I am your natural enemy

Chapter 380 Huo Yong is autistic, the natural enemy of zombies (10k)

Wen Yan put away the bamboo slips and continued to walk around Warehouse No. 1 while there was still time.

It's not to ride a donkey to find a horse, but to experience it first, and I have some idea that there is probably something here that he can use.

There are many things here, and Lieyang Department doesn’t know their specific functions.

Just like this roll of bamboo slips, when they were dug out together, the other bamboo slips looked like thin strips of dehydrated and carbonized wood. Even those who were not an expert would not be able to recognize that the dark strips were bamboo slips.

This scroll of bamboo slips stands out from the crowd and still maintains its former appearance. Even a fool would know that this is not normal.

But it can be judged that it is a strange object, but there is no way to know what strange effects it has.

There are countless similar things.

Finally, considering that the risk is unknown, it can only be placed in a warehouse, waiting for the right person.

What the Lieyang Department can control is that things will definitely fall into the hands of people recognized by the Lieyang Department.

Wen Yan went through it roughly. Many things were like this. They only introduced the origin, but there was no effective introduction at all. The image may not have much to do with the effect.

Accurate valuation can only estimate the price. It can generally be guaranteed that the higher the valuation, the rarer and more precious the item is, but it may not necessarily be particularly good or suitable.

After walking around and scanning it roughly, and having an impression in his mind, Wen Yan left Warehouse No. 1 and headed to Warehouse No. 2.

Warehouse No. 1 looks more like a cultural relics warehouse, while Warehouse No. 2 looks a lot more messy. All kinds of things that look like raw materials and raw ores are placed here. The Lieyang Jade that Wen Yan wants is all here.

The Lieyang Jade that can be placed here is extremely pure, large in size, and has not been cut or carved.

Wen Yan made a rough estimate. From the time he started practicing to the current progress, plus the large consumption of various events, this piece of Fierce Yang Jade was at least enough for all the Warm Jade, Blood Warm Jade, and Fierce Yang Jade he had consumed. Four or five times the carrying capacity.

He just looked at it without choosing. He also wanted to find something similar to the bamboo slips, but unfortunately there was nothing similar to the resonance in Warehouse No. 2.

Wen Yan could only sift through it with accurate estimates first. After sifting through it, he selected three items, a piece of extremely pure Lieyang Jade rough stone, a fossil that stayed warm all year round, and a wooden talisman.

The fossil has not been cut open, but the description is that it is a fossil of an egg, with a half-formed embryo inside, which turned into a fossil.

The description of the wooden talisman is the material itself, which is consistent with the characteristics of angiosperms in the early stages of evolution. I took a sample and studied it, and found that the texture and structure of this wood are different from existing plants. Existing microorganisms cannot decompose this wooden talisman.

This wooden talisman is incorruptible and immortal, but it has little to do with whether it is a rare object or not.

The greatest value lies in the structure and material. After being thoroughly studied at the microscopic level, the wooden talisman itself has only the value of being a rare object.

As a rare item, the results of the current experiment can only add a buff to the wearer, increase rigidity and toughness, and partially improve the resistance to blows. However, if ordinary people get it, the improvement will not be much, and they still cannot use it. Hold an ordinary pistol within ten meters.

The extent of improvement is directly related to the person's physical condition.

Therefore, according to the description, this artifact should be improved by percentage, so it was thrown into the warehouse.

After much deliberation, Wen Yan chose the wooden talisman. Even though the proportion of improvement was not much, theoretically, the stronger the physical condition, the more precious this proportional improvement would be.

Wen Yan's current weight has reached more than 170 kilograms, but he still looks a little thin. Not to mention fat, his strength is not obvious.

The progress of his new path practice has been steadily improving, not particularly fast, but not stagnant either.

The tiger stone carving produces tiger bones every month. In addition to the part used for medicine, there are also a few bone-strengthening pills made, which are enough for his daily practice to strengthen his muscles and bones.

