I am your natural enemy

Chapter 96: Swaggering through the market, full of lies (5k)

"Do you know this guy?" Wen Yan was surprised. Is this really A Piao who transformed after death?

"I'm not sure if it's him, but his face and the clothes he appears in are indeed this person."

Feng Yao turned the notebook towards Wen Yan, letting Wen Yan see the photos on it.

"His name is He Changfeng, and he was once a well-known wealthy businessman in Nanwu County.

But later, I encountered something strange and was killed by something strange.

There are also some problems with the body after death, and there is a lingering resentment and the intention of defrauding the body.

His body was burned in a luxurious furnace at Decheng Funeral Home. "

"I've disinfected it with a luxury stove, why are there still these problems?" Wen Yan was a little confused.

"Ahem, you also know that this luxurious furnace was not there from the beginning, and the current process was not perfect from the beginning.

Many of today's standard procedures are made step by step after experiencing things.

When He Changfeng died, there were no standard procedures in place now.

The standard procedure at that time was for the luxury furnace to be completely burned to ashes.

All procedures are actually the same as normal cremation procedures.

After burning, the ashes will be handed over to the family members for them to handle on their own. "

"Then what?" Wen Yan knew without asking that something must have happened.

Feng Yao sighed.

"Then something happened. He was quite wealthy during his lifetime. He was engaged in foreign trade and later invested in real estate.

The year he died, Changfeng Company had just entered the stage of taking off.

Later, it was able to soar into the sky and become the current Changfeng Group. Many major strategic directions were set by him at that time.

He was a very poor man when he got married and felt that he had treated his wife badly.

Later, they worked hard to make money, and the couple also fell in love very much.

At least from the information I can get, after this guy gets rich, he probably won't have time to find other women.

After his death, his wife was so distraught that she took his ashes away and used his ashes to make diamonds.

But something happened later. We were still from the Lieyang Department. We found that his wife was in a trance and almost had an accident.

Then he took away the diamond jewelry that his wife carried every day, destroyed it and threw it into the sea.

Since this incident, as long as the remains are cremated in a luxurious furnace, they will be buried at sea.

The way he looked and the clothes he was wearing were exactly the same as when he died.

There is a high probability that it is him. "

Wen Yan glanced at He Changfeng, who was languid and translucent on the ground.

"It turns out that he was the one who turned the ashes into diamonds. It seems that you didn't handle it properly back then."

"That was all ten years ago. In the past few decades, there was only a weak recovery of spiritual energy, and the recovery speed was extremely slow. At most, it only made some things more spiritual.

Even with Ah Piao, it is very easy to deal with. Anyone who is strong and strong can ignore Ah Piao's weaknesses.

If Ah Piao was a stronger person, a strong man from the next row would be able to suppress it with the combined yang energy.

If that doesn't work, then a company with a stronger evil spirit can directly suppress it without using any equipment.

At that time, it was not as troublesome as it is now, and it was far less powerful than people today.

With Qin Kun's strength, if it were put ten years ago, there might really be no problem that could not be solved. He could have solved it with a slap in the face.

At that time, the Lieyang Department was dealing with many things for the first time. Everyone had seen it before and had no experience.

Experience is accumulated bit by bit, even for people who live in three mountains and five mountains.

The Taoist priests who had true teachings in that era might have encountered problems and had to go back and read the books.

Maybe there will be something similar and a solution in the ancient books.

Otherwise, why would the status of the Three Mountains and Five Mountains be so high now? The heritage left by our ancestors from generation to generation is really deep. "

"Don't go too far, what's going on?"

"Don't ask me, I don't know. I have to go to Changfeng Group and ask their female boss later.

In the current situation, it must be that the ashes collected back then were not all disposed of, and there must be some missing parts.

Moreover, this guy must have caught up with the accelerating spiritual energy recovery to have such an opportunity. "

Feng Yao looked at He Changfeng on the ground and couldn't help but say a few more words.

"Tell me, is this person lucky? Or is he unlucky?

He said he was lucky, he just started making a lot of money, and people died.

Call him bad luck, this guy caught up with the trend alive and made Changfeng Group a pig in the trend.

After his death, he happened to catch a storm, and he is still not dead yet. "

Wen Yan couldn't help but nodded after hearing Feng Yao's complaints.

