I am your natural enemy

Chapter 501: Breaking out of the Sea of ​​Undead, Nothing to do with it (Xie Meijian Dianba Ni Zhush

The devil's broker is getting a little fidgety now.

The Winchester bitch Sanof is really not polite at all.

In the past, when things were done, they were more or less polite, and they would give some compensation for their indifference and hard work.

Today, Sam was extremely cautious. The ritual was successfully launched, proving that the name and the power trigger were all fine, but Sam didn't let him go.

This was obviously planning to wait until the dust settled.

Originally, he ran away in advance, so whether the Death Knight could come out, he had done his best, and he could explain to the devil.

If he came out, he would definitely fight with Sam.

Although he knew Sam well, he also knew that Sam must have made a lot of preparations.

But he was also sure that Sam must not have prepared anything in advance to deal with the Death Knight.

Even if he prepared, it would be useless for the Death Knight who was carrying suppressed murderous and dead air and had a particularly calm temperament.

In a sudden encounter, Sam, the hateful little devil, would definitely be killed.

Anyway, he has done his job. As for the sequelae, that will be a matter for the future.

It's okay if he can run away. After all, he is just a devil.

As the ceremony began, it was smoother than expected. The devil broker crossed his arms and began to think about how to run and how to get himself out of the way.

Sam, who was presiding over the summoning ceremony next to him, had a calm and serious look.

Rumor has it that the people of the Winchester family are very irritable and only know how to kill, kill, kill. This is actually a misunderstanding.

The recorder is at least a civilian job. It's just that according to the records, most of the time, directly killing the aliens is the only option, or the easiest option to achieve.

The advantage of a long-standing family heritage is that it is difficult for the family to have any naive little guys who think that killing can't solve the problem, and that sealing people and locking them up for a hundred or eighty years will make them better.

Because the first thing the children of the Winchester family have to learn when they are young is a book that specifically records the various consequences caused by the naivety, stupidity, stupidity, confusion, and softness of the family ancestors.

Every page of paper was stained with blood, with a strong impact.

This also led to the fact that most of the members of the family who were selected as combatants later on all emphasized a decisiveness in killing, and they would never let themselves be recorded in the book of shame even if they died.

Sam was an exception among them. He was not actually a combatant, but a recorder, so he knew how to summon the devil and the undead, and there were all kinds of materials that would be used in the station.

This was also the reason why the devil's broker could survive. If he really met that kind of reckless player, he would have killed him long ago.

Of course, now the devil's broker also felt that he might still be killed this time.

Sam presided over the summoning ceremony. The materials needed for the ceremony were all ready-made, but he actually added his own blood to the materials for outlining the magic circle itself.

Of course, he could not completely trust a devil, and he was still a broker who needed to be hung on the street lamp.

He could not distinguish the power, but he only knew that it could not be the power of the devil.

But the name was right.

Even though he added his own blood, the summoning ritual could still be activated. As long as the summoning could be successful in the end, it meant that the object being summoned was of the same bloodline as him.

So, he apologized to the Devil Broker first, and as for the rest, he would see after it was over.

There was a faint light in the ritual, and it seemed to have encountered extremely strong resistance.

This was normal. Sam actually knew that this summoning ritual was not so reliable, but he had never seen a successful record of summoning living people from the Sea of ​​the Dead in the book.

In other words, there was no clear record at all that there were living people who entered the Sea of ​​the Dead and eventually came out alive.

There were only some uncertain legends.

But it was indeed true that summoning from the Sea of ​​the Dead could only be done by summoning the dead.

Sam felt the faint light on the ritual begin to flicker slightly, and he immediately took out the spare materials to increase the power of the summoning.

The faint light kept trembling, and finally turned into a beam of light, rising into the sky.

"My devil, stupid Sam, you didn't make any protective preparations!?

Are you going to tell everyone that you are holding a ceremony to summon the dead here?

