I am your natural enemy

Chapter 453: Breaking Defense, Gathering Clouds (5k)


"When in adversity, corresponding effects can be derived according to the actual situation.

There are currently two types of effects that can be derived.

One: When in a state with the risk of falling, willpower and toughness will gradually strengthen with the degree of danger, up to 64% (strengthening progress is synchronized with Lieyang)

Two: When in an injured state, up to 64% of the damage reduction when injured can be obtained (the reduction value is synchronized with Lieyang).

Note 1: Injured state refers to the situation where the overall health is less than 35%.

Note 2: Damage reduction when injured refers to the damage reduction of all damage that can be obtained only when in an injured state.

Note 3: Under the current progress, only one special effect derivative effect can be activated at the same time. If both activation conditions are met at the same time, you can choose one of them."

Wen Yan was a little surprised. This is a standard advanced special effect.

One special effect, two effects, even if you can only have one at the same time, the limiting conditions are quite harsh, but the value is high.

I just don't know how this ratio is calculated and what is the basis for calculation.

Wen Yan felt that the extra 1% progress of Lieyang was quite normal. The fourth generation of Lieyang died not long after awakening, so his own progress might be only 1%.

Wen Yan was able to bless Wen Yan and give him an extra 1% progress. Wen Yan estimated that it was because of this blessing. The lowest display was 1%...

Just looking at this special effect, Wen Yan felt more and more regretful.

If he hadn't died, Liu Bage might have been really strong in the future. He was still a kind and good child. One special effect and two effects, all of which were self-protection, without any offensiveness.

There was no need to wait until next year. Maybe only a few more days would be needed. After a few days, Lao Zhu's army would have dealt with Lao Zhang.

The later period was better than the previous hundred years and more suitable for kind people like Liu Bage.

Unfortunately, it was just a little bit short...

Wen Yan was full of complex feelings, while Liu Bage looked pale and his figure began to dissipate, but he still had a smile on his face and said to Wen Yan.

"The boat has gone from here, and the rest of my life will be spent on the rivers and seas."

"Brother Wen, goodbye."

Wen Yan stretched out his hand, and in turn, a violent sun was blessed.

Since Liu Bage could bless him, then he could naturally bless Liu Bage.

A violent sun was blessed, and Liu Bage was surprised and relieved. He waved his hand, as if he turned into a sun, blending into the world. In a flash, the sun pulled the sun under the sea level, jumped out from the sky, and illuminated the earth.

Wen Yan did not move. Now this old dream is the same everywhere, everywhere is foggy, and it makes no difference where to go.

In the distance, Ye Er, who had been dragged away, looked at Wen Yan in a trance. He saw the two scorching suns meet and heard the boy's free and easy.

He envied the feeling that both parties could smoothly establish trust after just meeting.

He didn't have this feeling here. It had nothing to do with others, but he couldn't do it himself.

Live long, either really see it, or become more and more stale.

He is the kind of person who becomes more and more stubborn as time goes by.

Facing Wen Yan, who said he wanted to kill him and said he would kill him, and dared to turn his back on him if he didn't want to kill him, he felt helpless.

There was a kind of extreme discomfort of mold rotting in the dark, exposed to the sun.

This discomfort has been there since the beginning, and he can only see it clearly now.

And he has clearly blocked Wen Yan's way forward, but he will still take action without hesitation when there is any possibility or opportunity, because he is afraid.

He is afraid.

This fear has finally turned into despair.

He has spent more time and energy than anyone else to study Wen Yan.

From the information gathered from various channels and directions, he dares to say that he knows Wen Yan better than 99% of the members of the Lieyang Department, and knows what Wen Yan has done and experienced.

Many members of the Lieyang Department don't know about many things Wen Yan participated in.

Let's not talk about the incident. In fact, not many people know that Wen Yan is a contemporary Lieyang.

Even if those who should know may know, the total number is not many.

Those who know, no matter what their attitude is, will tacitly not spread the news.

