I am your natural enemy

Chapter 193 Let’s take a breath of bad breath and teach you how to tell your dreams (5k)

On the southern edge of Zhongyuan County, green-faced evil ghosts, red-dressed devils, and bastard water ghosts all mixed together and fled here.

After arguing for many days, this small group finally reached the stage of falling apart.

The bastard water ghost was fed up with the other two Ah Piao's quarreling and blaming each other. When he saw a small river, he jumped into it.

The world is getting harder and harder, and the bastard water ghost is ready to lie down.

These days, there are more and more Ah Piao in Zhongyuan County. They also met an Ah Piao who claimed to have been hit by a train and escaped from Nanwu County by crawling under a freight train.

Ah Piao said that Nanwu County was too scary. Although there was an intersection there, there was also a big evil star. There were hundreds of dead evil spirits there, not counting the others.

I heard that the ministers of the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County were all beaten up, but in the end, the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County didn't even dare to fart.

There is also a yang energy that can cover dozens of miles of land from time to time, and the God of War who fires the map cannon is there. That place is really not the place for Ah Piao to stay, so run away quickly.

When I arrived in Zhongyuan County, I heard that there were many Ah Piao here, so I temporarily settled here.

Then a few days later, I met another Ah Piao who could support the domain. He was so fierce that he even killed other Ah Piao.

If they hadn't escaped quickly and hid in the water, they might have been killed easily.

Afraid of being discovered by the Lieyang tribe, and now afraid of being discovered by the other evil Ah Piao, the bastard water ghost completely lay down and decided to stay in the water and be an honest water ghost from now on.

Anyway, the water ghosts are considered the safest Ah Piao now. As long as they don't cause trouble, the Lieyang Department really doesn't bother to pay attention to them.

The bastard water ghost, with his swollen eyelids drooping, weakly waved to Ah Piao, who was about to start a fight.

"Thank you for taking care of me along the way. I don't want to leave. I feel there is danger everywhere now.

By the way, Zhongyuan County is very dangerous now. It is already a powder keg and may explode at any time.

I advise you all to be honest and not to be eliminated as cannon fodder.

Having said that, I'm leaving, you can do whatever you want. "

The bastard water ghost gradually disappeared on the water. The two Ah Piao, who were about to start a fight on the shore, lost interest in quarreling.

The two Ah Piao snorted coldly, turned their heads together, and headed in opposite directions.

And Ah Piao in the river was like a dead body, paralyzed and drifting with the current.

On the other side, the evil ghost goes east, and the red-dressed ghost goes west.

But after walking a certain distance, the red-dressed ghost turned north again. He always felt that these blue-faced ghosts were deliberately looking for trouble, looking for reasons to break up, and then go their separate ways.

At that time, the green-faced evil ghost can go north and find the little girl as a carrier.

It's getting more and more dangerous now. As an evil ghost, if you are caught, there is a high probability that you will be killed.

But if there is an extremely suitable person who has the energy of death himself, he can be used as a carrier.

Then there is an opportunity to be reborn through reincarnation instead of simply possessing someone.

Simple possession can be easily seen through. There are many ways to judge, and no knowledge of Taoism is required.

But if it is reborn through reincarnation, even those Taoist priests may not be able to see it.

As an evil spirit, it's hard to pass up an opportunity like this.

The Li Gui in the red dress is different. Although he also needs to absorb people's yang energy to maintain his condition, that's all.

He is not like an evil ghost. Evil thoughts will continue to grow in his heart. The more evil he is, the stronger he may become.

The evil ghost just died miserably. After turning into a evil ghost, it becomes more fierce and has deep obsessions.

If you are killed by someone, you may become even more vicious than a demon in order to take revenge.

But if it wasn't for revenge, it would be completely different from being an evil ghost.

The devil in red skirt turned and headed north. After walking for more than an hour, he stood on the top of a hill and looked at the green-faced devil walking in the shadows not far away.

The moment he felt the green-faced evil spirit, the green-faced evil spirit also noticed him.

The two Ah Piao glanced at each other from a distance, and the green-faced evil ghost looked ferocious. Finally, he sneered, turned around and walked away. After a short distance, he slowly disappeared into the ground and disappeared.

