I am your natural enemy

Chapter 60 Chain Reaction, Lawyer

"What do you remember?"

“We don’t remember a lot of things, I even forgot my name…

I only remember that Wang Xueqi and I were friends in a gaming group.

Apart from going to work, she just stays at home.

So we invited her to hike with us and took her out but didn’t take her back.

She completely disappeared. We wanted to find her, so we took the same path as last time.

Until we reached the stone cliff, the surrounding environment was a little distorted, and then the stone cliff broke and we all died.

After death we woke up again on a long, dark road.

We were still thinking about what we wanted to do, to find her and bring her back.

Then after walking for a long time, we walked to the basement of the house just now..."

At this time, another person couldn't help but speak.

"That's about it. Excuse me, are you a Taoist priest?"

"No, I am...well, you can understand me as the person who sees you off on your last journey. Think about it carefully, is there anything else?"

"I don't remember, I just remember what I had to do."

The three of them looked confused, trying to recall other things, but couldn't remember anything.

Zhang Laoxi sighed and walked over from behind.

"They are just ordinary people. Their bodies may have been better than those of ordinary sub-healthy people during their lifetime, and their souls may have been stronger.

But they are still ordinary people after all. After they die suddenly, the last thing they can remember is what they were doing at the time but have not yet completed.

If it hasn't dissipated yet, you are lucky.

In an hour at most, they will completely dissipate, and no one can keep them.

You can't ask questions, they don't even remember who they are. "

Wen Yan sighed, looked at the three of them, and said to Zhang Laoxi.

"Brother, please give me a ride."

Zhang Laoxi nodded, went back and moved out some things, and set up a simple altar. Holding a copper bell in his hand, he swayed gently and recited the Taishang Sutra to Save the Suffering. The low and ups and downs of the chanting were accompanied by the crisp sound of the copper bells. , turning into invisible power and spreading.

The eyes of the three Ah Piao gradually became clearer, and their figures gradually became transparent.

One of them, Ah Piao, looked at Wen Yan with a trace of prayer in his eyes.

"When you find her, can you tell us at our grave?"


Gradually, all three Ah Piao disappeared.

Wen Yan was silent for a moment, feeling a little sad.

"Brother, is this obsession?"

"It's true, but it's not true. It's actually quite common for people who die suddenly and violently to have their souls not dissipate and become strange, only remembering the last thing they had to do.

The vast majority of ordinary imps are like this. After they appear, they quickly dissipate. Only a very small number can harm people.

There are some who have deep obsessions, but compared to the total number, they are actually very few.

If the obsession is so deep that it would be like holding a corpse, even if you are given a method, there is basically no chance of it happening. "

Wen Yan was thoughtful.

"So, pretending to be Mo Zhicheng is equivalent to constantly expanding on a very strong foundation of obsession and turning it into a bug.

Otherwise, no matter how much time he spends brainwashing, he will never be able to brainwash him into a big boss? "

"What do you think? If it was that easy, there wouldn't be a big corpse-bearer for so many years. He must have carefully selected and observed it for a long time before choosing this target."

This made Wen Yan relax a little. He was really worried that the fake Mo Zhicheng would follow the same pattern and create another one.

He had seen the terrifying evolution speed of the Great Corpse with his own eyes, and he couldn't even think about not worrying about it.

I definitely have to go to the water ghost realm, but next time I’d better take Abo with me to feel a little safer.

He sent the newly obtained information to Feng Yao and asked Feng Yao to check it on the spot first.

The next day, the sun rises.

In the realm of water ghosts, Split Mother's figure disappeared silently.

Hundreds of kilometers away in the east of Yuzhou, in a very common three-story self-built house, the figure of Split Mother appeared silently.

She thought about it for a long time, then opened the door and walked downstairs.

There is a woman on the first floor wearing a small suit, a ponytail, and exquisite makeup.

While she was eating rice rolls, she was holding her mobile phone and browsing the contents at a rapid pace.

When she noticed the appearance of Split Mother, the woman did not look back and ignored him.

The split mother stood aside and told her exactly why she didn't come back yesterday and what happened, including the fact that she took it upon herself to test the situation with the help of a lone wolf.

The woman didn't speak. After finishing her breakfast, she raised her head and looked at her calmly.

"Well done. Whether they found you or threw away the things you gave out of caution, it at least proves that they are worth talking about.