Ye Er put himself into the incidents in which Wen Yan participated several times. As for the news he knew, he dared to confirm it even if many details were missing.

Almost every time! Every time!

The key to solving the incident has nothing to do with Lieyang.

Instead, it has something to do with Wen Yan.

A few days ago, after the incident in Nanyang, he kept a close eye on the news there. When he heard that millions of dead souls were released, but the purpose was obvious, and Wen Yan should also be involved.

He knew that this must be related to Wen Yan, and it must have nothing to do with Lieyang.

It is absolutely impossible to achieve this level with professional ability alone.

Others definitely underestimated Wen Yan. The senior management of Lieyang Department kept the news about Wen Yan tightly, and did not reveal any important intelligence details.

He has the resounding title of "Contemporary Lieyang" which is known to everyone who should know, and is put at the forefront. But in fact, everyone knows that Wen Yan is impossible to practice Taoism.

This time, Ye Er followed Wen Yan in person and witnessed the scene just now. He felt desperate. He realized how desperate a single force or a single person was when facing the Thirteenth Ancestor of Fuyu more than a thousand years ago.

The Thirteenth Ancestor of Fuyu may not be the first person to possess the Fiery Sun, but he was recorded as the first.

Since then, the word "Fierce Sun" has become extremely sensitive.

It's not that this ability is so strong. To be honest, this ability is just average, and can even be classified as an auxiliary professional ability.

But after a ruthless character appeared and tried to do something that broke the sky, no one regarded the Fiery Sun as an ordinary, auxiliary professional ability.

At that time, to put it bluntly, it was the combination of good and evil that suppressed the Thirteenth Ancestor of Fuyu, who was the enemy of the world.

Now, who will suppress Wen Yan?

No one.

It's impossible in Fuyu Mountain. The old Tianshi of Tianshi Mansion stood behind him openly. The head of Wudang would go down the mountain in person to cooperate with Wen Yan to do the task.

Zhongnanshan wanted to, but the door lintel of Zhongnan Taiyi Temple was burned, and the bloodstains have not been wiped clean.

The court in the past, and the official organization of Shenzhou Lieyang Department now, are also not covered up, just to protect, if there is any sensitive information, report directly to the head of the headquarters, bypassing all the people in the middle, to ensure that there will be no information leakage.

The situation that the Thirteenth Ancestor of Buyeo challenged the authority, challenged the established rules, and subverted the rules, Wen Yan would never face again.

Just relying on these stinky ghosts who dare not show up, playing conspiracy and tricks, they want to deal with Wen Yan?

It is better to be bold, burn the boats, and directly find an opportunity. When Wen Yan leaves the territory of Shenzhou, be prepared to die together, use missiles and artillery, wash the ground for ten minutes, and forcibly shock Wen Yan to death.

This feasibility may be higher.

At this moment, seeing the whole old dream dissipating, Ye Er looked at Wen Yan's back in the distance, and he had an idea in his mind that this was the closest time in his life. Even if he could continue to live, he would only see this back getting farther and farther away from him.

Ye Er saw clearly, and his cognition was clear, but he became more desperate.

When the whole old dream almost turned into mist, and everything was about to be unclear, he took out a sharp thorn from his sleeve, pointed it at his chin, and pushed the thorn without hesitation, piercing the whole thorn into his head.

He saw Wen Yan suddenly turn his head, and he couldn't help but pull the corner of his mouth.

Then the next moment, he saw something stuffed in his mouth, and Wen Yan's palm wiped along his throat, and the thing was pushed into his stomach.

The consciousness that was about to dissipate was forcibly pulled back.

Wen Yan looked at Ye Er and sighed.

"Why bother? Are you willing to die together with me just to deal with me?"

"I may not be able to trap you here, and I can't convince you. Instead, I am shaken by you.

Success or failure, we have to try.

At least, even if I can't kill you, I don't want to be used as a key by you, and I can still become stronger in this situation.

