I am your natural enemy

Chapter 399 Cutting leeks, Dahlia (5k)

Previously, Wen Yan thought that a magician might be involved, but he defaulted to one person.

It should be that the other party brought something in by some means, or cast a spell from the air or something.

After all, the probability of such a guy successfully passing customs is extremely slim.

Later, after the Lieyang Department dug out several more guys who were instigated to rebel, they found that the actual details of each of the guys who were instigated were different from the situation in Nanwu County, but their nature and methods were similar.

Combined with the previous information, it was speculated that there might be more than one, so I made a list.

According to what Feng Yao said and from the information, Nanyang's magicians did not live in seclusion or concealment at all, so he actually didn't feel much of it.

Over in Europa, some wizards who keep pace with the times have their own websites.

What he had speculated before was probably to this extent.

I never expected that this method of not covering up my eyes would be so rampant in Nanyang.

After coming to the South China Sea, he heard from Chang Dao Ah Piao that he had gathered some non-Chinese water ghosts, so Wen Yan asked casually to see if anyone knew.

Unexpectedly, there was actually one, and he was a guy who was killed.

It really complies with the old saying, rely on the mountains to bury the mountains, rely on the sea to reclaim the sea, a classic and convenient processing method.

Wen Yan asked Chen Jiuming to talk about what happened during his lifetime.

Basically, it is similar to what Changdao Apiao said, which is the routine of a common man who is not guilty but has a jade in his hands, but there is one thing that Chen Jiuming said more clearly.

"My great-grandfather actually went to sea to make a fortune, made a little bit of money, and left a path.

There were many people going to sea in Haixi County back then, and it is still the case now.

When my grandfather went to Nanyang, he sold basically everything he brought with him as capital.

Finally, it’s my generation, and I don’t live up to expectations very much. I can’t do anything to compensate for it, and the local customs are not good either.

I'm ready to buy the last two things and go to China to explore.

But the problem lies in these two things.

A black iron token and a gold coin, both antiques.

The gold coin was nothing. I couldn't find its provenance and no one recognized the symbols on it. I sold it for a little money.

That black iron token, according to my grandfather, was something left by Lord Sanbao back then.

If one day you can't survive here any longer, just quit and go somewhere else.

I don't live up to expectations, I don't have much ability, and I like to mess around. I can't do anything, so I can only take action.

The price they gave me was too low. I originally wanted to raise the price, but they didn't even want to pay.

I figured out they were after these two things, and I didn’t want any money.

I didn't know until I was dying that I was dead from the moment they knew I had this thing in my hand.

It’s not that they don’t want to pay, they just want to silence them. They don’t trust living people. "

After Wen Yan heard what Chen Jiuming said, he had no impression of the token or anything.

To be honest, if he hadn't learned his lesson and checked a lot of information about this place before coming here, he wouldn't even know who San Baogong was.

Wen Yan looked at Chen Jiu Ming. He was not hacked to death. The real cause of death was drowning. Otherwise, he would not have turned into a water ghost.

Add the keyword "gold coins".

He took out his mobile phone and turned to a photo of two square sides of a gold coin, with a ruler next to it as a reference.

"Is this what the gold coins you are talking about look like?"

"They are indeed similar in length and size, but the symbols on them are not like this."

"Yeah, I understand."

Wen Yan looked at Chen Jiu Ming and wondered in his heart, did Chen Jiu Ming die from the curse of the gold coin?

It should be considered that it is the result of many reasons.

In this land full of islands, it is unlikely that a person holding a cursed gold coin will not enter the ocean range.

"How did your grandfather and your father die?"

"My grandfather encountered a storm while going out to sea and was thrown overboard. He completely disappeared. My father's boat capsized and he was dead when he was found."

"Did they take that gold coin with them when something happened?"

Chen Jiu Ming was shocked.

"Yes, my grandfather brought the gold coins to someone for appraisal, and my father took the gold coins with him."

