Soon, Chen Feng harvested a silver grain worth about 40 yuan.


When Chen Feng saw the silver grain, he sat down on the ground in dejection and shouted out.

He was really going to collapse. He spent so much effort to get a silver grain worth 40 yuan, not even 50 yuan.

What does God want to do? He looked like he earned a lot yesterday, so he should give back a little today.

Chen Feng sat on the ground and took out mineral water from his bag. He drank a big mouthful of water to moisten his throat. He earned hundreds of yuan in the morning.

"You thief, God, you're going to do this, right?"

It was already time for dinner, but Chen Feng had no appetite and was not very hungry because it was hot, so he simply didn't eat.

He carried his things and found a direction where there didn't seem to be many stones and walked over.

There really weren't many stones in this direction, just some small stones, and Chen Feng even saw a steel bar with an arc that was pointed up into the sky.

Chen Feng walked over and tried to pull it out, but the steel bar stuck in the ground didn't move at all, so it must have been pulled out very deep.

He took out a shovel and dug curiously, but still couldn't pull it out, so he kicked it and left.

Now, not to mention Chen Feng, even Zheng Ping and the others don't like scrap metal anymore.

It's not easy to carry, and it can't be sold for much money.

After walking for about twenty minutes, Chen Feng's system rang again.

He picked up a branch and drew a range around him, then took the detector and started to probe.

When he probed to the middle, the detector rang, and Chen Feng squatted down and took out the shovel.

"Dig and dig in a small waste mine..."

"Drive a big Ferrari and live in a big house..."

Chen Feng was bored while digging, and suddenly remembered this brainwashing song and couldn't help singing.

I don't know how many shovels were used, but another pit appeared in front of Chen Feng. When he was shoveling the soil again, the detector sounded.


Chen Feng shook the shovel hard this time. In the past, he had to shake off half of it before he could find the goods. This time, he simply shook off half of it and got it done in one step.

When Chen Feng directly shook off half of the soil and passed it through the detector, the detector did not sound this time, proving that the goods had been shaken out by Chen Feng.

Throwing the soil in the shovel to other places, Chen Feng lay on the ground and stretched his head to look for the half shovel of soil he had just thrown away.

Looking back and forth, Chen Feng found the gray-white particle.

It is estimated to be worth about 40 or 50 yuan, which is good to hear.

Chen Feng has become indifferent and used to it. This is probably his fate today.

Picking up the silver grain and throwing it into the bottle, Chen Feng stood up, patted the dust on his body, and walked forward with the detector.

Half an hour passed, Chen Feng didn't know how far he had walked, but the system still didn't sound.

He drank the mineral water, then twisted the bottle left and right with force, compressed the air and aimed it at a bush, and gently pushed the bottle cap with his right hand.


The bottle cap flew out like a cannonball, and white smoke came out of the bottle mouth.

What can I do if I can't find the goods? I can only entertain myself. I can't play with my mobile phone.

Throwing the bottle aside, Chen Feng picked up the detector and changed direction to continue walking forward.

After another twenty minutes, Chen Feng still found nothing. He sat under a bush to cool off, wondering if he could get a good sleep if he went back now.

After a rest, Chen Feng walked forward with the detector.

After another twenty minutes, just when he was ready to go home and that was it for today, the system finally sounded.


"There are precious metals within three meters of the host!"

The system's voice stopped Chen Feng from going back to sleep. He stood there and took a deep breath.

It's no wonder he wanted to go back to sleep. Today was really unlucky. It was the most unlucky day since his debut.

Drawing a range with his eyes, Chen Feng picked up the detector and detected it bit by bit.

This time, he got another BUFF, which was the BUFF before he turned back.

He remembered that there seemed to be a few times before he was about to leave, and then a large amount of goods came.

I hope it will be the same this time.

When it scanned two-thirds of the way, the detector made a buzzing sound.


Chen Feng put the detector down, squatted down, drew a circle with the shovel, and then started shoveling.

He shoveled the soil one shovel at a time. He was too lazy to count how many shovels he had shoveled. He would count when he finished.

If the detector didn't sound, he could shovel peacefully all day.

I can only say that Chen Feng is tired now and has nothing to do.

It affected his mood.

Chen Feng didn't know how many times he had shoveled, but the pit in front of him was not small, and the detector finally rang.


Chen Feng supported his chin with his left hand, looked at the shovel in his right hand calmly, shook it gently, and then looked at the detector.

The detector didn't ring, Chen Feng continued to shake it, his eyes were quite calm.

He shook it three or four times in a row until only half of the soil in the shovel was left. Chen Feng brought the shovel closer and started to dig it himself.

After digging a few times, he saw a gray-white particle, which was worth about thirty yuan.

"Beautiful, I knew it would be like this."

"Oh, damn..."

Chen Feng's voice was a little disappointed, he put the silver particles into the bottle, and inserted the shovel into the side of the backpack with his backhand.

He stood up with the detector in his hand.

"God damn it, I'm not going to explore anymore, I give in, it's almost three o'clock now, I'm going back to eat and sleep."

"I'll leave this unlucky place tomorrow morning and change my location."

Chen Feng even looked around carefully, wanting to remember the surroundings thoroughly, and never come to this place again, and go around when he sees it.

After looking at the direction, Chen Feng went back directly, so that's it for today, anyway, I didn't sleep well yesterday, so I went to bed early today.

He now doubted whether he was smoked by these guys, and his luck was bad.

He must buy a car when he goes back, as long as it can travel long distances, even if it's a three-wheeled vehicle, Chen Feng would rather squat in a three-wheeled vehicle at night than sleep with them.

Although it has been decided that it will be like this today, who can be willing to not see a single product worth more than 100 yuan in a day.

Even if he chose to go back, Chen Feng felt aggrieved.

After walking back for about ten minutes, the system prompt sounded.

Although Chen Feng decided to go back, he would not miss the goods intentionally, just in case there is really a good one.

He drew a range with his eyes, and with a glimmer of hope, Chen Feng took the detector and began to explore bit by bit.

This time it was quite fast, and the first line came out directly.


Chen Feng squatted down and picked up the shovel, shoveled up a shovel with force, and passed it on the detector.

The detector did not respond, and Chen Feng threw the soil high. This time there was no headwind, and Chen Feng was not blown all over.

Chen Feng shoveled again with force.

(Thank you for the gifts, the author sees them every day, thank you for your support and encouragement, each of your gifts has given the author great encouragement, the author thanks you here, and sincerely thank you all again!)

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