I am your natural enemy

Chapter 308 Half a Year, Immortal (5k)

After Wen Yan finished reading the murals and capturing the clues, he was taken to see the knight.

He handed the letter to the other party. After the other party read the letter, he enthusiastically took him to the study.

In this study, there are many books left by the Archmage. Yang Hailong did a lot of things with the help of his identity as the Archmage.

This study is one of them, reserved exclusively for future generations.

Here is a more detailed history and backstory, as well as the changes over the past thirty years, which is where it is best documented.

This knight is like a historian. What he records here is quite different from what is circulated outside.

Some places that were obviously beautified, in Wen Yan's opinion, were beautified very deliberately, as if they were afraid that others would not see it.

It's like taking Party A's money and accepting the job, but Party A asked the place to change like this. He was very unhappy, but he couldn't ruin his job, so he could only make changes according to the other party's requirements.

Party A said he wanted to beautify one or two things, so he would beautify three or four, until it became, in Wen Yan's opinion, a point where one could tell at a glance that the filter was full.

This makes it very easy to distinguish.

The epic of the mainland, in the early days, before the emergence of the Church of Pain, an ascetic sought the real miracle at the end of his life of suffering.

The power of magic.

Before he died, he passed on the power of magic and sowed the seeds of magic.

The original intention is to give future generations a seed to pursue miracles.

Unfortunately, it is difficult and depends on talent, and requires more than 100% effort to obtain the power of miracles.

How can you just pray and have a chance to receive a miracle?

The earliest Church of Pain appeared so unconsciously and naturally.

With sects, there are status differences, and some people taste the sweetness of power, just like they taste sweet poison, and it is impossible to quit.

From that moment on, the world began to become distorted. The distortion has become so deep-rooted that it is even more serious than the solidification of classes here, and it is no longer possible to fundamentally change it.

Even if there are any heroes, in the end it will still be the reincarnation of the hero turning into a dragon.

The situation was much more serious than the information and background that Wen Yan saw before he came in.

Wen Yan began to think that based on his own experience, he could just force his way through.

But now, seeing the experience of the previous three warriors who failed to clear the level, he felt that he might have been too conservative.

If he wants to pass the level, he may only have one option: destroying the whole world.

To do this, you must clear the level and find the core of the server field.

This becomes a paradox, stuck here.

Wen Yan didn't know what conditions the creator had set to pass the customs.

Anyway, it is indeed a bit embarrassing to be like this now.

Wen Yan was not in a hurry to do anything, he just read books and information here.

He stayed here for half a year. For half a year, he stayed here reading.

Then, set aside a fixed time every day to practice martial arts.

There is no difficulty in developing the legs. It is less difficult than the hands, but it is more cumbersome.

What is even more tedious is the development of the torso. From the inside to the outside, the development progress is extremely slow.

Of course, another reason for the slower pace is that Wen Yan has very little time to practice martial arts every day.

Most of the time, apart from resting, is spent reading books and information.

He went to the Archmage's residence again and met Yang Hailong once. Yang Hailong still answered his questions according to the NPC's preset words. In the end, his words were all hints to Sir.

Wen Yan could only use the stupidest method to read all the books in Sir's house.

Even just a cursory look at it took half a year.

He only regarded it as a serious task. When he was playing games back then, at his peak, he would play a laptop for several days and his sleep time would be fragmented, but he could still handle it.

Now that there is no time limit and he can rest, he is not afraid anymore.

Yang Hailong can stay here for thirty years, what can't he stay here?

After half a year, Wen Yan stopped.

Because he ran out of supplies.

The Lieyang Jade I brought with me was used up, and there was only a little left of the grandma's offerings I brought with me.

And he was holding the last book, an ordinary book that he scanned in order.

This was just a travel diary written by a bard. When he saw the last page, he saw a piece of paper inside.

When he saw the paper, he let out a sigh of relief.

This task is finally done.

Even if he knew in advance and opened the book in advance, this piece of paper would not be here.

Only in the last book he read could such a key mission prop appear.

"...I saw a miracle, but I knew that this was the beginning of my eternal pain...

The Great Master is right, our lives are like mayflies, they are born in the morning and die at night.

The only meaning of our existence is to leave little ephemera behind and repeat the process forever.

I really want to feel the brilliance of the sun. I heard that it is as dazzling as the holy light.

I really want to...die. "

Wen Yan picked up the yellowed piece of paper, turned it over and looked at it. There was a symbol on it.

He recognized this symbol. It was a symbol that would appear in a dungeon below the main city.

There was once a mission, which was to enter the dungeon from the sewer to kill the traitors of the church.

Wen Yan wrote down the above information and recalled what the symbol represented.

Then I asked Jazz again where there were such symbols.

The knight told him that only the tunnels under the main city had such symbols.