Wen Yan knew clearly in his heart that three generations had drowned. It seemed that the power of this curse was quite strong, but it did not necessarily take effect immediately. There was a high probability that it would be carried with him or on a ship with the holder. Only then will it be triggered.

He now holds three gold coins and two trophies. Lao Meng also gave him one as a gift. He doesn't know why Lao Meng, a profiteer, was not cursed.

I guess this guy was able to identify the problem and find a way to avoid it.

"What does the token look like?"

"The whole thing is round, black in color, with cloud patterns on it, and engraved characters on the front."

"Okay, let's continue talking about that sorcerer."

“When my son was hospitalized, I met a family member whose child also suffered from a blood disease.

At the beginning, I didn’t know that my son was harmed by a magician.

It was him who told me these things, and I knew that the sorcerers that had been rumored were true.

He said that his child was harmed by a magician.

He went to ask a magician for advice, and the magician told him that he had offended people to death and someone wanted to take revenge on him.

The other party paid a huge price and was even willing to trade one life for another to kill his child and make him suffer for the rest of his life.

I don’t know what happened next. He immigrated and took his children to Europe. "

Wen Yan listened quietly to Chen Jiuming's words, and a line gradually became clear in his mind.

Magician, Wuyuan Pawn Shop, gold foil chocolate...

No wonder the magicians here are all on the surface, and various legends are widely circulated.

Sure enough, there are reasons and huge benefits.

On the bright side, if ordinary people have any huge conflicts that cannot be resolved, they will seek help from magicians.

As for the magician, the so-called exchange of one life for one life probably means life for one life.

When this kind of custom and legend spreads, people who can be forced to find a magician may really not care about anything, and naturally they don't care about exchanging one life for another.

This is a steady stream of cutting leeks.

Cut off the lifespan of one party, and then cut off other things from the other party, such as flesh and blood, soul and the like.

There are many sorcery here in Nanyang, and the materials used are corpse oil, internal organs, nails, hair, eyeballs, teeth and the like. The more miserable the death, the greater the resentment, and the better the effect.

Wen Yan put all these things together and suddenly felt more reasonable.

No wonder Wuyuan Pawn Shop wants to take root in Nanyang. It is indeed only here that is most suitable for them, and only here can they play like this.

The same goes for those magicians. If they were in China, they would have been punched hard and their ashes would have been scattered.

But here, the concept is different. When listening to Chen Jiuming's words, Wen Yan can clearly feel that he does not seem to have any particular hatred for the magician. All the hatred is basically concentrated on the person who hired the magician. body.

This is probably not a way of thinking that can be developed in a few years. In the past few decades, this way of thinking that the magician is just a tool has probably been cultivated here.

Just like when a person is killed, the knife is not blamed.

This was what made Wen Yan feel cold the most.

It's more chilling than killing a few, dozens, or hundreds of specific people.

After chatting with Chen Jiuming for a while, Wen Yan asked Chang Dao Ah Piao to take him away. Wen Yan took his mobile phone to the surface of the sea and called Feng Yao directly.

"I have something to tell you first. You'd better tell the people who come down from Laojun Mountain to tell them not to look at the problem with our way of thinking. Ordinary people here should pay attention. If you don’t do it right, you’ll suffer a big loss.”

"How to say?"

Wen Yan told him the news he had just received.

"That's probably it. I think things might be more troublesome than I thought.

Not only are there officials colluding with them, they may even be their people.

Among ordinary people, there may be quite a few.

You should tell the people who are descending from Laojun Mountain to be more alert and don't get shot in the dark. "

"Well, the chance of that guy being shot in the dark is probably not high.

I see he is about to get off the plane, I will tell him.

As for the rest, you don't have to worry too much.

When Lao Junshan said the words "Fa Buyi", it meant that they were willing to stand up.

Just go ahead and do it, and don’t worry about the subsequent wrangling. "

"Okay." Wen Yan hung up the phone.

