I am your natural enemy

Chapter 437: Increase the difficulty, gold coins explode (5k)

Wen Yan no longer wanted to keep going through puzzle pieces here. He wanted to go back now and find the true form of the statue.

Then... kindly and sincerely ask the other person to add a curse to him, oh no, a blessing.

Because when he stepped into the fog and entered the next piece of the puzzle, he felt something a little different.

He felt the direction.

It’s not the direction to go home, but… the direction to practice a new path.

It was a weird thing, but he just felt it.

He used to be a pioneer, walking forward in the darkness, just like on a starless and moonless night, with one foot on the ground and testing forward bit by bit, inch by inch. Trying to find a way.

Because there is no road, no direction.

Now, his new path has just expanded to his head. Just a little bit on this path, he almost can no longer twist his neck.

However, even just this little bit means that he has opened up a little bit of the road, and a little bit of direction means that he has already set foot on the road.

It stands to reason that he will still need to test a little bit later, but the testing method has basically determined that it cannot be used at this stage.

Wen Yan's practice had already fallen into stagnation and confusion.

But now, that guy gave him a blessing. On his way forward, there was a mountain and a door blocking his way.

What stopped him from moving forward was no longer the same nothingness as before.

Even if it becomes more difficult to open up and move forward, he no longer needs to open up a path in nothingness, find a way out of nothing, or even create a path.

What he wanted to do was to break through the obstacles of that mountain and that door.

The difficulties have become greater, but the advantage is that the difficulties have become concrete.

And when he was paying attention to the direction with his whole body, at the moment when he crossed the puzzle, between the two puzzles, and there was no direction, he felt another direction.

At that moment, he seemed to see a road appearing on the mountain, and tunnels running through the mountain.

This is the direction.

The moment he felt this, the anger in Wen Yan's heart could no longer rise.

He thought he was stuck, but in fact, he was going in the wrong direction.

What he needs is not to lower the difficulty, but to increase it.

Wen Yan realized it, just like that year when he could masterfully pass the boss without taking any damage, but when others played, he lost blood when he got started, and they were obviously playing at a lower difficulty level.

That time it was because the rhythm was not what he was accustomed to. The boss was slower and the rhythm changed, so he would lose blood once instead.

When Wen Yan stepped into the next puzzle piece, the direction once again changed to the other end of the puzzle.

But he remembered what he had just felt. That feeling was not guiding him to practice, but the moment when he was stuck between two puzzle pieces. In that case, if he wanted to go home, he could only rely on practice.

That guide is not the path to practice, but the path home.

Wen Yan grinned and couldn't help but laughed.

He has been stuck at this step for several days. He is not afraid of difficulties, but is afraid of the feeling that he can't find the direction at all, can't move forward, and can only be stuck here.

At this moment, he couldn't help but laugh. He began to understand why when he was a student, some people solved a problem that had been bothering them for a long time and suddenly found a way of thinking and understood something, and they would be in high spirits and laugh out loud.

Why did some sages in ancient times sit for a long time, and after thinking about something, they would look up to the sky and laugh.

He felt this way now, he wanted to laugh, he wanted to laugh.

Because he could continue walking on the path he wanted to take, and he found the direction.

At this moment, he even felt that the predicament in front of him and the puzzle pieces in front of him were all pleasing to the eye.

The biggest haze in his heart at present disappeared silently.

Looking up at the surrounding environment, there are no longer mountains, roads, or cities.

Like a rolling grassland, it is the crisp autumn season. The sky is blue, the temperature is neither cold nor hot, and the breeze seems to be very pleasant.

Wen Yan came to the top of the hillside and looked around. Only then did he realize that this was not an endless grassland, but broken puzzle pieces put together.

He saw some people wearing thick clothes and hats on the other side of the hillside. He also saw Tucheng, sheep and camels. Those people were obviously not modern people.

Wen Yan glanced at Erjin Palace. This time it was obviously not a place Erjin Palace had been to, but Wen Yan was very familiar with the Tucheng.