There were rebels who entered the tunnel, and the Church of Pain at that time cleaned up the rebels for a long time.

However, due to the confrontation at that time, many places in the tunnel collapsed. Many places became unsafe and were completely abandoned. Later, the entrances were sealed.

After Wen Yan got the exact answer, he said goodbye to Jazz.

Following his original experience, he came to a corner in the southwest, where there was a dilapidated and collapsed house.

He came to the cellar of the house. In the deepest part of the cellar, he removed the rotten wooden baffle and saw a hole.

Just as he thought, no matter how much it changes, the foundation remains the same as before.

This kind of small task that normal players will not pay attention to, there is a high probability that there will not be any big changes.

Entering the sewer with turbid air, after walking for more than ten meters, it became a wide and dark tunnel.

Wen Yan tried it and lit the small torches on both sides of the tunnel to illuminate the environment here.

He walked all the way, and based on the map in his memory and his past memories, he quickly arrived at the entrance of the dungeon from this maze-like tunnel that extended in all directions.

The lock on the door was rusty and rotten. He found a stick and pried it gently, and the lock broke.

He pushed open the door, and the sound of metal friction like grinding teeth echoed in the tunnel, and the dull air began to circulate.

He stepped into it, and there were dark red traces on the ground, like the color that emerged after blood had been covered and dried over and over again over time.

In some cells, you can still see the remaining skeletons of prisoners who were once here.

He walked all the way towards the deepest part of the cell, which was covered with a thick layer of dust. It seemed like no one had been there for a long, long time.

He checked one cell after another, and finally, in the deepest cell, he opened the dilapidated cell door and saw something that looked suspiciously like a human being inside.

It was like a skinny mummy, bound by rotten chains to its limbs, neck, and waist.

After hearing the movement, the mummy moved, but it had no reaction to the yang energy in Wen Yan's body. Only then did Wen Yan confirm that it was not an undead.

The thin and weak figure slowly raised his head, and the dust on his body had already condensed.

As the skinny figure moved, the dust that was about to condense into stones fell piece by piece.

The man raised his head and opened his empty eyes. When he looked at Wen Yan, he couldn't help but close his eyes again, as if the light on Wen Yan was too dazzling.

Wen Yan restrained his Yang energy and asked.

"May I have your name?"

The skinny figure looked at Wen Yan blankly for a long time before he seemed to remember how to speak.

With a hoarse voice, he slowly uttered a few words.


Long-lasting memories came to Wen Yan's mind, and he was a little shocked. When he was a novice, that little girl who issued tasks and gave back good things?

"The little girl selling apples?"

Nuriya raised her head, her empty eyes seemed to light up for a moment, and she looked at Wen Yan.

"You are from the outside world, right? Only people from outside would call me that!"

"Yes." Wen Yan had a vague suspicion in his heart: "Why are you here? Why is it like this?"

Wen Yan took out the water and fed Nulia some. He looked at Nulia's skinny body, which was almost turned into a mummy. There was no fresh breath on her body, but she was indeed alive, and she had lived for a long time. long time.

Wen Yan tried to untie the shackles, but Nulia casually shrank her hands and feet and easily got out of the shackles.

Her hands and feet were weak, and she was just hanging there by the chains around her neck and waist, but she seemed to be used to it and was just minding her own business.

"At that time, I was very curious about the Archmage's home and often went to his home to play.

Later, he told me that our world is fake and we are all fake.

It's just a game, just like the stories we hear.

In the wilderness outside, there are endless monsters that can never be killed, and endless undead souls that can never be wiped out.

Because even if they die, they will continue to be resurrected in the wilderness.

Our world is a fake world provided for players like you to play killing games.

We are all false people too.

He also told me what was going to happen in the future.

Because those are things designed by people in the real world outside. "

Wen Yan listened quietly, and when he saw Nulia stopped, he asked.


“Because he said he was bored and wanted to see if he could change something.

But it triggered something else, I don’t quite understand.

From that day on, I never had to eat again, and I never died.

I was discovered by people from the church because I was seriously injured, my heart had been pierced, but I was still alive.

They called me a miracle and wanted to ask questions out of me.

I told them, but they didn't believe me.

They have detained me here for a long time and no one has come.

Have they forgotten about me? "

"The Church of Pain no longer exists, it is now the Church of Holy Light."

"Brother, is this who you are?"


"Brother, since you are not from our world, can you kill me? I don't want to live anymore, I'm in so much pain, and I don't want a miracle."

The little girl who looked like a mummy raised her head with strong hope in her eyes, just like those believers outside who were praying for a miracle.

No, there was still something different, she just wanted relief.

Liberation was a miracle to her.

Nuriya had pleading in her eyes. She didn't even have the strength to stand up. She was hanging by the chains. She still tried hard to raise her head and begged Wen Yan to give her relief.