"This guy is really lucky."

Of course he had heard of Changfeng Group, which was now a well-known large group in Nanwu County.

The people at the helm of this group have excellent vision. Ten years ago, when real estate was in decline, they dared to quit at that time.

At that time, in the eyes of outsiders, they took a desperate stance and bought a lot of land at prices that were not low at the time.

Everyone thought that after He Changfeng died, people in the company started messing around.

Unexpectedly, in the second year, housing prices in Yuzhou began to rise steadily.

The land that Changfeng Group spent a lot of money to acquire in the previous year became a huge profit in the second year, and a huge profit in the third year.

After six years of engaging in real estate, their number of land acquisitions began to plummet, and they began to cross-border investment in the Internet industry.

At that time, everyone thought that their boss's wife was messing around, but unexpectedly, two years later, it took off again.

They invested in the company behind the current short video, and they are the major shareholders of the largest platform.

When they had almost finished digesting it, real estate began to slump.

I have a lot of spare money. I have invested in a lot of miscellaneous things over the years, but most of them are industrial. In the past two years, I have started to spend a little money and invested in the gaming industry. It is said that this is also the investment of the prince of Changfeng Group. of.

Although the Lieyang Department is a real power department with great authority, if it is not absolutely necessary, it may be quite troublesome to interrogate the boss of a large group with hundreds of thousands of employees.

Wen Yan probably knew that if there was no strong leader to come forward, it would be difficult to ask.

According to the existing information, the female boss has been alone for so many years. She and He Changfeng do have a true relationship. This matter is probably directly related to the female boss.

If the current head of Changfeng Group knew that her husband still had a glimmer of hope to come back, she probably wouldn't give up.

It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t understand, but the money in her hand can help her understand.

As soon as Wen Yan's thoughts changed, he knew that the matter involved might be a bit big.

"You can't interfere in this matter. Minister Cai has to come. We are here to watch the fun today."

"You're right, I don't know anything." Feng Yao buttoned up his laptop and was not going to get involved in this matter.

Looking at He Changfeng who was already translucent on the ground, Wen Yan looked at Jiang Yanyan again.

The golden body transformed by Jiang Yanyan, with its large brain and small eyes, is not ugly, but it exudes a kind of innocence, which is silly and cute.

With this style, there is definitely no problem in bluffing people.

The more I looked at Wen Yan, the more I thought, isn't this good?

"Yanyan, I have something I want to ask you for. I have a friend named Wu. His son drowned by the Xijiang River. Although he was rescued, part of his soul was missing. Can you go and help him? Ask the water god over there to find out what’s going on?”

Wen Yan took out his cell phone, opened the map, and pointed out the section of water to Jiang Yanyan. Jiang Yanyan scratched his head.

"That area is not my territory. I can get there, but after I get there, it may not be as powerful as it is now, and the water god over there may not pay attention to me.

"Yanyan, you have to stand up. You are in the state of turning into a golden body. Go directly to the golden body. Let me see who dares not to give you face.

The entire Xijiang water system is in such chaos, I don't believe it. That section is not an important area, and someone as powerful as you can come out.

It’s not that I look down on the water gods in Xijiang. Xijiang is not even considered a Sidu. Really powerful characters are either not awake now, or they will definitely not embarrass you.

You can go ahead, but if he is also an evil priest, just beat him to death.

If anything happens, Minister Cai from the Lieyang Department will take care of it for you, don’t worry. "

Jiang Yanyan straightened her back and nodded heavily.

"Okay, I'll go ask."

Jiang Yanyan submerged into the water and disappeared.

Wen Yan watched Jiang Yanyan leave. He stretched out his hand and touched the brain of Jiang Yanyan's body. Not to mention, it felt so good and the finless porpoise was so cute.

Hey, Aunt Gan also told him to stay away from the water so that he wouldn't provoke the big boss in the north.

We have to win over the local water system. Even if we take ten thousand steps back, if we need to go to the north for something in the future, if we really provoke those two big guys and we can't fight them, can't we still run away?

They went to Nanwu County. Regardless of whether the status of the Xijiang River system is comparable to the great rivers in the north, those two would not risk the disdain of the world and let the river change its course to go south, just to beat him to death, right?

