I am your natural enemy

Chapter 543: The Fiery Sun Monument, Thirteen Ancestors (5k)

The tracking of the black box did not produce any results in a short period of time. Wen Yan prioritized confidentiality and only let the black box use part of the idle computing power under the existing authority to do this.

Fortunately, the Huai River has always been a key monitoring target. Since decades ago, the water conservancy projects here seem to have no major moves, and there are no big projects that are well-known to the world.

However, there are many small and medium-sized projects, and the coverage area is not small at all. The main stream of the Huai River and its large and small tributaries have a very large horizontal coverage area.

Although the monitoring cannot achieve full coverage, the key river basins, regardless of whether the cameras are relatively old, at least have them.

However, Shui Jun could not give a specific time. He did not pay attention to the time at all. Expanding the time range of screening, plus the fact that the territory itself is large, it is indeed like looking for a needle in a haystack to screen out suspicious targets.

After thinking about it, he thought of the black seed again, which seemed to have been carbonized.

If the external appearance of this seed is indeed a carbonized seed, it must have been unearthed by archaeology.

He added another task to the black box, tracking the whereabouts of the unearthed carbonized bean seeds in the past ten years, no, thirty years, and who can intervene in the related research.

Then look at the people who can get involved, who has appeared in the area he has demarcated in the past month.

This is not easy to check, if you rely solely on records, you will definitely miss people.

However, Wen Yan did not expect to be able to filter it out, so he would try his luck first, narrowing the scope and finding some clues.

Moreover, he felt that the other party dared to use this method to trick him, and he would probably pay special attention to the follow-up matters, and would pay more or less attention to the Huai River.

In this process, the black box might be able to capture it.

He did not tell anyone about this, nor did he borrow the power of the Lieyang Department.

There are many ordinary people in the Lieyang Department, and it is impossible to expect everyone to be very reliable in all matters.

Maybe some people leaked information themselves, but they may not know it.

Some people leaked information, but they may not care that they are leaking information.

Wen Yan has also seen a lot of cases, and he knows that we should not overestimate the vigilance and professionalism of some people, especially those who never go out to work and are not in contact with the front line. It is difficult for them to be as sharp as some elite field agents.

The Lieyang Department itself knows this, so many times, when going on a mission, some people know what to do specifically. Most of the time, this specific is only part of the actual execution steps of the mission. For the whole, these people are not allowed to know.

There are also some people who, in order to perform a mission, the first thing to do is to hand in personal communication tools. There are reasons for this.

If Wen Yan wants to investigate now, he will definitely have no problem visiting and checking on a large scale, and looking for various surveillance cameras that are not connected to Skynet to watch the video.

But he may not have the resources.

But someone is planning to take advantage of Shuijun. No matter what method is used, Shuijun will be furious and out of control. Starting from this incident, there will be no problem in conducting a large-scale investigation covering three counties.

As long as this thing starts, then that person or alien will definitely know it at the first time.

Most likely, they have already run away before any clues are found.

And those who dare to do this and can do this are definitely not lone wolves.

After alerting the enemy, most likely the people behind them will be cut off immediately.

The people in the previous chat group have not been caught yet, because it is very difficult to determine who they are.

If they are tracked violently, at most they can only catch a few more, and the remaining people will most likely completely abandon their original contact information and disappear directly.

It is better to catch some of the cannibals, kill the main transportation line, and then use it as a source of intelligence.

Wen Yan put away his phone and endured it for the time being. It would be boring to kill one. If they want to do it, they will pull out a bunch of them at once.

He wanted to see what these people wanted to do.

He felt that this might be a precursor to the version update. Maybe it shouldn't be so fast. In Shenzhou, as well as outside, there may be people stepping on the accelerator in various ways, and the progress has been obviously accelerated.

He can feel it inside and outside, and even feel that the crazy state outside is much crazier than that in Shenzhou, which can be called a group of demons dancing wildly.

After returning from the South China Sea, Wen Yan stayed at home and did not go anywhere. He practiced peacefully and prepared to open up the last mountain.

On the other hand, he was also studying the Xihe Talisman, experimenting with his other powers, and actively integrating these powers.