In addition, there are mountain spirits in the black mountain stone carvings, which can improve eyesight and strengthen the body.

His bone density is much higher than that of ordinary people, and his body is constantly compacted. He does not look strong at all, but he is not light.

It can be expected that with his step-by-step practice, his basic physical condition will become stronger and stronger.

In this case, this wooden charm is very valuable.

It is equivalent to temporarily raising his basic conditions beyond the limit under normal circumstances.

Even if it is not used for fighting, it is still good to use it to assist in practice.

After choosing the second item, Wen Yan didn't expect to get anything suitable when he went to the third warehouse. Just the scroll of bamboo slips was enough for him.

When we came to the third warehouse, it was more like a grocery store. Wen Yan even saw a cabinet over two meters high and three meters wide, which was also a rare item.

There is also a slogan written on the old cabinet.

"It is prohibited to beat or scold customers without reason"

Wen Yan looked at the label next to it and said that this was a cabinet from decades ago. It was the best-selling counter in the supply and marketing cooperative back then. It sold non-staple food.

Later, I discovered the reason for the good business of this counter. The container itself is a rare item, which can greatly stimulate people's desire to consume.

When customers decide whether to buy something or not, it will definitely become a must-buy.

Wen Yan looked shocked. The Lieyang Department didn't use such a good thing, but put it in the warehouse?

It is indeed meaningless to use it to trick ordinary people, but it can be used in other places.

No, since it is said that the customer has to have an idea for it to be useful, then how can it be considered a trap? It might as well be used as a foreign trade display cabinet.

Wen Yan felt a little regretful, forget it, maybe after many tests, he came to the conclusion that it was not suitable for use.

He continued walking and turned around, which was an eye-opener.

When I saw a small golden cauldron, I thought it was pure gold. But when I looked at the label carefully, I saw that it was actually a bronze vessel.

Wen Yan had heard before that some bronzes were originally golden, but over time, a layer of patina formed on the surface, causing them to turn cyan. He didn't expect to see a real gold object this time.

As he walked, he saw a triangular-shaped black stone. The stone was sealed inside with thick transparent glass. There were two symbols on it that he didn't recognize.

When Wen Yan got here, he couldn't walk anymore.

He saw it written on the label.

"Black Stone."

"It contains a huge amount of death and corpse energy, and is speculated to be closely related to zombies.

After calculation, it is at least 4,000 years ago.

After the body of a living person comes into contact with it, it will be infected by the dead air of corpse. If treatment is not timely, there is a risk of sudden death.

After death, the body has a high probability of turning into a zombie.

Non-professionals, please do not touch. "

Wen Yan frowned slightly and stared at the black stone for a long time, not because it was related to zombies.

But because he thought he had seen it somewhere.

He never liked to regard things as hallucinations or illusions, but if he had seen it, there was no reason why he couldn't imagine it.

After watching it for two minutes, I still didn't remember it.

He didn't know why he suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu when he saw something he had never seen before.

He remained silent and picked up the glass box.

This is the third choice.

Since it is said that professionals can touch it, even if he can't use it, he can just take it back and use it as a pillow for the little zombie.

Anyway, he really didn't know what to choose. There were too many valuable things here.

He no longer needs to choose things based on accurately estimated values. This is just an auxiliary method.

Another reason for choosing this black stone is that accurate valuation cannot be used to value this black stone.

The result shown by the accurate valuation is three question marks.

Wen Yan left the warehouse holding the glass box.

The Secretary of the Headquarters has also been waiting here. Someone who can enter the warehouse of the Headquarters and choose anything is equal to first-class merit in the Lieyang Department. This is an honor and a real benefit.

The current philosophy of the Lieyang Department is that it depends on ability. Honors can be given, treasures can be given, money can be given, and benefits can be given. Who can get it all depends on merit.

This method is the most suitable when the recovery of spiritual energy is accelerating, and things are destined to become more and more complicated later, and the changes become more and more intense.

However, the secretary was still startled when she saw what Wen Yan took out and couldn't help but take a step back.