The road is obviously blocked, but you can still find a way to become stronger in another direction.

I can't stop you, I can only not help you.

I hope you can leave here alive.

If you go back alive, at least it proves that I am right, they are wrong, and they underestimated you too much."

Wen Yan shook his head. This lunatic is really stubborn and there is no hope.

"Then have you ever thought that every generation of Lieyang is different, why must I follow the same path as the Thirteenth Ancestor?

Why do the Thirteenth Ancestor's former opponents have a decent relationship with me now?

Have you ever thought that there might be something wrong with your thinking, and you first presupposed a position of either friend or enemy?

Is it possible that in addition to friends and enemies, there are many kinds of relationships between the two?

You said that Lieyang is the source of chaos, and you saw it.

The young man just now, the fourth generation of Lieyang, died at a young age.

Did he do anything wrong?

You are not young anymore, don't you know that when the world is in turmoil, it is never possible for one person to cause these things.

You insist on using your mysterious rhetoric, but there is no evidence.

Have you ever thought that it is not Lieyang that is the source of chaos, but that Lieyang existed in the chaotic times at that time.

Even, to be more rigorous, how do you define the chaotic times?"

Ye Er's expression did not change much. Obviously, such words could not convince him at all, so Wen Yan was too lazy to say it before.

But before he could continue, he heard Wen Yan say.

"In fact, if you had contacted me directly when you knew me, we could have found a teahouse and sat down to drink tea, and maybe we could have talked it out. Why bother?

I have been through a lot of things, and I am actually the one with the best temper and the most reasonable.

I have always believed that we should look at problems in light of the current actual situation, and not blindly apply past experience.

If you come to me, maybe we will meet by chance during morning tea, and we can share a table and chat together.

I think you are a stubborn rich old man, and you think you are a stupid young man with some ideals.

As we chat, we may become friends with different ideas. There should be some places for cooperation on Gu Meng's matter.

How did it develop into what it is now?"

Wen Yan talked nonsense for a few words, but Ye Er suddenly broke down.

He couldn't understand, couldn't adapt, he felt that people like him, who had something on their backs, would never be able to do anything serious again, and he didn't dare to trust anyone he had only met in the last forty or fifty years.

At this moment, he heard Wen Yan talking about something he had never thought of, and he felt that he was shaken. He actually thought that this was not completely impossible.

Because the last time Wen Yan came to the Northeast, not only did he not kill them all, but he left behind means to protect the white fox clan, so that others could not take advantage of the fire to rob.

If it were him, he would definitely not do such a thing, and he would not even think about it. He would only think about how to leave the least traces, deal with things cleanly, kill them all, and leave no future troubles.

"I really didn't misjudge you... I actually felt that you were right a little bit."

This was more difficult to accept than killing him.

Ye Er held the spike and stirred it violently, and blood began to seep out from under his chin.

The offerings that Wen Yan fed him, in the face of such injuries, originally had a much shorter blood-locking time. Now that Ye Er continued to toss it, the duration began to plummet.

"Don't waste your thoughts. This thing was originally left for me. I've said it before. From the moment I stayed and didn't leave, I didn't plan to live.

Don't die on the way..."

Ye Er stared with his eyes, no longer alive, but still had that stubbornness on his face. He was unwilling to admit until his death that it was his own thoughts that were wrong.

When he found out that Wen Yan treated him as a key and could become stronger in his old dream, his mentality was somewhat broken.

When Wen Yan said that, he found that he could actually use non-violent methods to test and solve some problems, and his mentality was completely broken.

What made him even more unacceptable was that he felt that Wen Yan said so, so he must be trustworthy and could try it this way.

Wen Yan was a little helpless as he watched Ye Er die.

"Why bother? I just want to try to come to this old dream and take a look.

How do I know what will happen when I come here?

Do you think everyone has such deep thoughts?"

He still wants to dig out more information from Ye Er. This guy knows a lot of things, and he attaches great importance to him inexplicably.

