I am your natural enemy

Chapter 474 Black Box's Little Thoughts, Feng Heizi's Departure (10k)

The reaction to Wen Yan's account-taking was somewhat different from what was expected. As soon as Feng Yao found out, he had already found someone to lead the rhythm. The Internet Addiction Dog Expert was also ready to transform into a keyboard saint and interact with people in a friendly manner at any time.

But in the mysterious forum, everything was a little different from what was expected.

It was not a question of whether the reaction was big or not, but the direction was completely different from everyone's expectations.

Entering the mysterious forum, you can see many people greeting each other's parents and ancestors.

Because some people don't remember Wen Yan at all, nor do they remember anything related to Wen Yan...

But some still remember, and some only remember a little bit, and everyone's understanding is completely different.

After a few words, it is normal to get annoyed while talking.

Feng Yao looked at the posts that kept coming out in the forum, closed one with a confused look on his face, and then opened another one again.

There was a debate inside about whether the matter of the Jieyou Goddess had anything to do with Wen Yan. The dog expert of the Lieyang Department said that this matter was directly related to Wen Yan, and it was almost the result of Wen Yan's efforts.

The other party said, who the hell is this Wen Yan? Whether he is a human or a dog, he is trying to make trouble and flatter himself.

Can a dog expert tolerate such words?

In order to solve the defect that the typing speed is far slower than that of humans when fighting against people, Xiaolongbao got a test quota from the expert in voice recognition input. Now when fighting against people, he is very fast.

The topic continued to deviate and became, the dog provoked you, blah blah blah...

Feng Yao closed the webpage with a trace of confusion in his eyes, and then the office staff who arranged to lead the rhythm carefully sent a message to ask.

"Boss, do you still want... us to have a friendly exchange?"

"Forget it, don't worry about it." Feng Yao sighed and asked the office staff not to intervene.

Now the rhythm is so chaotic that it is even more outrageous than arranging people to lead the rhythm.

Feng Yao reacted quickly and almost understood why this happened. It must be the work of Master Yu, but no one had discovered this before.

People who don't remember can't find out that they don't remember something out of thin air, and people who remember can't verify these things when nothing happens.

Especially when there are only a few people who know about Master Yu, everyone will only think that what they know is the truth.

Feng Yao quickly recalled the things about Wen Yan. He basically remembered everything. He remembered when he met Wen Yan, what he experienced with Wen Yan, and that Wen Yan was particularly annoying. He was a night owl and often called people in the middle of the night.

He closed his eyes and quickly recalled the things about Wen Yan. He quickly went through Wen Yan's information and soon opened his eyes.

He didn't remember the information before Wen Yan became an adult.

He was the first member of the Lieyang Department to have contact with Wen Yan. He must have read Wen Yan's information. It is impossible that he had not read Wen Yan's information. At that time, he definitely had the authority.

Unlike now, in addition to the information on Wen Yan, the rest of the information needs a very high authority to view.

Feng Yao turned on the computer and used his own authority to check Wen Yan's information.

Sure enough, there was no record. The information before Wen Yan became an adult was blank, and there was no information in the Lieyang Department.

When Master Yu fought to the death, he did erase some things, but no one had discovered it before.

This is considered to be the discovery of an AI bug. For something that does not exist, AI cannot determine whether it should have been there but was not recorded, or whether it was deliberately not recorded for confidentiality.

Feng Yao recorded this.

Now looking at the daily quarrels and foul language in the mysterious forum, he probably understands why.

If it was before, it was one thing for a few people to believe it privately, but in this forum, the vast majority of people must believe it.

Wen Yan showed his face in broad daylight, and there was such a fierce and huge yang energy explosion. This kind of thing cannot be concealed and it is impossible not to admit it.

But now, many people don’t remember Wen Yan, nor do they remember the things Wen Yan participated in. Suddenly, a person popped up. This is not a question of whether they believe it or not, but they will first face a cognitive conflict that they themselves cannot perceive.

The Lieyang Tribe has similar records and research on this aspect.

When Feng Yao was still thinking about this, Wen Yan sent another message. He took a look and his eyes condensed.

On the other side, Wen Yan had already taken a car and brought the body to the Lieyang Tribe Cooperative Crematorium in the east of Yuzhou.