Let me out quickly. If it's any later, we will be finished no matter if we attract exorcists or other ghosts.

I don't care, Sam, have you thought about it?"

The devil's broker screamed.

Sam frowned and continued to increase his strength.

The beam of light was obscured by some of the arrangements in the room, but the strong fluctuations still caused some strange lights like the aurora to appear outside.

That light was even brighter than the sun in the eyes of some creatures.

Some things began to approach here at a rapid speed.

On the other side, in the sea of ​​dead souls, Wen Yan also felt the call. The feeling of being summoned was indeed very strange.

There was an obvious coordinate and a guided path.

Wen Yan climbed on the horse, picked up Lucy with one hand and put her on the horse's back.

Born stood aside with a bow, his tone was humble.

"My boss, I wish you a smooth journey."

"Be prepared at any time." Wen Yan nodded slightly and glanced at Born.

This skeleton mage has helped a lot in the past two days and has also provided a lot of information. Since the skeleton mage has been accepted, he can be summoned later depending on the situation.

A scholar-type mage with spiritual intelligence will always be helpful.

Wen Yan held the reins made of gray cloth with one hand and hugged Lucy with the other hand.

"Sit tight and close your eyes. The road ahead may not be easy to walk."

Lucy held the chessboard. Her good friend, the red-eyed Bugs Bunny, was put away along with the town ship and also put into the chessboard.

After she closed her eyes, she immediately felt the warhorse begin to run wildly.

The ghost warhorse turned into a blue lightning and ran wildly in the sea of ​​dead souls. It ran all the way to a small hill. The wings of the warhorse flashed and walked in the air.

Man and horse are one. The ghost warhorse can benefit from Wen Yan's speed bonus. At this moment, it moves forward in the direction indicated by Wen Yan and runs wildly. It does not need to know what is ahead or why it should run like this. It only needs to feel the feeling of heart-to-heart communication from the gray cloth.

In the sea of ​​dead souls, Bourne raised his head and looked up at Wen Yan riding a warhorse. He turned into a flash of lightning and rushed diagonally to the sky. Gradually, his figure seemed to be illusory and disappeared in the sky bit by bit.

He immediately turned around and rode his mount, ready to pack up and be ready at any time.

He had not considered the possibility of failure, nor did he consider whether Wen Yan would forget him and never summon him again.

As the only undead here who had contacted the king, there would definitely be other undead who would come to him later. He would not say anything without permission.

But there were some powerful undead that he could not beat, so he had to run away quickly.

Wen Yan followed the coordinates and the road, galloping all the way. When he ran out of the sea of ​​undead, it was like entering the real void.

With a flick of his wrist, some gray cloth flew out quickly, wrapping Lucy tightly. According to the experience of helping Wen Yan practice before, there was no dead angle and all-round suppression to simulate atmospheric pressure. Although it might be uncomfortable, plus he had already been blessed, it should be no problem to hold on for a while.

Wen Yan sensed the direction and ran wildly in the void, ignoring the various messy purgatory worlds around him, constantly shuttling through them, following the direction in his heart, and adjusting the direction.

From the moment this coordinate and road appeared, the direction in his heart changed.

This is how he judged whether it was feasible.

Under normal circumstances, it is unlikely that the summoned thing will be able to complete the shuttle through such a simple summoning ritual.

In the void in the middle, there is no precise direction guidance. In this three-dimensional space, a slight deviation will completely deviate from the destination.

Wen Yan moved in the void, turned into a blue lightning, and rushed towards the target at a high speed.

On the other side, Sam's summoning was still in progress. He could feel that the ritual was successful, but it had not been summoned for such a long time. I don't know what happened.

Outside his cabin in the woods, some aliens were approaching. In the sky, a monster with flashing wings, a hideous face, and a big sword in his hand was also approaching rapidly.

In a farther place, other people who received the notice were also rushing here as soon as possible in various ways.

The howling of wolves came from a distance. In the basement of the cabin, the devil broker had a bitter face.