The first thing he felt was that after the eighth stone gate was opened, the power he obtained was obviously more than integration.

He could also feel a new vitality. After a long time of experimentation, he was sure that he needed something to support this power.

There was no clue for the time being, so he would work hard to practice, consolidate the foundation, and actively integrate the power.

Three days passed in a flash, and Wen Yan did not go out, but it became very lively outside.

The bodies of the killed giant beasts were pulled back. Some of them were directly cut and used as food for the Dahlia. Some of them were not suitable for consumption, so they were hung there as trophies to deter other giant beasts.

The bodies of the giant beasts were taken back for further research. This can be said to be the first time that a very complete giant beast body was captured, and the research value is very high.

A lot of people are waiting to get the samples to start research, and some people have written several pages of paper titles.

There were no giant beasts coming to Nanhai County for the time being, so the Dahlia followed to do the mission and escort the ship out to sea.

A few days later, the head of the headquarters called and asked Wen Yan to take time to come to the headquarters.

Wen Yan didn't say anything, it was probably something that needed to be interviewed. Wen Yan came to the headquarters early in the morning after having breakfast.

After arriving, I waited for more than an hour before I saw the general manager who had finished the meeting.

I haven't seen him for many days, and there is a hint of fatigue in the headmaster's brows.

"Headquarters Chief, what happened again?"

"What do you mean? They have always been there, but after the New Year there are more and more of them."

The headmaster brought Wen Yan to the office and opened the map on the wall, which was densely marked with a large number of key marks.

"Every mark on this map is actually a case that the local department cannot handle on its own."

The head of the headquarters held a laser pointer and clicked on one of the places, and the marked point enlarged accordingly.

A monster with a monkey head and four arms appeared in the picture.

"This was a case in Tianfu County three days ago. Something that had not been recorded before appeared, like a demon, but according to the classification, it was classified as a beast.

After this thing appeared, it killed a bear and thirteen sheep raised by herdsmen, all of which only ate the internal organs and devoured the blood.

There was also a herdsman who lost half of his liver after being injured. If he hadn't been rescued in time, he would have died at the hands of this monster.

When the local Lieyang people were arrested, the wire mesh was torn by the monster, injuring three people.

Then local professionals also went to help, but failed to kill him.

It was two Taoist priests from Qingcheng Mountain who took a big demon living in Qingcheng Mountain and killed him. "

The head of the headquarters clicked on another one. This time, Wen Yan recognized the picture as the Night Walker God he had seen before.

"This appeared in Guanzhong County five days ago. This time it was not in the field. Guanzhong County mobilized artillery.

Although this guy is huge, his vitality is very strong, and ordinary bullets have little effect on him.

Even artillery fire has little effect unless it hits directly.

These guys are not low in intelligence. After being injured by the weapons carried by the drone, they will crush a stone to cover a large area and knock down the drone.

After being beaten several times, I learned to dodge when I saw air-dropped artillery shells.

In the end, it took three short-range precision-guided missiles to seriously injure him and make him incapacitated. "

I randomly clicked on another one, which was the case in Jingchu County.

The picture showed a dark room, with a vague shadow of Ah Piao.

"This is a very strange Ah Piao. This old man did not get along with his children during his lifetime, and he was unwilling to hand over his inheritance to his children after his death.

There is no one in his previous generation, and his spouse is no longer alive.

He originally wanted to donate the house, but later he heard from someone that his property would be divided among his children after his death.

Finally, before he died, he ate all the real estate deeds.

The woman there didn't notice it, so she hurriedly sent it to the crematorium to be burned.

Then his house caught fire that night. When the firefighters went there, they found that the fire was difficult to put out. It continued to burn after it was put out. One firefighter was burned, so he was transferred to the Lieyang Department.

Among the people in the local department, one lost his soul and the other was burned before he figured out the whole story.

The old man wanted to take the house away, but was stopped.

Many methods are useless against the old man, far beyond what ordinary A Piao can compare with.

In the end, he had no choice but to evacuate the people upstairs and downstairs there, and reinforced it in advance. This was the end of his wish. "

The head of the headquarters opened the inside information, and there was a picture inside.

