"No one!"

As her voice fell, a blood-red light lit up from her deck.

Chapter 216 Qisala: I'm playing Isabella!

Following the blood-red mist, Isabella walked onto the field with elegant steps.

Elegant figure, moving dance steps, beautiful face.

This is a mysterious, powerful, and charming vampire princess.

The confidence in Aragaki Tanchun's eyes returned.

Although she used up all her cards to summon Isabella.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as Isabella is summoned, then it's all worth it!

"Isabella!" Aragaki Tanchun pointed to the golden ship on Shen Sui's field. Although it was only one round, she had seen that among the three followers on Shen Sui's field, the golden ship was the most important one. It could be said to be the core of Shen Sui's deck. "Attack the golden ship!"

"It's useless!" Shen Sui raised the corner of his mouth, and he had guessed this long ago.


At this time, Aragaki Tanchun realized that the only target for his attack was [Daytime Knight Osana].

"As long as Osana is on the field, the opponent must select this minion as the effect target or attack target when launching a card effect or attack." Shen Sui said proudly. As a descendant of Barris, Osana also upholds Barris's fine tradition of unconditional trust and giving everything to help friends.

As long as Osana is on the field, the opponent must specify her as the target for both effect and attack.

This makes Osana one of the minion cards with the highest taunt in Shen Sui's hand.

However, because she has no resistance, Osana can basically only block one knife.

But blocking one knife can save the core minion, which is worth it.

Isabella's attack cannot target Alice and the Golden Ship at all.

Aragaki Tanchun has no choice but to specify Osana as the attack target.

Isabella's spiritual value is 3900.

Osana's spiritual value is 2200.

With the sound of battle destruction, Shen Sui also received battle damage equal to the difference in spiritual value between the two sides of the battle, and his health dropped directly from 4000 to 2300.

"My turn is over." Xin Yuan Tan Chun took a deep breath and ended her turn.

She stared at Shen Sui with burning eyes.

The next turn will be the most critical turn for Shen Sui.

With his current followers on the field, he cannot break through Isabella.

So he must perform a summoning and special summoning. And once he makes this move, Isabella's star level will rise, and her resistance will be further improved.

So, how will you deal with this matter?

Xin Yuan Tan Chun showed a curious look.

In her mind, the life cards that Shen Sui had used flashed over and over again.

Will he have a way to get rid of Isabella?

"My turn! Draw a card!"

Shen Sui smiled slightly: "I don't really want you to summon Isabella. Because once your summoning succeeds, it will be very difficult for me. I have to use a unique method to win this duel."

And if Isabella knows about this, it will be bad.

Xia Yuan Tanchun smiled confidently and said: "Whatever methods you have, just take them out? Your Holy Instrument Doll can't directly remove her!"

Xia Yuan Tanchun can think of Shen Sui's method to remove Isabella, which is the [Bound Holy Instrument Doll·Nafitaia] that he used to remove the Bodhisattva of Suffering in the quarterfinals.

The Holy Instrument Doll is an effect against the fate card player, which directly allows the opponent to remove the opponent's minions with resistance on the field. From the actual combat point of view, this card can indeed break through Isabella's resistance and remove Isabella.

However, the Holy Instrument Doll can only remove the full-resistance minions of fifteen stars.

But now, Isabella is only 13 stars, and has not yet fully developed to 15 stars.

"Unless you can complete the summoning of two minion cards in one turn, and you can draw the Holy Instrument Doll."

Seeing Shen Sui's confident look, Xin Yuan Tan Chun also felt a little guilty.

This is why she is in a hurry to get rid of the Golden Ship.

As long as the Golden Ship is on the field, Shen Sui can indeed do this.

He only needs to switch to Alice's form once and special summon a minion.

Then normally summon a minion from the hand, and you can raise Isabella's star level to 15 stars.

Shen Sui looked at Xin Yuan Tan Chun as if he was looking at a fool, and said speechlessly: "Or... you can recall the summoning conditions of the Holy Instrument Doll again?"

Xin Yuan Tan Chun was stunned.

Ah... No, I seem to have fallen into a misunderstanding.

Xin Yuan Tan Chun suddenly reacted.

Fuck! Just thinking that the effect of the Holy Instrument Doll can solve Isabella, forgetting that she must be summoned from the hand when the opponent summons a 15-star minion.

Therefore, whether Isabella has developed to fifteen stars or not, this card cannot defeat Isabella.

"So, how are you going to win?" Xin Yuan Tanchun stared at Shen Sui. She didn't think Shen Sui would come to participate in this game without any preparation. "If you can't defeat Isabella, you can't beat me."

"You are too obsessed with Isabella's resistance." Shen Sui drew a card from the deck, "and you are too obsessed with thinking about the opponent's means to defeat Isabella."

Shen Sui didn't even look at what card he drew.

Or, no matter what card he drew, it would not have any effect on the outcome of the matter.

