Bu Pei's use of this deck is like a baby lifting a sledgehammer, without even looking at the effect, he just stabs himself to death.

"I originally wanted to win a cup and go back." Bu Pei was a little disappointed.

"Are you short of the five hundred thousand?"

"Champion! The important thing is the championship, okay! I want to prove to dad that I can also become a powerful fate card master, even if I am an amateur." Bu Pei waved his fist and said.

"I feel like this deck is not in line with your dueling style." Shen Sui rolled his eyes and said.

Bu Pei thought about it: "I think so too. I'll just put it back in the card album and keep it."

"Let's add a contact information." Shen Sui showed his fangs, "I may eliminate a few cards over time and find a new home."

"I don't want ordinary life cards. They don't feel pretentious when used."

"It's a banned card."

"Okay! I'll accept it!" Bu Pei happily added Shen Sui as a friend.

He didn't even ask about the price.

Didn't ask about the effect.

"Then I wish us a happy cooperation." Shen Sui was happy to find a stable buyer for the banned cards. In his plan, all the banned cards in the spell category can be sold, and the banned cards in the follower category are his. of collections.

After all, if the follower card is a sister card, it will always make him feel uncomfortable to take it out for trading.

"I'm looking forward to meeting you in the professional arena." After getting acquainted with each other, Bu Pei is actually very easy to get along with. He is very carefree and easy to talk to. "Anyone who can defeat this deck will definitely be the world's best player in the future." A super life card master."

No, facing a duelist who doesn't even look at the effects of his own cards, anyone can win, right?

After thinking about it, Bu Pei seemed to have won nine consecutive matches in the qualifying rounds.

Well, it seems that amateur level is generally not high.

After Bu Pei left, Shen Sui sat there waiting for the results of the qualifiers.

He has a record of winning ten games. According to the organizer's competition system, he can basically enter the knockout rounds directly.

Of course, there are exceptions. If there are more than eight fate card masters who have won ten games, there will be an extra round.

Therefore, Shen Sui still needs to wait here for the results.

The results came out quickly, and he entered the knockout rounds as expected.

"Look! I just said there would be Yuan Youxin, right? How could this amateur duelist king miss the half-million-dollar prize?"

Yuan Youxin?

Shen Sui felt as if he had heard this name before.

It seems that the bonus of half a million yuan is quite attractive.

Shen Sui was not worried at all.

Even if the opponent is a famous duelist, he will not panic at all.

Everyone is here to win the bonus, who is more noble than whom?

I heard that this amateur duel king can actually apply to become a third-level life card master.

Examiners of duel exams will have their decks cut, so even if they claim to be third level, they will not be able to display their full third level strength.

Then let me test the strength of the complete third-level life card master in this world.

Chapter 33 Hello hell! Shen! age!

That night, Shen Sui had a good sleep.

When the time was synchronized, Alice seemed much more at ease. Even at night, nothing happened to Alice.

However, as a tool that is convenient for life card masters, the time adjuster is not necessarily a good thing for soul cards.

The soul card world is a real world, and multiple soul cards can exist in this world. If the life card master of each soul card turns on the time adjuster, then the time in the soul card world will be messed up. Therefore, under the self-compensation of the soul card world, the adjustment effect of the time regulator only acts within a certain range around the soul card. In different soul card worlds, this inexplicable time and space anomaly has different names.

In the magical world, this is called time and space mutation.

In the science fiction world, this is called space-time turbulence.

In the world of Xianxia, ​​this is called the secret realm of time and space.

And this also leads to the phenomenon that the time of the soul card's self is inconsistent with the time of the world he lives in. If the switch is frequent, it may lead to the cognitive collapse of the soul card.

Of course, in the hands of some rich life card masters, this time adjuster is used for cheating, especially in the world of Xianxia. They constantly accelerate the soul card to quickly increase its strength. From the perspective of the soul card, it is as if he has an extra accelerator plug-in, which allows him to have more training time than others around him.

The next day, Shen Sui came to Mingka Theme Park again.

Today, he has to play in the quarterfinals. If they win, the semifinals will be played in the afternoon.

Then in the evening, the finals will be broadcast live on the entire network.

The competition is completed in one day, which is in line with the tradition of most amateur competitions. After all, amateur players don’t have that much time to wait for the game to start.

"Hey, isn't this classmate Shen Sui?" A strange voice appeared behind Shen Sui.

Shen Sui looked back and saw a quiet boy wearing glasses.

"Hello, my name is Yu Wenyuan, and I am also a freshman at Tianyi College. I have watched your duel exam video. It is really amazing." Yu Wenyuan said enthusiastically.

Yu Wenyuan...

Among the people Yue Tao gave to report his cards, there seemed to be one named Yu Wenyuan.

Looking at Yu Wenyuan smiling in front of him, Shen Sui recalled.

"It seems that in this duel, your opponent is me." Yu Wenyuan always has a gentle smile on his face, with a feeling of familiarity.

He stood opposite Shen Sui, patted the duel instrument, and the deck began to shuffle automatically.

"Then let's get started." Shen Sui didn't say too much nonsense.

"It seems that you underestimate me, classmate Shen Sui." Yu Wenyuan adjusted his glasses, which reflected the sunlight and formed a white light, "I am very strong."

"Wow, my first move, then I'll start." Shen Sui ignored Yu Wenyuan.

"As a future competitor, I know your deck very well. Your set of chains is nothing compared to my invincible Mechanical Tyrannosaurus. With a small 1-star soul card, I The tyrannosaurus can be eaten in one bite!" Yu Wenyuan raised the corner of his mouth and said, "But I heard that your permanent spell card seems to be banned. Ah, it seems that you will not be able to use it in the professional arena in the future. Got a card."

