However, the black color of the robe is not a symbol of sin, but a reflection of her pure heart. When Alice stepped over endless sin and walked in front of her, the kind girl had restored her previous purity.

She anchored her heart with Alice and temporarily got rid of the influence of sin.

The robe clung to her body and danced gently, like a black wing, allowing her to maintain a holy image in the dark world.

"Activate Anna's effect." Shen Sui said, "When she is successfully special summoned, directly exclude the cards on your field and in your hand. The number of cards excluded in this way shall not exceed the number of cards I discarded."

"After that, Anna's spiritual value becomes the number of excluded cards multiplied by 1000."

"What?" Yuan Youxin shouted in shock, "This kind of card is impossible!"

However, the activation of the effect slapped him in the face.

The irresistible force, accompanied by the surging black mud, directly flooded his field.

And his hand was also swallowed in the process.

Yuan Youxin still had one card in his hand, plus five minions on the field, a total of six cards.

Anna's spiritual value instantly rose to 6,000 points.

But Yuan Youxin's health at this time was only 3,000.

And he no longer had any cards to use.

"How... How is it possible?" Yuan Youxin found it hard to accept this fact.

Obviously, he was only one step away from victory in the last second, but in the next second, he was facing the end of defeat!

"This card! What's going on! Why is there such a card!" Yuan Youxin couldn't figure it out and couldn't accept it.

"The world of soul cards is very vast." Shen Sui said, "You dare to unfold it like this with a new card you haven't seen before. Are you really an experienced duelist?"

Damn, I underestimated him.

At this time, Yuan Youxin also came to his senses.

The greed for victory and the resentment of wanting to hit Shen Sui devoured his reason, making it impossible for him to judge the situation of the duel well.

However, even if you put a professional player here, facing the possibility of FTK, you cannot guarantee that he can face it rationally and will not be greedy.

Already lost.

There is no room for maneuver.

Yuan Youxin looked at Anna on Shen Sui's field.

She still looked holy, but was obviously wrapped in sin...


Card name: [Sinful Saint Anna]

Category: Minion Card

Star: 13 stars

Effect: This minion cannot be normally summoned, cannot be special summoned by other card effects, and the special summon of this minion cannot be chained by other cards. In the first round of its appearance, it is not affected by the effects of other cards.

①When this minion is added to the hand or enters the graveyard due to other card effects, it loses all effects except ①. When the opponent activates a special summon or search effect, you can discard [Sinful Saint Anna] in your hand to activate it, making the effect invalid and sending the card to the graveyard;

②When this minion is in the graveyard, if the opponent successfully special summons a minion, you must activate it. You draw a card from the deck and then receive 500 points of damage from no source;

③When this minion is in the graveyard, if the opponent activates When the spell card effect is successful, it must be activated, reveal a card in your hand, and reduce the star level of the card to 0;

④ When your life value is ≤500 due to the follower's ② effect or the number of 0-star cards in your hand is equal to 10, the current chain must be terminated and activated, discard all cards in your hand, and special summon the follower in the graveyard to your own field. After that, you can exclude up to X cards in the opponent's field or hand (X is the number of cards discarded due to this effect);

⑤ The spirit value of this follower is the number of cards excluded by its ④ effect × 1000.

Spirit value: ? ? ?

Lost! Already lost! Lost without any room for recovery!

Yuan Youxin never thought that he would have a car accident when he was playing fish in the amateur arena, and the opponent was a pure novice with no previous experience in the field.

What went wrong?

Was his card too strong?

Yuan Youxin's brain was a little unclear. His hands were empty and trembling slightly. He stared at Shen Sui and said with gritted teeth: "My turn is over."

"That's my turn!" Shen Sui, who was sure of victory, did not relax, nor was he overwhelmed by the joy of victory. After all, there were minions in the opponent's graveyard. Who knows if there is a grave pit. In his turn, Anna has lost resistance, "Draw a card!"

Looking at the event card [Chaos] in his hand, Shen Sui hesitated.

If the effect of [Chaos] is activated, then he can let Anna deal 12,000 damage.

Do you want to make extra operations?

Shen Sui closed his eyes and recalled the duel of Yuan Youxin that he studied last night. Several minions in his graveyard did not have the effect of the grave pit.

Then I'll give you some face and not make any more operations.

