I am your natural enemy

Chapter 81 Dongxuan Thunder Sutra, admission (5k)

Wen Yan carefully felt the replaced temporary ability.

When it was actually replaced, more information was obtained.

This temporary ability this time is rare, and it is the ability that Wen Yan feels most directly matches the literal meaning of "natural enemy".

It is specifically aimed at the brainwashing ability of the fake Mo Zhicheng.

It is useless for him to use this ability on normal people. Only people who have been brainwashed by the fake Mo Zhicheng will use vomiting to spit out the brainwashed parts after he uses this ability.

This vomiting is a normal recovery process. In fact, it is okay to say it is a side effect, but it is also correct to say it is not.

Wen Yan felt that the real side effect was that he felt that a little of the fat on his body was digested and he became thinner.

He had finished practicing the first stage of Lieyang Fist, and Yang Qi flowed through every inch of flesh and blood in his body, making him extremely sensitive to his own body.

If he loses weight, his head will look a little bigger.

The advantage is that as a natural enemy equipped with temporary abilities, this state makes him directly immune to fake Mo Zhicheng's abilities.

The bad thing is that those who have been brainwashed by his group skills will spit out just one look at him.

It's unclear how long this nausea-inducing condition will last.

Wen Yan was a little embarrassed. Both the ability to exert one's ability and the ability to withstand it have side effects. If you find these three words "side effects" next time, you should replace the temporary ability as soon as possible and understand it clearly before talking about it.

This time the situation was a bit urgent, and he was still worried that if the temporary ability was replaced, the blazing sun would disappear.

So after stimulating the prompt, he never kept it. Even if the prompt kept giving warnings, he did not change it.

But when it came time to replace him, he didn't hesitate.

Abo faced Feizheng and was forcibly suppressed. After completing the advancement, he never retreated. What else could he be greedy for?

Listening to the sound of vomiting in the camp, along with the smell of sour water, many people started to vomit. When they looked up and saw him, they started vomiting again, almost vomiting out bile.

Wen Yan laughed dryly and quickly backed away, staying away from the camp.

And the prompts in his mind have also changed.

“Authentic Architect.

From falsehood, truth is constructed. No matter how short-lived the truth is, it is still truth. "

"Unfortunately, you are still a step too late.

You can pierce some lies, but you can no longer pierce some truths.

In the golden elixir method, there is a false elixir that is practiced three inches in front of a person's nose, and the false elixir becomes true.

One step at a time, just waiting for that day, a golden elixir will be swallowed into my belly, and my fate is up to me.

He has undergone a huge transformation and is no longer a fraudster based on falsehoods.

Power sometimes cannot destroy reality. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1: Puncture the falsehood (group).

When you say "Really? I don't believe it!", it will cut through the lies.

There are side effects.

It is recommended to use a cheaper tone.

2: The Last Whisper.

When "The Last Whisper" is released from your hands, there will be unexpected effects. "

Wen Yan took a breath. He didn't know when the fake Mo Zhicheng completed his job transfer.

He had a bad feeling when he heard Zhuge Wanjun talk about the two-day time limit and discovered that the fake Mo Zhicheng had already started the job transfer process.

Unexpectedly, the worst case scenario still occurred.

No wonder the fake Mo Zhicheng was so confident and arrogant that he dared to walk through the camp. He really wasn't afraid of overturning.

If Qin Kun is in the camp, the restrictions imposed by Mo Zhicheng may not be able to restrict a warrior of Qin Kun's level. As long as there is something strange, no matter how you subconsciously ignore his existence, you will definitely notice something is wrong. .

If you can't see, hear, or notice this person, there is a high probability that you will beat him to death.

This kind of thing is not uncommon at all. When Qin Kun met Ah Piao for the first time, he couldn't see the Ah Piao and still killed the Ah Piao with his bare hands.

But judging from what he just sensed, the fake Mo Zhicheng was quite confident. He didn't dare to go against these people's ideas when using his abilities, and he didn't even dare to get close to Cai Qidong.

Wen Yan doesn't know what Cai Qidong's strength is, but it is said that he is not weak, and this rumor is based on information from several years ago. In recent years, Cai Qidong has not made any serious moves.