He had dealt with things in the old dream more than once or twice, so he knew that things that could jump to the present world must have extremely high survivability.

Feeling that power and familiarity up close, Wen Yan naturally thought of the guy with a thick health bar he had met before.

What if Master Yu had done something that allowed other things in the old dream to jump over?

Wen Yan didn't think that this thing would die so quickly.

The Luotian Dajiao ceremony hadn't ended yet, and the people in the customs of the Lieyang Department could take a rare holiday and take a break.

Being able to complete the jump at this time with the negative buff covering the entire Shenzhou, would Wen Yan believe that this thing died because the host it possessed lost control?

Even if the host lost control and died, this thing must not be dead.

It's just that he can't see it, and he can't feel it even if he directly blesses the violent sun to sweep in all directions indiscriminately, so Wen Yan feels it's tricky.

He could only choose the biggest target, the host who had died on the spot. He followed this in person to avoid other risks that might arise. This body must also be disposed of as soon as possible according to standard procedures.

Other things can only be left to the Lieyang Department.

Let Black Box monitor, Black Box said that the computing power was insufficient. Wen Yan also talked to the head of the headquarters and asked for permission and computing power temporarily.

Now the most reliable screening method is the black box. As long as the resources invested are sufficient, the black box can identify frame by frame, and can also connect the previous and later to make judgments. General AI does not have this ability.

It’s just that the computing power required will be very large.

In the headquarters, the head of the headquarters stood next to the black box and shook his head.

"You followed Wen Yan, and you didn’t learn anything else, but you learned to use whatever resources you can.

Fortunately, there was little pressure these days, and it was rare for you to have a rest.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to mobilize so much computing power for you."

Black Box pretended not to understand and just said thank you.

Limited by computing power, Black Box has quietly told Wen Yan about the lack of computing power, but Wen Yan ignored it.

This time, this matter really requires a very high computing power, otherwise it can't be handled at all.

The head of the headquarters shook his head and said nothing more. He is not sure whether it is a good thing to let Black Box follow Wen Yan and be influenced by Wen Yan.

The spirituality of Black Box has improved very quickly, just like a child, and will play some too obvious tricks.

Black Box has received computing power support, and with the computing power support of Nanwu County, it began to track the out-of-control host from the time it appeared.

Then mobilize the surveillance in the city Skynet, compare the pictures, and find the target according to previous experience.

It's just that there has been no result for the time being, but fortunately Black Box will not get tired or slack off, it really goes through every frame.

Starting from where Wen Yan was at the time, it checked indiscriminately, and at that time, all people who might become new hosts in this vicinity were all targets and the focus of attention.

This kind of work cannot be done by people. Only Black Box and the Lieyang Department can provide enough resources to do it.

During the search, Black Box felt that the efficiency was very low. If all the surveillance videos were checked frame by frame, it might not be able to keep up with the progress of real-time monitoring.

So Black Box began to write its own program. According to the priority regulations of the Lieyang Department, all the surveillance videos were divided into ten priorities. At the highest level, it would personally identify frame by frame to complete the connection and deduce whether there was a problem.

At the lower two levels, it would only check the suspected clips. At the lower level, it would use the program it wrote to complete the judgment. At the lowest level, it would only complete the preliminary inspection and filter out the part of the video that was absolutely problem-free. If there was a slight possibility, it would continue to upload it.

After hundreds of adjustments, Black Box began to complete monitoring and tracking in a new way.

As time passed, Wen Yan had personally followed the corpse and completed the necessary tests.

Before sending him into the enhanced deluxe furnace, Wen Yan also tried to summon his soul, but there was no result, proving that this person's soul had been scattered, and he had no chance of becoming a ghost.

After waiting for two hours and watching the ashes being collected, Wen Yan personally took the ashes and scattered them into the sea before preparing to return to Yuzhou.

Half a day had passed, and the black box had not found any suspicious places from the surveillance. It was still tracking in real time, and all possible targets were included in the tracking range.

In the Lieyang Department of Yuzhou, Feng Yao did not say whether Wen Yan was too cautious. He believed in Wen Yan's judgment because he had not been to Gumeng, and Wen Yan was an expert who had been there many times.

In addition, the fact that Wen Yan chose to take over Tuoba Wushen's account and also went for testing was enough to explain the problem.

