I am your natural enemy

Chapter 294 Kyuubi, you actually take it seriously (5k)

The doomsday computer has changed, and the head of the headquarters is not surprised, nor is the Heavenly Master.

They all know that under the great tide of spiritual energy recovery, everyone can only keep up and cannot resist.

Anyone who wants to resist is acting like a chariot and will be completely crushed.

With the previous experience of Hades, coupled with the second crack and the third crack appearing in a short period of time, they had speculated a few days ago that the next time it might be related to the crack.

I just didn’t expect it to be so soon, and it was still a forward-looking version.

Judging from the size of the games on Doomsday Computer, this vast wilderness should contain a lot of content, which is completely different from Hades.

There is no shit in the underworld. This has been verified in the field. It can be considered that the map is large, there are few fine textures, and there is little playability.

This forward-looking version of Dahuang is just the opposite. The map may not be very big, but there will definitely be a lot of various contents in it.

This means that there may be powerful creatures like the Night Walker God, and there may also be many other creatures and other things.

I just don’t know where this forward-looking version will start.

The head of the headquarters looked at the summary of various information recently compiled.

This month, the biggest uncontrollable hidden danger is the rollback player whose name he doesn't even remember. He only remembers that there is such a thing.

Since the last time the atomic clock jumped nearly 10,000 times in a very short period of time, it seems to have really broken down. It has indeed stopped jumping, but it has also completely stopped keeping time.

Rare objects can indeed be damaged, but the way they are damaged is different from ordinary items.

Except for the most troublesome thing that the headmaster remembered, there were actually many other things.

The Suppressive Detention Center was finally able to truly exert its suppressive effect, and suffered another robbery that ended just as it began.

The cracked tomb in the Qinling Mountains was attacked.

In the northwest desert, a giant beast living under the sand appeared.

Then the next day, when the people from the Lieyang Department followed the traces, they found the fresh skeleton of the giant beast, and the flesh and blood had disappeared.

Somewhere in the northeast, something suspiciously like a mandrill appeared, calling out the names of children outside the door at night.

In the port city of Nanwu County, things from urban legends have also appeared recently.

When digging a foundation pit for a real estate project in Guanzhong County, a large tomb was unearthed. Somehow, something triggered awakened the owner of the tomb.

The most troublesome thing is that after the death of the tomb owner, there were eight hundred elites following him. All of these elites turned into Apiao and were sleeping in the tomb. Now they are all awakened.

The sea area outside the area where Haixi County and Nanwu County meet, only 300 nautical miles away from the shore, has been recently visited by sea beasts.

Then for some unknown reason, the sea beast ran to the South China Sea and attacked a cargo ship. Two sunken ships suddenly rushed out from under the sea. A Piao on the sunken ship had a fight with the sea beast in the sea.

The day before yesterday, Fengdu also staged a scene of dead souls taking advantage of the road and hundreds of ghosts walking at night. It was suspected that the ghost appeared in Fengdu that night and disappeared after dawn.

There is also a herdsman in Plateau County. After a serious illness, he turned into a divine singer and could sing a magnificent masterpiece. Among the parts that have been translated with difficulty, there are many contents that have never been recorded before.

There are so many things. In the past week alone, there have been dozens of things that could be submitted to the head of the headquarters and needed to be known to the head of the head.

There are many more that have not had a particularly big impact, and most of them are related to Ah Piao. Just counting the numbers, in the past week, including those who injured people and those who did not hurt others, there were more than 700 cases related to Ah Piao. pieces.

The Lieyang Department's manpower was already in short supply, and now it was even more stretched.

Guanzhong County began to recruit A Piao. In addition to following the trend, there were more reasons why he was forced to do nothing.

After all, handling A Piao's case is really not something that just someone can handle.

Sometimes things that can be explained to someone with a bad temper are not uncommon. If Ah Piao's words irritate her, it's not uncommon for her to turn black on the spot.

The head of the headquarters carefully recalled the various summaries and information he had seen during the week.