There are many dangerous things in Warehouse No. 3, but there are really not many things that need to be completely sealed with special glass.

The big secret knew about this black stone. It was dug out by a villager back then. He didn't take it seriously. He just took it back to make sauerkraut after seeing that it was the right size.

Who would have thought that in just one month, nine people in the village were killed suddenly, and all of them turned into zombies after death.

When the Lieyang Department went to suppress it, there were already more than thirty wild zombies. At that time, they were inexperienced and several field workers were infected with corpse poison. However, they still invited people from Fuyu Mountain to bring a black-haired zombie to kill a group of zombies there. Wild zombie suppression.

The current experience and technology of the Lieyang Department in treating corpse poison are based on the technology shared by Fuyu Mountain and developed in combination with modern medicine. It is very efficient and has a finished portable serum.

After this black stone was brought back, several researchers were poisoned during the research process. Later, it was completely sealed and thrown into a warehouse.

But since Wen Yan took it out, there is no problem.

If this thing is taken out, 80% of it will be transferred to Buyeosan, so it won’t be a big problem.

As for the other two things Wen Yan brought out, they were not dangerous. They were just a roll of bamboo slips and a wooden talisman. They were very restrained.

He had heard the head of the headquarters lament before that Wen Yan always likes to read and study. He borrows classics everywhere. He is really diligent. Unexpectedly, when he had the opportunity to choose by himself, he only chose one volume. There was nothing special about it except that it would not decay. Bamboo slips.

"Do you want to take the things away yourself? Or will they be sent back to you?"

"I'll take it with me, that's all."

“Okay, but it’s best not to open that glass cover until it’s in a safe place.

According to our experimental data, if the death energy and corpse energy emitted from it are not consumed, it will continue to spread over time, which is actually very dangerous.

For convenience, we will customize a new box for you and send it to you.

Where do you want to send it? "

"Thank you very much. Just send it to my house."

"Okay, it will arrive tomorrow." The secretary knew clearly that Wen Yan was going to take the black stone back to his home, so this black stone might be given to the little zombie at home.

Considering the situation at Wen Yan's house, the problem is indeed not big.

After sending Wen Yan away, the secretary met the headquarter manager and told him what Wen Yan had taken away. The headquarter manager was also a little surprised.

"With these three, he really knows how to waste his opportunity."

Speaking of this, the headmaster himself laughed.

As he expected, not all of the three things Wen Yan chose were chosen for him.

"Minister, Wen Yan wants to bring the black stone back to Decheng. These days, someone wants to buy a house in Wen Yan's community and be a neighbor to Wen Yan, but the owner there refuses.

Should we interfere a little bit?

After all, the row in front of Wen Yan's house and the row behind him are basically empty.

Also, there are recent rumors among the aliens that Tuoba Martial God lives in the community where Wen Yan's family is located. "

"Who is there?"

The secretary named a few names and the people they represented.

The headmaster laughed dumbly.

"These guys are quite keen. They are starting to think about the future now and bet in advance.

It wouldn't be appropriate for us to come forward directly, so let's do this.

Go check out the houses near Wen Yan's house and see which ones are owned by individuals.

In the name of Wen Yan, buy everything in your hands.

Wen Yan has done so many things, and even if he gives him money, he can't spend thousands of dollars a month.

Later, slowly give him the house books one by one.

He has done so many things, and there must always be a reward. "

"I understand, let's do it now." The secretary looked calm. He was actually just here to ask for permission.

The current situation is becoming increasingly unsafe, and the richer and more prestigious people are, the more uneasy they feel.

Although Decheng is a small town, there are some people who know the inside story and cannot leak it out directly, but they don't say anything. They just arrange for family members to quietly buy a house in Wen Yan's community, and no one can say anything.

It is not good for the Lieyang Department to intervene directly because of this matter, nor is it good to stock up on rare goods and buy them all first.

If they bought it all, wouldn't they be using the people living there as resources?

Who is the most suitable person is Wen Yan himself. No one can say anything more about the scattered villas bought in Wen Yan's name.