Time passed little by little, and when the sun set and the sky began to darken, he returned to the base after a day of field work outside.

Normally at this time, they come back to upload the progress of work, or hand over some unfinished work, such as some patrol tasks, surveillance tasks and other work, it is impossible to let one person work to death.

No field staff will think this is troublesome, because if they cause trouble that they have not discovered, they can be discovered and solved most of the time by returning to the base.

Many field staff are not professionals, nor are they warriors with full yang energy. They may just have strong professional skills. They may be entangled by things like ghosts that ordinary people cannot see.

But now ghosts and other things have their own ideas and will never approach the base of the Lieyang Department.

The field staff who followed the host out of control during the day also returned to the base. In the grooves of his shoe soles, there was a black spider that had been nesting for a day, waiting for dark.

The yang energy was too strong during the day, and now it is so fragile that it can't do anything. In order to avoid Wen Yan, all its strength is used to survive and hide.

Now the sun sets, the sky gradually darkens, the yang energy declines, and the yin energy rises. The black spider finally has the opportunity to start looking for the next host.

It feels that the person it temporarily depends on has taken it to some place. This place is far more suitable than other places before. It can feel that there are people here who are more suitable for it to stay.

Almost everyone here has a place suitable for it to live in their hearts. There is no need to work hard to open up a temporary habitat. It needs a habitat to lick its wounds and slowly recover.

It carefully sensed the black spots, and finally, when it found a black spot that seemed a little fragile and more suitable for infiltration, it took the opportunity to break away from the groove of the sole, followed the shadow, and jumped into the other person.

It followed the shadow of the other person's back and rushed all the way up. When it was about to rush in, it suddenly felt an extremely familiar force. It was startled and immediately shrank back and returned to the groove of the field officer's sole.

The two field officers greeted each other and passed by. The young field officer paused and looked behind him.

From a perspective that ordinary people cannot see, Wen Yan's Yang Qi signature on the T-shirt he wore inside was slightly lit up, and then quickly dimmed and returned to normal.

The young field officer hesitated for a moment, but still took out his mobile phone and uploaded the message calmly.

He didn't go out on a mission today, and didn't wear a standard protective suit, but he was wearing the T-shirt signed by Wen Yan. How could he keep such a thing at home? Of course, he wore it on his body.

Because he might be transferred to Guanzhong County to do some tasks recently, he knew Wen Yan's reputation in the Guanzhong County ghost circle, and he also knew that everyone knew privately that Wen Yan was probably Tuoba Wushen.

He shamelessly asked for a Yang Qi signature, of course, for self-protection, not for strong protection, but to be able to build relationships at critical moments.

If he felt right just now, it was the Yang Qi signature that seemed to be triggered a little bit.

Among the rules compiled by some old field officers who have survived for a long time, there must be one in the top three.

"If you feel something bad, as long as you don't want others to spend your pension, sleep with your wife, and beat your baby, even if you can't be sure whether it is true, you'd better treat it as true."

The young field officer decisively reported it quietly. Whether it was true or not, a hundred false alarms were better than a real accident.

Well, this is also what the old field officer who has survived on the front line for at least 20 years said.

The Lieyang Division has various complete emergency plans, which have been watered with blood over decades.

The young field officer stood still, waiting for processing.

Another field officer who had just returned with a black spider on the sole of his shoe also received a temporary call-up order to go to Yard No. 1.

The field officer who received the order did not hesitate and immediately executed the order, even if he did not know what to do.

Just as the Yuzhou Lieyang Division began to implement the emergency plan, Wen Yan also received a message from the black box.

The black box sent him a screenshot of the surveillance.

It was a screenshot from the internal high-definition surveillance of the Yuzhou Lieyang Division.

The black box also considerately enlarged it with a red frame and marked it with a scissors.

The circled area is only about three by four pixels in size.

"After comparison, it is consistent with the shadow changes in the record, with obvious traces of linear movement.

And the target that the shadow moved to has been reported, and the signature on his body has a weak phenomenon of being stimulated."

It was when the black spider felt that Wen Yan's signature was stimulated that he was frightened and fled immediately. He did not stay in the shadow all the time and was captured by the internal surveillance of Yuzhou Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan took a look, and the black box played the video in slow motion for him, magnifying the trajectory. There were seven or eight frames that could be seen clearly.