"Dear Sam, you are in big trouble. Let me out quickly so I can help you. If people find out that you are hosting the undead summoning ceremony and colluding with the evil devil, the reputation of your Winchester family will be completely ruined."

"If you keep talking, I will kill you first. Then no one will know that I made a deal with the devil."


The devil's broker shut up decisively, cursing in his heart, the Winchester family gave birth to a son with three assholes, an evil pervert!

There was a loud noise outside, and roars and wails sounded at the same time.

A black-haired werewolf, holding a broken arm, ran fast in the mountains and forests.

Behind him, an ugly monster with wings, holding a big sword, flew above and chased him closely.

The werewolf rushed to the vicinity of the cabin in the forest at a high speed. Sure enough, the damn angel who wanted to kill him when he saw him immediately flapped his wings and floated in the air.

The ugly face moved his nose slightly, and a glimmer of blue light appeared in his eyes.

"Summoning the dead? How bold!"

When the ugly angel took out a mobile phone from his waist and prepared to call for notification and immediately call someone.

A bullet that came out of nowhere directly shattered his mobile phone.

In the distance, a helicopter was approaching at a high speed. On the helicopter, someone was driving a sniper and sneered.

The next moment, the ugly angel immediately blocked the big sword in front of him. With a muffled sound, a dent appeared on the big sword to block the bullet. His figure also flew back seven or eight meters before flapping his wings to stabilize his figure.

On the helicopter, the pale-faced vampire grinned and kept pulling the trigger to suppress the ugly angel.

"Hey, what do those old antiques know? This thing in my hand is much more useful than a big sword and a spear."

After a volley, the vampire simply changed a magazine.

Three consecutive bullets blocked the direction, and the fourth bullet was ahead of time, forcing the opponent to block with a big sword.

But after the bullet hit the sword, it suddenly exploded, blowing the ugly angel into the dense forest.

The vampire smiled triumphantly and cursed.

"Surprise, this explosive bullet is really useful."

After waiting for a long time, the ugly angel did not appear again, so the vampire immediately asked the pilot to climb, but the next moment, a cold light appeared in the forest, and a big sword directly inserted into the tail rotor, forcing it to stop.

The helicopter immediately began to lose stability and began to spin.

Seeing this, the vampire immediately threw away the sniper in his hand, jumped up, turned into a little bat and rushed straight into the dense forest, and disappeared in the dense forest in an instant.

Seven or eight kilometers away from the dense forest, some vehicles were also approaching rapidly.

In the basement of the cabin, the summoning ceremony was still going on. The devil broker had a bitter face and couldn't help reminding.

"Hurry up, there has been a fight outside, damn it, I can still feel the breath of those damn angels..."

Seeing Sam turn around and glare at him, the devil broker immediately shut up.

He looked at Sam's appearance and had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Dear Sam, you are not going to put this black pot on my head, and then kill me to whitewash yourself, right?

No, no, no, it must be that I am too bad, thinking too much, how could you be so hypocritical and vicious without bottom line...

Everyone knows that the devil can't preside over this kind of ceremony."

The devil broker tried to say, and seeing that Sam ignored him, he felt even more unsure.

Anyway, killing a devil will definitely not be a psychological burden for the other party.

Suddenly, a big hole was blown up on the side of the cabin. The protection here is for all kinds of aliens, magic and the like, but it can't prevent this kind of purely physical explosion.

After the explosion, some protections began to fail, and the aurora-like halos flowing here immediately turned into a beam of light and shot up into the sky.

Some people came to stop the evil guys from making trouble, while some people knew that the former would come to stop them, and they came to make trouble.

Before they saw the real owner, the guys outside beat themselves up.

After several consecutive explosions, the cabin collapsed in half, and all kinds of protection were basically lost.

In the basement, the halo outside also began to appear, and a bat quietly climbed along the roof of the basement to the side of the devil broker.

