Before leaving, Dumbledore reminded Glenn and Hermione not to learn advanced spells too early, as it was easy to lose control and get hurt.

Glenn also knew that he was a little impatient and ambitious with the memory of two lives. If his body had not been transformed by the damage of the Obscura, he would have been doomed.

Not to mention the fact that biting off more than one can chew, he and Hermione had only been in the magic world for a few days. Stepping on the shoulders of others and accidentally researching knowledge close to the essence of magic could not change the fact that the two were still poor magic novices with incomplete development and little magic reserves.

Or they were overwhelmed by the sense of crisis and did not take into account the reality. After all, they were young.

Glenn sighed in his heart. Now that his magic power was exhausted and he could not move, he had to waste half a day.

Turning to Hermione, he said: First, thoroughly understand the knowledge of the first year of study before considering learning other knowledge. You have to work hard. I can't maintain the supersensory spell now."

The girl was the one who felt uncomfortable. Her thirst for knowledge was completely aroused by the theory that the two had verified before. Now she could only suppress the itch in her heart and continue to repeat the relatively simple things.

But she also knew that this was right.

But this did not prevent her from venting her dissatisfaction at Glenn. After glaring at him, she realized that she was winking at a blind man, and she hit him angrily.


Glenn rubbed his arm helplessly.

Hermione turned to the first page and read loudly in a clear voice:


"Sorry, I got the wrong book."


As the amount of spells they learned decreased, the two of them also refocused their attention and ears on other subjects.

In addition to"Standard Spells. Elementary" and"Magic Pharmacy and Potion", which they both liked, their hobbies were different.

Glenn was very interested in the dark magic mentioned in"Dark Powers: A Guide to Self-Defense".

Interested, I want to learn.

The three unforgivable spells sound very useful, they can torture, obtain information, and have fatal blows. Such useful things are not allowed to be used, which is a waste of heaven.

What is the saying of learning from the barbarians to defeat the barbarians (tactical retreat)!

Glenn's mind diverged, thinking about how to integrate these useful magic with the killing skills he has mastered.

Glenn has begun to conceive the possibility of combining dark magic and other magic with daggers in his mind.

If successful, this will be more effective than poisoning.

Ask Dumbledore another day if he has the technology to combine magic with objects.

As for hot weapons, they are deadly enough. Glenn's mastery of the manufacture and use of firearms in this era of Muggle society is a dimensionality reduction attack. It is still unclear whether wizards have a way to counter hot weapons.

If there is a counterattack capability, then consider the possibility of hot weapons being attached with magic, but wizards themselves cannot be separated from the flesh and blood, and sudden attacks will inevitably have a certain effect.

Glenn thought silently that since he had left his parents' sight, it was time to put the manufacture of firearms on the agenda.

Hermione preferred transfiguration, feeling that whether it was the transformation of oneself or the transformation of the outside world, it was more flexible and practical than directly releasing offensive spells.

In order to cherish the special treatment Snape gave them, from the day Glenn was able to move normally, after they went to Snape's office at 5 pm to get the medicine, except for eating, they stayed there and didn't leave, seizing the time to ask about the potion knowledge they didn't understand in the book.

Then Snape forced them to help him sort out the potion materials on the grounds of"You don't remember all the potion materials and their corresponding characteristics and formulas, and you still want to make potions?" He was not allowed to ask him questions until a certain amount was sorted out every day.

Snape, do you have a heart? Exploiting child labor like this?

Some potion materials were bloody and disgusting, which made little Hermione feel very uncomfortable, with a double blow to her sense of smell and mind. She vowed not to talk to Snape until she had memorized all the materials and formulas.

Snape: I don't want to talk to you yet, you little brat is so annoying.

Glenn took over Hermione's workload, and silently sorted out the potion materials while Hermione explained and recited. In his previous life, he was proficient in pharmacology and was very familiar with the characteristics of potion materials. Although he couldn't see what the materials looked like now, he could distinguish them by touch and smell. It was more suitable for him to classify and proportion different materials by hand than to memorize them by rote like Hermione.

Seeing that the two little ones could work together to calm down and complete the boring classification work every day, and listened to his scolding and gradually mastered the knowledge of potions, Snape's complaints about the nanny job assigned to him by Dumbledore were not so heavy, and his eyes looking at the two of them were less disgusted and more appreciative.

Then he made eye contact with Hermione, who had raised her head from her book to recite, and the little girl made a face at him.

Sure enough, I still hate children.

Gryffindor will lose 10,000 points.

What? They haven't been sorted yet?

I don't care.


"Humph, Professor Snape is such a nuisance. I brought him a midnight snack out of kindness, but he didn't say thank you. He even had time to come and watch me recite my lessons while he was teaching you how to make potions. Not only did he mock me, but I was already hiding at the edge of the sofa!"

A dog will be kicked if it passes by!" the little girl thought angrily.

One weekend after this regular lifestyle, Hermione secretly complained to Glenn while Snape was away.

"Oh, really? It seems that Miss Granger is quite dissatisfied with my way of education."

Snape's playful voice suddenly sounded behind Hermione, and the little girl jumped up in fright, and her already fluffy hair was directly blown up.

She ran behind Glenn, stuck her head out and questioned Snape with wide eyes:"Didn't you say that Professor Dumbledore wanted to see you for something? Why did you come back so soon! ?"

"He ordered me to come back and serve you two little ancestors." He sneered at Hermione

"Let's go to Diagon Alley to buy your wands, get out now!" Seeing the little girl hiding behind Glenn staring back at him, with no intention of reflecting on her secretly saying bad things behind his back, he was both angry and amused, and with a dark face, he drove the two out of the office.

He led the way, bringing Glenn and Hermione to a fireplace, and then took a box from the fireplace.

"Is this Floo powder?" Hermione asked curiously.

"It seems that our Miss Granger knows a lot. She is not as empty-headed as I thought."Snape glanced at Hermione and taunted her while pouring the silver powder. He seemed to be still bothered by Hermione's"slander".

Glenn stopped Hermione who was retreating while shouting"Don't stop me, I'm going to hit him on the knee".

Snape sneered and reminded:"The method of use is to sprinkle the powder into the fireplace first, read"Diagon Alley" loudly and clearly, and walk into the flame at the same time. Don't read it wrong, otherwise God knows where you will be teleported to."

He said to Glenn:"You go first, remember what I said."

Glenn pushed Hermione, who had a desperate face, to the sneering Snape and took out a pinch of silver powder from the box.

Turning on the super sense, he sprinkled the Floo powder on the fireplace and stepped into the flame.

"Diagon Alley."

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