I am your natural enemy

Chapter 162 Keeping Promises, Powerful Coordinates (5k)

"Hey, Mr. Wan, have you arrived in Binhai County? Have you been picked up by anyone there?

Oh, that's fine, just follow along and discuss the contract. I don't trust anyone else.

I am the most at ease, and in terms of professionalism, I also think you are the best.

Just listen to what my elders say first, and then just let go and do it. "

Wen Yan was on the phone with Zhuge Wanjun. The matter of cooperation between Fuyu Mountain and Yaowang Mountain still had to be handled by a knowledgeable person.

Among the disciples of Fuyu Mountain, I really can’t find a suitable one.

There is indeed a disciple who is a lawyer in the capital. He is very good at litigating divorce cases. Every case he takes on is irreconcilable, and his client evaluation is extremely high.

You can’t let this disciple handle the contract issue of Fuyu Mountain, right?

"Have you contacted Uncle Meng recently?" Zhuge Wanjun was a little worried.

"No, what's wrong?"

"I heard some bad news. He is getting bigger and bigger in Europa. I heard that people from the tribunal are out to arrest him."

"Isn't he just going to sell a devil's body? He hasn't sold it yet?"

"It's just because it hasn't been sold yet that it's so big."

"What does he want to do?" Wen Yan was a little surprised. He thought that Old Mengdu had withdrawn and came back, but he didn't expect that he was still there.

"He gave people from other denominations a list, and what they must have in it was a resurrection cross. The popularity of the church exploded.

If he had directly made an offer to the church, the church might have agreed.

But he has been tricked before, and now he is making offers to other denominations for things from the church.

In the eyes of the church, he was clearly trying to start a fight.

But people from other sects don't care about this, so the conflict there is a bit serious. "

"That's it, the church is going to kill him?"

"Actually, it's not just that. There is a cosmetics factory over there in the church. Because of his involvement, it was exposed, which immediately angered all the abnormal creatures in Europa. On the same day, a group of vampires attacked the factory at night."

"Wait a minute, please speak slowly, I didn't understand it clearly." Wen Yan scratched his head, it was all about something else.

Zhuge Wanjun was silent for a moment and reorganized his words.

"That's the cosmetics factory where many vampires were imprisoned. They used certain parts of vampires as materials and added them to skin care products. I heard that the effects are very good. We can't even buy them here. We have to go to Hong Kong City. Rob."

"I've heard about it. I asked someone to buy it once before and gave it to a colleague. I used parts from vampires as materials, isn't that okay?"

Wen Yan was a little shocked. Good guy, no wonder that skin care product is so popular. People who don't like makeup will use that skin care product.

At that time, he felt that Sister Ye gave him various gifts every day and he had to reciprocate, so he gave her a set.

Sister Ye was quite happy at the time. Even if this woman doesn't wear makeup often, she must have a bunch of skin care products. Unlike a man, if he washes his face and wipes it with a moisturizer, it can be regarded as showing respect for winter.

Zhuge Wanjun smiled a little awkwardly and said quickly.

"I think you'd better not buy any more. There's something wrong with the parts they use.

The main problem is that they use the characteristics of vampires to regenerate at high speed after sucking blood. They are transfusing blood while cutting parts in a fluid manner.

And, more importantly, the vampires they captured were vampires that did not drink human blood.

It is said that the vampires on Europa have already developed some kind of medicine with the help of modern technology. By taking medicine, they can replenish the nutrients they need to drink blood.

A peace agreement was signed more than ten years ago.

Now it has been revealed that people from the church secretly tore up the agreement and crossed the line.

After all, that very effective skin care product has been on sale for several years.

Now everyone knows why there has been insufficient production capacity.

Other sects are adding fuel to the fire, and now a fight is about to begin.

So haven't you watched the news lately?

Europa is biting us crazily, just to change the conflict and drag our country into trouble. "

"It's none of our business."

"They said that Uncle Meng is from China and was sent by China to cause trouble."

"I haven't even heard of it in the Sun Division."

"The Lieyang Department is very stubborn. They said they were reprimanded for causing trouble last time. Now that they are covered in shit, they insist on smearing it on the Lieyang Department."