Being able to control black-haired zombies and send a stranger to live in modern society, his background is naturally powerful.

This kind of force cannot be unknown. As long as you want to investigate, you will definitely be able to find something.

In this day and age, unless one has never entered human society, it is impossible for there to be no traces at all.

Get that Su Yue's portrait out, and I'll find someone to check it out. "

Not long after, the mother-in-law drew a portrait, and the gentle words in the portrait seemed to be indifferent.

The woman took a picture of the portrait and saved it. She picked up her bag, got up and walked out.

"I'm going to work, you continue to do your thing. It's best if the monsters in the field come, but it doesn't matter if they don't come.

They knew that as long as this matter spread from all directions, other aliens would have ideas.

As for Su Yue, if he comes in again and has the intention to cooperate, the conditions can be relaxed.

If there is a big zombie who can help, the difficulty of what we have to do will be much reduced. "

The woman left with her bag, and not long after, she arrived at a law firm in Yuzhou New District.

As soon as he entered, he saw the law firm was busy. The big boss of the law firm frowned. After seeing her, he immediately waved to her.

"Wanjun, you're finally here, I'm almost dying of anxiety."

"What's wrong?" Wanjun was a little confused.

"Follow me." The big boss pulled her into the conference room, with a bit of regret in his tone: "Wanjun, your promotion to partner may be in trouble. Some shareholders don't agree."

"Ah, what happened?" Wan Jun was surprised, but her eyes remained calm.

"I have always supported you, you know that.

I just asked why I didn’t agree to you becoming a partner.

It turned out that the Ferrum Group had planned a package plan to invest in Nanwu County and established branches.

We are the cooperative law firm of their Nanwu County branch and dominate the market. Whether our law firm can continue to grow in the next few years depends on this wave.

But who would have thought that today, I would suddenly receive news that the people in Ferrum were going to reduce the scale of investment. This time, several of the main people in charge had already left Nanwu County. "

"Ah, is there such a thing?" Wan Jun looked surprised: "What did they say?"

"It is said that an executive from Ferrum's headquarters suddenly fell seriously ill yesterday and was sent home overnight. The remaining shareholders who came with him for inspection were involved in a car accident.

I asked someone to inquire, and it turned out that the legs of the two shareholders were broken to pieces, and the bones were set by the director of the Department of Orthopedics of the Affiliated Hospital of Yuzhou University.

As for the other executive, it is not clear what the disease is.

Wanjun, can you ask your friends to see who has any news?

Is it because Ferrum no longer wants to invest, or something unexpected happened. "

The big boss gritted his teeth when he saw Wanjun didn't speak.

"Even if Ferrum really leaves, I will still support you to become a partner. In this case, you ran all over the place to negotiate with others. If something goes wrong now, it's not your problem. It's the other shareholders' problem. I will tell it myself.”

"Let me ask first."

"Okay, then hurry up. Such a sudden attack by Ferrum Company has completely disrupted our plans for the next three years."

Wanjun returned to the office, took out her mobile phone, and made a call.

"Hey, Lao Liu, are you at the company? Are you free? Come out and have a cup of coffee."

"Stop drinking coffee. I'm not in the mood for coffee right now. I know what you want to ask. The rumors are true. The three senior executives of Ferrum Group are all lying down. One of them said he had a ruptured cerebral blood vessel and had a heart attack. He was unconscious, and his face was ugly, as if he was dead. I saw him being taken away by an ambulance with my own eyes."

Wanjun hung up the phone, frowned slightly, picked up the phone, and entered a web page. After clicking seven or eight times in a row, she finally jumped to a page.

Looking at the contents inside, her brows almost knitted together.

It was mentioned above that those people from the Ferrum Group somehow managed to offend Qin Kun from Binhai County. They issued a challenge and came to challenge him.

Originally, they didn't kill each other, they just broke the leg bones of two people, but one of the fools couldn't hold back and used the forbidden technique, which made Qin Kun angry, and beat him into a cripple on the spot with one move.

It took a lot of effort to pull down that idiot who had more than a dozen broken bones and his body was embedded in the wall.

And because of the use of forbidden techniques, the Lieyang tribe did not come to look for trouble. They were all burning incense, and they dared to press hard and ran away overnight.

According to the current intelligence, it is rumored that because the forces behind the Ferrum Group and Qin Kun were not dealt with in the first place, this time the Ferrum Company reached out and made people angry.