The girl in red skirt gritted her teeth angrily.

Before, he was only interested in her for a while, and never took care of that little girl again. Anyway, there are more and more A-Piaos in Zhongyuan County now, and sooner or later, other A-Piaos will discover this.

But he kept spitting out words and saying, "You have to do it if you don't want me to do it, right? You took my warning as fart, right? Now that I've discovered it again, you still dare to provoke me, right?"

Okay, let's try it.

The fierce ghost in the red dress turned into a red shadow, got on a truck, and returned to the small town.

He wandered and quietly came to the back alley that day. A few days passed, and the entertainment venue in front was still lively, as if it was not affected by the death incident at all.

There are still drunk men and women coming in and out of the back alley.

After the red-dressed ghost arrived, he sniffed his nose gently and looked toward the alley.

When he came to the alley, he saw three half-burned incense sticks stuck under the corner of the alley. There was a circle drawn around the incense and a small note beside it.

There was a sentence written on the note in very delicate and serious handwriting.

"Uncle, I'm so sorry that day. I was too nervous. I forgot not to blow it off. I always wanted to see you apologize in person, but I couldn't see you. I hope you have left here. There are a lot of **** in the city recently. Hope everyone is well."

There are three words on it, which were obviously blackened out after they were written. Anyone who can understand them will definitely know what they are.

The red-dressed ghost took a step forward and easily broke through the circle, which was specially provided for him.

He looked at the small piece of paper, which was clean and pressed with a small stone. It was obvious that it had not been there for several days, but was newly written today.

He stood there, stunned for a long time.

Finally, he scoffed.

"You little brat, you are so innocent."

Then, he sniffed lightly, and the three incense sticks burned quickly, and the scent of the incense was absorbed by him.

He turned around and left. After taking three steps, he looked around. No one was there, and there were no cameras filming the place. He quietly picked up the small piece of paper, folded it, and put it away.

He avoided the cameras and carefully came to the residential area. Most of the houses here were self-built, there were few cameras, and there were no special cameras.

He wandered around and arrived outside Chen Qimo's house. He picked up someone else's cigarette butt, squatted in the shadow of the path opposite the door, and sat here quietly.

On the other side, the green-faced evil ghost became more and more angry as he thought about it, and his expression became more and more fierce.

A strange little girl is just a suitable carrier. You are a scoundrel and it has none of your business.

Forget it once, and now you're back here just to block me, right?

Okay, okay, then whatever I say today, I have to touch that little girl. If I can’t beat you, I can’t grab her, why can’t I just destroy her?

Wait for me!

On the face of the green-faced evil ghost, the fangs began to grow longer, and the entire face continued to extend in an inhuman direction. The whites of his eyes also began to gradually decrease, and the black color slowly infected.

His humanity began to drain away the moment he became an evil spirit, and the remaining humanity began to dissipate rapidly.

He laughed strangely, as if his mood became more relaxed, and he sneaked all the way to a deserted village that had been relocated.

He strode into the deserted village. Unknowingly, a red moon appeared in the sky. The hazy moonlight fell into the deserted village one by one.

I didn't see anyone just now, but now I saw a sparse crowd in the deserted village.

Some Ah Piao lined up and walked towards the front.

There are more Ah Piao, hiding at home, lighting the lamp, closing the door, and not caring about anything outside.

The evil ghost walked behind a group of Ah Piao and lined up with them.

He stretched out a paw and patted Ah Piao in front of him.

"I'll help you lure that one away, but you have to compensate me for the price I have to pay."

Ah Piao in front had a numb face. When he heard this, his expression moved slightly. He just hesitated for a moment and nodded.

The evil ghost laughed, opened its mouth wide, and swallowed up the Ah Piao in front of him.

Then he followed the same pattern and continued to ask Ah Piao in front.

If someone agreed, he would devour it. If someone disagreed, it didn't matter to him. He would jump in line and ask Piao in front.

After a while, I saw a stage appearing in front of me. On it was a Piao with closed eyes, a small body and a big head, sitting on a chair.