He made a rough judgment in his mind and narrowed down the possible targets to less than ten.

Then immediately hold a meeting and let the internal think tanks begin to analyze all the places, people, and things that may be involved...

After half an hour, seven were listed, and then based on the combination of internal computers and big data, the analysis began.

Finally, based on various information, the probability of being related to Guanzhong County is 73%, the probability of being related to Northeast China is 65%, and the probability of being related to Binhai County is 58%...

Coupled with the information given by the Heavenly Master, the headquarters commander probably made a judgment in his mind.

It's just that when they do things, they can't rely solely on this kind of non-fact-based judgment, and they can't just go to one place. Someone has to go to the seven key goals.

After the meeting and the deployment of the mission, the head of the headquarters heard about Wen Yan's trip to the Northeast. He thought for a moment and called Wen Yan. It showed that he was not in the service area. He immediately understood that Wen Yan was on a dark path again. .

Where Wen Yan can be active, unless it is in the realm or on the underworld, there will be no signal.

Since they had just come out of the White Fox Clan and the matter had been resolved, and they did not go on a killing spree to wipe out the White Fox Clan, the head of the headquarters pretended not to know about it.

These monsters were given preferential treatment, but they also had to be beaten every once in a while.

Don't let them take the preferential treatment for granted. Over the past few decades, the Lieyang Department has accumulated enough lessons.

After waiting for a few minutes, the headquarter manager personally called Wen Yan.

This time it was connected.

"Have you arrived in Guanzhong County?"

"Yes, the patriarch of the White Fox clan and two old men are not here, so the culprit is their clan leader.

Except for the orders of the clan leader and the elder, it is impossible for those white foxes to be so crazy.

I'm going to find them and kill them.

There were three locations explained there, and seniors from Wudang and Qingcheng went to the other two locations.

My uncles from the Fourth Master and the others are still flying over by plane.

I’ll come to the third point first.

Minister, do you want fur?

The opportunity is rare, if I have to, I won't use weapons. "

The head of the headquarters smiled when he heard Wen Yan's murderous words. He ignored Wen Yan's last incoherent words.

“The Doomsday Computer, half an hour ago, installed a new thing called Dahuang.

Feng Yao will tell you the specific news when the time comes.

Now I give you permission to do so if you find anything that may be related to this.

You can all do things cheaply, don't hold back.

If anything goes wrong, I'll be responsible. "

"Okay, just your words will do.

I guess it has something to do with those stinky foxes, who have been busy working on cracks recently.

If it really had anything to do with them, then I don't know, they didn't achieve any of their goals.

I don’t have any tokens, and I don’t have the crucial Nine-Tails bloodline, so there’s no way. "

"Just go ahead and do it."


After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan was still a little worried and called home.

Everything at home is fine, everything in the basement is still there, and Pei Tugou has gone home, so there is no need to worry too much.

Wen Yan felt relieved and continued to move forward. After a few minutes, Tong Si raised her head and looked into the distance.

"It's over there, there's some kind of protection over there, blocking the breath.

But the aura inside was too strong and couldn't be blocked at all. "

Tong Si looked into the distance. When they arrived here, there was no longer a mountain to block them, and he saw something strange in front of them.

It was like there was a transparent bowl several meters high lying upside down on the ground, sealing all the power there inside.

You can't sense it at all, just because the aura there is really different from the surroundings, and it's getting stronger.

When Tong Si could see directly, she could tell at a glance that something was wrong.

On the other side, in the house, the four fox monsters guarding the four sides of the ceremony were losing blood and their auras were starting to get weaker and weaker.

In the large tomb more than a hundred kilometers away from here, the cracks that were originally invisible to the naked eye gradually emerged with a brilliance visible to the naked eye.

At the junction of the two tombs, a portal-shaped halo emerged between the two tomb main chambers.

The halo started out pure white, and gradually gained a hint of eerie cyan.