He had seen that shape and style before in Hades.

I also fought with the dead souls there.

Looking at it now, everything from the architecture to the people's dressing style looks very familiar.

But then, he saw some guys whose clothes and looks were obviously not locals.

And more than one wave entered that small town.

Wen Yan looked to the other side. Standing at the top of the hillside, at most a few miles away, he had crossed another puzzle piece, and it was a puzzle piece that could be seen clearly, without the cover of the fog.

Wen Yan walked from the top of the hillside of the prairie puzzle to the side, and when he came to the other side, he saw another puzzle. The buildings inside were obviously in the style of the Central Plains dynasty. Looking at the people's clothes, Wen Yan could roughly tell It appeared to be the style of the Tang Dynasty. He couldn't tell when exactly it happened.

He saw several groups of people gathered in a tall building, discussing something.

It was far away, but when he walked to the edge, he seemed to be there and could hear everything clearly.

"That guy must die. He is too bold and reckless. If he does this, I don't know how chaotic it will be in the future." The person who spoke had a bit of Tang Dynasty accent.

"The blessed land of the cave, the world outside the domain, the dream of life and death, so many things, which one does not rely on us to guard? The man in Fuyu Mountain is whimsical. He is not ambitious, he is a great traitor and evil, he wants to overturn everything."

"We must pick him up. He wants to destroy everything. We must destroy Lieyang and never let him succeed."

Wen Yan listened to the words with a slightly strong dialect flavor, and he could probably understand what the other party was saying.

This must be what happened at the time of the Thirteenth Ancestor.

But why did he come here?

He stood here and raised his head again, and something fell from the sky.

The crowing and waa sound became clearer and clearer. This time, he could hear it clearly. It was crying, the crying of a baby. Moreover, the sound was loud and powerful, like a dry howl without tears. It should be the silly son.

He was not surprised that the silly son's dry howl could fall here and he could hear it.

The power transformed by those sounds fell like soft light, while on the other side of the sky, strange and awkward tones fell, turning into gray black rain.

The two forces fell from both sides with his location as the center, clearly separated, and constantly colliding with each other.

The difference was the soft light, which fell slowly, trying to contact Wen Yan and guide Wen Yan.

The place where the dripping black rain fell on the other side was the dark curtain. The black rain was leading the dark curtain to chase Wen Yan and mark the location of Wen Yan.

Now Wen Yan understood why this time was obviously not the puzzle of the old dream related to the second entry into the palace.

Some people wanted to take the opportunity to kill him, and some people wanted to rescue him.

Both forces were guided by him and had collided with each other. No wonder when he crossed the fog just now, he felt the direction of guidance. For a moment, it was obviously not pointing to the fog.

Wen Yan looked back, and sure enough, he saw a sandstorm all over the sky, like a huge wall, advancing from the horizon to this side.

Accompanied by rumbling sounds, thunder and fire flashed in the sandstorm.

This was not the first time Wen Yan saw this scene.

But this time, what was different was that he saw dense and large numbers of puzzle pieces, which were wrapped in the sandstorm and moved forward with the sandstorm.

He saw the dark curtain rushing in from the edge, and the edge of the area was swept by the sandstorm, with a large amount of thunder and fire flashing, constantly impacting and colliding with the dark curtain.

Then, the dark curtain was shattered, retreated, and avoided the sandstorm.

No matter how the dripping black rain guided and stimulated, it would never move forward again.

A corner of the dark curtain poked out a part, trying to secretly swallow a puzzle piece that was swept away by the sandstorm, but the moment it touched it, it was hit back by the suddenly expanding sandstorm.

A corner of the dark curtain was vacant on the spot, and the dense black insects that were not covered by the darkness were exposed to the light and quickly evaporated.

The dark curtain retreated and disappeared from where it came in.

Now Wen Yan knew why there were so many puzzles here.

Because those dark curtains could not break through here at all, the old dream had existed until now.

