I am your natural enemy

Chapter 27 Wooden Armor Mask

"No, I guess it won't be until dawn. You can go first."

Wen Yan waved his hand, said goodbye to the driver, and headed towards the funeral home.

Upon entering the unit, Wen Yan felt that the funeral parlor at night was completely different from that during the day. The sense of dead silence came over him, and there was also an extremely depressing feeling lingering in his heart.

Looking up, the darkness in all directions is like a big curtain, slowly closing.

Faintly, I seemed to see deep in the funeral home, withered trees, destroyed buildings, decaying fences, and something huge rising and falling in the darkness, as if it was moving.

There was also a feeling of being watched by something.

But the next moment, a new feeling emerged.

Except in dreams, this was the first time he really sensed the existence of the Soul-Eating Beast. It was far away from him, and the Soul-Eating Beast's eyes were looking this way.

The soul-eating beast seemed to be chewing something and slowly evolving.

The next moment, all the sensations disappeared, and the funeral home returned to its previous appearance, but it felt more depressing than during the day.

When the janitor in the concierge saw Wen Yan coming, he immediately opened the door and handed Wen Yan a flashlight.

Turning on the flashlight to illuminate the way forward, the depressing feeling suddenly eased, but Wen Yan still walked lightly. This was his first time coming to Decheng Funeral Home at night.

In the distance, the light of a flashlight shone, and the curator walked quickly and lowered his voice.

"Come with me."

"There is movement in the old icehouse. Something must be moving. It was impossible for what was brought in before to suddenly move now.

The only possibility is that the client who was sent in during the day, for some reason, was still able to move inside.

Now I just hope it was an accident.

If not, then..."

The curator was silent for a moment and said nothing further.

Wen Yan knew in his heart that if it wasn't an accident, it was someone who knew the rules of the funeral home, various procedures, and hidden things, such as the old icehouse and other places.

In fact, the other party can accurately predict the curator's decision and choice when encountering an issue.

“There are a lot of rules at night, and it’s hard to do many things rashly, otherwise more troublesome things may happen.

Therefore, especially in the backyard, many methods cannot be used, especially at night.

Unless absolutely necessary, people from the Lieyang Department would not enter here at night.

Moreover, tonight, something big happened in Duanzhou, and the main forces from the two nearby states went to support. "

"I understand." Wen Yan nodded. The meaning was obvious and it was most likely not a coincidence.

In the old icehouse, an old man with a wooden mask and his head on his shoulders swayed up the stairs little by little.

He crossed the line and still maintained the same look. His eyes were empty and there was no sign of regaining consciousness. However, the wooden mask he held in his hand began to exude some unique aura.

Those powers slowly penetrated into the old man's body. The old man's stiff, sluggish, and somewhat broken body began to slowly recover, and the broken bones began to be pulled back to their original positions by the tightened skin and muscles.

He opened his mouth slightly, revealing his broken tongue. A stream of gray air spurted out, and was sucked back by his nose. His skin began to turn gray, and his chest began to rise and fall slowly again.

His eyes were still empty, and the sound of air rolling in his throat slowly began to gain some tone.

"I want... to help... my... son..."

He walked around the mirror at the entrance of the old office building and walked towards the door.

He opened the door and walked out of the old office building. Lao Zhang was waiting outside, holding a crowbar in one hand and a yellow talisman in the other. Before he got close, he saw the gray air swirling on the tip of the old man's nose turning and coming towards his face. .

He just smelled a strong corpse smell, and then he felt his world spinning, and his vision began to blur.

He immediately put a yellow talisman in his hand on his forehead, and immediately fell to the ground, unconscious.

The old man's eyes were cloudy and empty, and he didn't pay attention to Lao Zhang who fell to the ground. He walked outside step by step.

Not long after he walked out, the curator and Wen Yan arrived.

The flashlight illuminated the old man who was staggering forward from a distance. He saw the wooden mask in the other person's hand, the gray air circulating between the other person's mouth and nose, and the other person's broken neck. After slowly recovering, The curator immediately grabbed Wen Yan.

"Back off."

The curator pulled Wen Yan back and said in a low voice.

"What he is holding is the wooden armor mask from Cabinet 51, which contains corpse poison. He is now starting to evolve.

As long as we are exposed to it, we will probably lie down.

Don't look at it, I'm old and my legs and feet are no longer good.

And you, your yang energy is weaker than mine right now. If you spray it on your face, you will definitely be dead. Let’s wait and see. "

Wen Yan looked at the rope he just took, and then at the old man's crooked neck, slowly straightening it.

There was also more information in his mind at the same time.

"Wooden-armored walking corpse (big holding corpse).

There is no soul, no intention, no intention, only the big attachment in the heart that drives his actions, and it is infected by foreign objects, and has corpse poison.

If your yang energy is so low that you can see weird people buying a pack of cigarettes, it’s best to stay away.

Temporary ability: Blazing Sun. "

Wen Yan nodded without saying a word.

He felt that the leader was right.

"Director, I hired a foreign aid, can you reimburse me?"

"As long as you can catch up and you can invite Master Zhang, I will repay you!"

As soon as these words came out, Wen Yan felt relieved.

And listening to the curator's tone, it didn't seem that serious. He had also seen it just now and found that the old man was just holding a mask with nothing else behind it. The curator was obviously relaxed a lot.

Wen Yan took out his phone and called Zhang Laoxi.

"Brother, are you free? Decheng Funeral Home has a client of ours who is out for a walk. He is quite difficult to deal with and has corpse poison.

Just pay my usual price. It's late at night and you're traveling so far away, so how can you help me for free?

Yes, our leader nodded, reimbursement, brother, please hurry up. "

Seeing that the old man was faltering and walking very slowly, the curator ignored him and walked towards the backyard with Wen Yan.

All the way to the backyard, I saw Lao Zhang with a yellow talisman on his forehead, lying on the ground, and the curator let out a long breath.

"Fortunately, it's not a big problem. Let's take him back first and then take a look below."

The two of them carried the unconscious Lao Zhang to the small office of the cremation department, and then came to the old office building together. There was no visible change inside.

The curator was waiting behind the line, while Wen Yan went all the way to the basement.

The door lock on the first floor of the basement had been smashed and stained with blood. After entering, Wen Yan took a quick look and found that except for the broken freezer door where the old man was placed today, there were no signs of damage anywhere else.

When he went to the second underground floor, the door lock was still broken. When he entered, only cabinet No. 51 was opened. The mummy lying inside looked like the whole face had been forcibly removed with extremely rough techniques.

Except for No. 51, the other cabinets are intact and have no traces of contamination.

Wen Yan roughly confirmed it, then hurried upstairs and reported to the curator.

The curator was completely relieved this time.

"Fortunately, it's just No. 51, everything else is fine, and it didn't cause any other changes outside."

"Director, are you sure you want to let the old man go?"

"With his speed, it will take him a while to get out. Let him get out first, and don't make things worse. This is the best situation at the moment."


"Did you know that the funeral home has been rebuilt twice before?"

"have no idea."

"I'll tell you later. The current situation is that I don't want to cause more trouble and cause the funeral home to rebuild a third time."

Wen Yan had a question mark on his face. This was not what he thought.

He thought that after arriving, he would start to fight. He was thinking about how to kill the wooden zombie. Who would have thought that the curator actually chose to ignore it and let the customer go out first.

So you summoned him in the middle of the night, wouldn't you just want him to go to the old icehouse to confirm the situation inside? No way?

Thinking about it carefully, it seems right. No matter what happens, the curator will not expect him, a newcomer, to fight head-on.

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