I am your natural enemy

Chapter 123: Coming to the back of the house, if you die quickly enough, there will be no pain (5k)

In the darkness, only the faint fire emitted a faint light, illuminating the dark road.

A ball of rolling black light fell from the sky, falling heavily on the road, rolling continuously in the darkness.

Around Wu Guang, Ah Piao with numb faces and empty eyes appeared from time to time, all walking blindly along this road.

As time passed, the black light converged and turned into a ball of burnt black flesh, rolling forward on the road.

Gradually, the mass of black flesh gradually took shape, turning into the image of a ghost with a pale complexion, sunken eye sockets and few hairs.

He looked at everything around him and looked back at the dark sky, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Finally, I finally locked the coordinates and started the arrival.

On the way, he encountered an inexplicable thing. It was painless and could ignore his strength and defense, and directly took out his person.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, made a decisive decision, and escaped at the cost of abandoning that body and the power in that body, who knows what would have happened later.

He didn't know what kind of ghost place this was, with so many unconscious ghosts.

But it doesn't matter, he can still sense the direction of the coordinates.

He wants to go to this world where even little devils can feel pain and absorb the power of pain.

As long as it comes, the lost power will soon come back again.

He followed the induction and walked all the way in the darkness. As he walked, he saw a fork in the endless dark road.

And the coordinates he sensed were on this path.

He walked along the path. Gradually, the path turned into a staircase in the darkness. He climbed along the stairs for an unknown amount of time, and finally saw the light. After taking a step, he appeared in a small house.

He walked up the stairs in the hut, opened the door, and saw rows of long identical houses outside.

He stood at the door and took a deep breath. The Yin Qi here made him feel very comfortable, and the faint power of pain in the air also made him feel particularly comfortable.

He opened his arms and embraced this new world, absorbing all the faint painful power left here.

His broken and frail new body was quickly repaired, new hair began to grow on his bald head, and his slightly stooped body became straight again.

His eyes gradually turned from complete darkness to black and white, and the color of his irises gradually turned into a strange bright yellow.

He walked naked towards the city, where he could feel the greatest concentration of painful power.

When I passed by a store, I picked up a suit that fit me well and put it on.


Cai Qidong looked at the footage captured by a high-altitude drone.

To everyone's surprise, the Demon King of Pain actually walked out of Lao Zhao's villa.

And when he came out, he was obviously fragile and weak, looking like he was about to choke. After he came out, he recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. As he moved, his speed began to get faster and faster, and his strength also obviously increased. The bigger.

No one doubted whether this guy was the Demon King of Pain.

At the end of the countdown, the only person who appeared outside in the whole city and looked like a ghost must be the Demon King of Pain.

Satellites, drones, and various remote equipment, including cameras throughout De City, plus some special equipment in the Sun Division, are all capturing the Demon King of Pain.

Then various assessments began immediately, from the most basic physical data, to energy data, to what changes in the talismans on the road might be caused, countless data were gathered together.

Cai Qidong looked at the data displayed on another screen.

The Demon King of Pain was the same as the experience summarized before. When he came, he seemed to have suffered some kind of weakening, and it was extremely weakened.

But after appearing in urban areas, various data began to rise rapidly. After climbing to a certain stage, the climbing speed plummeted.

According to previous speculations, if all the people in the city are transferred, a lot of power will remain that can be absorbed by the opponent.

As for the opponent's recovery speed, which has stalled so quickly, it can be inferred that the opponent's ability and coverage at this moment will never exceed a hundred miles radius.

There is no rush to take action here, and they are still using the data collected by various devices for analysis.

On the other side, the Demon King of Pain was walking on the street, absorbing the remaining pain power here as he walked, dancing strange dances, and humming hometown songs that were incomprehensible.

He looked at the light signs on the street and took a breath. There was no one here.

He could also feel that not long ago, there were many people here, so many that they made him tremble with excitement.

He didn't know why so many people suddenly disappeared, and he didn't care.

The little devil who had been summoned once told him that there were so many people in this world. There were so many people who were suffering pain every moment. Every moment, there were people wailing, constantly blooming the power of pain.

Don't be in a hurry, take your time.

He looked to one side and saw a talisman stuck on the street lamp beside the road.

As soon as he touched the talisman, the talisman suddenly turned into ashes.

A strange force seemed to drive him away.

He didn't know what it was, but he could only sense that the power was definitely enough to drive away the weakest little devil.

Is this the power that people in this world have?

Unfortunately, it is still too weak.

When he reached a crossroads, he suddenly raised his head and looked around. He saw several strange metal objects. They didn't have any power he could feel on them, but they seemed to be a bit threatening.

The next moment, the remotely controlled firearms set up by Lieyang Department were activated.

In an instant, the sound of whooshing through the air continued to appear from all directions.

Each anesthesia needle covers the entire intersection indiscriminately.