If we don't bring the big rivers, but just the main body, then our local water god of the Xijiang River system will stand up and speak.

Anyway, if you establish a good relationship with Jiang Yanyan first, at least you don't have to worry about being drowned in Nanwu County in the future.

Let Jiang Yanyan go show off in the market first... No, no, no, I want to cooperate with the Lieyang Department to promote how to be a qualified water god, and what are the benefits of being a good water god who works conscientiously and makes no mistakes.

Jiang Yanyan really didn't think that much. Grandma Fox asked him to listen to Wen Yan. If he listened to Wen Yan, not only would he not have to worry about dying miserably, but he would also get official recognition and awards. So of course he had to listen to Wen Yan. words.

Wen Yan just asked him to inquire about it. It was not a particularly difficult matter, so of course he complied.

It's just that Jiang Yanyan himself doesn't know how he will frighten the water gods along the way when he transforms into a golden body, holds a golden mace, and goes upstream from the Xijiang River.

Throughout Xijiang, from ancient times to the present, we can count on one hand all the water gods who have been granted imperial titles and summoned by ancestral talismans, including those who have been deprived of their status.

Nowadays, all the water gods in the Xijiang River, the main stream and various tributaries, are actually very local wild worshipers. Wild worshipers can barely be regarded as a good or bad term, but if there is a need, it will not matter if they are replaced by evil worshippers. pressure.

These water gods are all the same as Jiang Yanyan before. At most, they have a trace of the water god's power because someone sacrificed them. I have never seen a serious golden body of the river god.

Feeling that Jiang Yanyan was going the wrong way, everyone was as frightened as quails. Some began to recall whether they had done anything bad, and some began to wonder whether they should go to Lieyang Department and surrender.

Jiang Yanyan walked all the way upstream and came to the section where Wen Yan was talking about. After a little sensing, he found the local water god.

He went deep into the river and knocked on a stone at the bottom of the river.

"Hello, are you the local water god? I have something I want to ask you."

The stone rolled on the spot and turned into an old turtle with a shell half a meter wide.

The old turtle was lying on the bottom of the river, eyes closed, shivering.

"Forgive me, God. The little demon is not the local water god. The little demon has just lived longer and has a little bit of the power of the water god."

"I have something to ask you. A few years ago, a child named Wu fell into the water and was later rescued. His soul was damaged in the water. Do you know who did it?"

"God, please forgive me. This matter really has nothing to do with the little demon. The little demon has lived here for many years and has never harmed anyone. The last time a shipwreck happened here, it was the little demon who saved the person.

I remember that child, but it really wasn’t me. I bit the rotten fishing net that was wrapped around his feet and pulled it off.

He was about to drown at that time. It was because of his own supernatural powers that when he was about to die, he burned part of his soul and saved his life.

Later, there were people offering sacrifices by the river, but I didn’t dare to show my face.

Who would believe this? If the Lieyang Department knew about it, they would drag me out and stew me first. "

"Ah? No one asked you?" Jiang Yanyan was a little surprised.

"People from the Lieyang Department came to ask questions on a routine basis, but I didn't dare to say that I knew.

God doesn't know that the Lieyang tribe is ferocious and brutal.

If I said I knew, I would be taken out for questioning.

If you take it out, you won't be able to come back.

I heard that people from the Lieyang tribe are cruel and will eat anything.

God, don’t think I’m talking nonsense, I’ve seen it with my own eyes.

There used to be beautiful snakes on both sides of the river, but now they are all killed and extinct.

Among the beautiful snakes, some are cruel and harmful to people, but there are also some who have never harmed anyone.

They are all dead now, it’s terrible. "

The old turtle outputs all at once, which is to blame.

If people from the Lieyang Department came, he would still dare to say nothing and hide even a little bit.

But Jiang Yanyan transformed into a golden body and held a golden mace. This aura was really scary. Since he was his immediate superior, he didn't dare to hide anything. He honestly knew what to say.

Jiang Yanyan stared at the old turtle with a steady expression.

He still believed that there were few good people in the Lieyang Department, but he didn't believe that there were all cruel and bad people in the Lieyang Department.

It seems that Brother Wen is an expert hired by the Lieyang Department. This old turtle kills everyone with one blow, which looks a bit cunning.