It was six stories high, but a suite on the fifth floor seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Along with the ceiling of the fifth floor, the floor of the fifth floor disappeared together.

Fortunately, this building is not high, and only one apartment is missing. The reinforcements done by Lieyang Department in advance are enough to ensure the structural stability of the building.

If this is a high-rise building with more than 30 floors, and there is suddenly a layer missing below, and part of the load-bearing structure is gone, it is guaranteed to collapse immediately.

Wen Yan looked at the things marked on the map. All kinds of small dots were densely packed. There were hundreds at least. These were all cases that were being done recently. Cases that could not be done locally and needed support from the headquarters.

"Headquarters Chief, you don't even get enough time to rest, and you are not in good spirits.

You came to me specifically to show me these things, right?

I do have some free time recently. Which case should I do? "

"I'm not looking for you to do a case. Although there are not enough manpower, it has always been like this. Many cases are also being handled by others.

There are too many cases, and it is impossible to crush resources immediately after every case arises.

If we do this, more than 90% of the cases here will not need to be done, and there will not be so many resources.

I came to you because I want to tell you that there are more and more strange Apiaos recently.

Some of them found their obsessions and solved them easily, while others were more troublesome.

Plus the monsters that appear on land, the giant beasts in the sea, etc.

There are also some people or outliers who have different ideas and do things regardless of the consequences.

Times have changed far beyond expectations, so I can only let you come in advance. "

"Headquarters Chief, we've already talked in person, can you please leave the Riddler?" Wen Yan was helpless. He could tell that the situation was not good, and it might be far worse than he expected.

"You come with me."

The headquarter leader took Wen Yan to the underground. When he came out of the elevator, he saw the old Heavenly Master here, but he didn't know whether it was the old Heavenly Master himself or the incarnation of the magic sword.

The headquarters commander went to a gate and completed the verification. After the Heavenly Master cast the spell again, the gate opened.

As the door opened, extremely huge Yang Qi roared out from inside.

In the huge hall inside, there is only one stone tablet with two words written on it.

"The blazing sun."

Those Yang Qi are as blazing as fire, and have condensed into spiraling flames, rotating around the stone tablet.

The extremely huge Yang Qi affects the flow of air and turns into strong wind, constantly blowing out of the door.

The chief of staff entered with Wen Yan, looked at the stone tablet and said.

"This is the No. 001 Rare Object of the Lieyang Department, the Lieyang Monument. I haven't seen it for a few months. The power on the Lieyang Monument has at least doubled."

The head of the headquarters introduced the origin of the Lieyang Monument, then stood sideways and got out of the way.

"I brought you here just to let you see this Burning Sun Monument. Go ahead. No matter what you do or choose, I will support you."

"Go." The old master also smiled and motioned for Wen Yan to come forward.

Wen Yan felt the blazing Yang Qi turning into fire on the Lieyang Monument. It was indeed the smell of the Lieyang, but this fire was a little different from his. As a contemporary Lieyang, he could feel it most clearly.

This is the Fierce Sun Monument left by the Thirteenth Ancestor. As the spiritual energy recovers, its power gradually begins to recover.

He walked over step by step, and the flames around him began to get stronger and stronger, until everything in sight was enveloped in firelight and blazing Yang Qi.

He couldn't even sense the headquarters commander and the Heavenly Master behind him.

The fire seemed to be sinking, and he seemed to be walking on a sky of flames, with the background color in all directions being red.

Not far ahead, a man was sitting cross-legged, looking at Wen Yan with a smile.

The other party looked at Wen Yan and stretched out his hand to motion for Wen Yan to sit down.

The next moment, a straw futon appeared above the flaming sky.

"Contemporary Lieyang is very different. It's strange that you can teach me twice."

"I can't practice Taoism."

"How can you get two treasures if you can't cultivate Taoism... Hey, two heaven-given treasures?" The other party was a little surprised. He looked at Wen Yan carefully and laughed out loud: "You are a blazing sun, and you can actually get the heaven-given treasures of water." , It’s really strange.”

"Good luck."