It feels to Wen Yan like an extreme illegitimate fan. The other party can remember the small details that he may not remember.

This feeling is very creepy, so Wen Yan wants to hold this guy back and never let him run again.

Who knows what this guy is thinking. He said he would kill himself immediately, and from the weapon to the method, it is the kind of method that kills instantly, and the blood can't be locked for too long.

Wen Yan carried Ye Er's body and saw that Ye Er had just died. The surface of the skin began to turn blue, and the blood vessels under the skin turned purple and black. Wen Yan's hand that touched Ye Er's body began to feel a little numb.

The next moment, the gray cloth flew out and wrapped around Ye Er's body.

Wen Yan stretched out his right hand and looked at it. There was a little more purple and black in his palm, and there was a numb feeling.

He stretched out the middle finger of his left hand, cut the skin on his right forearm, and poisoned himself. He cut the skin on the palm of his right hand and continued to poison.

The corpse poison and this poison began a fierce confrontation. The corpse poison kept forcing from both inside and outside. Drops of black blood dripped out along the small wound in Wen Yan's palm, and the purple and black color that appeared in the palm also dissipated.

After the black blood dripped, it fell less than one meter, and then it seemed to be boiling water, and it evaporated completely.

After forcing the competitor back, the corpse poison was absorbed by the black nail on Wen Yan's left middle finger before it continued to spread.

Wen Yan looked at Ye Er who was bound by the gray cloth, and thought to himself, this guy is really cruel to himself.

No wonder the blood lock of the offerings couldn't last too long. This guy not only crushed his brain, but also poisoned himself. It was such a fierce poison that it was probably not a regular thing.

Doesn't he even want to take the body away?

Are you so afraid of being used as a key?

Wen Yan was speechless. No matter what, he wouldn't carry an old man's body and go around the old dream, right?

He hasn't been so perverted.

This old guy is really judging others by his own meanness.

Wen Yan just felt that since the person was dead and his mentality collapsed before he died, he dared to admit that he was right. Then at least take the body back. It's not good to just leave it here.

Of course, after going back, try to summon the soul by the way, that's the matter for the future.

At this moment, looking around, there was already a fog around.

Unlike the collapse of the old dream before, this time the old dream dissipated bit by bit.

At this moment, falling into the fog, the first direction he felt was the direction of the mountain in his mind, which was particularly clear.

According to previous experience, he is now stuck in the area between Gu Meng and Gu Meng.

Let's find the direction first and go back first.


In the underground building, the man with the flowery hair looked at the empty evil altar and the bloodstains on the spike, shook his head and sighed.

"For the sake of our friendship for many years, I gave you a chance to leave, but you didn't leave. You are really completely out of control.

You should know that if you lose control, it may bring unexpected results.

But it is also possible that everyone will be buried with you.

Why bother? We are not doing it for lofty ideals. We just want to seek our own position and interests in this era.

When you were young, weren't you smarter than anyone else?

How come you are so old and you say it three times, but you get yourself into it? "

After Huafao muttered a few words, he went all the way to a room at the back and took off the red cloth covering a memorial tablet.

On the tablet, a row of writing appeared on its own.

"Old Lin Zi Ye Er's spiritual position."

Huafa once again came to the house where it had been raining.

"My brother Ye Er is dead."

"you sure?"

"I know him too well. If he goes this time, he will not allow himself to come back alive.

Don't worry, although he is a little out of control, he will definitely not mention anyone else.

He was just lost, not betrayed. "

No one in the room said anything else. He stood in front of the table. On the table lay a map that looked like it was only half drawn, or like a broken jigsaw puzzle that had been pieced together piecemeal.

He stood in front of the map, opened his mouth and inhaled, and a little bit of light flew out and landed in his mouth. After a long time, he opened his mouth again and spit it out, and a little bit of light flew out and landed on one of the fragments.

At the same time, the clouds and water vapor around Nanwu County, including the sea, began to slowly gather towards Nanwu County.

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