I am your natural enemy

Chapter 516: Three Great Animals, Beautiful to Eat (5k)

The villagers who were worshipping by the river were startled and thought they were hallucinating, so they ran away.

But after calming down and thinking for a while, they realized that although the local water god had a bad temper, he was not a bad person, and it seemed that there was no human on the water god's menu.

The villagers suppressed their fear and calmed down. Last time, he heard the fisherman in the village say that he caught a big fish and was pulled into the river.

Then the local water god beat him and the big fish together. The local water god seemed to hate people dying here.

If the fisherman hadn't been really wet that day and showed off in the village with a big fish on his back, the villagers wouldn't have believed it.

The villagers believed it because his nephew was so bold that he went into the water to play and was really beaten and cried, and his buttocks were swollen.

That day, he heard that there was a child struggling in the river. His sister-in-law found that her son was not at home and no one answered the phone. She was scared and her face turned pale and her legs were weak on the spot.

He followed them and hurried to the riverside. As soon as he arrived, he saw his nephew and another jerk from the same village swimming out of the river, crying and shouting that they would never dare to do it again.

When he got closer, he found that the buttocks of the two jerk were all red marks from being beaten. It was obvious that they were beaten.

It seemed to be beaten with a cane, which did not hurt the bones. The word "pain" was emphasized, which was a necessary prop to give these jerk a complete childhood.

Later, they drank tea and boasted about these things. When they talked about these things, everyone thought that this should be normal.

Put yourself in their shoes. None of them liked to have outsiders die inexplicably in their home.

Even if you consider that the water god may not be a human, then put yourself in their shoes. If you wake up one day and find someone's chicken, cat, or dog dead in their living room, and the body is soaked beyond recognition, they will also hate it.

Even if it is a dead mouse, they don't like it.

The water god doesn't like it either, and everyone thinks it is normal.

Because of the previous experience, the villager came to worship quietly today, because his son was not very peaceful, and now he is a little older and started to rebel. He went into the water last year.

Who would have thought that he would really run into the water god, and he flattered the horse's leg.

"Water god, I really don't know, I specially selected the best black goat and cut a piece from the goat's leg.

I heard that you have to use the three major animals to worship the gods. This is the last temple fair, I specifically asked the temple keeper.

I am an ordinary person, how can I understand these... I... It was all the temple keeper who said it."

The villager was shocked and quickly passed the buck. He did ask professionals for advice, and they told him that the three major animals, cattle, sheep and pigs, are the most sincere.

But this is not forced. In the past, the conditions were not good, and the three major animals had to have some family background. The three minor animals, pigs, fish and chickens are also OK, and the three minor animals are more suitable for the local area.

According to the local saying, no chicken can make a feast, and using chicken is actually a very high standard. In addition, it is close to the water, and fish is also OK.

The villagers quickly threw the blame, but they didn't hear the water god speak again. He hurried to the riverside with a large scoop net and fished up the mutton that had been thrown down.

Fortunately, it was the New Year, and the family had everything they needed, so they quickly replaced the three small animals.

Looking at the white-cut chicken, it floated on the water for a few seconds, and then sank into the water with a whoosh, and the villagers breathed a sigh of relief.

After returning, they quickly told people that the local water god didn't like mutton. If he heard it correctly, the local water god seemed to say that the Dragon King didn't like it either.

That's right, the Dragon King lives in the water, where can he get mutton to eat on weekdays? It's probably not to his taste, and it's normal to like fishy smells instead of mutton.

It doesn't matter whether anyone believes what the villagers say. Anyway, the final result is that people who don't believe it in their mouths and hearts will still adhere to the principle of less trouble in actual actions.

During the New Year, there are the most exchanges. Relatives who haven't seen each other for several months on weekdays may come to visit during this period, and they may talk about some things.

If you say you can win the lottery by praying to the gods, 80% of people will not believe it, and the remaining 20% ​​will think you are doing something crooked.

But if you say something taboo or something you can't do, as long as it doesn't affect people much, most people will do it regardless of whether it is true or not.

Of course, these things are mysterious, and most of them are like this.