"Hey, don't care about them. If you contact Lao Meng, let him get it done. Don't really get yourself into trouble."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yan opened the internal forum of the Lieyang Department of Nanwu County and looked through it. It seemed that someone was actually talking about things on Europa.

But everyone is just enjoying the fun.

Anyway, before that, Cai Heizi had done a lot of things because of "losing" his devil body. It was a bit difficult to bite Cai Heizi.

Because Cai Heizi really dealt with several people who were messing around inside in the name of losing his devil body.

Cai Heizi had already placed the blame on the church long ago, and the war of words is still going on.

After all, if the external group of people gives them an excuse to criticize others from the moral high ground, that is the most comfortable tailwind situation. If you don’t take the opportunity to bite the opponent and gain some practical benefits, then you will feel that your performance is poor. .

After looking at the forum, there aren't many people discussing it, so the problem must not be big.

The popularity is not as high as when Tuoba Martial God took action a few days ago.

In the past few days, the people in the Lieyang Department were very happy when they took the opportunity to pick up the merits.

Every time Tuoba Martial God takes action, his unparalleled Yang Qi, which covers a wide range, is like a map cannon, and can force out a lot of things every time.

Some of them are just hidden and do no harm to anyone, so they will be registered. If they have committed crimes, their performance for this year will be full in one wave.

Zhang Laoxi has been happily collecting credit these days, and took the opportunity to capture three bloody Ah Piao, plus a jumping corpse hidden in the mountains.

The jumping corpse secretly swallowed the blood of domestic animals at night and had not harmed anyone. It could have been taken away. Zhang Laoxi now didn't like the jumping corpse anymore and sent the jumping corpse to the Lieyang Department in exchange for merit.

Wen Yan browsed the forum for a while and found nothing interesting.

In addition to the popularity of Tuoba Martial God's action, the biggest popularity right now is the Kingdom of Shadows. Everyone is still guessing how Minister Cai is going to deal with it.

Should I use another small-yield mushroom bomb to purify it?

Because until now, there hasn't been any movement, it's just blocked.

Wen Yan shook his head, put away the mobile phone issued by Lieyang Bu, took out his own mobile phone, and bought a mobile phone and a tablet.

Finally, I thought about it and bought two more, plus two large-capacity power banks and a large-capacity hard drive. I will go back and download some movies and TV series to send to King Guilong.

King Guilong was seriously injured and fell down the ranks, but he is still honest now. Wen Yan thinks it is very rare.

It's better to appease him, let him stay quietly, and give him something to do to pass the time.

The next day, after receiving the express delivery, Wen Yan took a bag and packed a mobile phone and a tablet. During the meal, he took the sparrow cat and the little zombie to Pei Tugou's house to eat.

Before eating, Wen Yan came to the little girl's room and put the bag on her table.

Since I have said it before, as an adult, you cannot break your promise to your children.

The little girl has been working very hard recently, which everyone can see. When she saw the packaging box, the little girl couldn't help but smile, but after thinking about it, she still pushed it back.

"Take it, I said, I will give you the bonus this month, you can't make me break my promise, right?"

The little girl didn't know how to refute Wen Yan's words. She thought about it for a long time before she managed to say something.

"The monthly exam results haven't come out yet..."

"It's just that I didn't come out, so I want to give it to you now."

"Ah..." The little girl didn't understand.

Wen Yan stretched out his big hand and rubbed the little girl's head.

"Your grades are for yourself.

This thing of mine is a reward for your efforts, not your achievements, do you understand?

Take it, I got a big bonus this month, seven figures, not bad. "

The little girl snorted and laughed.

Of course she thought Wen Yan was bragging, but she could probably guess that Wen Yan would definitely have a lot of bonuses this month, maybe 30,000?

The little girl still didn't dare to accept it, so she went to the old lady and then to her mother. The old lady and her mother both nodded, and then she accepted the gift with a smile on her face and thanked Wen Yan obediently.

The little girl is very sensible, but there are no children nowadays who don’t like electronic products.

The old lady and Jia Jinfeng both felt that their daughter had studied a lot recently and no longer had to be forced to do homework. The progress was obvious and it was up to her.