He didn't say anything, and immediately stepped on the accelerator and started to speed back.

He knew that the ghost thing couldn't be finished by itself. This guy really didn't say a word and took on his violent sun. He evolved too fast.

On the other hand, in Yuzhou Lieyang Department, Feng Yao, as the nominal secretary-general, was not even in the top three of Yuzhou Lieyang Department. In fact, he did the most work and communicated with the upper and lower levels. He was almost the temporary executive leader.

After receiving the warning and Wen Yan's confirmation, he immediately started the plan.

Around the Yuzhou Lieyang Tribe’s base, all the walls and gates were lit up with special lights. The lights that imitated the power of yang could create a three-meter blank area around the base to ensure that the shadow could not escape.

Underground buildings and various places were well protected to ensure that everything was safe. Everyone received the code. They didn’t know what happened, but they knew to stay where they were and maintain the status quo before receiving subsequent orders.

Feng Yao called up the map, took a look at the location of Wen Yan’s car, and then asked Wen Yan when he would arrive.

After confirming the map and the estimated speed, Feng Yao stood up and replied.

“Okay, I will delay the time first.”

He took out the sage map he had just brought back from the cabinet in the office. He had originally found an excuse to take it and prepare to use it as an energy potion.

Unexpectedly, it was just right to use it now. He opened the sage map, hung it on the wall, and took a look. In an instant, he became extremely calm and rational, and all his desires seemed to be forced to be emptied.

After entering the sage state, it seems that his IQ has begun to rise a little. When thinking about problems, his thoughts have become much sharper.

He put the sage map back and put it away. This time, this thing must not be a monster. If it is a monster, there are traces. It is impossible to enter the scorching sun tribe’s base without triggering various warning devices.

The scorching sun tribe’s base has the strongest detection and warning of ghosts and monsters, and it is also very sensitive to evil, proving that this thing is not a known evil type.

But it reacts to Yang Qi, especially to Wen Yan’s Yang Qi, so it must have suffered at Wen Yan’s hands.

Feng Yao was heading to Courtyard No. 1. The so-called Courtyard No. 1 was actually the place that had been destroyed by the power erupted from Wen Yan.

This is the place where the Yang Qi is most abundant on the surface of the residence, especially after being exposed to the sun every day, the Yang Qi there persists for a long time.

Many field officers have caught A Piao, who is relatively dangerous and stubborn, and they like to secretly bring A Piao in from the No. 1 courtyard, giving A Piao a show of strength first, so that A Piao will not have any delusions after entering here.

Feng Yao walked on the road, thinking quickly about countermeasures.

When there are free resources, they don't need to be used in vain, but this does not mean that the Yuzhou Lieyang Department will only rely on Wen Yan. Before Wen Yan appeared, they also had normal ability to do things.

Feng Yao recalled the information and completed the derivation.

He rushed all the way to Courtyard No. 1, where the field officer who had received the notice earlier was already waiting here.

In the gully of his sole, the black spider felt uncomfortable. The entire ground here seemed to be exuding a power that made it uncomfortable, and it was very familiar. It definitely came from Wen Yan's power, and the power here seemed very violent.

It doesn't understand why it can encounter the power of Wen Yan everywhere.

It finally found an opportunity, but before Wen Yan arrived, it was frightened by Wen Yan's power, and now again, it wanted to run away now, but it was already too late.

If it could sneak into the heart of the current field worker, it would have done it long ago. This field worker had been blessed with yang energy by Wen Yan during the day, and the dark area in his heart was very small, not enough for him to recover or draw strength.

Waiting and waiting, it felt that there was a cold, temperatureless, and dead black spot approaching.

This is an absolutely ruthless man.

It waited anxiously.

Feng Yao walked step by step. He wanted to confirm one thing to make sure nothing went wrong.

He looked at the cameras around him and walked to the field worker, stopping just over an inch in front of the field worker's shadow.

Sure enough, the black spider couldn't help it anymore, and it found a host that was too suitable.

A shadow crossed the one-inch blank area and instantly disappeared into Feng Yao's body.

Feng Yao was not wearing standard protective clothing. He looked down at the ground and saw the shadow that flashed across his body. He took out his phone to confirm, and then asked Wen Yan to confirm.

Wen Yan had received the information from the black box and was sure that the shadow was on Feng Yao.

