The smell of stinky feet, sweat and other odors mixed together almost made him fall.

"I'm going to, who has such stinky feet, aren't you afraid of poisoning, open the window quickly." Yin Xing pinched his nose and got into the car and opened the window.

Another companion got into the car and almost vomited. He covered his mouth and said disdainfully: "I'm going to, who has a foot, check it quickly, is it fermented?"

I have to say, this thing is magical. If you stay in it all the time, you don't feel so uncomfortable.

But if you go back after coming out, you can't go back at all.

Some companions were awakened and opened their eyes in a daze.

"What are you making so much noise about? There is no smell. Why can't I smell it?"

"You can't smell it yet. If I don't open the window, you will all be suffocated. This is more evil than gas." Yin Xing found a place near the window and stuck his head out.

Some people were woken up by them and couldn't help but get off the car to pee. When they left, they thought they were exaggerating. It's not as evil as they said.

When they came back, they almost didn't get in. Everyone covered their noses.

"Oh my God, who is it? Why don't you wash your feet tonight? Why didn't you notice this last night?"

"I can't do it anymore. I can't go in. I'll stay outside. Whoever wants to come in can come in."

Zheng Ping was also woken up by them. He hugged his shoulders without opening his eyes and spoke in a daze.

"You guys might be making trouble. Last night, you farted, gnashed your teeth, and snored. I don't know why I woke up in the middle of the night. I guess it was because of you guys."

"I'm the only one who sleeps well and doesn't move."

Chen Feng, who was standing by, heard this. He was so sleepy, but he still opened his mouth and cursed in a very speechless way: "Fuck you, there is no good person here, crying thief..."

This made everyone in the car laugh, even Zheng Ping couldn't hold it in.


"I'm so happy, Chen Feng said it well."

"What's wrong, am I not a good sleeper?" Zheng Ping asked curiously with a smile on his face.

"I don't want to talk." Chen Feng didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

No matter what he said tonight, he had to find someone to change seats, otherwise who could stand being taken advantage of in the middle of the night.

After half an hour, Chen Feng woke up with two dark circles under his eyes and got off the car with his things.

It was cool in the early morning. Although it was a little chilly, it was okay to wear a coat. The main thing was that after breathing the fresh air, you couldn't really go back to the car.

Everyone gathered under the car to eat. No one would light a fire to cook in the morning, so they did whatever was convenient.

After eating, everyone got on the car, and the air in the car became much better.

Huang Fei led everyone to change a location, because the previous location had been explored, and the harvest would be much less if they explored it again.

"This is fine, I think." Chen Feng looked around and said.

There was no premonition, it was mainly pleasing to the eye.

Everyone had no objection, anyway, just change a place.

"Okay, then stop here." Huang Fei parked the car and opened the door.

Everyone got off the car with their things one after another, and Huang Fei followed.

It was too boring to be alone in the car, and I would be happy to earn an extra fifty.

Chen Feng took out a shovel from his bag and pinned it to the side of his backpack, ready to start today's money-picking journey.

"Hey Fengzi, why is your backpack different from ours? Can your shovel be pinned on the side?"

Zheng Ping noticed Chen Feng's movements and realized that Chen Feng's backpack was different from theirs. He couldn't help but be surprised.

After Zheng Ping said this, the others also gathered around curiously. When they looked carefully at the side of Chen Feng's backpack, they all exclaimed.

"Oh my god, this design is good. This way, you don't have to hold the shovel in your hand all the time, or always have to dig it out of the bag."

"Awesome, Fengzi is smart and sewed one on the bag himself when there was no place."

"Damn, Fengzi, you are really unsophisticated. Why didn't you tell us about such a convenient thing."

Chen Feng was dumbfounded when he saw the surprised eyes of the crowd. He thought that these people had thought of doing this a long time ago, but they were just too lazy to do it.

Unexpectedly, he found out today that they were not too lazy to do it, but they had never thought of it at all.

Chen Feng slapped his forehead speechlessly, feeling that he had overestimated their IQ.

"I thought you all knew it a long time ago, but you just didn't want to bother. So you didn't think it was inconvenient to put the shovel in the bag and take it back and forth?" Yin Xing waved his hand and said as a matter of course: "Who would have thought of this? Although I also think it's a bit

It's hard, but I thought all gold diggers did this. I hope I can do it like you. I'll sew one when I get home. It's so convenient. "

"It's really convenient. I used to put the shovel in my trouser pocket and found a pair of torn trousers to make a hole in the pocket so that the shovel can be fixed. If I knew it could be done this way, who would still use the trousers?"

"Fengzi, do you have any other tricks? Teach us more." Someone looked at Chen Feng expectantly.

No wonder Chen Feng always gets a lot of rewards. It turns out that he really uses his brain. Unlike them, he is stubborn and uses what he learned at the beginning and never makes improvements.

"That's all. I'll tell you when I find something good later. "Chen Feng shrugged and said.

Everyone felt a little sorry when they heard this, but with Chen Feng around, they felt more confident. With such a smart person as a teammate, it was much easier.

Everyone found a direction and dispersed. Before leaving, Zheng Ping also reminded everyone not to go too far and to come back in time at night. There was already a precedent with Yin Xing.

With this example, everyone was more cautious and would never take the risk of going too far.

Yin Xing was even more afraid of the well rope after being bitten by a snake once. He would never go out of the one-kilometer range of the van today. Such a large range was enough for him to explore.

Everyone carried the tools and walked in the direction they chose. Chen Feng also walked far away with the detector.

Ten minutes later, one of the group started to win. Surprisingly, it was not Chen Feng. It was Huang Fei.

He was too lazy to walk far, so he just looked out from the side of the car, stood there and swept the detector left and right, and then walked forward and continued to sweep.

Only by seeing their detection method can you understand how efficient Chen Feng is.

Compared with Chen Feng, this efficiency is really a world of difference. Chen Feng doesn't need to explore slowly, just keep walking forward. Chen Feng's half-minute walk is enough for them to explore for half a day.


Hearing the sound of the detector, Huang Fei was delighted, and his morning sleepiness disappeared instantly.

He didn't expect that he would run into the goods after just a short while of exploration.

He was quite excited and picked up the shovel, squatted down and started to shovel the soil one shovel at a time. He hoped that this would be the first piece of gold in his life.

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