The two of them were so busy that they had to cry.

"Mom, what happened to you?" Chen Feng rushed over and said with a worried look in his eyes.

Liu Ping was sleeping and was startled by Chen Feng. She shivered and opened her eyes. When she saw that it was Chen Feng, she couldn't help but let out a long breath and patted her chest.

"You damn child, you scared me to death. What are you yelling for?"

Liu Ping complained and took a deep breath. Chen Feng scared her heart so much that it pounded.

"I don't know. Didn't they say that you and Sun Ling had a fight and you couldn't stand up, so you were carried back by Li Dazhuang?"

Chen Feng scratched his head in confusion. Liu Ping didn't seem to have any injuries.

"What nonsense! How could this happen? How could these people in the village spread rumors? I started to quarrel with Sun Ling in the morning, but we were pulled apart later, and we didn't fight." Liu Ping rolled her eyes and said.

"Oh, that's fine. I thought you were beaten up when I wasn't home." Chen Feng was relieved and sat down on the kang.

"I was waiting for you at home, wondering when you would come back so I could cook, but I got sleepy while waiting, so I thought I'd take a nap, and you scared me."

"Are you hungry? I'll heat up some food for you." Liu Ping said.


The two of them came to the outer room, and Liu Ping told him what happened today while heating up the food.

Chen Feng was also very angry after hearing this. This old woman still had no shame, what a jerk.

"Call Mrs. Zhang's son and ask what happened." Liu Ping said.

"Okay, I'll ask." Chen Feng took out his cell phone and called Mrs. Zhang's son.

If you really sold two properties for one piece of land, then this matter is definitely not over. Don't think that everything will be fine if you leave. Even if Chen Feng finds the city, he must give him an explanation today.

The call was quickly connected. Chen Feng talked with his son for about 20 minutes. During this time, he also asked Mrs. Zhang, and finally understood what was going on.

"That's what happened. That Sun Ling is shameless. I didn't sell two properties for one piece of land." Mrs. Zhang's son said.

"Okay, okay, I know what's going on. Brother, you go ahead and I'll call you if there's anything." Chen Feng said and hung up the phone.

"What's going on?" Liu Ping, who was listening to a little bit of the story, couldn't help asking.

"Mrs. Zhang couldn't grow crops on this land back then, so Sun Ling said if you can't grow crops on it, give me a piece of it, or it will just lie there."

"After all, the two families are neighbors, so Mrs. Zhang thought it would be fine if she just left it there, so if you want to grow crops, then go ahead and grow them."

"Then Sun Ling has been growing crops on it for more than a decade, but in the last few years, she couldn't eat that much, and couldn't sell it, so she never grew crops."

"When she saw we were buying a house, she came over and took over the land, thinking that it was hers as long as she grew crops on it. She's so shameless."

Chen Feng put down his phone and picked up his chopsticks.

"Who are you? You've even put a fence on our land. Go and explain the matter tomorrow and get the land back." Liu Ping couldn't just give the land away for free, especially now that she had a clue and knew it was her own land, so she spoke up.

"You have to go. Tomorrow I'll throw away the fences for her. I'll indulge her bad habits." Chen Feng naturally wouldn't swallow his anger, so he spoke up.

"But you're going, don't hit people when you're angry, otherwise you'll change your mood." Liu Ping warned.

"Don't worry, I'm not that impulsive, let's talk it out."

Chen Feng looked at his mother speechlessly, thinking what she thought of him.

The next morning...

"Fuck, you old woman, do you still have any shame? I've asked, they gave you the seeds for free back then, when did they say they gave them to you, now you call Mrs. Zhang over to confront, do you dare!"

Chen Feng pointed at Sun Ling and cursed, Liu Ping always felt that things were going to go wrong, and hurriedly pulled Chen Feng, why did this seem different from yesterday's plan?

"Who are you scolding, you little bastard? I've been planting for so many years, who said it's not mine? I've been spreading fertilizers and pesticides for so many years, isn't that money?"

"You come here now and you can plant as you please, how can it be so easy? You want to go back, okay, you give me the money I paid for fertilizers and pesticides for so many years!"

Sun Ling also pointed at Chen Feng and scolded him, and her son pulled her aside.

"Pay for the seeds and fertilizers, I'll give you a few big handfuls, do you want it? I asked you to spread it on the ground, isn't it you who is cheap, you spread it for the sake of growing vegetables and selling them for money?"

"I didn't

"Your crappy fertilizer polluted my land. I've already paid you for my land, but I'm still paying you. I don't deserve you!" Chen Feng shouted angrily.

"Okay, you don't want to accompany me, right? Then I'll take this. I'll plant the land when I get the money for fertilizer and pesticides back. I'll see what you can do to me!" Sun Ling snorted coldly and pointed at Chen Feng.

"Okay, I'll let you plant, alpaca, I'll let you plant. If I don't plant this land today, no one else can plant it!"

"You want to build a fence, right? You motherfucker!"

After scolding, Chen Feng found a pickaxe in the yard and ran directly to the garden. He dug and kicked at the fence built by Sun Ling's house.

The fence was made of thin iron, hollow in the middle, and the quality was not good. Chen Feng kicked it and it bent, and the pickaxe dug a hole.

"Hey, stop it, you little bastard, are you crazy? "

Sun Ling was so anxious when she saw her newly bought fence being torn apart by Chen Feng that she rushed forward to pull Chen Feng.

However, no matter how fat she was, could she be as strong as a young man?

Even with her pulling him, Chen Feng still kicked all the fences, and they fell to the ground one by one.

The villagers who were watching hurried forward and pulled them apart.

"Chen Feng, wait for me. Today, not only will you have to pay me for the seeds and fertilizers, but you will also have to pay me for the fence!"

"Otherwise, this matter will not end!" Sun Ling pushed away the villagers who were trying to persuade her to stop fighting, and screamed sharply.

"I'll pay you your mother's ass, and you still want me to pay you? Maybe in the next life, when you die, there will be another chance!" Chen Feng shook off Zheng Ping who was pulling him, and pointed at Sun Ling.

"If you don't pay, try it. See if I can spare you. See if I can let you farm this land in peace! "

"I won't pay you back, and you won't let me stop planting. Didn't you ask me to pay you for the pesticides? Tomorrow I'll buy two bottles of pesticides and spread them all over your land. I'll pay you back all at once!" Chen Feng roared.

It didn't take long for the scolding to last. Seeing that Chen Feng and Sun Ling were getting more and more intense, they were both persuaded by the villagers to stop.

Liu Ping and Sun Ling's son were also afraid that things would get out of hand and they would not really fight, so they all pulled back together.

The two groups quickly returned home under everyone's persuasion. After returning home, Chen Feng first went to the refrigerator to get a popsicle to eat.

After scolding all morning and kicking the fence, he was a little thirsty.

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