"I'm afraid Alice has to go to the Sea Tribe first." Shen Sui turned to Qisara and said.

Qisara immediately understood what Shen Sui meant: "Then I'll go back to Long Island to pick her up."

Staying with Shen Sui these days, Qisha also noticed what Alice was doing, and she already had thoughts similar to Shen Sui's.

Alice, a little girl, must be prepared at all times, no one knows what she will do next.

The key point is that most of the time, she really doesn't do things intentionally, but does things for certain purposes.

No matter in terms of purpose or results, you should not be too harsh on Alice.

But the process of realizing this is a matter of opinion. Anyway, Qisha is worried about Shen Sui's health. This sudden surprise is definitely not good for the body.

"Yeah." Shen Sui nodded, feeling a little regretful.

He has become somewhat accustomed to Chisara's presence.

Qisara flipped up her hair and stood silently behind Shen Sui.

Shen Sui blinked, thinking that Qisara would leave immediately after speaking.

"What's wrong?" Shen Sui asked curiously.

Qisha stood expressionlessly behind Shen Sui, but she seemed to be struggling with something. She pursed her lips and said, "I should be able to go back in time tomorrow morning."

"That's true." Shen Sui nodded and said, "Even if I don't turn on the regulator, they will probably be wandering on the sea for a few days."

The sea tribe lives in the deep sea, still a long way from the port.

Qisara lowered her head and followed Shen Sui silently, murmuring softly: "Tonight, there is one more night."

Shen Sui, who had just stood up, instinctively felt his legs go weak, and then suddenly stood up straight again very strongly.

When we walked out of the lounge, the audience at the venue had almost dispersed.

Xinyuan Tanchun and Wang Ming were still waiting for him there.

"Where's An Hai?" Shen Sui asked curiously.

Wang Mingdao: "He went back first and said he was preparing for a duel with you."

Shen Sui's mouth twitched slightly and said, "Are you so anxious?"

"Because your fifteen-star plant follower card was donated to us by the ancestors of the An family."

Shen Sui blinked, as if Wang Ming had said this.

He grinned: "That's right, it's a bit interesting, but the cards that enter my pocket are not so easy to take away, especially the younger sister's card."

Aragaki Tanchun saw that Wang Ming was always hesitant to speak, so he knew that there should be something confidential to say between the two of them, so he left temporarily with great sense.

"Although the conspiracy of the Suffering Poetry Society was stopped this time, as long as the Suffering Bodhisattva is still coveting this world, similar incidents will definitely happen again." Wang Ming said seriously.

Today alone, he lost several colleagues.

He knew very well that in order to prevent the Misery Poetic Society from harming civilians, this was a necessary sacrifice, but there would always be some sadness.

What he can do is not to let the sacrifices of his colleagues become meaningless. Killing the same thing in the bud is the best choice.

"We still have to continue to investigate the reason why the Misery Poetry Society covets World No. 1. Your task needs to be accelerated." Wang Mingdao.

"Actually, there's no need to worry." Shen Sui coughed twice, "Maybe the Bodhisattva of Suffering is no longer a threat."

"Don't underestimate any fifteenth-level existence." Wang Ming said seriously, "Each of them has the ability to destroy the world."

Um, actually I was talking very seriously.

The Bodhisattva of Suffering is indeed no threat.

Chapter 212 What is Advent?

When Shen Sui woke up the next day, Qisha had already left.


What a crazy night.

Shen Sui lay on the bed, looking at the white ceiling, lying there for a long time without being able to get up.

The quarterfinals on Friday, the semifinals on Saturday, and the finals on Sunday.

For three consecutive days, he finished the competition in the Magic City Duel Conference.

This is not because the Magic City Duel Conference does not want to extend the competition period to earn enough traffic, but because there are too many competitions in China. If you insist on delaying a competition for a month, many players who are aiming for high-level rankings will hesitate.

And once these players who have the strength to hit high-level positions hesitate, it means that the game loses a lot of high-level duel highlights, which will reduce the gold content of the game.

Therefore, most duels in the real world will end within half a month, and few games require a full month to complete.

As he and Aragaki Tanharu broke into the quarterfinals at the same time, their previous ambition to meet in the semifinals was realized.

Shen Sui's opponent tonight is Aragaki Tanchun.

Of the two of them, only one can enter the finals of the Magic City Duel Conference.

For both men, this is an honor that has never been achieved.

Shen Sui should start making some preparations now.

But when I looked at the time, I saw that I had slept until one o'clock in the afternoon.

Ah...women really do affect the game of cards!

Shen Sui verified this wise saying with practical actions.

Since they are opponents in the competition, they cannot enter the arena in the same car.

Although both of them are very professional fortune tellers, sometimes public opinion will not judge whether you are moral or not, they will only think in the direction they think. If the two enter the arena together, no matter how they explain it, no matter how exciting the event is, there will be people who say that the game is fake and scripted.

Today, Shen Sui is going to the arena by himself.

However, he is a family man. Now all the funds need to be saved to buy a house in Shanghai, and Shen Sui does not intend to waste too much money on transportation.

It just so happens that the Exploration Bureau also has something to do with him, so Shen Sui took Wang Ming's car and came to the Exploration Bureau.