"God-given treasures, but none of them depend on luck."

Wen Yan looked at everything around him, and then at the young Taoist from years ago. This should be the idea or obsession left by the Thirteenth Patriarch before his death.

"Grandmaster, are you obsessed? Or just a thought?"

"It doesn't make much difference. I am dead and I left something here. I think it was my last moment's thought. I benefited from the spiritual energy recovery and I recovered along with it."

"I have met my aunt in my old dream, and I also met Aunt Gan in Fuyu Mountain. The little zombie that Aunt Gan took with her left with me and is now living in my house. Like Aunt Gan, she likes to eat small tomatoes. "

Everything the Thirteenth Patriarch was about to say stopped at this moment.

In the first sentence, he didn't understand who his aunt was, but later on, he understood who Wen Yan was talking about.

He closed his mouth, said nothing, and continued to listen to Wen Yan.

"The first time I met my aunt was in the underworld. There was a guy who wanted to summon his former homeland. Unexpectedly, he summoned my aunt. My aunt wished me not to get lost again..."

"The little zombie is very cute, but she just doesn't like going to school. I originally said that I would send her to school for two years, but she was very unhappy..."

"Aunt Gan is now a flying zombie, which is very powerful. I have only seen her fly so far. She has listened to her words and is reading in the zombie cave..."

Wen Yan talked a lot, but most of them were about the Thirteenth Ancestor's family.

Changing place, Wen Yan himself felt that if one day, he died, leaving a little bit of his mind behind, it would be activated by the revival of spiritual energy.

I'm afraid he wouldn't care too much about the situation at that time, nor would he care about whether the sun was blazing or not.

He doesn't have such a big plan, and he may continue to do what he wants to do, but the news he wants to hear most is whether the idiot is still alive, how old the little zombie is, how his silly son is doing, etc...

When Wen Yan talked about this, the Thirteenth Patriarch said nothing and just listened quietly. Wen Yan knew that the Thirteenth Patriarch must also want to know this.

Hearing that Wen Yan sent a photo to his aunt and specifically explained what the photo was, the Thirteenth Patriarch was relieved, smiled, and looked much more cordial.

Unlike when we first met, I looked like I was a mission NPC, and I felt alienated like a dummy. I just want to say, please click through the plot and get out of here. I will continue to be an NPC here. Wait for the next scorching sun.

"Thank you." The Thirteenth Ancestor raised his hand for the first time and cupped it towards Wen Yan.

"You're welcome."

"Since you can come here, are you ready to carve the blazing sun into the heaven?"

"No, it's just the people from the Lieyang Department, oh, that is, the department of the imperial court that specializes in dealing with aliens and professionals. Their immediate superiors invited me to come and see the Lieyang Monument."

"Hey, you haven't thought about it yet? Why are you here to see me?"

Hearing this, Wen Yan had a thought and suddenly understood the subtext.

"Thirteenth Ancestor, you actually didn't think about it well back then, right?"

"No, I thought about it at the time. Carving it into heaven is the best result."

"Times have changed, and I don't really want to carve the blazing sun into the heaven." Wen Yan raised his left hand, revealing the Xihe urn in his left hand: "Especially when I discovered that there are urns that do not belong to the heaven, this The feeling is even stronger.”

"There are actually divine scrolls from outside the Heavenly Palace?" The Thirteenth Patriarch was a little surprised, even more surprised than when he heard that Wen Yan couldn't practice Taoism.

But after just a glance, the Thirteenth Patriarch gave up looking closely, and he didn't want to know what the scroll was.

"From the Great Wilderness?"

"It should be."

After chatting for a while, the Thirteenth Patriarch stood up, looked at Wen Yan, and laughed.

"Well, warriors have become the mainstream. You are right. Times have changed.

I thought it was another idiot who was taught to be a fool and only knew to say stupidly that he would inherit the will of his ancestors, but in the end he could only copy and imitate.

I want to know what you would do."

As he said that, the Thirteenth Patriarch stretched out his hand and patted Wen Yan on the shoulder.

In an instant, the entire background was red, and the world under his feet was full of endless flames, and it began to collapse towards here.

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