Even if everyone knows that the Lieyang Department came forward to do it, they can only shut up.

Wen Yan has made so many achievements because he likes the house and doesn't care about outsiders.

Wenyan loves to live with whomever he wants, but the same is true for outsiders.

People who can specifically choose the community where Wen Yan's home is located will at least not be tempted to buy directly from Wen Yan without thinking.

On the other side, Wen Yan also went to the suburbs and returned home through the dark way. Without his knowledge, there might suddenly be several more apartments under his name.

Lieyangbu cares more about who his neighbor is than Wenyan himself.

He walked out of the basement of Lao Zhao's house, and Feng Wei and Tong Si went back.

When he returned home, he took the three things he brought back to the basement. He put on the wooden talisman directly. He threw the black stone here first and studied it later.

He first took out the roll of bamboo slips, then took out his mobile phone, took a photo of the bamboo slips, and handed it to Black Box, asking Black Box to help translate it.

Black Box translated it in seconds, and the content on the bamboo slips was not very much. Basically, it was from the Wei Ling Gong Chapter.

Wen Yan touched the bamboo slips with his fingers and recited the contents word for word against the translated text.

When he read one of the lines, "A man with lofty ideals and a benevolent man, there is no need to live to harm benevolence, but to sacrifice one's life to achieve benevolence," he felt a gentle and strange power emerge and pour into his body.

His mind and will seemed to have become calmer and firmer.

Now he clearly understood that this bamboo slip corresponded to the benevolence in the Wuchang.

I don’t know who wrote this bamboo slip. A great deal of effort was put into it, and thoughts, beliefs, and strength were poured into it, which has lasted for thousands of years.

After he was able to get started, just touching and reciting, he could feel the power that had never progressed, and began to have a power that was silently infiltrating his body and consciousness.

It's very gentle, without any coercion. He can even feel that the ideas don't have to be accepted by him. He can have his own understanding, and this understanding can even change.

Just like a teacher, if you give him a lecture, what you can learn depends entirely on him.

It was a very strange feeling, and the biggest feeling for Wen Yan was that of inclusiveness.

This kind of power did not conflict with any power in his body, and the infiltration was completed very smoothly without any bad changes.

Wen Yan's biggest feeling is this, moistening things silently.

Because he could feel that using this extremely weak power as a medium, all the powers in his body seemed to become a little easier when they were compatible.

Whether this power itself is strong or not, he no longer cares very much.

After reading the book several times, Wen Yan felt that his mind had calmed down a lot, and the negative emotions in his heart also dissipated.

He came to the underground hive, checked that nothing was going on here, and then entered the room where Huo Yong was suppressed.

Huo Yong stayed here quietly. When he saw Wen Yan coming, he said hello casually.

Then Huo Yong stared at the wooden talisman hanging on Wen Yan's chest.

"Where did you get this thing?"

"I exchanged it for meritorious service in the Lieyang Department. I thought this thing was destined for me, so I got it in exchange. Do you know it?"

"I recognize the totem up there."

"Can you tell me?"

“I don’t remember very clearly, I just remember that the tribe that used this symbol as a totem, I seem to have been involved in the process of their annexation.

They built their houses with wood and used wood as weapons. Their weapons were very hard and heavy.

Fire cannot ignite their weapons, and their bodies are very strong. "

Speaking of this, Huo Yong glanced at Wen Yan.

"They are much stronger than you physically, they are the bravest warriors I have ever seen.

Not only is he not afraid of death, but he has the courage to charge, his body is very strong, his bones are very hard, and his recovery power is also very strong.

Unfortunately, there are too few of them, and they can only be regarded as a small tribe at best.

If their population were one tenth of ours, they would not be annexed. "

"How many are there?" Wen Yan asked casually.

Just as Huo Yong was about to speak, he thought of something interesting and immediately shut up.

If he dares to answer this question, Wen Yan might be able to guess how many people there are in his tribe, and by the way, where he comes from.