He returned to the sunken ship and looked at the location marked on the map. He just started from the northernmost point and slowly wandered over.

"Is there a blank flag?"

"No." Changdao Ah Piao's eyes shone: "Does Xingjun want to hang the flag?"

"Well, hang a flag."

"Xingjun, wait a moment, I'm going to prepare."

Since Feng Yao said that he should let go and not worry about anything else, Wen Yan would be rude. He must be known as a famous teacher.

After waiting for a few minutes, he saw Chang Dao A Piao floating over with a few boxes in his arms.

Each box was opened to reveal a flag without symbols, words or images.

Wen Yan took out one of the flags with a black background and spread it out in front of him.

After looking at the material and style of the flag, he knew that Chang Dao A Piao had already prepared it.

Today's sunken ships do not fly flags. For a ship, flying a flag is not only a matter of ownership, but also a declaration.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand, and Yang Qi flowed through his fingertips. He used Yang Qi as ink and wrote three big characters on the flag with a black background.

"It's unjust."

Ordinary people may not be able to see these three characters, but aliens or some professionals can definitely see these three characters at a glance.

At this time, Gray Bu raised his head slightly, and the shape of a pair of eyes condensed on the surface. He looked at the black flag and then at Wen Yan. Thin threads flew out and fell onto the black flag, quickly penetrating inside.

The gray cloth split itself into a little line, which not only traced the three words, but also used the line to carry the blessing yang energy, which could obviously last longer.

Wen Yan smiled and blessed him again.

When he asked Hui Bu to work overtime and practice for more than ten hours every day, Hui Bu played hide and seek with him every day.

In the past few days, his practice did not particularly require the help of gray cloth, and gray cloth moved upwards.

"Go and hang it up, you always have to have a name."

Changdao Apiao smiled happily, and quickly held the black flag, came to the deck of the sunken ship, and hung the black flag himself.

The flag with a black background fluttered in the wind in the water. The three large red characters on it looked like burning flames. The handwriting was wild and casual, but also casual and a little domineering.

Setting up a flag was something they had always wanted to do, but Changdao Ah Piao and a group of the original water ghosts all thought it was pointless to set up a flag themselves, so it was best not to set up a flag.

If they set up their own flag, it means that they have become a force, and many things will be different.

But now that Wen Yan asked them to set up a flag, there was nothing to hesitate about.

Look at this flag, with a black background and those three words, it immediately adds 100 points to its justice.

Ah Piao with the long knife asked the other water ghosts to control the direction. He pulled out the long knife and stood on the bow of the ship. The silent ripples spread out. He called to several other ships to let them all gather together.

To defeat the unjust, of course we need a fleet, six ships. Although it feels a bit shabby and there are not enough ships, we can only bring in more people.

The silent call spread in the sea. Elsewhere, the water ghosts driving the sunken ship immediately turned around and moved closer to the ship where Changdao Ah Piao was.

A few hours later, six sunken ships gathered together. A large number of black sea crabs, like the tide, supported the six sunken ships and moved forward silently and quickly in the sea. Wherever they passed, any creature with some spiritual sense in the sea would Stay away from the fleet.

Half a day later, a water ghost reported that a ship was approaching.

The sunken ship began to rise and surface.

Wen Yan came to the deck, took a look with a telescope, and saw a rusty steel ship floating towards this side silently in the distance.

Wen Yan returned the telescope to Changdao Ah Piao, who frowned.

"Xingjun, forgive me, it should be that when I summoned other ships before, this guy also felt the summons.

Yesterday, this guy was discovered by our people and reported to the Lieyang Department. Unexpectedly, it came here now. "

"Is this the ghost ship?"

"Yes, the Sun Division said that this should be the steamship from Europa, called the Dahlia, which has a history of nearly a hundred years.

At that time, the ship got lost on its first voyage and was said to have sunk in the ocean. The exact location has never been found.

Why it sank at that time has always been an unsolved mystery.

