietly, even though she was buried by the dolls, she did not react. ]

[Alice completed the production of 100 puppets. ]

[Alice named them Aida. ]

[You launched "Puppet Creation" on the puppets on the ground. ]

[Ding! You get a follower card: Sacrifice Doll·Aida]

[Ding! You get a spell card: Doll Creation]

Shen Sui saw the appearance of this [Sacrifice Doll·Aida] in the fate card column. There are a lot of cute dolls on the card, with small bodies and cheerful smiles. Looking at the blonde and blue-eyed appearance, it is obvious that Alice made it according to her own appearance.

Card name: [Sacrifice Doll·Aida]

Category: Follower card

Star rating: 5 stars

Effect: ① The same effect can only be activated once in a duel. When the follower is successfully summoned or special summoned, a [Sacrifice Doll] derivative (5 stars, 0 spirit value) is generated in each empty space in the follower area of ​​the team;

②When you use a life card, you can activate it, liberate the minion or its derivative on the field, and reduce the soul points paid by using the life card by X. (X is the number of [Sacrificial Dolls] on the field × 3).

Spirit value: 0


Yes, one minion card can be used as five minion cards. And this effect is worthy of the title of Sacrificial Doll.

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