Just like when you burn incense, there are all kinds of gods and ghosts. After you tell people specifically, unless they have a serious brain disease, they will not have an extra stick of incense when they worship the gods later.

If you say you see people burning paper on the roadside, don't be so cheap as to step on the paper they burn or the circles they draw, most people will do it.

And if you say you have to wear a helmet when riding an electric bike, not many people will do it.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, a new taboo began to spread along the Xijiang River.

No one will study how it came about, but some people will complete various logics. The farther it spreads, the more they will complete it, and finally no one cares how the taboo came about.

Rumors spread the fastest, especially during the Chinese New Year. Coupled with the classic loving family group, stories began to be made up.

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, when Wen Yan opened the mysterious forum, he saw a post from someone, which was related to Xijiang. He clicked in and couldn't help but look like an old man in the subway.

It said that there was a big battle in Xijiang a few days ago. The Guilong King in Xijiang fought with a sheep monster and almost sank the boat. There were pictures and the truth below, with a picture of the damaged river boat.

In the end, the Xijiang monsters persuaded them hard, and a certain unspeakable martial god who lived in Decheng came to mediate, which was guaranteed to be a big deal.

But now Guilong King has also said that not a single drop of sheep oil can appear in Xijiang River in the future. If you don't believe it, then try it and see if Guilong King dares to pull it directly into the river.

Wen Yan looked at several pictures, and there was even a picture with a description of a villager accidentally taking the wrong offering and quickly using a scoop net to scoop it up.

Wen Yan's expression was a little bit tense. What the hell is this.

Where did the sheep demon come from?

What kind of sheep demon is so awesome that it can fight with Guilong King on Xijiang's home turf?

How come I don't know about this?

Wen Yan looked down at the replies, and sure enough, someone criticized the original poster.

"If you're bragging, at least use some logic. How could a land monster fight with Guilong King in Xijiang River and still leave alive?"

"Guilong King has such a temper that he dared to lead the water of Xijiang River directly over the levee, and finally didn't get on the Dragon Slaying Platform. I believe you if he dared to sink the boat into the river, and I believe you if a certain martial god could persuade him, but even a dog wouldn't believe that a land monster dared to provoke Guilong King in Xijiang River."

"What did the dog do to you? I remember you. You insulted the dog last time!"

Wen Yan saw that the avatar and name had changed, but he recognized who it was at a glance.

And then, as expected, the post went off topic. After arguing for more than 20 posts, the post owner popped up again and posted two pictures, one of which was a broken levee, and the other was a large bloodstain on the shore.

Wen Yan was startled, and quickly took a closer look, and then cut the picture to show Black Box.

Black Box told him that the first picture was a half-repaired levee, which had not been repaired yet, so it was normal for it to be broken.

In the second picture, I am not sure what the bloodstains are, but according to local customs, it is very likely that the place where local villagers slaughtered pigs and cattle a few days ago.

Wen Yan wanted to ask again, how did this rumor get to the mysterious forum, and suddenly found that Xiaolongbao, who was in a high-intensity confrontation with others, suddenly disappeared. Someone below mocked him, and he didn't say anything else.

Wen Yan didn't see anything else, so he turned off his phone. This rumor was so outrageous and spread so quickly. It was probably the people of Lieyang Tribe who fueled it.

Forget it, this matter has little impact.

Anyway, people here, especially those who make a living on the boat, don't like to eat mutton. There are indeed many more people who eat chicken and fish.

Wen Yan himself thinks that the difference between local mutton and northwestern mutton is a bit big, which may be the key reason.

He asked the black box, and the black box mobilized the records of Lieyang Tribe in Luoyue County.

Since yesterday, some rumors have been circulating in Luoyue County. At the beginning, they were quite simple, but later they began to have details and became more and more true.

It is true that some villagers used mutton during the worship, but it was quickly fished out.

The things in that post were a mixture of truth and falsehood, and it was difficult for people with few sources of information to distinguish the truth from the false.

Except that the sheep demon dared to fight with the Guilong King, which was false at first glance.