Wen Yan smiled and didn't take it seriously.

"Did you only annex their tribes but not destroy them?"

Huo Yong gave Wen Yan a strange look and said matter-of-factly.

"Population is the most precious, and their blood is also the most precious. How can you kill casually? Only the people behind you will be keen on killing, especially you people now, who are too keen on war. I don't understand it very well. ”


Wen Yan was stunned and didn't really think of how to refute.

The concepts are different. In Huo Yong's eyes, except for the people of his own tribe, the people of other tribes may not be considered human beings before they are annexed, but what they are passionate about is turning the people of other tribes into themselves. tribal people instead of killing them all.

After thinking about it, Wen Yan didn't bother thinking about it and changed the subject directly.

"I won't ask you about the tribe anymore. You can tell me about this tribe. Is that okay?"

"That's all I remember, I've forgotten everything else."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let me ask you something. Do you know the mountain ghost?"

Huo Yong remained silent.

Wen Yan understood that he knew it, but he didn't want to say it, and he didn't bother to say he didn't know it.

Wen Yan thought for a while and said.

"The mountain ghost is actually just power. The consciousness that dominates this power is no longer the mountain ghost you know or know.

He broke the seal decades ago and caused some things.

But he was sealed again later. I have seen him, and I dare say that he is definitely not the earliest mountain ghost.

It's just that this power has been inherited.

According to my speculation, this power has been inherited many times. "

Wen Yan tried to separate the current mountain ghost from the former mountain ghost, but Huo Yong just kept silent, for fear that Wen Yan would notice something if he said one more word.

Wen Yan didn't force it, he casually chatted for a few more words, then turned around and left.

When he reached the door, Wen Yan suddenly turned his head.

"The person who made your sealed object demonic was the original seal breaker, right? Besides you and the mountain ghost, he was the third person, right?"

This time, Huo Yong not only stopped talking, but even closed his eyes, rolled up his ears, and covered them directly. His whole body curled up into a ball, as if it had turned into a ball of illusory flames, floating there quietly, Directly autistic.

He was really scared. He was afraid that even if he didn't say anything or gave any reaction, Wen Yan would get a lot of information.

It's best to just shut yourself off, don't say anything, and don't listen to anything.

Wen Yan closed the door, turned and left.

His guess was indeed correct. Mountain Ghost's breaking of the seal and Huo Yong's breaking of the seal must have been the work of the original seal breaker.

The other party is silent, and may have been preparing for many, many years, and has done many things, but no one knows about it.

So the question is, since the other party has done a lot of things, why is it not known to anyone?

It makes sense that the Dharma ended in the previous few hundred years, but what about before the Dharma ended? What now? Why are there no traces at all?

Now I just hope that the experts from the Lieyang Department can work harder and find out some clues.

Wen Yan now feels that those who deceived Wang Shififu a few decades ago were not necessarily mountain ghosts.

In the interrogation room at the headquarters of the Lieyang Department, a special lamp illuminated half of the interrogation room. The experts who came to interrogate were sitting in the darkness behind the lamp, exuding an obscure and depressive aura.

His voice was slightly hoarse, as if a cassette had been played, and he kept repeating a question in a strangely calm tone.


Wang Shiwu had calmed down and said nothing.

But as the other party interrogated, that weird and depressing aura and weird tone kept ringing in his ears like poison, and then eroded into his mind bit by bit, like a spell, in his mind. Keep thinking back.

As time passed, Wang Shiwu felt that his brain was about to explode. Even though he had turned into Ah Piao, he had no brain at all.

Tang Monk's voice, which sounded like chanting sutras, came one after another, making his spirit more and more fragile. Finally, when his consciousness was slightly blurred, he instinctively replied.

"King Fifteen."

In an instant, all echoes disappeared.

The interrogation expert's tape ended here, and he continued to ask questions in that calm tone.


As long as Wang Shiwu doesn't answer, he will immediately start repeating everything he just experienced bit by bit.




"cause of death?"