Otherwise, Ferrum Group didn’t just come to China to invest today. It has been here for a year or two. Qin Kun from Binhai County is not the kind of person who is always looking for trouble when he has nothing to do. Could it be that he went to Nanwu County specifically? , come to their door and slap them in the face?

Wanjun looked at the information above and felt her blood pressure rising.

She was hiding in this law firm. She had really put in a lot of effort before getting this cooperation opportunity. It was all based on her professional strength.

She cares about the identity of her partners, and in this way, she can meet people from the Ferrum Group without arousing suspicion.

It was the people behind Ferrum Group that she wanted to work with.

But who would have thought, those losers from the Ferrum Group, why would you provoke Qin Kun inexplicably?

She was quite impressed by Binhai County Qin Kun. Last year, there was a stranger from Binhai County who was a sparring partner. The effect of his professional ability would make him extremely resilient and vital. In addition, he was also a sparring partner. A professional kickboxer with great strength.

At that time, she thought that if she had time, she would go to Binhai County and recruit people in person.

Unexpectedly, the guy committed a crime and when they came to arrest him, he even hurt someone. On the way to escape, Qin Kun met him and wanted to beat Qin Kun to death.

But in the end, the so-called human-shaped sandbag was shot more than twenty times and three times in the head. He was able to carry it off with his skull. He was still running and jumping. Because he was so good at carrying it, Qin Kun had no choice but to use it. He used his martial arts skills and went all out, but finally couldn't hold back his strength and blew it up on the spot.

That guy's body covered an area as big as a playground...

This result is not in line with the usual style of the Lieyang Department. The post-event handling was not able to completely suppress the news, because it was too difficult to shovel the floor, wash the floor, wash the walls and wash the windows.

In the end, I don't know who the talented person was, but he came up with the idea to build a feces suction truck and explode it directly on the street. This gave him the perfect excuse to find a lot of people and wash the place there for three days.

The explosion of the fecal suction truck even made the news...

But the good thing is that since that day, the number of offenders in Binhai County, including some with professional abilities, has dropped off a cliff. Within seven days, the number of offenders who came to the Lieyang Department of Binhai County to surrender exceeded the number of offenders who surrendered in the previous five years. total.

Qin Kun himself also went abroad to study and exchange on behalf of the Lieyang tribe because the act of filling a street with people was too impactful.

Wan Jun's face was extremely ugly, and she scolded all the eighteen generations of the ancestors of everyone in the Ferrum Group in her heart. You said you are good people, why do you mess with such a person?

She could even imagine what impact it would have next.

Just as she was thinking about it, one of her phone rang. After she answered the call with an expressionless face, the phone rang again.

After three calls were made, three waves of forces from outside Nanwu County politely stated for various reasons that they would not be able to come to Nanwu County in the near future and were really sorry.

In one hour, I received five calls, and three forces said that I was very interested in what you were talking about, but I was sorry...

Some people say that our boss just had a fight with the local Lieyang tribe and was arrested and put under food and control. Do you have any ideas?

Some people say that we found a large tomb in Guanzhong County, which contains key clues for advancement. We will not go to Nanwu County this time, and will send you two weapons later to make amends.

There is also a direct statement that one of our masters died in the hands of the ruthless Qin Kun, and we dare not go.

Although Tuoba Martial God in Nanwu County is strong, Tuoba Martial God is the ultimate martial arts idiot and is not a matter of level six dangerous areas. We don't bother to care about anything else. The probability of us being killed by Tuoba Martial God is almost non-existent.

But Qin Kun is over there, and the probability of us being covered by Qin Kun on the playground is not small at all.

Finally, there are two separate aliens. An old ghost said that he was blocked by an old Taoist priest, and the fortune teller said that it would be very bad for him to go south and he would not go south in the past three years.

I had finally managed to win over the people before, but I didn't expect that they would be disrupted before they were even used.

She thought about it for a long time, but she still couldn't figure out what kind of serious illness the people in the Ferrum Group had!

Why are you provoking Fuyu Mountain for no reason? No matter whether Fuyu Mountain declines, it will still be prosperous!

How on earth did those idiots provoke Fuyu Mountain so that Qin Kun could fly back to China and kill them immediately.

She spent a few minutes to calm down. Without a few important foreign aids, she now felt that she had to pay attention to the information sent by her mother-in-law.