As a senior member of the Lieyang Department, there is certainly no shortage of resources. Coupled with the accelerated recovery of spiritual energy in the past few years, the strength should increase quickly.

Wen Yan never asked about this, and he couldn't enter the camp now.

If he dares to go in and take a walk now, he might make a few people inside vomit to death...

He waved to Feng Yao and asked him to deal with those things. He had more important things.

The big zombie is here to support the little zombie. Due to emotional reasons, he has to stay with him, right?

Not to mention the one in palace clothes who was lying dead, the other two corpses looked like they didn't want to see the people outside. As for the eight hairy zombies, they maintained a posture ready to explode at any time.

Zhang Laoxi was still kneeling there. How could Wen Yan not see that this guy's legs were too weak to stand up.

Wen Yan turned around and the moment his eyes swept across, the reminder that had been suppressed just now appeared like a pot exploding.

"Black-haired stiff.

A warrior who is immortal in a hundred battles, a warrior who can withstand thunder and lightning, and a warrior whose will is immortal.

Congratulations, you have discovered Mao Zheng in the true sense. From now on, he should still be a member of the friendly camp.

Temporary ability: Dongxuan Thunder Sutra. "

"Fu corpse.

Ordinary zombies, like orthodox zombies, rise from the dead for a hundred years, become stiff for three hundred years, and then lurk in the earth for another five hundred years. They are transformed by deep sleep and nourishment. Once they wake up, they can regain their wisdom and the past.

A long time ago, Zuo Dao's corpse was transformed into immortal magic, and was played with tricks, so it could be regarded as a different kind of immortality.

Temporarily a member of the friendly camp.

Temporary ability: Dongxuan Thunder Sutra. "

"Flying zombie.

After a serious thousand-year stagnation, the spiritual intelligence is no different from that of a living person...

Stop looking. It will be rude if you continue to look. Hurry up and call Aunt Gan.

Temporary abilities... don't even think about it. Even if I give you a Xuanyuan Sword, you won't dare to use it. "

Wen Yan looked at the prompt that hadn't been displayed yet, and already reminded him to hug his thigh quickly. It was estimated that if he continued to read it, there would be some impact.

He didn't even have time to check on Uncle, so he approached Gan Tang with a low eyebrow and called someone smoothly.

"Aunt Gan, I'm sorry, the situation here is a bit urgent and a bit messy."

When Gan Tang heard Wen Yan come up and got close to him, his aunt immediately called him, and he immediately covered his mouth and chuckled.

The little zombie was not very happy, and he didn't know what to say.

Gan Tang had a smile on her face. Even when she smiled, she still looked dignified and her tone was calm.

"Okay, then I will agree. You are much more interesting than your ancestors."

Wen Yan laughed dryly. He was reminded that he was being led astray, so he shouted out without thinking at all.

But judging from Gantang's appearance, he probably quite likes this name.

"Aunt Gan, I actually don't know who my ancestor is."

"Your yang energy is carved from the same mold as the Thirteenth Generation, and it is more righteous than his, but it is not as...old-fashioned as the Thirteenth Generation."

Gan Tang didn't know what he was thinking of, and his tone was a little strange, with a bit of nostalgia.

Wen Yan didn't dare to ask in detail. According to what he learned now, the 13th generation founder of Fuyu Mountain was not married in a serious manner, so how could he have descendants?

But everyone seems to think that it is very normal for the thirteenth generation ancestor to have descendants.

Even Gantang, who seemed to have met the Thirteenth Generation Patriarch, agreed that it was normal for the Thirteenth Generation Patriarch to have descendants.

Wen Yan didn't quite know what happened in that era.

He only vaguely remembered that someone had heard someone say before that at that time, wealthy families married well-matched wives at their weddings. It seemed that it was not too rare for them to have a side wife and have children before their wedding.

He didn't know exactly what it was, and he didn't dare to ask about such a thing face to face.

Gantang looked back at the messy situation in the camp and motioned to the female corpse lying beside him.

"Ah Huan, go take care of it."

The woman bowed to the corpse, then turned and walked towards the camp.

Wen Yan glanced at Zhang Laoxi, whose legs were still weak, and whispered a reminder.