After finishing the meal, Pei Tugou pulled Wen Yan mysteriously, quietly took out his cell phone and let Wen Yan take a look.

"Wen Yan, suddenly someone gave me a sum of money..."

"This is a bonus."

"I asked, it was not issued by the work unit."

"Have you asked the curator?"

"No, how can I go directly to the curator for this matter?"

"Just keep it, it's the bonus. It's paid out on the fifth of every month. Salaries, subsidies, etc. are all paid out on the 12th."

Pei Tugou relaxed a little.

"I thought someone had dialed the wrong number. I've been waiting for a day and no one has contacted me."

"Don't worry, if you make a mistake, someone will already be looking for you."

"Then...how should I pay the tax? I heard that you have to pay tax for 5,000 yuan. When you pay the tax, it is calculated together. When you add the salary, it must be more than 5,000 yuan. What is paid by the unit is If I have paid taxes, will I pay less tax on this part?”


Looking at Pei Tugou's look, Wen Yan knew that he must have checked in advance, otherwise he might not know that personal income tax is now calculated based on total income, and he would not worry about this problem now.

"Brother, you are too honest. Don't worry, everything sent to us is after tax. Don't worry about this kind of problem."

"That's good, that's good. I was watching the news yesterday, and a tax evader was caught. I've been calculating for a day, but I still haven't figured out how I should pay."

"Don't worry, there will be a comprehensive remittance payment in March next year. More refunds and less compensation will be made. I will help you with it then, and you don't have to worry about it."

After dispelling Pei Tugou's worries, Wen Yan thought about it, where did the bonus given to Pei Tugou from the Lieyang Department come from?

What did Pei slaughter the dog for last month? The Lieyang Department actually gives out bonuses?

There were so many things going on last month that he couldn't even remember them.

Chatting after the meal, Wen Yan teased his silly son. Now that this guy saw Wen Yan, he started to smash his mouth, drooling down, and he was so greedy.

When Nanwu County was in peace, far away in Europe, the trouble was already getting bigger and bigger.

Under the night, Lao Meng changed into a tuxedo and a high hat, and stepped out of the carriage pulled by a skinny Thestral Horse.

Opposite, there were several ghost guys in suits and ties.

"Have you brought the things? We don't have much time. Let's order them as soon as possible." Lao Meng looked around and urged.

A man walked out from the opposite side and took out two boxes.

After opening it, a box contained a thin and tall seal and a silver cross. In a box, there were some rusty fragments neatly stacked.

Lao Meng observed attentively. The identification result showed that there was no problem, so he nodded.

He took out the box he carried with him and shook it out. A glass coffin fell down, and inside was a complete devil's body.

"Happy transaction. If I get something good next time, I can sell it to you first."

Lao Meng nodded with satisfaction and put the things into his own box. He did not bring any of the boxes that the other party brought.

Just as the two parties finished the transaction and were about to leave, a halo appeared in the sky and a beam of light fell from the sky.

A ghost man couldn't dodge, and in the beam of light, he transformed into the original form of a vampire, and then disappeared into ashes.

Lao Meng returned to the carriage without looking back. After all, the deal was over, and it was none of his business who got the devil's body.

Anyway, he doesn’t want to sell it to the people of the church. The people of the church are too deceitful, go back on their word, and take advantage of others. They are worse than these guys who are called dark creatures by the church.

He waved the reins, and the Thestral pulled the carriage and galloped away.

But the next moment, another light arrow rushed towards Yeqi's head.

Ye Qi screamed, and Lao Meng quickly escaped with a bottle of red potion, and even stuffed the bottle into Ye Qi's mouth.

The light arrow gradually dissipated, and Lao Meng also became angry.

"Hey, damn, you should still be so domineering, right? OK, just wait for me."

Lao Meng took out a round-bottomed flask. The purple liquid in the flask seemed to be boiling. He took out a piece of unknown material and put it into the flask. The liquid inside gradually calmed down and turned into a dark blue liquid.

He stuffed the flask into the Thestral's mouth.

"Swallow it whole. Don't waste it. Come on, turn into a dragon and fuck them."