"Anna! Attack directly!" Entering the battle phase directly, Shen Sui pointed at Yuan Youxin and launched an attack declaration.

Anna's attack was silent, without any signs of attack.

If his life value had not dropped to 0, Yuan Youxin would have thought that Shen Sui had not declared an attack.


The victory bell rang, officially announcing Shen Sui's victory in this duel.

Chapter 42 Post-match Conversation

[Fuck! 666, this guy only played one card, right? ]

[The fish-explosion monster was still greedy. He dared to FTK without understanding the effect. He was caught and killed when he had the chance. ]

[Seriously, I'm stupid. If this card is thrown into the graveyard, how should I deal with it? ]

[Wow! What a beautiful nun! Evil and holy, I want to confess to her and tell about me and the fish...]

[Details before! Elaborate! ]

The barrage went crazy.

"Young people should not be underestimated." After both parties sorted out their decks, Yuan Youxin walked up to Shen Sui, looked at Shen Sui up and down, and said, "Maybe you can really make some waves in the professional arena."

If you weren't greedy and forced yourself into my trap, I would be really difficult to beat.

In fact, looking back now, if Anna hadn't been drawn in the first hand, facing Yuan Youxin's new expansion, Shen Sui wouldn't have had much good options. The most he could do was to use Fish King and Flame Witch to solve it hard.

Life card duels are like this sometimes. It is obvious that a fight is about to start before the duel, but after the duel, they can talk calmly.

After the award ceremony, Yuan Youxin invited Shen Sui to a restaurant for dinner.

Of course Shen Sui would not miss the opportunity to earn a living. He was actually very curious about the professional circle of life card duels in this world. Although Yuan Youxin is not a professional player, he must know some information about the professional circle since he chooses to compete in amateur competitions rather than decide on a stage.

Ordinary coaches will not tell students about this kind of thing. You can only search for some keywords written in letters on the Internet, and you have no idea what it means.

I understand everything.

Why is there an acquaintance hiding?

You don't even know what they are talking about.

Therefore, Shen Sui wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about the news in the industry.

Although the life card duel industry is very popular in this world, because the life cards in the real world do not have extraordinary power, for most countries in the world, the life card duel itself is a developing and prosperous industry, similar to the previous life. The entertainment industry is the same as the e-sports industry.

This only refers to the life card duel, not the soul card world.

The exploration of the soul card world is what the top leaders of the country care about most.

Someone has long proven that the soul card world is a real world. Although the barriers of reality prevent those worlds with extraordinary power from invading the real world, even the seventeenth-level powerhouses in the second soul card world cannot break through the world. Barriers, but sometimes you have to prepare for the worst, just like nuclear bombs are aimed at other countries at any time.

The top management also monitors the movements of each soul card world in real time.

There are also many so-called dueling families who have been sent in because they tried to introduce the extraordinary into reality.

In addition, some science fiction soul card worlds with technology trees similar to reality will also inspire and guide the development of science and technology in the real world. Many of the technological explosions in the real world in the past century have relied on the knowledge and knowledge of those soul card worlds. information.

These countries strongly support the life card duel system, and maybe there is a reason to cultivate more talents to explore the world of soul cards, just like scientists use games to let players around the world help them decode DNA.

In addition, power cannot invade, but it does not mean that thoughts and malice cannot invade the real world.

If World No. 1 is just a world where Soul Cards have a high mortality rate and are extremely unfriendly to Life Card Masters, then Soul Card Worlds like World No. 8 are taboo in all peaceful countries. In these countries, you are in a duel. When taking the soul extraction card test, you cannot choose worlds such as World No. 8 and other forbidden soul card worlds.

World No. 8 is a world that uses rituals and sacrifices to obtain strange powers from unknown beings. This world is full of strange and bloody religious rituals and mysterious and powerful unknown beings. It is naturally impossible for these powers to penetrate into reality. world, but the life card master who was infected by the thoughts inside would learn the rituals in the soul card world in the real world to try to sacrifice his beliefs, which led to several tragedies. Later, this world was destroyed by most countries. Disabled.

In fact, Shen Sui wanted to say that there are many similar rituals in Dawn Continent. After all, this famous stitching monster game wants to sew in all the popular elements that can be sewn in, such as the secret cult simulator, Cthulhu and so on. , are all stuffed inside. In the world view of Dawn Continent, these unity are called evil gods-but this part of the content was harmonized in a certain game update.