Wen Yan stretched out his hand and broke it gently, and the chain was broken. He stretched out his hand to catch Nulia who fell.

A little girl in her teens now only weighs twenty or thirty pounds at most. She is so light that she does not look like she is still alive.

But Wen Yan could indeed feel that she was a living person.

He didn't know what kind of bug the creator had made that made this former NPC girl no longer able to die.

He took Nulia, who was light and airy, out of the dungeon. It was still a dark night outside, as if the night here would never pass.

Nuria closed her eyes as the fire outside illuminated her.

Wen Yan found Nulia's home. It was still the same cabin, and the furnishings inside were the same as before.

She put Nulia on the bed, and Nulia struggled to reach out and grabbed Wen Yan's arm.

"Please... help me, I'll tell you where you can pick delicious apples that can be used to make potions..."

Speaking of this, Nulia's voice gradually dropped.

"You must know more than me, please..."

Wen Yan saw that the light in Nulia's eyes was slowly dissipating, and he sighed secretly.

He took Nuriya with him and walked out of the city, thinking silently about going home.

He followed the direction in his heart and walked out of the city, following the avenue and heading south.

Now that Nulia has triggered some bug, she has become a person who cannot die here.

Then, maybe no matter what she does, she will not die, but will only suffer eternal torture.

The only way is to take her out of the game.

In other words, treat it as a piece of code and delete it from a game.

It happened that all the things Wen Yan had prepared before were used up, and he had to go back and prepare them again.

He followed the direction guided by his heart and headed south. Gradually, he came to the boundary that the characters here could not discover on this map.

Here, there used to be a small mold-piercing bug that could pass through the air wall from one place.

When Wen Yan came here this time and took another step forward, there was boundless void in front of him, and it was like there was a continent suspended in the void behind him.

The outside world was shining with light of various colors, like a nuclear explosion of color.

Wen Yan closed his eyes, led Nulia, and moved forward unswervingly in the direction guided by his heart.

Countless runes began to appear under his feet, and everything around him began to become illusory.

Gradually, something else seemed to appear in the distance, like a room there, and a chair could be seen.

Wen Yan heard the sound of the chassis fan spinning. He opened his eyes and looked at Nulia whom he had brought.

Nuria's eyes widened.

"Brother, is that your world?"


"I'm going to die, right?"


Wen Yan was silent for a moment, and the yang energy in his body suddenly exploded, and his body began to shine with light like the sun. He stretched out his hand and blessed Nulia with yang energy.

But when he took Nulia, he took one step out of nothingness and truly entered the real world.

Nulia's body began to rapidly transform from solid to void, and the greatest solidity was supported by the yang energy blessed by Wen Yan.

Her skinny figure returned to the original little girl wearing a long skirt and braids.

She squinted her eyes slightly and held her head up, as if she was bathing in the rays of the sun. She looked satisfied, enjoying the sunshine.

"Thank you, big brother. I have always wanted to know what it looks like when the real sun shines on me. Now I know."

"You're welcome. If it exists, it's true. Many people have thanked you for the apples you sent."

Nulia's figure dissipated quickly. She finally held Wen Yan in hand and glanced at the computer screen.

"Brother, the Archmage will always be watching you when you are inside, be careful with him.

Under the board at the foot of my bed is my diary, which contains a map of how to find the magic apple.

And thank you, big brother. "

Nuriya held her head high, basking in the light of Wen Yan, with a smile, and just disappeared into the air, leaving nothing behind in the end.

Wen Yan looked back at the screen. The edge of a forest was displayed on the screen, and there was a pop-up window in the middle, indicating that the game had been exited.

Wen Yan recalled Nulia's words, and the founder kept looking at him.

How do you look at it?

After he discovered that Yang Hailong had become an NPC, he was wondering where the founder had gone.

Is everything he does actually always in the eyes of the other party?

He turned off the computer again, and the power to the server was cut off.

When he walked out and saw the chief, he felt as if he was in another world.

"How long have I been in there?"

"about an hour."

"It's only been an hour?" Wen Yan felt the strength in his body again. His legs had been opened, and part of his torso had also been opened.

The Lieyang Jade has been exhausted, and even the gray cloth has begun to glow like silk.

Wen Yan pondered for a moment, and then looked at his body. It seemed that he had really aged half a year.

In the Miracle World where the power of the server was unplugged, the founder felt that the anchor point disappeared again, and he did not panic.

He just looked at the place where Wen Yan disappeared, his eyes a little blank, and some things he had forgotten began to appear in his mind a little bit.

He thought of the little girl NPC he had forgotten, it seemed like a bug he had created unintentionally.

Then, he looked outside the world and into the world and discovered a bigger problem.

A bug is taken away and disappears, seemingly causing a bigger bug.

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