"He hit the wall and died."

Wang Shiwu's consciousness began to become a little blurry, and he couldn't make up an answer based on a question at all.

Two hours later, someone lit a special stick of incense in the interrogation room. Light smoke curled up and wrapped around Wang Shishi's somewhat translucent soul, maintaining his soul and preventing it from dissipating.

It would be a little difficult for him to commit suicide after becoming A Piao. At least for the current Wang Shiwu, he has not yet learned how to be A Piao.

An hour later, a transcript and a preliminary report appeared on the headmaster's desk.

The head of the headquarters looked at the transcript and then the report.

The preliminary conclusion given by the interrogation experts is that a guy like Wang Shiwu, who is so vicious and vicious and does everything for his own sake, will never be able to remain unwavering for decades without being able to contact Shangui at all.

People are very fickle, and different age groups have different ideas.

Wang Fifteen has also gone through this process in the past few decades.

In the past few decades, there has probably been some kind of carrot dangled in front of Wang Fifteen, to seduce him from time to time to keep him firm and convinced that he is right.

Or maybe there was something strong and powerful supporting him.

We can rule out the possibility that he is holding on and brainwashing himself, because this person is a typical extreme egoist. He doesn't care about his position if he doesn't see the benefits, let alone brainwashing himself.

But so far, nothing tangible has been discovered, and no special incident has emerged from the interrogation, which has kept him unshakable for decades.

The conclusion is that in the past few decades, Wang Fifteen would occasionally come into contact with people who made him firm in his beliefs, but the people he came into contact with or contacted were not mountain ghosts at all.

But Wang Shiwu himself firmly believed that it was a mountain ghost.

The last contact should be after Huo Yong broke the seal.

Wang Shiwu knew that Wang Jianjun might want to return to the village and had been waiting.

Someone told Wang Shiwu the news.

The head of the headquarters looked at the very simple confession. It was obvious that this confession was not the kind where the other party just wrote down everything he said verbatim, and many repetitive parts were omitted.

The head of the headquarters didn’t ask how the trial was conducted, he just wanted the results.

Once you have the time, place, or person you want to focus on, you can continue to pursue it.

These are things that the Sun Division is good at.

The head of the headquarters asked the secretary to break down the tasks and distribute them to the people below to track them down.

After a day of daily practice, Wen Yan looked at the black mountain stone carvings in front of him and thought for a moment. It would be a bit too slow for him to do it by himself and he would have to find someone to help.

He took the black mountain stone sculpture, the glass box containing the black stone, and the newly opened and closable box sent by the Lieyang Department, opened the window, and came to Fuyu Mountain.

When he arrived in the backyard, he suddenly smiled when he saw the eighth master's uncle.

"My uncle from the Eighth Master is here too. That's great. I just want to invite you to come."

But when the eighth master's uncle felt the glass box in Wen Yan's hand, he seemed to be furious, looked wary, jumped back, and retreated seven or eight meters away.

"What did you bring?"

Wen Yan stopped, looked at the glass box in his hand, and looked at his eighth master uncle in astonishment.

Unexpectedly, the uncle of the Eighth Master, the great zombie, would be so wary of this black stone that contained a lot of death energy and corpse energy, like a mouse seeing a cat.

"I went to the headquarters of the Burning Sun Division. I happened to have saved three opportunities to choose myself. I found this thing. I thought if it might be useful, so I brought it back. Uncle Eighth Master, who are you?"

The eighth master's uncle seemed to be resurrected from the dead, his temples were beating slightly.

"I don't know. When I get close to this thing, I feel scared and my scalp is numb. It's like... I've encountered a natural enemy."

Wen Yan looked at the glass box and fell silent. When he took this thing home, the little zombie was sitting on the sofa with Quemao watching cartoons. The little zombie didn't react at all.

I am neither afraid nor interested in this thing. Although pillows are too hard, my little zombie likes soft down pillows, the kind that can sink his head into them.