Now there are indeed people from the Lieyang tribe interfering. The French fighting dog who was on the line with people was answering the phone. It was a bit inconsistent with its personality in that mysterious forum to ask it not to make trouble. So give it a direction and let it make trouble in a fixed direction.

The secret message began to spread. Although it was not quite the same as the facts, at least the result was still under control.

At night, a ship transporting sand and gravel, carrying more than a thousand tons of sand and gravel, was sailing on the river.

A dark-faced boatman in the cabin put away his mobile phone, full of confusion. Why didn't he hear about what happened a few days ago?

He came to the cockpit and asked casually.

"Boss, are you hungry? Didn't you say you brought some mutton? I'm free now, so I'll stew it."

"No, that stuff consumes too much fuel." The boss also replied casually.

"Uh, didn't you say that the market will open on the second day of the New Year? Do you have to bring it?" The boatman was stunned.

"You can't bring it. When I went back to worship my ancestors yesterday, I heard about a taboo. The Dragon King of Xijiang doesn't like mutton the most. You can't bring it with you because of the mutton oil.

I said that two months ago, we collided with other boats. It must be a taboo. Otherwise, why would the water flow roll up inexplicably?

I remember it clearly. I brought a pot of stewed mutton that day.

Look how good it is today. There are no waves, no wind, and there are not many boats on the river."

The boss said it confidently, thinking that he didn't bring mutton today, and everything went smoothly.

"Boss, today is only the second day of the Chinese New Year, and many people haven't started working yet." The boatman argued, and then continued to ask: "When did this taboo come into being?"

"It has always been there. Local fishermen have not eaten mutton for decades."

The boss said it as a matter of course. Maybe he also felt that fishermen decades ago would not have had the conditions to eat it.

He immediately added in a low voice.

"When I was offering sacrifices to my ancestors, I heard from someone in the tribe that it actually started last year.

The Dragon King doesn't like it, so of course we won't bring him.

There really is a Dragon King, and someone in my tribe really saw one last year.

Anyway, mutton is more expensive than beef now.

It's better to buy a Qingyuan chicken with that money."

The boatman was listening very seriously, wanting to see if there was any news, but when he heard the last two sentences, he couldn't hold it anymore.

Forget it, this is just an excuse to be stingy.

It was almost midnight, the boat arrived at the destination, and began to unload the cargo. It was busy all the way until two or three in the morning. The boatman didn't get off the boat, but stayed on the boat and heated up some food.

It looked like tofu pudding with red oil, and stir-fried green peppers and meat.

The boatman was carrying a bowl of rice, and when he saw the boss coming, he asked expectantly.

"Boss, do you want to try it? The food sent from my hometown only looks spicy, but it's not spicy at all."

"What is this?" The owner looked at the thing in the wooden bowl that looked like tofu.

"Brain, do you want to try it? It's very tender and smooth."

The owner's face changed slightly, and he shook his head immediately. He just smelled the almost non-existent smell and felt nauseous for some reason.

The owner shook his head and left. The boatman took the bowl and moved the small stool to sit on the edge of the boat, looking at the lights on the river, eating and picking rice. However, the two bowls of vegetables were finished, and there was still half a bowl of rice.

The boatman touched his stomach, and dense bloodshot appeared in the whites of his eyes. The whole person's temperament instantly became fierce and fierce, but soon, those dense bloodshot disappeared again, and his eyes returned to their original black and white appearance.

"Sure enough, it's still the most comfortable to look at the river view and eat."

He poured the remaining half bowl of rice in the bowl into the river to feed the fish, and then carefully cleaned up the tableware and turned to leave.

The rice fell into the river and was quickly eaten up by the fish, shrimps and crabs in the river.

Ten minutes later, a big crab as big as a pot lid emerged from the mud at the bottom of the river. Its small eyes turned up, and its big claws held a hairy crab that was almost 20 centimeters long, waiting quietly.

When the dust from the bottom of the water fell, it stared at the hairy crab, and was furious. It almost clamped the hairy crab in half with one claw.

"You idiot, where did the person die? Where?

No one has drowned in the entire Xijiang River in the past few months. Now you want the first dead person to appear here, right?