"So, when you perform well in the Life Card Duel Competition, the Exploration Bureau may come to recruit you and ask you to help them do some tasks to understand the Soul Card World you chose." Yuan Youxin introduced, "Of course. You can also apply to become a full-time member of the Exploration Bureau, but because you are a classified personnel, according to our country's regulations, you cannot participate in duels, because some of the life cards you use may involve state secrets. "

"Oh? Are there many people who have transferred to become members of the Exploration Bureau?"

"Not much. With this salary, how can you make money faster than participating in a duel competition and getting bonuses? But there are always people signing up every year, especially when the career path is not ideal. After all, it is an iron rice bowl. Even if the soul is stuck, it will be arranged. Go to other jobs. By the way, this position has a staff, and the exam for Exploration Bureau staff is much easier than the public exam. "Of course, what Yuan Youxin didn't say is that the duel exam is much more difficult than the public exam. .

Well, no matter which world you go to, you can't escape the civil service exam and the establishment.

Shen Sui shook the glass in his hand and suddenly asked: "So, if you help the Exploration Bureau do some exploration tasks, will there be any rewards?"

"Generally speaking, this kind of task will only be done by more famous fortune tellers. After all, if the deck is strong, it means that the opponent's soul card is also doing well in the soul card world, unless there are only a few fortune tellers in your soul card world." Yuan Youxin glanced at Shen Sui and said, "It seems that you are very confident in making a name for yourself."

"I think you will be famous for a while after you defeat me this time."

"News like yours are basically short-lived. The people in the Exploration Bureau are very old-fashioned and rigid. They only recognize the results of professional competitions." Yuan Youxin said, "As for the task rewards you mentioned, I'm sorry, there are none."

"Voluntary labor?"

"Anyway, you will definitely not be given any rewards, prizes or anything like that."

"Then will anyone do these tasks?"

"In fact, many times those professional players are eager for the Exploration Bureau to come to them and ask them to do tasks." Yuan Youxin said with a smile.

Shen Sui was a little surprised. Are all the people in this world so noble?

Yuan Youxin seemed to see what Shen Sui was thinking and said, "Don't think of people too noble. Not many people are willing to do things without benefits."

"Then are there any hidden benefits from this exploration mission?"

"Yes." Yuan Youxin nodded and said enviously, "Tax deduction."

Shen Sui took a breath.

The prize money of the Life Card Duel Competition is subject to 20% income tax.

Shen Sui's 500,000 prize money, after deducting taxes, got 400,000, and directly deducted 100,000.

For professional competitions with higher prize money, the amount of tax deduction is even greater.

Shen Sui crossed his hands and rested his chin, and had to admit, "It's really an irresistible condition."

Chapter 43 Alice launched a sneak attack~

"Congratulations to my first student Shen Sui for winning the Tianxuan Cup!"

Shen Sui, who returned to the dormitory that night, sat helplessly on the chair in the dormitory, looking at Aragaki Tanchun who was opening a Coke for him across from him.

"I said, as my coach, I didn't see you at all during the game. As soon as the game was over, you showed up and opened champagne for me, right?"

Xinyuan Tanchun really brought a bottle of champagne, but she changed it to Coke under Shen Sui's strong opposition.

Of course, the champagne was not wasted. She opened it and poured herself a full cup.

Shen Sui is an adult and it's not like he doesn't drink. It's just that after the Tianxuan Cup is over, the first college PK competition of Tianyi College will be held next week. Shen Sui should use this time to strengthen his deck, especially the problem of too few follower cards in the deck must be solved.

The reason why he was able to win the game with Yuan Youxin was purely because of his good luck. He drew Anna at the beginning. Otherwise, relying on his own 40-card deck with a total of five follower cards, it would be common for him to draw five spell cards at the beginning. If he attacked first, it would be okay. Many of his spell cards have search, but if a deck like Yuan Youxin attacked first, it would be really unrecoverable if he was unlucky.

Should I buy some minion cards to fill my deck?

Shen Sui immediately rejected this idea. Not to mention that effective minion cards are generally expensive, even if I want to buy them, I may not be able to buy minion cards that match the characteristics of my deck.

Then I will be stuck for a long time.

Therefore, on the way back to the academy, Shen Sui had already made the next plan.

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