"Why should I get rid of Isabella?" Shen Sui tilted his head and smiled at Aragaki Tanchun.

Aragaki Tanchun suddenly had a bad feeling.

"My turn." Shen Sui shouted, "Pay 5 soul points to transform the [Witch of Destruction of Truth·Horzewell] on my field."

"Transformation, 5-star form, [Red Lotus Fire·Alice]."

"At this time, the effect of the Golden Ship is activated, and I can special summon a 5-star follower from the deck."

"I choose to special summon from the deck! [Sacrificial Doll·Aida]."

Shen Sui special summoned Aida from the deck.

At this time, Isabella's effect was activated, and her star level rose to 14 stars, while Aida's star level dropped to 4. Because the spirit value was 0, it did not drop at all.

Since Isabella's effect does not have an effect that will be destroyed when the spirit value drops to 0, Aida still exists on the field.

"Activate Aida's effect." Shen Sui said immediately, "It can only be activated once in a duel. When this minion is successfully special summoned, a Sacrifice Doll derivative is generated in all the minion slots on my field."

As Aida's effect was activated, a derivative appeared in the last empty slot in Shen Sui's minion area.

"Then." Shen Sui opened the graveyard, "Activate the effect of [Substitute Doll·Jami] in the graveyard."

"Once per turn, I can banish this card in the graveyard to activate it, and add a minion card with multiple forms from the deck, graveyard, and banished area to my hand."

"Isn't your soul card on the field?" Aragaki Tanchun said in surprise.

"Who said I only have one soul card!"

Shen Sui opened the deck.

"I choose to add [Star Abyss White Dragon·Qishala] to my hand!"

"What?!" Aragaki Tanchun's face changed slightly.

"Activate the effect of [Star Abyss White Dragon·Qishala]! Release five minions on my field! Normally summon them to the field."

At this time, Isabella's star level rose to 15.

However, this had no effect on Shen Sui.

The beautiful white dragon appeared behind Shen Sui.

Her eyes fell on Isabella on the opposite side, and a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes.

"Qishala." Shen Sui raised his hand and pointed at Isabella, "Attack Isabella."

He was almost certain that Qisala would tell Isabella in great detail about the process of this duel.


I hope Isabella won't be angry!


The white light penetrated Isabella.

Isabella will not be destroyed by the battle.

She still stood on the field intact.

Xia Yuan Tanchun received 2100 points of damage, which dropped to 2900 points.

Isabella's star level therefore dropped to 13.

"Qishala's attacks that do not cause minions to be destroyed will not be counted in the number of attacks." Shen Sui said ruthlessly, "So Qishala can still attack!"

Qishala's white light penetrated Isabella again.

Xia Yuan Tanchun's health value dropped again, reaching 800 points.

At this time, Isabella's star rating dropped to 11 stars.

"Isabella's effect is activated!" Xin Yuan Tanchun grasped the last hope, "When her star rating is lower than the initial star rating, destroy all cards on the opponent's field!"

However, the blood-red power swept across Shen Sui's field, but did not cause any waves.

"It's useless! When Qishala appears on the field, she is not affected by the effects of other cards!" Shen Sui made the final judgment, "Qishala! Three consecutive hits!"

Qishala launched the final attack.

As the white light penetrated, Isabella still stood there, but Xin Yuan Tanchun behind her had already returned to zero health.

Duel victory!

Shen Sui entered the finals.

Sorry, Qishala hit Isabella.

Chapter 217 Isabella: Claude must be saved!

With Shen Sui winning the duel, the two finals places for the Magic City Duel Tournament were determined.

Shen Sui played against Yang Ligao.

One was a veteran strongman in the domestic B-class competition, the strongest seventh-level life card master Yang Ligao who had never lost this year.

The other was a recently rising genius boy, Shen Sui, who had only been a life card master for more than two months, but was already a fifth-level life card master and entered the B-class professional life card duel.

No matter which one, they were all players that could cause heated discussions on the Internet.

And with their meeting in the finals, this heat was pushed to the highest peak.

Shen Sui hadn't come down from the court yet, and the discussion about the finals of the Magic City Duel Tournament had already become a hot search.

I don't know whether Yang Ligao's personality was too successful or too unsuccessful.

Almost everyone wanted to see Yang Ligao lose this final.

However, her strength was indeed worthy of this result. In the past year, countless people wanted to challenge her dominance in Class B competitions, but only a few succeeded. This year, she has remained undefeated and has completely dominated the competition.

Netizens have very short memories. It wasn’t long before Feng Lindu’s name had long been forgotten on the Internet, like a flash in the pan. When his fame was mentioned again, it did not stir up any waves.

“Damn it! What kind of targeted card is this!” After the game, Aragaki Tanchun put his hands on his hips and said angrily.

Shen Sui looked at Aragaki Tanchun, who was a head shorter than him, and said with his hands spread out: “There is no way to do this. The effect of the card is like this.”

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