According to the effect of Purple Azalea, he special summoned a minion from the deck.

10 stars, 3000 minion.

An Yang took a deep breath.

After all the storytelling, he was also dry-mouthed.

In fact, if it weren't for the dramatic graveyard pile of Blue-feathered Turtle Dove, he would not have taken such a route of spreading the field.

But the result was good.

Next, it depends on how you face it!

"My turn is over." An Yang said.

Chapter 176 Why are you all boys! ! ! !

Shen Sui looked at the five minions on the opponent's field.

Because of the effect of Fire-crowned Sparrow, all the minions on An Yang's field will not be destroyed by battle in this round.

In this case, the best way is to kill the opponent through combat damage.

But look at the spirit value of the minions on the opponent's field. Even the lowest Fire-crowned Sparrow has a spirit value of 1000. In his own deck, except for Qisala, there seems to be no minions that can penetrate the opponent in this situation.

However, the opponent's field does not seem to be of good quality.

Three low-star minions.

One 8-star minion.

One high-star minion with no effect.

No cards in the backfield.

No cards in hand.

Hmm... there shouldn't be much of a threat...

"My turn." Shen Sui put his hand on the deck.

"At the start of the opponent's turn!" However, at this moment, An Yang got stuck and said, "Activate the effect of [Chao Feng Yu Beast·Paradise Bird] in my graveyard. It can only be activated once in a duel. When there are minions in all the minion slots on my field, I can remove them from the graveyard until the end of the turn. The opponent can use or activate up to two cards of each type of life card."

"Fuck!" Shen Sui's eyes widened, "So hell?"

This time it was Shen Sui's turn to hold back.

Use up to two cards of each type of life card?

You are even more outrageous than the surfing prosecutor! At least they only ban monster effects!

For the first time, Shen Sui felt like he was being helled by someone.

Why didn't Aragaki Tanchun tell him that An Yang had such an outrageous card?

Not only Shen Sui, but many professional players in the audience couldn't sit still when they saw An Yang's card.

Is this a ten-star card?

There are minions in all the minion slots. Is this condition difficult for a beast taming deck to achieve?

What ten-star card can be so outrageous?

An Yang seemed to feel the surprise of the people around him. Although he was very proud, he still said deliberately: "Of course, in the turn when this effect is activated, every time a minion on my field leaves the field, you can draw a card from the deck."

Even so, this card is very fake.

After laying the field, restrict the opponent's laying the field.

Not to mention laying the field, even the number of times you can activate the spell card is limited.

Then kill in the next round.

This is the strength of An Yang's new trump card.

An Yang actually didn't plan to use it so soon, because he was worried that this card would be put into the banned card list by the Fate Card Association.

But Blue-feathered Dove immediately buried Green Jade Kuri. He had to release his trump card in advance if he wanted to win the duel.

If he couldn't even make it to the finals, there was no point in hiding his trump card.

"My turn, draw a card!" Shen Sui took a deep breath and focused all his hopes on the next card draw.

[A crushing blow to the crotch]...

When Shen Sui saw this card, he fell silent.

This sloppy card name, this playful effect, but you can take a gamble!

"Pay 2 soul points, activate the spell card [A crushing blow to the crotch] from my hand!"

The interface for selecting the target appeared in front of Shen Sui.

All minions on An Yang's field except Purple Golden Azalea can become the target of this spell card.

Purple Golden Azalea does not meet the selection requirements and cannot be the target of the effect.

Shen Sui had a blank expression on his face and did not reveal any intention. He chose a 10-star minion on An Yang's field that had lost its effect as the target to activate.

Then, a multiple-choice question appeared in front of An Yang.

① Let Shen Sui gain control of the minion;

② Send all male minions on both sides' fields, decks, and hands to the graveyard.

②! ②! ②! ②! ②! ! !

An Yang didn't even hesitate.

How could a beastmaster tolerate his initial beast being snatched away by others!

How could a fate card master tolerate his soul card being snatched away by others!

As for the gender of his beasts?

If they usually sing so well and look so pretty, they should all be girls!


Then, An Yang saw that all the minions on his field except the purple azalea were blown up.