The two colors continued to intersect, as if fighting for each other. Gradually, the door turned into blue, and a fox paw nearly two meters long poked out from inside.

But the next moment, I saw wisps of dazzling white lightning moving away from the portal. The lightning was like water, sweeping across it quickly.

The two large tombs here are connected to the Qinling Qi. The heavy feeling of suppression has also begun to be activated, and the aura has become stronger and stronger.

The giant claw was suppressed, but it was still struggling to rush out.

Outside the tomb, a Taoist priest with a lot of yin energy in his body opened an altar and used the art of contemplation to stimulate the inherent power of the tomb here.

The giant claw gradually disintegrated and turned into ashes under the wash of white lightning on the portal.

But the owner of the giant claw was still rushing out like crazy.

The owner of the giant claw rushed out completely, but was completely wiped out. The thunder light flowing above the portal gradually disappeared.

The Taoist priest outside the tomb let out a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the seniors who built these two tombs were of extremely high skill. After thousands of years, they were only partially damaged, which did not affect the power they inspired. I don't know which senior built them at that time. I guess they were not unknown people."

A big fox that had just responded to the call and rushed out was completely destroyed when it came out.

At least that's what it seems.

At the same time, in a house more than a hundred kilometers away, a strange force responded to the ceremony and fell into the formation.

The sacrificial materials filled with blood in the formation began to float on their own, disintegrated on their own, and turned into powder. Only a ray of charm was activated.

All the fans gathered together and gradually formed a graceful and graceful image of a woman.

As this image appeared, the four fox demons who presided over the ceremony were all nailed to death on the spot. Their blood, their strength, and everything they had were all sacrificed in accordance with the ceremony they took the initiative to perform.

The green smoke slowly gathered, and behind the woman's silhouette, it seemed to turn into green tails.

At the end of the ceremony, a seductive woman with no hair, long hair reaching her waist, slowly fell to the ground.

Outside the ceremony area, four fox demons had transformed into white foxes. Their furs flew up, fused rapidly, and turned into a large cloak, which was draped around the woman's body.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, with a pair of charming eyes, as if she was seducing someone.

Just one glance made the leader of the White Fox clan feel his heart beating wildly.

The woman's slender fingers rubbed her head, absorbing what the sacrificer had given her, and there was still some memory and knowledge in it.

After she looked at it, she couldn't help it, covered her mouth and chuckled.

At this moment, the protective shield covering here exploded with a bang.

Wen Yan held a pure weapon in his hand, and the explosion in an instant exceeded the upper limit of the shielding strange objects here.

The ferocious Yang Qi roared in. The woman wearing a fox fur cloak gently tightened the cloak around her body. Her body was like a fallen leaf in the wind, following the fluctuations of the Yang Qi, and gently floated out.

After landing, her eyes widened, and she looked at Wen Yan, whose body was like a burning flame walking towards him. She took a gentle breath, and her eyes suddenly lit up.

It's like I've been hungry for nine meals in three days, and now I'm constantly inhaling to absorb the yang energy escaping from the air. My throat is constantly floating up and down, as if I'm constantly swallowing.

The leader of the White Fox clan felt his heart sink when he saw Wen Yan's aura, but when he saw that charming woman, he couldn't help but feel confident.

"The current clan leader of the nine-tailed white fox branch respectfully welcomes the return of the ancestors from the ancestral land."

The leader of the White Fox clan saluted respectfully with fanaticism in his eyes.

The woman rolled her eyes, looked at Wen Yan, who had a fierce yang energy on her body, and then looked at the leader of the White Fox clan. She stepped back a little with a slight tap.

"You've got the wrong person. I'm not the white fox from Tushan."

The leader of the White Fox clan raised his head with a look of astonishment on his face.

The woman could see that Wen Yan had murderous intent in his eyes, and he obviously came with the intention of killing someone.

In order to come over, her true body had just been wiped out, and now her reconstructed body was extremely fragile. Moreover, there seemed to be a big problem with the material used to rebuild her body, and the sequelae were extremely serious.