The Demon King of Pain could not avoid it. He raised his arms to cover his face, but one or two hundred anesthesia needles were inserted into his body.

Each of the anesthesia needles here can bring down large animals weighing less than a thousand kilograms, and they are also optimized for devils.

More anesthesia needles that failed to break through his defense fell to the ground, and all the anesthetic needles that hit the ground exploded, and the medicine inside evaporated rapidly.

A large amount of anesthetic medicine gathered into a pink mist, shrouding it there.

The Pain Demon only felt a slight pain when the needle pierced the skin, but the pain disappeared the next moment.

He felt as if the pain was moving away from him.

He didn't understand what this power was, but he didn't feel good about it.

So, he stretched out a hand, inserted it directly into his chest, took out his heart, and his body exploded.

The anesthetics that were enough for him to drink up were all expelled from the body simply and roughly as his body exploded into a ball of blood mist.

The exploding blood mist gathered around the heart again, re-condensing his body.

After he condensed his body, he took a gentle breath of pink mist and his eyes lit up.

"This stuff is really good."

He looked up at the firearms set up at the four corners, stretched out his nails, scratched the palm of his hand, and placed one hand on the ground. The blood flowed out on its own and spread to the surroundings.

At the same time, an alarm sounded from the equipment in the Lieyang Department, and the energy fluctuations began to rise rapidly.

The next moment, on the ground, masses of blood appeared with ripples, and demons of various sizes rushed out of the blood wailing.

Within ten seconds, a large number of monsters appeared densely on the street.

After those monsters appeared, they began to kill each other, blood flowed freely, and broken limbs flew everywhere.

The Demon King of Pain stood there, closing his eyes slightly, feeling a large amount of painful power coming together. His weak body and sluggish strength began to recover rapidly.

"Go ahead, we're going to spread the pain throughout the new world."

The Demon King of Pain waved his hand, and the demons, big and small, kept pouring out from around him, howling and spreading in all directions.

The firearms set up here are constantly shooting, and the specially optimized veterinary anesthetics are indeed better than ordinary bullets.

Real bullets hitting these devils, as long as they are not killed in one blow, will actually give these devils more power.

A specially made anesthesia needle made those little devils stagger to the ground, their strength getting weaker and weaker.

That woman Liu Qiying made a large number of anesthetic needles in advance. The anesthetic could not be sold much every year, but she continued to produce the same amount of anesthetic every year.

In that factory, there is a ready-made automatic assembly line with full firepower. The output in one month is enough for them to sell it for ten years.

Now it happened to be used. If there were not enough anesthesia bullets, there would be enough anesthetics.

Cai Qidong stood in the headquarters, looking at more and more devils in each picture.

He turned to look at Wen Yan's two master-uncles.

"We can't defeat him, so we must deal with him as soon as possible while he is still weak. He is getting stronger too fast.

Even if we evacuate the civilians, he can summon a large number of demons to replenish his power. "

"I'm going to try, but don't get your hopes up. I've calculated that I shouldn't be able to kill this evil thing."

The eighth master's uncle said a word and turned to leave.

The uncle of the Seventh Master thought for a while and looked at Wen Yan.

"You come with me."

"Ah?" Wen Yan was stunned. Why, is it his business to fight?

Wen Yan said "Ah" and didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, the Seventh Master's uncle would definitely not harm him.

They walked out of the frontline headquarters.

The eighth master's uncle had already set up his posture and rushed towards the direction of Decheng. After a few steps, he saw air waves flying around his body, like a humanoid beast, carrying a terrifying strong wind, and disappeared into the distance.

Wen Yan drove his own car and headed towards the city of Decheng with his seventh master uncle.

Only then did the seventh master's uncle speak.

"I took a look and probably understood why the Heavenly Master didn't come in person.

There was no need for him to come in person.

Although this monster is quite special, even if its body explodes, it will not die.

But now that he has just arrived, his own strength is not strong.

The Heavenly Master's magical sword has arrived, which is enough. "

"Then what are you taking me for? It's useless if I go to the scene there." It's not that Wen Yan doesn't want to contribute, he just takes a look and knows that his own strength is of little use.

“Not everyone has the opportunity to use the Heavenly Master’s magic sword.

Not everyone has the opportunity to get the Heavenly Master to use his magic sword in cooperation.

Of course, this kind of good thing cannot be given to others.

And, you are indeed the most suitable person.

When the time comes, you can do your best to stimulate the blazing sun and just do as I say.

Feel it once, and maybe you can start practicing Taoism.

There will never be a second chance like this.

At that time, the Thirteenth Patriarch was a wizard of Taoism with great experience in the world. "

Wen Yan stopped talking. He meant to say that he was truly a soulless person in the literal sense. If the Heavenly Master personally helped him, he probably wouldn't be able to survive.

But seeing that the seventh master's uncle was in high spirits and full of expectations, he couldn't pour cold water on him.