When the Ah Piao who lined up passed by approached, each one took the initiative to stretch out their arms and let the big-headed Ah Piao take a bite. After taking a bite, some Ah Piao could still bear it and left without a trace, returning to their own homes. .

Some Ah Piao were so weak that they tended to dissipate on the spot, and the big-headed Ah Piao would swallow them whole in one gulp.

Soon, it was the green-faced evil ghost's turn. After he arrived, he stretched out a hand as if he had no control over it.

One of his fingers was bitten off and devoured, but he did not leave and asked with a ferocious expression.

"Do you want to find a resurrected body?"

After saying a sentence, his hand was raised uncontrollably again, and one of his fingers was bitten off again.

"A little girl who has died a long time ago. There is death energy in her body, but she is not dead. Everything has not been finalized yet. There is definitely a chance to be resurrected through the body."

After one of his hands was bitten off again, the big head with closed eyes, Piao, slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as the eyes of the big-headed Ah Piao moved, more eyeballs appeared in an instant, and they were densely packed together, like the compound eyes of insects, which made people shudder.

The big-headed Ah Piao grinned, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth, and nodded.

"If it's fake, I'll eat you."

"Okay, there is another evil ghost you can eat." The evil ghost laughed and agreed.

The big-headed Piao stretched out a hand, took out a finger from his mouth, and gave it back to the evil ghost. This was regarded as a reward for the evil ghost.

The big-headed Ah Piao stood up and opened his bloody mouth. Suddenly, everything in sight began to twist and rewind.

Finally, the entire village full of Ah Piao rolled back, turned into a fat tongue, and fell into the mouth of the big-headed Ah Piao.

The evil ghost's paw had two fingers chewed off, and he touched his round belly, chuckled, and led the way.

Wen Yan's car stopped some distance from home.

He got out of the car and walked towards his home. Here, he could already see a strange evil ghost hanging on every street lamp.

Every one of them was hanged on it.

Looking from a distance, it is like this all the way to the end.

After just one glance, Wen Yan exclaimed in surprise.

It's really spectacular.

The housekeeper who followed Wen Yan also opened his mouth slightly and looked at the road ahead with a shocked expression.

Even if you have heard before, Decheng is a forbidden place for evil spirits. In the recent period, more evil ghosts have died in Decheng than in the entire Lieyang Department in the previous ten years.

But quantity is just quantity, and it will never have the impact of being directly in front of you.

The housekeeper was too frightened to move forward.

"Let's go." Wen Yan muttered and continued to move forward.

When he walked back to the villa area, every street lamp in the entire villa area had a dead evil ghost hanging on it but had not dissipated.

Especially when he saw a hanged man with his tongue almost hanging down to his chest, he was also hanged. It was really amazing.

I don’t know if my brother’s blood rope was really used to hang people.

There are so many pendants, but the yin energy in the entire villa area is not as heavy as before.

Just a few steps into the villa area, he saw lights flashing behind him and an electric car parked next to him.

The delivery boy was a little surprised when he saw Wen Yan.

"Mr. Wen, long time no see."

"Well... I've been quite busy lately. Is my takeout service right?"

"Well, yes."

"Just give it to me."

Taking the takeaway and preparing to leave, the takeaway boy hesitated and said.

"Mr. Wen."

"What's wrong?"

"Thank you to your family for not giving me a bad review last time and even giving me a meal."

"Huh?" Wen Yan was startled. Is this something he doesn't know about?

The delivery boy breathed a sigh of relief and said immediately.

"Last time, your family ordered a clay pot rice for you, but there seemed to be something wrong with the navigation. It kept guiding you to the wrong place. I couldn't find it, so I called your family and they told me something was wrong. Yes, I received the meal and gave me a good review, thank you very much."

"It's okay. Maybe the kids at home are playing with their mobile phones and causing trouble for you."

Wen Yan smiled, waved his hand, and said goodbye to the delivery boy.

The delivery boy drove off in his electric car, ignoring the pendant on the streetlight the whole time.

He has long been used to it, and he is even more used to the fact that he can see it but others can't.

Even after a long time, he felt that he felt particularly safe here.

Especially when you find an extra pendant on a certain street lamp from time to time, you feel more secure.