"Shi Ruoyi has something to tell you." Wang Ming said.

"Who is Shi Ruoyi?" Shen Sui asked subconsciously.

Wang Ming was silent for a long time, and said silently: "The member of the Suffering Poetry Society who was eaten by you with the fish king and lost to you."

"Oh~! You are talking about her." Shen Sui slapped his head, and overwork had affected his memory.

"You remember the duel but not the name of your opponent." Wang Ming complained, "She is obviously a beauty, right?"

"You still pay attention to the other person's appearance when playing cards? You are not concentrating." Shen Sui made a sharp comment.

Wang Ming couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Is Ye Qing not here?" After entering the Exploration Bureau, Wang Ming took Shen Sui directly to the place where the members of the Suffering Poetry Society were temporarily detained.

In terms of affiliation, Wang Ming is not actually an employee of the Magic City Exploration Bureau. He is from the headquarters of the Exploration Bureau.

"He and Director Wu went to comfort the families of the fallen comrades." Wang Ming explained.

Shen Sui knew that this was a heavy topic and was very tactful and did not continue to ask.

Considering that these people already have a certain degree of extraordinary power, the country dare not put them in ordinary prisons at will.

Under the design of the Technical Bureau, a prison for extraordinary people is under construction.

"It will be built in about three days." Wang Ming said to Shen Sui.

This terrifying infrastructure power.

Printed into a card, it is probably a magic card for repairing the site.

Shen Sui complained in his heart.

He even thought that if there really was such a card, it would be really good.



Shen Sui narrowed his eyes and remembered the follower card that fell that day.

Although He was a character from the eighth world, his follower card fell in reality.

Does this mean that the real world can actually swipe out the life card?

Ah, if that's the case, this is interesting.

Combined with the fact that Lin Zhen once controlled the behavior of Feng Lindu in the real world by forcibly pressing the hand of Feng Lindu in that world, Shen Sui suddenly found that the real world did not seem to be that special existence. It might be the same as other soul card worlds...

While thinking about it, Shen Sui entered the sixth underground floor and saw Shi Ruoyi in a prisoner's uniform in the cold corridor room.

After washing off the heavy makeup on her face, Shi Ruoyi became more beautiful because of her clean and simple appearance.

A painful look appeared on her face.

"Good afternoon, Miss Shi Ruoyi." Shen Sui greeted Shi Ruoyi in a friendly manner.

Shi Ruoyi looked at Shen Sui deeply, and was silent for a long time. Finally, she said, "Your soul card world is world number one."

Shen Sui nodded very straightforwardly: "Yes."

"Your soul card is the witch Holzerville."

Shen Sui didn't care about being seen through. Shi Ruoyi's soul card was not indirectly killed by Alice: "It may also be the same name and surname."

"No." Shi Ruoyi said affirmatively, "I have seen the portrait of Holzerville drawn after the retelling. Although she seems to have the magic of disguise, as long as she duels with you in person, she will definitely notice this."

Speaking, Shi Ruoyi glanced at Wang Ming who was waiting outside the door: "I am curious that the Exploration Bureau has not discovered this yet."

Shen Sui played with the cup in his hand and said, "Who knows."

In fact, it was because Alice killed most of the intelligence personnel of the Exploration Bureau. They have not recovered yet. Being able to verify the information given by Shen Sui indirectly is already a great effort.

After all, it is really difficult to cultivate a soul card that can survive stably in world number one.

Wang Ming once said that there are only two divination masters left in the No. 1 world of Magic City.

One is Aragaki Tanchun.

One is Shen Sui.

Of course, I heard that the situation on the other side of the Pacific Ocean is even worse. All the soul cards of the No. 1 world were destroyed. After much difficulty, they asked for a batch of divination masters from the No. 1 soul card world from the two sons of bitches. As a result, Nan Luolin rebelled and most of the soul cards of these agents were killed or injured.

Now, the intelligence work of the entire real world on the No. 1 soul card world is on the verge of collapse.

It is strange to say that although the intelligence work of the No. 1 world was also difficult in the past few years, it was not like this year, where a large number of people died at every turn. This year, the No. 1 world seems to be in a troubled time.

"It seems that I seem to be targeted by you." Shen Sui looked at Shi Ruoyi.

Or rather, Alice was targeted.

Otherwise, Shi Ruoyi would not have seen the portrait of Alice, who was aliased as Holzerville.

"It's not us." Shi Ruoyi shook her head slowly and said, "It's the Advent Society."

"The Advent Society? What is this?" Shen Sui narrowed his eyes and said, "Is it also an organization that infiltrated from World No. 8?"

"No." Shi Ruoyi shook her head and said, "We don't know which world's supernatural people developed this organization. The only thing we know is that they seem to want to revive a very vicious superpower."

"A very vicious superpower." Shen Sui touched his chin and said, "How vicious can it be?"

"It is said that his name is Bishop Twilight."

Chapter 213 Lose to anyone but not to Isabella

When Shen Sui heard Shi Ruoyi say this, he almost slipped off his seat.

Bishop Twilight?


Isn't this me?

But I didn't develop any believers. Could it be that there are other soul cards with the same name?

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