How many times have I said it, it doesn't matter whether it is the water god or not, but the first dead person must not appear here!

How many times have I said it? How many times!"

The big crab was furious, and with two clicks, he dismantled the hairy crab's two legs.

"No, my king, there are no dead people."

"Do you think I can't smell it? I have smelled more dead people than you have seen living people.

This is more obvious than the smell of sheep fat, how can I tell it wrong?

Your mouth is full of the smell of dead people, and you still say no?

You dead idiot, your brains have been dug out, and you still say no?"

The furious big crab couldn't help but want to kill the hairy crab on the spot, but after thinking about it, he threw it aside.

"Hurry up and lead the way, where are the dead people?"

"There are really no dead people, and we don't eat dead people, my king."

The hairy crab was full of grievances and couldn't explain it, so he immediately took the big crab to the place where it had just begged for food.

I originally thought that eating some leftovers during the New Year would be better, but I didn't expect to eat some rice today without any meat.

When he arrived at the place, the big crab smelled the remaining smell here, summoned the crabs here, carefully identified them, and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, fortunately, no one died. The smell of death is in the rice... uh..."

Just as he let out a sigh of relief, the big crab immediately shuddered. Oh no, someone on the water is eating people.

The last time he was dragged to the Xijiang River and beheaded because of this, his wailing was still echoing in the Xijiang River.

But then, the big crab hurriedly urged the hairy crab.

"Go, hurry up, contact the people from that ministry. Didn't you give them a button last time? Where did you put it?"

"My king, didn't you say that only people with plague can become water gods?"

"You know shit. Do I care about the position of water god? I don't care at all. If I'm happy, I'll be in the river. If I'm unhappy, I'll go to the sea from the estuary. What does that ministry mean?

Someone is framing us. If anyone knows that you smell like a dead person, you'll definitely die.

Luckily, I have a wide range of knowledge and can tell the difference. Otherwise, we'll all be in big trouble.

If we're accused of cannibalism again, we'll all die!

Someone wants us to die, so I have to distance myself from them first. Do you understand?"

"My king, you threw away that button. You said that only dogs would cooperate with that ministry." The hairy crab stared with his eyes wide open and told the truth.

"You still want to compete with other dogs? Other dogs can be officials in some department. They all have a system. Do you know what system means? Go find it now!"

Half an hour later, the big crab found the button given by the Lieyang Department. According to the agreement, he held the button and pressed it three times.

This is to take into full consideration that not all of these monsters have hands and feet and can make phone calls. The equipment specially prepared for these water monsters is simple, rough, and durable.

Press three times, and the other side will receive the information and know who is looking for it and where to find it.

In the early morning of the third day of the Lunar New Year, the logistics on duty in the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou received a message that a water monster from Xijiang sent a signal.

At the same time, on a cruise ship sailing in the East China Sea, a handsome man with masculine aura took a look at his mobile phone and opened another small chat software.

"I'm telling you guys, keep a low profile recently. A village outside was destroyed. The evil god who cooperated with us somehow offended Nian on New Year's Eve, and was crushed to death by Nian. He disappeared completely.

Following that, rumors have been circulating in Xijiang these two days. King Guilong said that sheep and mutton cannot enter Xijiang.

I heard that it was because of a sheep demon provoking, but I don't think this is reliable.

I think another statement is more reliable. Someone brought sheep and shit on King Guilong's head when passing by.

It's New Year's Day, and King Guilong thinks it's particularly unlucky.

I think there may be something wrong here, especially Laohei, you often move around in that area, you should be careful.

It's New Year's Day, so you should disappear for a while."

As soon as I finished speaking, Lao Hei responded below.

"I understand, where have you been, group leader? Didn't you say we would get together for the New Year?"

"I'm out of the country, busy with work, I'll log in to tell you after I'm offline."

The handsome man put away his phone and returned to the room from the small balcony. At this time, a knock on the door sounded at the right time.

He straightened his shirt and opened the door, and saw a tall black girl with long straight hair outside the door.

The handsome man smiled with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Beauty, you look really... beautiful today."

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