He looked at Feng Yao on the surveillance camera, was silent for a moment, and answered Feng Yao's call.

"You're taking too many risks."

"As the person giving orders here at this moment, I have the obligation to ensure that this thing will not disappear, and to complete the task as the first priority. This thing is too dangerous and can cause great damage. It must be taken down at any cost. I also have It is my duty to protect the people under my command, just like Minister Cai.”

"Are you sure you won't lose control?"


"Okay, I'll be there soon."

After confirming, Feng Yao hung up the phone and waved to the field staff.

"Stay away."

Feng Yao took a few steps forward and came to the center of the yard, stepping on a somewhat broken floor tile where Wen Yan had once stepped on to complete an explosion.

He couldn't feel any changes on his body, he was just sure that the target was on him.

He was not sure whether the target could read his mind at this time. He tried a few times and after confirming that nothing had changed, he took the next step and continued to arrange tasks.

"Send someone to bring the newly recruited Ji Youli, and at the same time, bring out the cage No. 235 from the warehouse."

"Everyone is not allowed to enter Courtyard No. 1 or come near me."

After completing the deployment, Feng Yao stood there and began to whisper.

"You must be smart enough to understand what I'm saying."

There was a dark place in Feng Yao's heart. The black spider lay here, completely relaxed. At this point, it was considered safe. It could live here and absorb the power of darkness.

It heard Feng Yao's words and knew that it had been discovered, but it ignored it.

The next moment, I heard Feng Yao continue.

"Let's talk."

Black Spider ignored it and continued to seize the time to absorb strength to recover and strengthen itself.

This person is really suitable for it. He is simply an emotionless and cold machine, and the darkness in its heart is cold. It has never thought that someone so suitable for it will appear, and according to its understanding, this person's Very high status.

"I've seen what happened before, and I surmise that if the person you were possessing died and you didn't break away before death, you would also die, right?"

"If you are unwilling to communicate, then I can only take the next step. Within five seconds, if I don't speak, the person I arranged will carry out the next order."

The next moment, a bullet flew past Feng Yao's scalp and fell to the floor.

"The next bullet will hit me between the eyebrows. The cavity effect will crush my brain in an instant and kill me instantly. You won't even have a chance to escape.

The place where I stand is the place where Wen Yan once broke out. It is difficult for him to have such an explosion again. The remaining power here is the strongest, and you can't run away.

Now, do you want to chat? "

The black spider raised its head. It felt that Feng Yao's heart was cold, so cold and firm that there was no wavering at all.

Feng Yao really dared to exchange one life for another and send it away directly.

It began to feel scared, and began to understand a little bit, what on earth are these people!

After the darkness in one's heart spreads, even it can't control it.

When one said he wanted to kill himself, there was no ripple in his heart.

What kind of lunatics are these!

When it just began to understand people a little, it found that it understood less and less. The world after the jump was completely different from the old dream.

Time passed second by second, and the black spider couldn't help it.

"I didn't control that person. It was his own darkness that spread and got out of control."

"The dark side of the heart?"


"Then why did it spread?"

"I just need a habitat, I need to eat, I want to grow stronger, and I don't want the host to lose control." Black Spider did think so. His initial development direction was to grow stronger, but he didn't expect that this direction would get out of control.

Even if it didn't care whether it was dead or not.

"I understand." Feng Yao suddenly realized.

He could understand the logic behind it. The black spider was not interested in killing people. It was indeed just expanding its habitat, expanding its food source, and its source of power.

It just underestimated the consequences of the dark side of a person's heart getting out of control.

For humans, this is a chaotic state where they don't know good and evil, just to achieve their own goals.

But Feng Yao also understands that aliens in this state are actually more dangerous.

It's not like the Lieyang Tribe hasn't encountered similar situations before. Those aliens have no sense of right and wrong. Even if they have intelligence, they are still uncivilized beasts. They will do what is beneficial to them and avoid what is not.

Some purely bad guys will also weigh the pros and cons. Before doing anything, they will also consider what the price is, whether they can accept it, and whether they can avoid it.

But this kind of alien, which is like a ferocious beast and very dangerous, is different. They don't understand the basic rules of the world. If necessary, they will not consider how serious the consequences will be, and whether they can afford the price.