He did not enter here by accident, he was guided here by the ability given by his aunt.

Wen Yan looked at the sandstorm coming from afar, watching more and more fragments flashing in the sandstorm, and a lot of information kept pouring into his mind the moment he saw it.

That was all the information contained in those puzzle pieces, all the information in the past.

It was not even just a matter of more than a thousand years ago.

Wen Yan saw one of the pieces, and the people in it were obviously dressed like modern people.

"Have you ever thought that the stronger the people in the world are, the more blurred the boundary between them and the Great Wilderness is.

Have you ever thought that whether it is the old dream or the domain, they are all based on the present world.

That is not to increase strength, that is to increase the abnormality at the same time.

If it continues to increase, one day, airplanes and cannons will become things that are not very useful.

Why did Lao Zhu speed up and step on the accelerator directly into the end of the law.

There is a record and a number for those who died in the war.

But those who died in the abnormality a thousand years ago and two thousand years ago did not even have a number.

I object. Lieyang must not be allowed to carry out a plan that has already failed once."

Wen Yan looked at the puzzle, and he could not see the man's face clearly.

Because the drizzle was hazy and sprinkled in the fragments, it became very blurry. He could not confirm who the other party was by listening to the voice, it was very blurry.

But then, as soon as a slightly thorny voice came out, he felt familiar.

"For the sake of possible risks, you ignore the risks that have been confirmed. You may choke to death while eating. Why don't you give up eating?

When Shenzhou made a new decision and adjusted its general direction forty years ago, didn't it foresee what problems it would encounter later? It would be better to keep it as it is.

The question is, does reality allow you to keep it as it is?

It's so stupid, what? Are you afraid that you won’t be able to discipline ordinary people? Is it difficult to control it? Are you afraid that when you poop on someone’s head, will anyone be able to resist? "

Seeing that the output was getting more and more outrageous, someone knocked on the table.

"Cai Qidong, you are now the minister of a county branch, please pay more attention."

Wen Yan was speechless. When he saw the blurry figure, he stood up and left.

"What's there to do here? Let's go."

Pieces of the puzzle kept flashing by, and he could see that they were all related to Lieyang and his aunt.

He also saw a puzzle piece, and saw an aunt dressed in red, holding a swaddling bag, inside which was a baby with a bluish complexion and closed eyes.

She put the child on the stone bed and turned to leave.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Yan saw drizzle starting to fall in one of the puzzle pieces.

The drizzle poured out from the jigsaw puzzle that was caught in the sandstorm, and in an instant it seemed as if it was about to spread to the entire world.

Wen Yan looked at the puzzle pieces that kept flashing by and the sandstorm getting closer. He clapped his hands and took out a bottle of water, and a drop of water flew out of the bracelet on his wrist and blended into it.

He blessed Erjin Gong to avoid drowning, and poured the water directly into Erjin Gong's mouth and nose, and the gray cloth swished around Erjin Gong.

Wen Yan stood there and watched the sandstorm approaching.

Then, his waist dwindled slightly, and his whole body seemed to be pressed up a mountain, and that terrifying sense of oppression appeared instantly.

He saw his aunt, the only bright color in the early part of the sandstorm.

The sense of oppression this time was far greater than the aunt I saw in the underworld.

It's really like facing the devil directly with a mortal body.

No wonder no party dared to record it in detail in their records. The sense of oppression was really too strong.

Wen Yan stood motionless and shouted in the distance.

But this time, the aunt ignored him and just looked at him from a distance.

Then, the aunt raised her head slightly and looked at the drizzle spilling from one of the puzzle pieces.

She stretched out her delicate hand and shook it in the air. She saw that hand seemed to have crossed the space and directly penetrated into the puzzle. With a thunderous bang, the drizzle in the puzzle disappeared.

Everything in the puzzle still maintains the vague feeling when the drizzle appeared, but it ends here and there is no change.