He probably also understood that the two master uncles took the initiative to come here just to fight for this opportunity for him.

Cai Heizi didn't say anything. He probably knew that among the current Taoist priests in Nanwu County, he was probably the only one as strong as his seventh master uncle who was willing to come to the front line.

the other side.

The eighth master's uncle had already arrived first. He ran all the way, like a general pushing forward on the battlefield, carrying the strong wind, rushing through the group of demons, and just the force of the wind swept away all the enemies on the road. All the little devils who arrived were swept away, and those who were closer were torn to pieces on the spot.

The Demon King of Pain stood there, watching a white wave of air approaching rapidly in the distance, with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

Even at his peak, his pure physical strength was not as powerful as this one.

In the blink of an eye, a loud shout was heard, like thunder exploding.

The figure of the Eighth Master's uncle who was running towards him quickly, carrying all his strength, suddenly hit the Demon King of Pain.

The figure of the eighth master's uncle suddenly stopped in place, and all his strength was released.

The Demon King of Pain had a look of astonishment on his face, and the next moment, he saw his newly condensed body suddenly explode into a ball of blood mist.

And the heart in the blood mist exploded with the force of the second explosion.

The terrifying power was vented in all directions. On the streets on both sides, all the glass exploded. The strong wind spread from the middle to all directions, wrapped up the messy things, and twisted the rolling shutters beside the road. Mahua.

The eighth master's uncle looked at everything around him and saw the blood gathering in the distance.

The body of the Pain Demon King was reshaped again, with a hint of shock on his face.

Because this was the first time he encountered this situation, the opponent's speed was too fast, the body exploded too fast, the power was too strong, and the opponent's control of power was beyond his comprehension.

The speed was so fast that he didn't even have time to feel any pain before he was blown away.

The eighth master's uncle was not discouraged. He knew this would be the case before he set out.

As a big zombie, he is also a big zombie with a strong body. What he hates most is this kind of thing that cannot be killed.

Otherwise, with how weak the Demon King of Pain is now, he alone can defeat all the demons here, including the Demon King of Pain.

"I haven't let go for a long, long time. Now is the time. Let me warm you up."

The eighth master's uncle grinned. By the way, he came out to do some activities and establish his power, so that those who have never seen Da Zhan take action can see it.

The Demon King of Pain felt the power consumed during his recovery, and his expression became serious.

He didn't like this kind of pure huge consumption without any benefit.

Two horns grew out of his forehead, a tail began to grow from his back, and the tip of his nose began to become sharp and long. He stood on the spot, raised one hand, and black and gray energy gathered in his palm. The other hand was raised, and magic formations appeared in front of him.

"Immortal strong man, you are qualified to know my name. My name is..."


The black magic circle in front of him exploded instantly, and his body exploded again without feeling any pain.

The eighth master's uncle vomited thick black phlegm into the blood mist.

"Beyond your abilities, you are too weak to let me know your name."

The Pain Demon King was defeated again and again, and his mentality began to change slightly.

Or was it because he died too quickly and couldn't feel the pain of being blown up...

In the headquarters, cameras and drones captured this process with crystal clear clarity.

Cai Qidong had no expression on his face. Looking at the shocked expressions of other people here, he thought to himself that it was probably the first time for these people to know the difference between the big zombies in Fuyu Mountain and the wild big zombies outside.

It's not rank, it's not strength, but it's the same rank and the same strength. Fuyu Mountain's big zombie can press and rub the ten big zombies outside with one hand on the ground.

The control of tactics, experience, willpower, and strength are all very different.

Among his peers in Fuyu Mountain, he was ranked eighth. He was able to enter Fuyu Temple's Great Zombie. Even though he was just lying on corpses, ordinary flying zombies might not be as powerful as him.

During his lifetime, he was an immortal warrior, the best among the best. He fought fiercely for decades without dying on the battlefield. After turning into a zombie, his period of ignorance was much shorter than that of other zombies in Buyeo Mountain.

If this uncle could grind that pain demon to death, Cai Qidong would believe it.

Wen Yan drove the car and entered Decheng. The seventh master's uncle opened the wooden box and revealed what looked like an ordinary wooden sword inside.

The invisible force spread, and all the little devils approaching the vehicle were silently turned into powder.

When they arrived in the car, Wen Yan saw the Eighth Master's great uncle displaying his might. Every time, he directly destroyed the body and heart of the Pain Demon King.

"Uh, Uncle Seventh Master, do you still need us?"

The seventh master's uncle looked up.

"Your eighth master uncle can't kill him, even if this guy just arrived and is very weak.

Is that what he calls magic?

The feeling of this magic is really annoying, and its power can easily affect ordinary people.

This is something that the Lieyang Department cannot tolerate.

Go ahead and do what I say. "

Wen Yan raised his head, the moment after the Demon King of Pain was destroyed and reshaped again.

His natural enemy profession finally responded.

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