Well, very good.

Shen Sui felt that he was about to be drained and had been separated from worldly desires.

"Is your game tonight okay?" Aragaki Tanchun asked worriedly when he saw that Shen Sui looked bad.

Shen Sui waved his hand and said, "No problem, I am very focused and energetic now!"

Without other desires, Shen Sui's attention can be said to be very focused.

Today is the third round of the Magic City Duel Competition, which is the top 16.

After the third round, the next round of the quarterfinals will have to wait until next Friday.

"The players of the Magic City Duel Competition are all very powerful life card masters, so don't take it lightly." Aragaki Tanchun advised.

When Shen Sui and Aragaki Tanchun rushed to the competition venue, the new month's banned card review was underway at the headquarters of the Beijing City Life Card Association.

In theory, whether to send a life card to the banned card list requires a series of very complicated processes, and multiple verifications are required before a judgment can be made.

And there are often many reasons why a life card enters the review stage.

One is that the card is too powerful in the game, and everyone has seen it. If the card ban review is not conducted at this time, it is difficult to guarantee the professionalism of the Life Card Association.

The other is real-name reporting.

There is actually a lot of water in this. According to the regulations, every real-name report must be verified and responded to, but there is a lot of room for discussion about which ones are really done and which ones are not.

According to the card ban regulations, for each banned card, the auditor needs to go to the location of the life card master to conduct a duel for verification, and make a comprehensive judgment based on the performance of the corresponding banned card in the duel and the performance of the life card in the previous game.

After all, some cards look very strong and fake, but that is the effect that can be achieved under very special circumstances.

Its activation conditions, its deck compatibility and other factors will affect the strength of a life card.

However, in fact, before most of the leadership was taken away by the rectification, this part of the process was not seriously gone through at all. Some people's cards were banned, and they didn't know there was such a thing as a verification duel.

In the words of the Life Card Association, there are not enough duel auditors.

But now, they can no longer use this excuse to prevaricate.

The Exploration Bureau kindly rented its members to the Life Card Association.

"All our members are retired professional players, and their professional level is absolutely beyond doubt." Zhang Fang said this to the newly appointed president of the Life Card Association.

How could the new president not know that this was a sign that the Exploration Bureau began to interfere in the Life Card Association?

But he had no way to stop it.

When the report from the Exploration Bureau was submitted, all the winds began to change.

Originally, in the eyes of the country, this was a life card duel in the entertainment industry, but it seemed to have become very important overnight, and the Exploration Bureau even gained huge power to coordinate matters related to the life card duel.

The new president also knew what money could be made and what money could not be made. He decisively rejected the banquet invitations of those families and threw all matters to the Exploration Bureau, becoming a hands-off shopkeeper.

Under this circumstance, Zhang Fang got the banned card list drawn up by the Life Card Association this month.

After being stamped by the Huaxia Fate Card Association, this banned card list will be handed over to the World Fate Card Association and become part of this month's banned card list.

Zhang Fang looked at the banned card list in his hand and sighed that the wheel of fate is good.

He was forced to retire because of the banned card, but now he has the power to control the fate of others.

However, times have changed.

The Feng Lindu incident and the Suffering Poetry Society incident have made the country realize the trend of extraordinary invasion.

This trend cannot be stopped by simply banning the exploration of the soul card world. ——Huaxia can ban it, but what about the world? Not all countries would rather bear tens of trillions of losses to nip the disaster in the bud.

With the lessons learned from the past, if other countries do not cooperate, the country will no longer be stupid enough to do such a self-destructive behavior, so the plan of using forced duels to prevent extraordinary forces from invading reality was put on the agenda.

Under this plan, the fortune-tellers who mainly fight duels will no longer be sports stars who simply play games to make money. The elite among them will become warriors who stand in the front line of the extraordinary.

After the tug-of-war with the Suffering Poetry Society for the past half month, and after sacrificing several elite members, Zhang Fang has understood the function of forced duels.

It can indeed force the extraordinary into the duel. But in the duel, the power of the extraordinary will be poured onto the fortune-tellers through the damage of the duel without reservation.

So, when facing the extraordinary, the duel may really die.

"Extraordinary..." Zhang Fang sat on the chair, rubbing his temples, looking exhausted.

In the case of uncertainty about whether the scale of the extraordinary invasion will gradually increase, in order to have enough people in the country to block the extraordinary, it is necessary to ensure the health of the fortune-tellers system so that the number of fortune-tellers in the country will not drop sharply.

At the same time, in order to block the channel of extraordinary invasion, it is necessary to allow the fortune-tellers group to have a very good professional environment to prevent people like Feng Lindu from appearing again.

No matter from which aspect, rectifying the current career environment of fate cards is the most important thing.

Zhang Fang suffered a lot from it back then, so he naturally knows the root cause of this bad environment.

The first thing he did was to rectify the card ban system.

There is a reason for the existence of the card ban system. After all, sometimes one or two fake cards can really destroy the duel environment. If these fake cards are not banned, it will worsen the competition environment.