The devil broker squinted his eyes slightly, pretending not to see it, and gestured with his fingers behind him, pointing to the magic circle under his feet, and then gestured a number, indicating that if the magic circle was destroyed, he would be rewarded.

The little bat showed his fangs and grinned. After he landed, he immediately turned into a human form, picked up a stick next to him, and destroyed the flame magic circle that trapped the devil broker from the outside.

The devil broker walked out of the magic circle and laughed.

He immediately grabbed his body, took out two ancient gold coins, and threw them to the vampire.

"Yo yo yo, isn't this the famous Sam Winchester? My God, it turns out that the person who summoned the undead is the famous Winchester... Hahaha... Uh..."

The vampire was stunned, looking at the silver rune sword tip emerging from his chest, and turned his head to look at the devil broker behind him.

"Why are you looking at me? Our deal has been completed, and we owe each other nothing. Now it's another matter. I always do things in a particular way. One thing is one thing."

The vampire wanted to reach out with a shocked face, but cracks began to appear on the surface of his body, burning rapidly, and shattered into ashes all over the sky.

The devil broker threw away the rune sword, and the burn marks on his palm disappeared quickly. He leaned over and dug in the ashes, picked up two ancient gold coins, and put them back in his pocket.

"Dear Sam, you not only owe me a sincere apology, but also a sincere thank you.

I said long ago that if you let me out earlier, I can still help."

Sam, who presided over the ceremony, said nothing with a gloomy face, and he did not look back.

And suddenly it became quiet behind him. He looked back and saw that the devil broker who had just said he would help had disappeared without knowing when.

Sam's face did not change. He had expected that this kind of devil would run faster than anyone else when encountering problems.

A heavy landing sound came from behind, and the ugly angel smashed in directly from above and fell into the basement.

The ugly angel was stained with blood and some wolf hair. He looked ferocious and stared at Sam.

"Sam Winchester, I knew that you Winchesters would become evil sooner or later. I didn't expect that you, as the recorder, would be the first to fall.

Following the guidance of ancient wisdom, I will exorcise you and purify you."

The ugly angel stretched out his hand and grabbed the rune sword on the ground, and was about to execute Sam directly and cut off Sam's head.

But the next moment, he saw a bright light in the summoning ceremony, and a blue lightning rushed out directly from it.

When he saw the light appear, the ugly angel had already hung on the horn of the ghost horse, and his body was directly pierced.

He saw a man wearing tattered armor, a mask on his face, and a breath of death and murderous aura, sitting on the horse's back. The other party was holding a thing wrapped tightly in delicate silk in his arms, which seemed to be a human.

The moment the ugly angel felt the breath and the oppression, it seemed as if his blood was activated.

"Undead Knight?"

He immediately waved the rune sword in his hand, ready to launch an attack.

But the next moment, gray began to appear on his body, his strength was disappearing rapidly, and death was rapidly eroding his body.

"Death Knight..."

The ugly angel was shocked and wanted to struggle, but he was powerless.

Wen Yan saw the prompt in front of him and fell silent.

"Nightwing Dragon."

"It was once a strange creature created specifically to deal with dark creatures at night. The original source is suspected to be a gargoyle.

They will turn into stone statues during the day and night-winged dragons at night, serving as an important force for the church at night.

Some of them will be possessed by so-called angels and fight in the world. ”

“A poor guy, of course, he is not too unlucky to kill the person who took the risk to guide you.

Special note, accidental collision is not considered a scam, and has absolutely nothing to do with your current identity as a Han envoy.

However, when the angel in his body returns, your existence will be known to others.

Please make a choice.

1: I will be a Han envoy, let the tiger go back to the mountain, and start the Han envoy exclusive task chain.

2: I am not a street urchin, I saved the person who helped you escape from the Sea of ​​the Dead at a critical moment. ”

“Temporary ability: Red Lotus (need to master the heart fire, ignite the soul fire, and the violent sun)”

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