"Lao Xi, hurry up and bring some chairs. Do you want the seniors to stand and wait?"

When Zhang Laoxi heard this, he quickly responded and rushed into the camp.

He didn't know how Wen Yan felt. Anyway, as an uninitiated Taoist priest, he faced a flying zombie, two corpses, and eight black-haired zombies head-on. He could still kneel down and speak fluently. He felt that he was already quite powerful. .

Didn't you look at the little Taoist priest Yingfeng who followed him? He had his head lowered and his chin was almost stuck into his chest.

Zhang Laoxi moved a bunch of chairs and a table. Feng Yao prepared tea, but no one dared to come near.

Just getting a little closer will make you feel your heartbeat speeding up and about to jump out of your chest.

He didn't mean any harm, and he couldn't stop his body's instincts from warning him like crazy, and his adrenaline was almost overwhelming.

Wen Yan made green tea, and Gan Tang picked up the teacup with a surprised expression.

"Is this how you drink tea now?"

"Yes, it is like this now. The original taste of tea is sweet and fragrant, bitter at first and then sweet, with a long aftertaste."

"When I was young, people who drank tea like this were alien. Times have changed so fast. When I go out, I have to learn the current language first, but speaking is already very different."

Gantang held the tea cup and savored it carefully. While tasting it, he looked at the messy camp in the distance.

"Your magical power makes me feel familiar. At that time, it was called vomiting."

"Please give me some advice, Aunt Gan. I only know what it is, but I don't know why."

Gantang was not in a hurry to speak. He looked at the camp and didn't know what he was thinking of. He spoke after a long time.

“As I get older, I always miss the past. When I go out, all I can do is remember the past.

When I was ten years old, there was a big epidemic in my hometown, and I met a doctor.

He used gold juice as a supplement and fed it to the patient, causing the patient to vomit continuously and vomited out the disease together with it.

But from then on, when the patient saw the doctor, he could not help but feel nauseated, which was difficult to suppress.

At that time, I thought it was an ordinary treatment, but later I realized that it was based on supernatural powers and secret techniques.

On the contrary, it is quite similar to what you did today.

It’s not that I encountered it, it’s hard for me to remember it, it’s been too long. "

Gan Tang put down the tea cup, stretched out a hand, gently pulled Wen Yan, as if pulling a junior, and walked towards the camp.

"Let's go and have a look."

Wen Yan lowered his eyebrows and followed him obediently. Da Zheng was at least a thousand years old. In other people's eyes, he was just a child who hadn't grown up yet. There was indeed nothing wrong with him.

As Gantang advanced, the other big zombies followed behind without saying a word.

Entering the camp, everyone in the camp stopped where they were and fell silent together.

Cai Qidong always walked to a few meters away and bowed without saying anything.

He originally thought that Fuyu Mountain would send a few Baizhan Mao Zang to take action. After all, Fuyu Mountain's Mao Zang was a type that was particularly capable of fighting.

He also hoped that Qin Kun would be able to explain it to him, and that when the time came, Dasheng would cooperate.

Now that I saw this posture, I quickly gave it up.

It's up to them to cooperate.

He didn't have the nerve to ask Fei Zheng, a very senior and high-status person in Fuyu Mountain, to cooperate with them.

It is said that the three mountains and five mountains, especially the mountain gate that has been passed down for a long time, have extremely profound heritage. This time, Cai Qidong saw it with his own eyes.

It’s no wonder that Mount Fuyu has declined from generation to generation to this point. Most of the other big mountain tops are making sarcastic remarks, and no big mountain has ever mentioned depriving Mount Fuyu of its qualification to be awarded the urn.

It is true that a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

The rising stars who have made a big splash in recent decades are very talkative, but if there is a big crisis of the collapse of the mountain gate, they will immediately be outclassed by the declining old mountain gate like Fuyu Mountain.

Even if there was only one Fei Zong in Fuyu Mountain, that would be on another level.

The weakest one in t0 is much stronger than the one below.

Gan Tang held Wen Yan's hand and walked inside. As he walked, he felt everything here carefully.

“The magical powers of this generation are really different from those before, they are very powerful.