For this kind of alien, and when they commit a crime, the Lieyang Tribe's consistent strategy is to kill them on the spot without leaving any trouble.

Moreover, this kind of alien that can live in the dark corners of people's hearts, and can also strengthen this dark corner, and feed on this dark power, is born to be incompatible with people.

There must be a dark corner in everyone's heart.

Feng Yao had no expression on his face, his eyes were as calm as a pool of dead water. He felt it quietly. He couldn't be sure whether the darkness in his heart had grown, but since he couldn't feel it, there shouldn't be a particularly obvious increase.

And this thing was willing to reply, which meant that his deduction was correct.

The black spider began to be a little scared. It began to understand some things. At this moment, lying in the dark corner, it could understand more clearly that this kind of cold and calm heart was really dare to do anything.

But at the same time, the power here was better than its expected limit. The power it absorbed here could make it grow rapidly, even if the speed of its power absorption now plummeted by more than 99%.

"I think we can cooperate. I just need a habitat and food to fill my stomach. I can control it now. I can help you do a lot of things."

"What can you tell me? Tell me first." Feng Yao began to get information and waited for others to prepare.

There was a cage of strange objects in the Lieyang tribe. There was a lock on the cage. When the Lieyang tribe found it, there was only a skeleton of a strange beast left in it.

According to the identification results given by Lao Meng when he was looking for cooperation before, the cage was used to imprison some strange and unusual creatures, but someone was needed to open the lock of the cage.

This was just an extra preparation, Feng Yao still trusted Wen Yan a little more.

He was here to get information and delay time.

Not long after, Wen Yan, who had been driving back with green lights all the way, had already driven into the yard of the Lieyang Department’s station.

The moment Wen Yan appeared, Feng Yao said calmly.

"Thank you for the information you gave me. As a mission, I have the obligation to kill you."

Feng Yao told Black Spider the last sentence, and a sniper hidden in the dark on a building in the distance immediately pulled the trigger.

The moment Black Spider noticed it, he was shocked and angry, and he took the initiative to rush out of Feng Yao's heart at the first time.

When it felt that a bullet had touched Feng Yao's eyebrows, it decisively abandoned Feng Yao and took the initiative to break away.

What Feng Yao said was right. As long as it didn't break away when Feng Yao died, it would not only be sent back to the old dream, but also be beaten back to the past, the original state, the state where it might not even have intelligence.

When Wen Yan walked out, he had a bad feeling when he heard Feng Yao's words. The moment he took a step forward, he saw Feng Yao's head suddenly tilted back, and a shadow more than three inches long broke away from Feng Yao's body.

When he really saw the shadow, the prompt appeared.

But Wen Yan had no time to read the prompt.

Wen Yan's head was about to explode. When he saw Feng Yao's eyes, he knew that Feng Yao was looking at the sage map again.

In this state, Feng Yao really dared to do this!

This guy didn't think that he could be saved by locking blood after being hit by a sniper rifle and his brain was crushed?

Locking blood only locks the residual blood, not full blood!

The Yang energy in his body suddenly exploded, and the degree of harmony of the heart fire soared to more than 1000% in an instant. The blazing fire visible to the naked eye swept across in an instant.

The blazing flames first hit the shadow, and the shadow jumped up from the ground and turned into a three-inch black spider.

He took a step forward, instantly crossing a distance of ten meters, and grabbed the black spider in his hand.

The flames on his body burned fiercely, burning the black spider and making it scream continuously, and its size was shrinking continuously.

It bumped left and right in the flames, but it could not get out of the range of the flames. It wanted to rush into Wen Yan's body and occupy the dark corner in Wen Yan's heart, but suddenly found that the source of the flames came from Wen Yan's heart.

The black spider's body kept shrinking, and soon shrank to the limit, turning into less than an inch in size.

At this point, the heart fire in Wen Yan's hand, which had a degree of fit of more than 1000%, had no effect anymore. It could only burn the black spider and make it scream continuously, and it could not go any further.

Wen Yan didn't care about the black spider. He first checked Feng Yao, who fell on his back.

But after taking a look, he was slightly startled.

There was only a black spot like gunpowder smoke on Feng Yao's forehead, but there was no wound.

And he didn't see any hints.

His thoughts raced, and he immediately pulled Feng Yao into the building, letting the black box control the surveillance, not facing him.