Seeing that the little zombie was not interested at all, Wen Yan decided to bring this thing to Fuyu Mountain and let the elders of Fuyu Mountain have a look.

Who would have thought that the eighth master's uncle would have such a big reaction.

Wen Yan took a step forward, and the eighth master's uncle stepped back several meters.

When Wen Yan walked to Grand Master's side, Eighth Master's uncle was already standing on the roof in the distance.

"Uncle of the Eighth Master, isn't that the case?"

"As for!"

"I mean, don't you want to be a little tougher? Can you be tougher?"

"A living person has a tough mouth!"

The uncle of the Eighth Master admitted his defeat simply and neatly, and disappeared from Wen Yan's sight with two big jumps, leaving Wen Yan stunned for a moment.

"Uncle Taishi, please show me."

The Grand Master's uncle and the Fourth Master's uncle looked at it together, but they couldn't figure out the reason. They could only detect that this black stone contained a huge amount of death energy and corpse energy.

Even if they come to see it, they will only think that this black stone is particularly suitable for Mount Buyeo.

They also wondered why the eighth master's uncle had such a big reaction.

After waiting here for a few minutes, I saw a figure flying from the direction of the zombie cave.

Gantang landed on the distant roof, looking at the black stone in the glass box, frowning slightly, but did not come closer.

Wen Yan saw Gantang and ran over quickly.

"Aunt Gan, do you feel anything?"

"Did you take this thing home?"

"I took it back, but the little guy wasn't interested in it and didn't respond."

"Huh?" Gan Tang was startled, looking at the black stone that was about to be sealed in the distance. Even though she was so far away, she could still feel a frightening feeling. It seemed that she would be in great danger if she got closer.

But the little zombie felt nothing, and Gantang was silent for a moment.

"Take this thing back. Don't leave it here. This thing is our natural enemy."

"Isn't it dangerous to the little guy? Otherwise, I'd better send him back to the Sun Division."

"It's okay, she's different from us." Gantang dropped these words, turned around and flew away, not giving Wen Yan a chance to continue asking questions.

Wen Yan came back and looked at the black stone sealed in the glass. Is this thing actually a physical natural enemy of zombies?

Aunt Gan just said it very clearly, and with that tone, it was obvious that the natural enemy she was talking about was not the relationship between the food chain in nature, nor a simple hostility, but more like the title of natural enemy that Wen Yan understood, that kind of comprehensive Orientation suppression.

Wen Yan was a little regretful. He thought that this thing could make the zombies in the cave freeze faster and improve in the subsequent time.

Putting this matter aside, Wen Yan took out the Black Mountain stone sculpture and got down to business.

"Uncle Taishi, there is something I want to ask the people in the mountains to help me with.

To help purify this thing, it would be best for me to preside over it and for others to help.

Is that possible? "

"What's so difficult about this? Dharma is the most basic thing we can master."

"I have to use the "Tai Shang Cave Xuan Ling Bao Miao Sutra for Annihilating the Five Refined Living Corpses", is that okay?"

Grand Master's uncle glanced sideways at Wen Yan, and Fourth Master's uncle laughed.

"You just have to worry about whether you pronounce it wrong."


Wen Yan laughed dryly, Guan Gong was showing off his sword.

Think about the last time I went to the main hall where I practiced scriptures and treasures. Maybe there was a random disciple there who was better than him in basic skills in this area.

Wen Yan originally wanted to fish in the water, but his uncle, the fourth master, took him to decorate the altar in person, teaching him step by step how to do it, and then letting him decorate it by himself.

This means that Wen Yan can be regarded as a gift or a gift from heaven. He is naturally qualified to open the altar, but his professional level is really a bit lacking. Arranging the altar with his own hands will help to improve the stability of the practice and improve the quality of the altar. some effects.

After setting up the Dharma altar for a long time, Wen Yan went to the main hall where he practiced the scriptures Baogao. He then recited the scriptures on salvation and confirmed the version he wanted to use. Mount Fuyu did have it, and the disciples also practiced it.