In this case, she didn't want to fight with a guy with such a fierce Yang Qi. Moreover, behind this person was a Piao, who turned out to have double eyes.

She has just received a lot of information and has a somewhat understanding of modern times.

Even though she has the same memory, she is not as crazy and arrogant as those fox demons. She feels that this era is very dangerous.

Especially in the memory of the other party's sacrifice, knowing that there is another heavenly master, no one knows how strong he is.

The woman held the big cloak and wrapped it around her body, looking pitiful.

"I'm not your ancestor. You got the wrong person."

The leader of the White Fox clan was a little nervous. He had just felt that this ancestor was definitely of the Nine-Tails bloodline, but why did he say that now?

The woman stepped back a little and looked at Wen Yan pitifully.

"I don't know him, it has nothing to do with me."

Seeing this situation, Wen Yan couldn't help laughing.

He looked at the White Fox Clan leader kneeling on the ground and felt it was ironic.

"Is this what you always wanted?"

He summoned something, but it didn't recognize him at all.

When the woman saw the White Fox Clan Leader looking at her, she blinked her eyes and said innocently.

"Don't look at me, you are stupid.

You don’t even think about it, how could Tushan be summoned by you in this way because he maintains his dignity.

Originally, only one token was enough for positioning.

Only a demon fox like me would be so hungry that I would respond to your crude and disgusting ritual. "

"It's not from Tushan..." The White Fox Clan leader's face turned pale. He still couldn't accept it, and his mentality was extremely broken.

"Yes, I am the demon fox of Qingqiu." The woman said matter-of-factly.

In one sentence, the White Fox Clan Leader's energy and spirit seemed to have been sucked away, his spine was broken, and his lifelong thoughts were over.

"This has nothing to do with me, I just heard my great-grandmother say it before my death.

Back then, she didn't want to deal with the Tushan clan, so she quietly added something to some records.

You don’t think that’s true, do you?

No way?

Anyone with a little bit of brains will know how noble Tushan's nine-tailed sky fox is.

How could there be such a method of summoning that makes you lose your blood? If they knew, it would be a good thing if they didn't drain your blood.

In the past, you just added things randomly to disgust Tushan, but you actually take them seriously. "

The woman looked incredulous.

The leader of the White Fox clan spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the backbone supported by his energy, spirit, and belief were abruptly interrupted by these few words.

His lifelong pursuit finally resulted in this result.

After being pointed out directly by the woman, he knew that these words were definitely not false.

The Tushan clan really couldn't afford to lose this person...

His expression changed, and he could no longer maintain his human form.

The woman retreated quietly, looking soft and weak, and looked at Wen Yan cautiously.

"This little brother, I have made everything clear. What he did has nothing to do with me. I didn't do anything. You won't kill me."

That pitiful look made Wen Yan's heart soften in an instant, as if attacking this woman was something heinous.

But the next moment, Wen Yan lowered his eyelids, and the realm spread out under his feet.

The leader of the White Fox clan was directly included, while the figure of the woman who spoke gradually disappeared.

A few dozen meters away, as the field spread, the woman's sneaky figure was directly involved in the field.

This time, when Wen Yan saw the other person, he was sure that the person he was seeing now was his true form.

"Nine-tailed Demon Fox (Six-Tails) (Big Disability)"

"The nine-tailed demon fox bloodline from Qingqiu responded to the ancient call in order to avoid being hunted.

In order to reach the present world and escape the pursuit, he paid a huge price of having his body destroyed.

It's a pity that the summoned sacrifice materials are artificially induced and have huge flaws in themselves.

So much so that the reshaped body had many flaws. "

"A demon fox with a lot of residual health and an extremely fragile body will not even have a chance to cry if you strike it down.

Of course, the premise is that you don't get charmed. "

“Temporary capabilities.

1: Iron Fist.

When you hammer the target twice or more with your fist, you become immune to the target's charm. "

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