"Why didn't you wait until I was dead before you took it out!" Yeqi complained in anger.

It swallowed the flask, and its head began to change, gradually turning into a dragon head.

Lao Meng's eyes widened and he slapped him.

"Are you being short-sighted? We are in Europa and you turned into a Chinese dragon. Aren't you inviting trouble and giving others an excuse?

Now it's time to fight. Of course, they should turn into their dragons, the more ferocious the better. "

When the old man heard this, it made sense. With a flick of his head, a ferocious dragon's head appeared. On both sides of his neck, two heads poked out again, and there were fleshy wings spread out on the body.

In a few breaths, it transformed into a ferocious flying dragon with three heads, fleshy wings, and a body covered with pimples.

The flying dragon's figure continued to grow, becoming dozens of meters long. With one move of its wings, it acted like a shield, blocking other attacks.

As soon as its wings flapped, it whipped up strong winds and soared into the sky.

Lao Meng stood on Feilong's back and sneered.

"Here, give them a hard blow."

The three dragon heads roared together, one dragon head sprayed out fire oil, another dragon head sprayed out flames, and another dragon head sprayed out violent wind. The three intertwined together and suddenly turned into a thick fire candle, rolling forward.

The flames pushed out like a wave, igniting everything along the way.

At this moment, in all directions, figures with shining bodies appeared, all with wings and ferocious faces.

There was a group of people chanting sacred mantras in the distance, and a strong pressure began to appear in the air.

Lao Meng's expression changed.

"Come on, these bastards are serious. There are professionals inside. They want to seal off this space and destroy us all."

When the three-headed flying dragon heard this, he immediately became anxious.

"I told you to leave quickly, but you have to wait until now."

With his wings flapping, his speed began to accelerate suddenly, and he still didn't care whether he would leave any coordinates behind.

A cross lights up in the sky, and the figures standing in all directions are getting stronger and stronger.

Under this light, the dark creatures that come to trade continue to evaporate.

When the flying dragon passed by the ground, it grabbed the glass coffin with its claws, and its speed soared to the limit.

The moment the light beam fell, it rolled into the void and disappeared.

After a while, the light dissipated, leaving only charred blackness within a few hundred meters.

A young girl came to the place where Lao Meng disappeared, stretched out her hand, and the space there began to fluctuate. After a few seconds, she shook her head.

"He can't come back. He's lost. There are no coordinates and directions. There's no need to chase him."

Behind, an old man said expressionlessly.

"Let me know, that person from China made a deal with a dark creature, and they got into a fight and ended up together."

In the dark void, the flying dragon flapped its wings.

"Have you found the direction?"

Lao Meng frowned.

"Shut up, I'm sensing something."

More than an hour later, Lao Meng began to sweat on his forehead, and Feilong's figure began to shrink.

"I can't hold it any longer, Lao Meng, you can rely on me. You dare to leave even if the coordinates are not determined!"

"Shut up, I'll feel it soon!"

Five minutes later, Lao Meng's eyes lit up and he pointed in a direction.

"This way, quick, this way!"

A faint light point appeared in front of him. Under Lao Meng's guidance, the light point quickly grew in size and finally turned into an exit.

Feilong's figure continued to shrink, rolled and turned into a native dog, and fell on the road. Lao Meng's car also turned into a tricycle, flipping out from the exit, followed by the glass coffin.

Lao Meng ignored the wounds on his body, stood up and looked at the familiar surroundings, and burst into laughter.

"I knew that after so many days, that guy must have more good things in his hands!

I don't even have coordinates. I dare to go straight in and I'm not afraid of getting lost. Do those bastards dare to chase me? "

Lao Meng sat on the ground, sweat dripping from his head, and his whole body seemed to be exhausted.

A moment later, a bat quietly poked its head out from under the coffin, just as it was about to fly away.

I saw the wall next to me automatically opening a path.

A man with murderous intent all over his body was sitting on a pillar, looking coldly at this side.

A man with a yang energy as strong as the scorching sun came from a distance with an impatient look on his face.

Farther away, there was a particularly oppressive guy, sticking his head out from a building and looking this way.

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