The aunt held something in her hand, put down her hand, and continued to move forward.

In an instant, a sandstorm roared past, the surrounding light dimmed in an instant, and the surroundings were surrounded by howling winds.

When he fell into the sandstorm, he could no longer see anything else, but under the strong wind, the direction in his heart became clearer than ever before.

After entering the old dream, the reminder that had never appeared again finally appeared.

"Get the environmental buff blessing."

"Under the current environment, your additional fixed ability of 'never getting lost' has been greatly enhanced."

Wen Yan could no longer see clearly the surrounding environment when it was more than two meters away, but the direction in his heart was extremely clear.

Not only will the guide be given a direction, but the route will also be given.

He shouted into the sandstorm.

"Auntie, the little guy is very good. He loves to laugh and eat tomatoes. He is very cute and well-behaved."

After he shouted, something appeared out of thin air in his hand.

He stretched out his hand and saw it was a drop of water.

Before he could figure it out, the Jiehe Shuiguanlu on the back of his hand emerged and absorbed the drop of water directly.

"Relieve the misfortune of Shuiguanlu, gain an additional 1% progress, and the current progress is 55%."

Wen Yan was shocked. What could explode gold coins?

Wen Yan received no response, and could only feel the huge pressure in the sandstorm. Even if it was not directed at him, he still felt uncomfortable as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and his body instinctively became a state of stress.

As for Er Jingong, who was carried by Wen Yan, he had softened and fainted just now.

Wen Yan carried Er into the palace and walked through the vast sandstorm. After walking for a few minutes, the sandstorm gradually weakened.

He vaguely saw that the surroundings had turned into darkness, and he could feel that there were two roads ahead.

One is thick and dense, filled with a sense of oppression, and the other is sinister and gloomy, as if heading towards death.

Wen Yan chose the latter without hesitation.

Because of the latter, he had been.

He closed his eyes and took a few steps again. The sandstorm dissipated and he stepped onto a path.

On both sides of the path, skeletal hands looked like clusters of flowers swaying in the wind. The air was filled with fragrance, and countless illusions were changing on both sides of the path.

"The basic passive effect 'Fearless' has been activated."

"Never Sunset, activated."

"Sunless Walking has been activated."

Wen Yan closed his eyes and walked among them. Following the guidance in his heart, he ignored everything here and kept moving forward.

He had been here before, and walked through here when he went from the underworld to the mountain ghost seal.

For ordinary people to take this path, it is indeed a dead end.

Not long after he walked along this road, he took another step and felt the extremely strong Yin Qi around him. He knew that he had entered the underworld without opening his eyes.

He didn't open his eyes because he wasn't sure what he was feeling was wrong.

He continued to walk forward, and the densely packed flowers around him swayed faster and faster, creating more and more strange and strange illusions, and transformed into countless ghosts like ghosts, but Wen Yan was not tricked into opening his eyes.

Countless illusions, could only watch Wen Yan step by step, along the correct path, step into the underworld, and completely disappear here.

A few minutes later, Wen Yan felt the direction in his heart and began to turn, and then he opened his eyes.

He reached the crossroads.

The sound of Dao Ge's crowing was extremely clear. The ghosts at the crossroads of the underworld avoided that road. The sound itself seemed to contain a strong yang energy.

Wen Yan walked up along the crossroads and walked out of the basement of Lao Zhao's house.

He saw that in his backyard, the fourth uncle was opening the altar to perform rituals, Dao Ge stood on the shelf and kept crowing, and his silly son was crying.

Wen Yan was so moved that even his silly son was trying to help him. It was not in vain to help his silly son get food.

However, when he got closer, he saw that his silly son didn't watch the ritual at all, but just stretched out his hand to try to pull away the sparrow cat that blocked his view. The sparrow cat was not happy, so the silly son started to howl, howling for a long time without a single tear.

When the cat saw Wen Yan coming out and flew up immediately, the silly son immediately stopped howling and continued to look into the room eagerly.

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