You don't need to worry about anything else, but I'm afraid you still have to take action on the person who is using his magical powers here. "

Wen Yan blinked.

"Aunt Gan, I don't understand."

"If I take action directly, your chances of winning will be even lower. You will know after you go there."

Gan Tang held Wen Yan's hand and walked into the pool step by step.

Abo and the other man lying on the corpse were following behind him, and they also entered the pool after him.

Entering it, Wen Yan felt a strange power coming from Gan Tang's hand. It was cold, but he didn't feel the suffocation at all when entering the water.

After the power floated away, it turned into a bubble and contained them.

The bubbles dragged them through the deep sea with no one to guide them, and they seemed to be unable to get lost.

"Water has the effect of connecting all things. I have heard that this place should be the place where water veins gather.

At that time, the powers of water and land were separated, those on land returned to land, and those in water returned to water.

Today, there is no one guarding this place where water veins gather.

It's really a time of great change, things have changed, people have changed, even the Sui Lord and He Bo from back then have disappeared.

But thinking about it, I can wake up, and they should still be here.

Remember, don’t enter the Yellow River or the Huaihe River in the future. "

"Uh..." Wen Yan had a bad feeling: "Aunt Gan, is there any explanation for this?"

"It's not like there's anything to say. It's just that when the Thirteenth Generation was still around, they provoked Suicune and He Bo. They had some... unpleasant pasts. If they wake up one day, I'm afraid they will take it out on you. .”

Although Wen Yan didn't think it was possible, people didn't know who he was.

But since it was said by his elders, he obeyed obediently.

"I understand, Aunt Gan, I won't go to these two places in the future."

He didn't know how many things the Thirteenth Generation Patriarch of Fuyu Mountain had done in his short life, but as far as he could tell, the things this old man had done were not at all old-fashioned.

In today’s terms, it’s like the waves are flying.

Not long after, a bright trace of water surface appeared above the head.

Gan Tang led them, held up the bubbles, floated out of the pool, and arrived at the chemical plant.

The place was in chaos, a lot of equipment was destroyed around the pool, and many people from the Lieyang Department fell to the ground.

Qin Kun's yang energy was like burning flames. A hundred meters away, the tide of corpses could not be seen at a glance. Qin Kun closed his eyes and was alone. The zombies he killed were piled as high as a floor.

Gantang frowned slightly as he looked at this scene.

"The corpses of soldiers who died on the battlefield are actually being used. There are really no rules at all."

Gantang walked in the air, as if climbing up the stairs, floating in mid-air, looking at the countless zombies here, and clapped his hands gently.

The two crackling sounds were clear, but like thunder, they spread throughout the entire field instantly.

In the surging tide of zombies in the field, all the walking zombies and jumping zombies stopped in an instant.

Behind the tide of corpses, two white-haired zombies wearing red helmets grinned and growled, unwilling to stop.

"It's really unruly, Ah Fu." Gantang looked unhappy.

The man who had been following him disappeared instantly.

Three seconds later, Fu Zhi suddenly appeared behind the two white-haired zombies, holding a white-haired zombie's head in one hand.

Ah Fu casually threw the two heads with helmets on the ground, turned around and walked back.

When he returned to stand behind Gantang, the two headless white-haired zombies suddenly ignited flames from the inside out, turning them into charred corpses in an instant.

At this time, Qin Kun, who had kept his eyes closed, turned around and bowed.

"Junior Qin Kun, I have met my senior."

"Senior Brother Qin, are you okay?"

"It's okay. The fake Mo Zhicheng from before came in. His ability is far stronger than what the intelligence said. He also wanted to mess with my thoughts and my eyesight. Unfortunately, after I closed my eyes, I let him run away."

Wen Yan thought for a while, then came close to Qin Kun and whispered something in his ear.

"Really? I don't believe it."

The next moment, Qin Kun felt his stomach rolling, and he vomited it out with a loud sound.

But at the same time, the feeling of struggle in my mind was vomited out along with vomiting.

He opened his eyes, glanced at Wen Yan, and immediately couldn't hold it back and continued to vomit.

"Senior Brother Qin, this trick has some side effects, you'd better not look at me."

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