Recently, it suddenly appeared in the ocean. It has been drifting along the ocean currents, and it has almost reached the South China Sea in the past two days.

According to its previous speed, it would take at least two or three days to drift into the South China Sea. "

Wen Yan took out Lieyang Department's mobile phone and found that it still had a signal. He searched for relevant information in Lieyang Department's database.

Sure enough, a lot of things were found.

The Dahlia first set sail ninety years ago and disappeared into the Eastern Ocean.

It had actually been discovered by Shenzhou two months ago. According to speculation at the time, the traces on this ship definitely did not appear recently, and may have appeared for some time.

The Dahlia was discovered when it drifted not far from the route.

At that time, the island country was the closest, and people had been sent there, but there were no results. There was no sound from the other side, and nothing was made public. They just let the ghost ship float away.

The unconfirmed gossip obtained by China is that the people who were sent up in the first place all disappeared on the Dahlia without a trace, and no news was spread.

A Mei happened to have a ship nearby at that time, so she went to take a look. Later, she heard that there was some kind of devil on it. In addition, the ship was following the ocean current and was about to drift to the territory of China. They were waiting to watch the excitement.

Therefore, this matter fell to the Lieyang Department, and it was the target that the Lieyang Department needed to pay close attention to quietly.

This ship is also weird. Sometimes it sinks into the sea and disappears, and sometimes it appears and sails on the sea again. It has been lost a few days ago. I was looking for it when I was discovered by these water ghosts in the South China Sea.

Wen Yan looked at the rusty steel ship in the distance, and then at the floating ships under his feet.

Looking at the positioning again, well, it is still in the territory of China. It has been sailing for a long time and has not yet left the territory of China.

"Just in time, the flag is up. Let's pack this up first and change the ship for you."

Wen Yan took out his mobile phone and made a video call, but no one answered.

After waiting for a few minutes, Gauss came back to him.

"Wen Yan, do you want to make a date?"

"No, I'm going out. When I get back, I have something to ask you."

Wen Yan turned on the rear camera and took pictures of the steel ship in the distance.

"I went to sea and encountered a ghost ship on the way. I heard that there was a devil on it. Can you tell anything?"

“Just looking at this, I can’t tell anything.

However, if it is a devil, just kill it.

The devils who can sneak into the ghost ship now are probably not very powerful.

If you have any horns, leave one for me and treat you to dinner when you come back. "


After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan waved his hand, and six sunken ships slowly approached.

After getting closer, Wen Yan felt that the Yin Qi on the Dahlia was very strong and the resentment was not low. There should be many evil spirits.

He checked the equipment on his body, shook the gray cloth, and was about to go out. Chang Dao A Piao quickly asked for orders.

"Xingjun, let's do it, it should just be some Ah Piao."

"I'll do it, I'm in a hurry."

Wen Yan held the gray cloth in one hand and stepped on the other end of the gray cloth with the other hand, like stepping on a surfboard, moving quickly on the water.

When he reached the side of the ship, the gray cloth flew up and wrapped around the guardrail, pulling him up to the deck.

It was empty here, nothing could be seen, and no engine or other sounds could be heard. There was no smoke coming out of the huge chimney on the ship.

Wen Yan came to the bridge and entered it. The moment he looked out from here, he saw that the outside suddenly became pitch black and the sea surface became like ink.

On the surrounding walls, some rust began to fall off, revealing human-shaped marks underneath.

Evil spirits with twisted faces struggled out from inside.

At this time, Wen Yan suddenly had a reminder in front of his eyes.

"Ghost ship."

“During the first voyage of the Dahlia, all communication methods were destroyed, all tools for finding direction were destroyed, and three navigators were killed.

Someone wants to sacrifice a boatload of people to complete a summons.

Unfortunately, their sacrificial ceremony was chosen at the wrong time.

The previous ritual could not complete the summoning, and something changed.

All the power, along with the Dahlia, sank to the bottom of the sea, settling down over the years. "

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