Seeing that the old turtle was still outputting, Jiang Yanyan couldn't tell, so he stretched out his hand, grabbed the old turtle's shell, and moved forward quickly in the water.

After a while, I returned to the shore, picked up the old turtle with one hand, and threw it ashore.

"Brother Wen, this is the water god in that section. It's a little dishonest. I think it's tricking me, so I brought it to it. Just ask, Brother Wen."

There was a hint of surprise in Wen Yan's eyes, what a big turtle.

And it doesn’t look like it’s a national security animal.

The old turtle was brought all the way back by Jiang Yanyan and was already dizzy. It had never been able to move so fast in the water. When it landed on the ground, the first thing it saw was lying on its side, already semi-transparent and about to dissipate. He Changfeng.

After feeling the scent of incense on He Changfeng's body, Lao Gui felt chilled in his heart.

A dying water god.

God is actually on the same side as the Lieyang tribe!

They actually dared to kill a water god directly!

When I think about it, I am not the first in the country, nor the second in the country, nor even the third in the country.

The old turtle felt cold in his heart.

When he looked up, it was as if he saw a big pot that had been boiled with water and was waiting for it to be put into the pot.

"Speak for yourself, don't let me waste my time asking again."

Wen Yan had a straight face. Hearing that such an innocent child like Jiang Yanyan said that the old turtle was dishonest, how could he look so good?

The old turtle was so frightened that he didn't dare to stretch out his limbs, and he was trembling and wailing.

"Sir, this really has nothing to do with me. I really didn't mean it. I really don't know this person."

As soon as Wen Yan heard this, he knew there must be something inside.

"Speak slowly and from the beginning. If you dare to hide a word, I will beat you to death on the spot."

"When the child was about to drown, I wasn't smart yet. At that time, I just thought..."

"What? You still want to eat people?!"

"No, no, I wasn't smart at that time. How could I understand this? I just know that I don't have enough to eat every day.

Then after I got closer, part of the child's soul was given to me to help me enlighten my mind.

I was confused, so I tore off the rotten fishing net and pushed him to the surface.

Later, people from the Lieyang Department came and asked, how could I dare to say that I knew about this matter, so I just said that I didn't know.

I really didn’t mean it. How could I possibly swallow someone’s soul?

There is no way to tear off a part of a person's soul and still keep someone alive.

The little demon really doesn’t know..."

Wen Yan's face was as dark as water and he winked at Jiang Yanyan.

Jiang Yanyan was not that thoughtful. When he heard what the old turtle said was different from what he just said, he was immediately furious. He just thought that the old turtle was dishonest, and he was indeed dishonest!

Carrying the golden mace, he went up and hit the old turtle on the head with the mace.

The old turtle shrunk his neck and hit the turtle shell with the golden mace. Dense cracks appeared and the turtle shell was almost shattered by the blow.

"Don't... don't, spare your life, spare your life, these are true."

"If you dare to hide it again, the next move will kill you."

The old turtle shivered. Seeing Jiang Yanyan raise the golden mace again, he immediately knew that if he didn't tell the truth, he would be dead.

Being beaten to death by the golden river god with a mace, there is really no room for reasoning.

"I met this man once. Someone opened an altar and gave sacrifices to the sacrifice. They said they knew that I swallowed part of the child's soul and became wise. They asked me what part of the child's soul was lost.

If I had said that there would be sacrifices every year, they would also find a lawyer and make a contract, and they would never leak it. I was the one who said this.

If I didn't tell them, they would fish me out and kill me, just like they killed those beautiful snakes.

What can I do, I can only say. "

Wen Yan frowned and looked at He Changfeng on the ground.

Why is He Changfeng involved?

It also involves lawyers who can make contracts.

Jiang Yanyan was right, there was not a single word of truth in this old turtle's mouth.

"You said that lawyer is called Zhuge Wanjun?"

The old turtle's eyes suddenly widened, and he lay weakly on the ground, giving up resistance. Everyone knew this, and his last bit of luck was gone.

"That's the name..."

Wen Yan took out his phone and called Zhuge Wanjun on the spot.

"Hey, Jun Wan, I want to ask you something."

Remember to add more updates. I owe three more updates in total and I will pay them back within this month.

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