But the card ban system should not be abused.

The natural attribute of the fate card duel is there. Even if it is a fake card, it will only be held by one person. It is impossible for everyone to have one card, and it will not cause everyone to duel with the same deck. In this case, it is very unreasonable to arbitrarily ban some people's cards that seem to be stronger.


You are too fucking fake!

Zhang Fang looked at the cards that were excluded from the banned card list.

[Vivian's hairpin].

[Malicious gift].

[Sinful Saint Anna].

[Armed Doll Soya].


Nearly ten cards, all from the same fate card master.

The reason why they were excluded from the banned card list is that the last card of this fate card master was banned less than two months ago, and the six-month ban card cooling period has not yet arrived.

Shen Sui.

Zhang Fang certainly knew this guy.

Given his relationship with Shen Sui, even if he was really on the banned card list, he would probably help Shen Sui get a few cards off.

But aren't these cards of yours too fake?

Then he checked why the last card was banned.

Oh... someone reported it with their real name.

Zhang Fang narrowed his eyes and immediately sensed the meaning of persecution. Calculating the time, this kid had just entered school at that time, right? He was actually banned from the card review?

He checked the list of reporters, and familiar names appeared in front of him one by one. They were all professional reporters with duel family backgrounds. Zhang Fang had blacklisted them a few days ago.

Suddenly, he saw a more familiar name on the list: Shen Sui.

He staggered and almost fell off the chair.

Look at the materials reported by Shen Sui with his real name, and then look at the long list of life cards that were excluded from the banned card list.

This kid... Could it be intentional?

Chapter 181 Synchronization of skills between real individuals and soul card world individuals

By the third round, there were only sixteen players left in the entire duel tournament.

With sufficient time, the schedule of the duels was more reasonable.

Of course, in order to prolong the audience's expectations, the intervals between duels were also lengthened, and filled with a large number of high-quality intermission performances.

Shen Sui and Xin Yuan Tan Chun arrived at the venue very early as usual.

The first duel was Yang Ligao's match.

Yang Ligao's performance on the field was completely different from that in the duel training hall.

Haughty look, ruthless ridicule of the opponent.

She was so powerful that she easily defeated the opponent in this match.

Even if the opponent was a seventh-level life card master like her.

"Weak people are only worthy of using such a weak deck." Yang Ligao raised her head proudly, "You are still a long way from defeating me."

"This Yang Ligao." Aragaki Tanchun said angrily, "She was so cute and sensible when she was a child, why did she become like this now."

Shen Sui glanced at Aragaki Tanchun and asked curiously: "Do you know her?"

"My childhood playmate." Aragaki Tanchun said, "Our family has some relationship with the Yang family. She was obviously very cute when she was a child. I don't know why she became like this when she grew up."

Shen Sui's mind suddenly appeared the look of Yang Ligao's face changing when the woman behind her patted her shoulder.

Maybe her current appearance is not her true appearance.

Entertainment stars always have packaged personalities.

Shen Sui complained in his heart.

After Yang Ligao's duel ended, there was a song of beautiful girls.

A group of girls wearing gorgeous Lolita short skirts came to the field to the beat of the passionate music.

"Hello everyone! We are Meow Sweet!"

Shen Sui's mouth twitched slightly, he couldn't stand this.

It would be better to give him something like XXX-48.

Just when he was about to give a sharp comment, Shen Sui looked carefully and saw a familiar figure among the beautiful girls.


Wearing cat ears all day.


Tang Lili?

Shen Sui wiped his eyes and looked at the stage again.

It was Tang Lili's figure.

Isn't this guy a fortune card master? How did he run to the stage between the venues to become an idol?

Xia Yuan Tanchun followed Shen Sui's gaze and saw Tang Lili's figure.

She only met Tang Lili once, and she was not very familiar with her, but she also knew that this loli cat girl seemed to have a little relationship with Shen Sui.

"Oh, it seems that I saw your friend." Xin Yuan Tanchun poked Shen Sui's arm and said, "Go up and say hello later? Anyway, there is still some time before the competition."

"Not interested." Shen Sui hugged his shoulders and said.

"Are you not interested in such a cute cat girl?"

"Can she become a card?" Shen Sui asked back.

Aragaki Tanchun fell into a long silence.

Could this guy be a card fetish?

No, this is too weird, isn't it?

Aragaki Tanchun was silent, and she moved her butt silently.

"What's wrong with you?" Shen Sui looked at Aragaki Tanchun's movements strangely.

Aragaki Tanchun showed a disgusted expression: "I'm afraid you will have bad desires for my cards."

Fuck! How does this guy know that I have bad desires for Isabella?

Shen Sui hesitated briefly.

Seeing Shen Sui's expression, Xin Yuan Tanchun widened her eyes in shock. She quickly covered her duel instrument with her hands, looked at Shen Sui vigilantly, and said: "Fuck! You guy! You are not really so perverted?!"


Cold sweat oozed from Shen Sui's forehead.

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