He was stunned instantly.


Why are you all boys! ! ! !

Not only the field, but also half of An Yang's deck went into the graveyard.

Not to mention An Yang, Shen Sui was also stunned.


Why can you be so reckless!

It's impossible for a beastmaster to not know the gender of his own beast, right?

Even if he was too embarrassed to check, it's the most basic setting that the most beautiful birds are generally males, right?

So Shen Sui didn't even think about An Yang not knowing the gender of his follower.

Therefore, when he saw this scene, he had only one thought in his mind:

So decisive? To prevent me from showing off your soul card, you cut off your arms?

"I..." Shen Sui hesitated for a long time, and said to An Yang in admiration, "I am willing to call you a pure love warrior."

"No. Ah, that... forget it..." An Yang said with a smile.

He didn't know how to explain this matter.

After all, if he really had to give a reason, he would be embarrassed in front of the whole world.

What kind of weird effect is this!

An Yang complained wildly in his heart. If it weren't for this strange judgment, he wouldn't have made such a big mistake.

"Your brother is really..." Wang Ming looked at An Hai on the side.

An Hai's mouth twitched slightly, but he quickly calmed down and said proudly: "It is the greatest shame for a beastmaster to have his beast taken away by others! This kid did the right thing!"

No, you worked hard to tell the story of the bookstore, and it was solved by someone else's card, so you just explained it, right?

As long as you really encounter problems related to your brother, you will just stand by your brother without thinking.

On the field, the situation was reversed at this moment.

Because four minions were sent to the graveyard, Shen Sui drew four cards from the deck according to the effect of Woodcock.

Let's not talk about the other two.

Shen Sui looked at the remaining two.

[Sacrificial Doll·Aida].

[Star Abyss White Dragon·Qisara].

"No matter what you think you made such an outrageous choice." Shen Sui raised his hand and smiled, "But this duel is over!"

"Pay 5 soul points! Normal summon from my hand! [Sacrificial Doll·Aida]!"

A cute doll that looks like Alice appeared on Shen Sui's field.

"Activate the effect of [Sacrificial Doll·Aida]! It can only be activated once in a duel. When this minion is successfully summoned or special summoned, a [Sacrificial Doll] derivative is generated in each empty space in the minion area of ​​your own side."

The next moment, identical dolls appeared in the remaining positions on the field.

"Then!" Shen Sui drew out [Star Abyss White Dragon·Qishala] from his hand.

"Activate the effect of [Star Abyss White Dragon·Qishala]! Release the Aida and [Sacrificial Doll] derivatives on the field! Normal Summon from my hand without paying the cost!"

"[Star Abyss White Dragon·Qishala]!"

"Dragon favored by the stars! Come with miracles! Qisala!"

The moment the summoning light came on, the entire venue was shrouded in the starry sky.

The bright stars appeared above the dome, mysterious and awe-inspiring.

Suddenly, a meteor streaked across the starry sky, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

Along with the brilliant starlight, a pure white dragon appeared in the starry sky.

The graceful white dragon swooped down towards the venue with a terrifying and powerful momentum.

Everyone subconsciously closed their eyes, as if waiting for the arrival of death.


The loud but beautiful dragon roar resounded throughout the venue.

Qisala's huge body appeared behind Shen Sui.

She lowered her head and rubbed Shen Sui's cheek intimately with her head.

Shen Sui raised his hand and touched Qisara's cheek.

Although it was just a projection, he seemed to be able to feel the temperature of this dragon that belonged only to him.

"Enter the battle phase." Shen Sui no longer entangled the limitation of using a maximum of two life cards of the same type. He entered the battle phase without any pause, "Qisara! Attack Zijinjuan."

Qisara, spiritual value 6000.

Zijinjuan, spiritual value 3000.

Qisara opened her mouth, and the starlight formed a striking light in her mouth.


The dazzling light, accompanied by amazing heat, hit Zijinjuan directly.

"It's useless! Zijinjuan will not be destroyed by battle!" An Yang said with a glimmer of hope.

His health value dropped to 3000 due to battle damage.

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