The stranger named Su Yue and the forces behind him are good at controlling zombies, so they must put more effort into it.

She put away her spare phone, picked up the phone she used normally, started contacting people, and was busy with matters at the law firm.

After it was over, she found the boss of the law firm.

“The thing is true, one is indeed in a coma, the other two have broken legs, many investment plans have been shelved, but some projects have survived.

For example, cooperation with our law firm.

The more matters they have, the more they need us, and they now have many matters that need our law firm to handle.

I have made an appointment with them, and they will come to the law firm to discuss it in the afternoon.

It seems they are in a hurry. "

"Well done." The big boss breathed a sigh of relief: "I have already talked with other shareholders, and they all recognize your ability very much. As a partner, you will definitely be beneficial to the law firm, even if it doesn't work this time. , there will be other opportunities in the future.”

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao." She smiled, a smile that came from the bottom of her heart.

She felt that she had finally been promoted in her career.

Her unusual profession is that of a lawyer.

That's why I chose to be a lawyer.

Because she clearly knows that if you want to be promoted quickly in a different profession, you have to do things in a way that is most suitable for this profession, invest your enthusiasm and energy, choose the path you want to take, and go on it unswervingly. .

Which path you choose will directly affect your professional abilities.

She felt her professional ability and smiled happily. It was rare for her to take off her disguise and smile so heartily.

The big boss of the law firm was also infected by this smile and started laughing.

On Monday, Wen Yan went to work as normal. Everything in the unit was in order, not much changed from usual days. Wen Yan, a bastard, didn't have any regular work.

But from the curator, to the deputy curator, to Lao Zhang and other employees, they are all happy.

After what happened a few days ago, they were really afraid that if something happened, they would have to do it gently.

Wen Yan was idle. When nothing happened, various departments came to visit to study. When nothing happened, he just fished and punched there. Isn't that great?

Go up and hang out... No, after studying in various departments, Wen Yan found an empty space where no one was and practiced boxing more than a dozen times before taking a walk around the old office building.

After entering, I saw a notice posted under the employee rules.

It said that Zhang Laoxi entered the old office building without a key, so in accordance with regulations, Zhang Laoxi was expelled and hereby announced.

Wen Yan looked at it for a while.

He couldn't help but sigh, after all, a leader knows so much.

Because according to the regulations in the funeral home, this kind of notice is required to be posted at the entrance and exit of the office building for every employee to see.

Old office buildings are of course also office buildings.

"Isn't Lao He shameless? You should learn more, young man, and be thick-skinned."

A voice came from behind him. Wen Yan flicked his wrist, and a telescopic swinging stick was held in his hand. Yang Qi had also been activated and blessed the swinging stick.

But then, he relaxed.

In the mirror, Lao Wang stood there leaning against the wall, looking at Wen Yan with a tsk-tsk sound.

"Not bad. It has improved a lot since the first day you came in."

Wen Yan put away his stick and called someone politely.

"Hello, Uncle Wang."

"It seems that Lao He told you?"

"The curator just told me about Uncle Wang and said that Uncle Wang has a great responsibility, so I didn't dare to disturb Uncle Wang rashly."

"Haha..." Lao Wang laughed: "Yes, Lao He was 20% shameless when he was young. You have to work harder. When you can achieve Lao He's 80% success, you don't have to worry about anyone."

"Uncle Wang was joking. I'm still too immature and I still have a lot to learn. I definitely need the guidance of my seniors. Thanks to the curator's guidance and care these days, otherwise I'm afraid I would have ended up in Uncle Zhang's luxury furnace a long time ago. "

"What about the jumping corpse?"

"Uncle Wang is joking, the zombies are gone a long time ago." Wen Yan's face did not turn red, and his heart did not beat. No matter who asked him, he would not admit it. Anyway, the zombies are indeed gone, and now there are only black-haired zombies.

Lao Wang laughed out loud on the spot. He thought about it and changed the question again.

"Okay, what about your uncle?"

"Abo has Alzheimer's disease and is recovering at my home."

Lao Wang smiled with joy from the bottom of his heart. He smiled and laughed until tears came out of his eyes.

He was afraid that Wen Yan, the young man who was considered his successor, would lose face and easily trust others in a stupid way, which would lead to big losses.

That's good now, at least he won't follow his old path.

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