Wen Yan watched the takeaway boy leave. He took the takeaway and took a look. It was dog food and fried chicken. He was not afraid that he would be so fat that he could no longer fly.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw a gust of wind coming. In the blink of an eye, there was a little guy in his arms, swaying back and forth in his arms.

The little zombie stretched out his arms and wanted to hug Wen Yan's neck. He screamed, but suddenly he retracted his hand with a scream.

A small flame came out of Wen Yan's neck in a daze, waving his little hand.

Wen Yan looked at the dumb little zombie, picked her up, and then tapped her forehead to give her some yang energy.

The little zombie puffed up his face, hugged Wen Yan, and stared at the little flame with wide eyes.

Xiao Huo Miao was finally defeated. He grabbed Wen Yan's hair with his small hands, quietly shrank back, and hid again.

At this time, the little zombie started to smile, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

Wen Yan didn't care. As soon as he entered the door, he saw the fattened cat sleeping on the sofa, with unpacked takeout on the table.

Wen Yan came back with the takeout. Que Mao's body was not awake, but his head was raised slightly. He sniffed twice with his little nose and suddenly opened his eyes.

After seeing Wen Yan, Quemao was stunned for a moment, muttered something and got up, then closed his eyes again, lay down and continued to sleep.

Wen Yan was stunned.

"You bitch, I died ninety-nine times and finally crawled back. The first thing I did was to get you takeout. You bitch, is this how you react?"

Wen Yan cursed with a smile, and the sparrow cat seemed to have exploded feathers. It flapped its wings and flew up from the sofa. Its pupils instantly expanded to their maximum size. It flapped its wings and flew into Wen Yan's arms, crying.

"You're back, I thought I was awake, I wasn't awake yet, I was dreaming.

I couldn't eat well or sleep well every day, and I couldn't feel energetic at night. "

Wen Yan felt his arms sink, and was speechless listening to the howling of the sparrow and cat.

"You are at least four pounds fatter than before!"

According to the proportion, it is equivalent to Wen Yan gaining 40 to 50 pounds.

Is this called eating poorly?

"I eat too much sweets and fried foods, that's it. Don't blame me, blame Gauss. Gauss said that eating sweets and fried foods will make you feel happy."


Wen Yan put down the sparrow cat and the little zombie, collapsed on the sofa, closed his eyes, and felt the atmosphere of home.

It was a bit strange, but after coming back, he was able to relax immediately.

After lying down, it only took a few seconds for his breathing to slowly become even, and slight snoring could be heard.

Both the sparrow cat and the little zombie became quiet.

They looked at the butler standing at the door. The butler's fat face looked very kind, and he pointed behind him.

The sparrow cat followed the little zombie to the back, and the housekeeper whispered.

"I am your husband's housekeeper. My name is Su Guliang. You can call me housekeeper or Lao Su.

The gentleman had been tired for a long time and had been tense on a string, but now he finally relaxed.

Just let him have a good rest. If anything happens, we’ll talk about it later. "

Que Mao looked at Wen Yan who fell asleep on the sofa, nodded, and said nothing more.

After a while, the housekeeper gently covered Wen Yan with a blanket, then took out a heat-resistant casserole, waved to the little flame, and asked the little flame to jump in by himself.

The little flame didn't want to leave Wen Yan, but in just a moment, it almost set fire to Wen Yan's sofa. Looking at the sleeping Wen Yan, the little flame reluctantly jumped into the casserole.

The housekeeper took him to the kitchen, put it on the stove, turned on a small fire, and let the small flame stay here.

Everything went quiet.

Wen Yan slept deeply. It had been a long time since he had completely relaxed and slept.

In the mist, he dreamed, he dreamed of the mist, and he moved forward in the mist.

He was just wondering where the fog was. The fog here could not affect his direction at all.

He just walked forward, and as he walked, the fog suddenly dissipated, and he came to an ordinary old house.

At the door of the old house, there were two stone pillars, on which sat a thin, small old lady wearing a floral cotton-padded jacket. The old lady waved to him, smiled kindly, and spoke something that spoke to Wen Yan's heart.

"Please do me a favor and I will teach you how to tell dreams."

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