In the evening, the altar was officially opened. Wen Yan followed the instructions of Taiyi Zhenren in reverse hexagram Gang Circle, followed the directions, and opened the altar to do things.

He started the process by reciting sutras for salvation and purification. Then he acted as the main body, and dozens of other disciples came to help as if they were doing homework.

A serious opening of the altar, the effect is obviously far better than Wen Yan's previous effect.

On the black mountain stone sculptures, wisps of black air continued to float in the air, and the souls of the dead kept flying out. Some even regained a little consciousness at the last moment and were able to float there and salute everyone.

After three times, Wen Yan no longer had any distracting thoughts in his mind. He sat down with his eyes slightly lowered and silently recited the salvation sutra. Now he only thought about this one thing and had no other thoughts.

When he devoted himself wholeheartedly to ultra-purification, the strange power that fell into his body when he recited the bamboo slips began to grow rapidly at a speed far exceeding that when he recited the classics.

Those powers traveled throughout Wen Yan's body, integrating silently into every corner of his body.

The JieE Shui Guan on his right hand was blooming slightly with brilliance, and the black nail on the middle finger of his left hand also had a trace of power, slowly integrating into Wen Yan's body.

The water ring on his hand, the ring with mythical properties, and even the wooden charm he wore, the compatibility between everything and Wen Yan was slowly rising.

It doesn't matter whether the ideals Wen Yan believes in are consistent with this power. Gentlemen are harmonious but different. They don't have to be the same, and they don't even have to believe in them or not.

As the saying goes, a gentleman's actions do not matter his heart. It depends on what is most reliable.

Wen Yan never thought of other ways, but what he did was in line with his strength, so this was the way to grow and master his strength.

It's just that Wen Yan can no longer notice these things now. He is calm and completely immersed in it.

Above the black mountain stone sculptures, the curls of black smoke began to gradually fade along with the light smoke emitted by the incense candles. The smoke seemed to turn into a long bridge that spiraled upward and rushed into the sky.

Countless remnant souls and dead souls flew out of the black mountain stone sculptures, then stepped on this long bridge of light smoke, stepped into the moonlight, and disappeared.

At the same time, in the empty main hall square, Ren Yubao, who had turned into a smelly ghost and the God of Wealth, was still squatting in the small temple with a melancholy look on his face, continuing to exert his power here.

The invisible influence has been firmly shrouded here, even if there is no one here now.

But he stayed in one place and kept buffing. Now that mysterious power has enveloped the hall.

Now Wen Yan's idea is to let Ren Yubao continue to buff, preferably through the hall and affect Wuyuan Pawn Shop.

As long as the Wuyuan Pawn Shop outside is affected and changes occur, it will be easy to tell.

At Yuzhou International Airport in Nanwu County, a plane landed slowly.

The people on the plane were from the nominal capital of the Nanyang Alliance. This time they were invited to China to participate in the expo, and they had relatively strong investment intentions.

Before the plane landed, one of the men took out an invitation letter from his arms, took it out together with the ticket and other documents, and waited to complete the immigration procedures.

The moment the plane landed, the man's face suddenly looked a little unsightly and he looked a little pale.

He placed the invitation letter at the top of a pile of documents, touched the invitation letter with one hand, and his expression slowly improved.

He looked out the window at the plane taking off on the other side of the runway and muttered to himself.

"This invitation letter is almost not enough. Who arranged the tricks here?"

This invitation letter was given by the Yuzhou official. I don't know who used the means and the repelling force at the airport, but they still almost suppressed him on the spot.

Theoretically, he has not yet entered the country.

Before setting foot on the land of China, his expression became a little solemn. He felt that it was better to keep a lower profile. It would be best to understand other things besides the things on the invitation letter. At most, he could just get some information. Or Don't interfere.

Nanwu County is really a bit dangerous. If I had known it, I would have entered China from other places.

Why are you risking your life for the sake of a minister who is already finished?

If it weren't for his short lifespan, he wouldn't want to come to China at all, let alone Nanwu County.

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