"Which card?" Shen Sui glanced at the cards in his hand, pulled out one of them, and asked, "Is it this one?"

"Pay 13 soul points to activate the permanent spell card [Star Super Magic Array]."

Shen Sui directly activated [Star Super Magic Array], and then took out another card: "Then I pay 1 soul point and normally summon [Magic Apprentice Alice] from my hand."

The lovely Alice appeared on the stage, and the audience cheered.

This beautiful girl conquered them instantly.

"Pay 2 soul points to cover a spell card."

"Okay, my turn is over."

This kind of duel environment without hand pits is really beautiful.

Shen Sui raised his head and looked at Yu Wenyuan, stretched out his hand, palm upward, and said to Yu Wenyuan very politely:

"Please begin your turn."

Shen Sui looked at Yu Wenyuan very friendly.

He wasn't too angry, after all, reporting banned cards was something he had to experience on the way to fame.

But it doesn't mean that Shen Suiming will laugh it off when he knows that others are reporting him. Although he won't summon fists, it is still okay to use a duel to provide psychological treatment to the other party.

To actually want to use this method to defeat a powerful classmate, this is no longer an ordinary mental illness.

Must strike hard.

"Hahaha." Yu Wenyuan seemed to have thought of something happy and suddenly laughed.

Shen Sui looked at this smile as if he had seen it before.

In his previous life, when he was playing cards in a shop, his opponents laughed like this when they thought they had caught him.

"Don't think that your chain routine is invincible just because you defeated Xu Tianzhi, who is not in a complete state." Yu Wenyuan drew a card from the deck, "In this world, there are many ways to remove your soul card. I only need a small spell card to directly remove your soul card."

Yu Wenyuan turned over the soul point card and announced the beginning of his main stage.

"At this time." Shen Sui put his hand on his cover and said, "Open the cover and activate the spell card."

"It's useless." Yu Wenyuan grinned, "A 2-star spell card can't do anything at all. I only need one turn to defeat you."

Yu Wenyuan has this confidence because he started the duel with Tianhu.

The key cards in the deck are already in his hand at the beginning.

It's a pity that there weren't any live broadcasts in the qualifiers, otherwise I could have used Shen Sui's name to make a name for myself.

What's so great about defeating a fifth-level life card master? Haven't you been severely punished by me?

"Oh? Then let me try." Shen Sui tilted his head and looked at Yu Wenyuan with a half-smile.

If you were a poker player who was Shen Sui in your previous life, you would probably tremble when you see Shen Sui's smile, because if this guy smiles like this, he is probably going to do some kind of work in the underworld again.

Just as Shen Sui opened the cover, what appeared in front of the two of them was a 2-star spell card [Air Force].

"Activate the effect of the spell card [Air Force]." Shen Sui drew a card from his hand, "Activate it at the beginning of the opponent's main phase and place a card in your hand on the top of the deck."

Card name: [Air Force]

Category: Spell Card

Star rating: 2 stars

Effect: At the beginning of the opponent's main phase, you can place a card in your hand on the top of the deck to activate. When the opponent uses the first life card in the main phase, you can turn over a card on the top of the deck to judge:

〇If two life cards are of the same type, the effect of the life card used by the opponent will be invalid and destroyed, and until the end of the round, the other party cannot use the same type of life card;

〇If the two life cards are of different types, you discard all cards in your hand.

Hearing this effect, Yu Wenyuan was immediately stuck.

What card did Shen Sui put back to the top of the deck? There is no need to guess, because [Magic Apprentice Alice] is on the field, and any follower he summons will be blown up immediately.

Okay, now the most embarrassing thing happens.

If he activates the spell card in his hand to deal with Alice first, then Shen Sui can counter his spell through the effect of [Air Force], and then backhand prohibits him from using spells this round. In this case, he has no choice. In this round, the victory is completed.

The use of this life card involves paying soul points to cover the spell card, so he has no way to bypass the effect of [Air Force] in this way, and may even be directly removed from the spell pit by the opponent.

After weighing it again and again, Yu Wenyuan directly chose to pass by.

"My turn is over." Yu Wenyuan snorted coldly, discarded a card and said, "Let you live one more turn."

The starting hand of the Fate Card Duel is five cards, and the upper limit of the hand is also five cards, so Yu Wenyuan needs to discard a card at the end of the round.

Shen Sui's follower's spiritual value was not high, so he didn't need to panic at all. At most, he would only lose a little health.

"Oh? Then you end the round?" Shen Sui asked with a smile, "Are you sure?"

"Hurry up, hurry up." Looking at Shen Sui's smile, Yu Wenyuan felt inexplicably irritated, and he always felt a chill around him.

"Okay." Shen Sui took back the card he had just activated from the deck.

He activated this card very smoothly and directly: "Pay 5 soul points, activate the spell card [Malicious Gift], choose a life card from my deck to add to your hand, and then you can choose an effect to activate."

Shen Sui showed Yu Wenyuan the effect of [Malicious Gift].

Either let me draw two cards.

Or let me check.

Of course, Yu Wenyuan would not let Shen Sui get two cards for free, and he chose the second option without hesitation.

"Wow! Your cards are not bad!" Shen Sui said with wide eyes when he saw Yu Wenyuan's hand cards.

"Hmph! Take back your cards." Yu Wenyuan snorted coldly. These cards were very useful to him, enough to form a winning strategy, but they were completely useless to Shen Sui, because these were cards from two completely different soul card systems.

Shen Sui smiled and took back the life card he had stuffed into Yu Wenyuan's hand.

Hehe, this time it was just an ordinary life card. Believe it or not, next time I will stuff a big treasure into your hand that you can't throw away or use.

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