Feng Yao stared, his eyes still calm as a pool of stagnant water.

"Go to the next room."

Wen Yan picked him up and entered the room, looking at Feng Yao in shock.

"Is this what you call sure?!"

"I said I was sure, so I must be sure, why don't you believe it?"


Wen Yan understood at this time.

The sage state is so scary.

Feng Yao had already calculated that he used himself to hold the black spider, and he was sure that when necessary, the black spider would escape by itself.

He even calculated that he would let Wen Yan see his "sudden death" to stimulate Wen Yan to complete a burst of sufficient strength.

Make sure the strength is enough to complete the control of the field in an instant.

"You already have 80% of Cai Heizi's power!"

Wen Yan looked at the black spider in his palm, and only then did he have time to look at the prompt.

"Dark Spider."

"A native creature from the old dream, it lives in the darkness and will drag everything else, including the old dream, into the darkness to devour. Everything in the darkness that is not dark is its food.

It obtained the key information of the leap from the Rain Master, and after going through hardships, completed the leap, came to the present world, and completed its evolution.

From then on, it turned into a strange alien without a body, soul, or weight.

It can live in the dark corners of people's hearts, strengthen the darkness there, and draw strength from the darkness.

Under Europa's system, this is the initial state of the gods.

The initial state of mastering a certain authority."

"It died fourteen times in the old dream because of you. It gave up too many things and became more pure.

After leaping to the present world, it was because of you. , exhausted all its power, even the original power, leaving only the most core original power.

All its power was used to strengthen survival and concealment.

And just now, it absorbed the coldest high-quality darkness, which strengthened its survival.

Now, your power can no longer completely destroy it.

Friendly reminder 1: As a native creature that leaped out of the old dream, normal death will fall back to the old dream, return to the original state, and return to the old dream also means death.

Friendly reminder 2: You can always believe in the real sun, even the real gods will die. "

"Temporary ability: small flame."

Wen Yan looked at this temporary ability, and then he remembered that this temporary ability sometimes gives some strange things, which can't be regarded as abilities, but only as extra information and extra prompts.

He equipped the temporary ability and saw the relevant information.

"Only in the never-extinguished flames, where there is no shadow or darkness, is the most perfect cage."

Wen Yan clenched his fists and held the black spider, which had shrunk to its limit, completely in his palm. He looked at Feng Yao. Feng Yao's condition was what he cared more about.

Feng Yao lowered his head and patted the back of his head. A bullet fell out from his brow, but his brow was still intact. Wen Yan did not see the prompt.

Feng Yao glanced at Wen Yan's hand.

"Controlled? Can it be solved?"

"There are two ways. One should be easy to solve, but there is indeed a possibility of leaving troubles. The other is the most thorough way, but it should be very troublesome."

"It's good to have it."

"What's your situation? You are learning from Cai Heizi and even want to deceive your own people, right? It's not easy to learn good things, but it's easy to learn bad things, right!"

Feng Yao grinned, took out his mobile phone, and typed a line of words on the phone.

"Do you remember that sniper?"

Wen Yan nodded. That sniper was the most accurate sniper he had ever seen. He never missed a shot.

At this time, Wen Yan remembered that he seemed to have never seen that sniper. When he was on a mission, the other party was always on standby at the most suitable high point. He was extremely reliable.

"That is my guardian hero, my comrade. His first principle is that any attack he makes will not hurt his comrades."

Wen Yan nodded. No wonder Feng Yao was so sure.

So, if he didn't see the prompt, there might be two situations. Feng Yao himself was a weak chicken who didn't need any prompts at all, or his natural enemy profession finally encountered a restricted situation and couldn't give prompts to the hero.

I just don't know what the situation is. If there is a chance later, I can try it.

"So, you actually get two salaries and two bonuses, right?"

"No, this is a normal salary payment, completely in compliance with the law." Feng Yao gave a straight answer with a blank expression.

After Feng Yao finished speaking, he immediately looked at Wen Yan's fist and changed the subject abruptly.

"How are you going to solve this problem?"

"It depends on what resources the Lieyang Department is willing to match. The first method does not require any resources. I will find an opportunity to send him back to Gumeng. He will be like being cast down to earth after ascending to heaven."

"What is the second more thorough method?"

"Send it to the sun."

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