I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 6: Negotiations In The Palace

Huang Dongjie left the prison and went straight back to the palace, but before he could sit still, Li Gui, the manager, hurried over again.

"My lord, the guard at the gate received a small note from a beggar instigated by someone. The information on that small note is a bit big."

With that said, Li Gui respectfully handed the small note to Huang Dongjie.

Huang Dongjie took the small note and looked at it. The content must be a bit surprising, but to Huang Dongjie, that's all.

After so many lives, Huang Dongjie has long been used to unexpected story turns.

The content of the small note reveals who is behind the framing of his son, but the behind-the-scenes is a bit unexpected, and the prime minister Chen Huaijiang is the behind-the-scenes.

"Li Gui, what do you think?"

Huang Dongjie put down the note, looked at the scenery by the small pond in the courtyard, didn't say much, but asked Li Gui, the manager.

"My lord, what happened to the eldest son is likely to be done by Prime Minister Chen Huaijiang."


Huang Dongjie didn't show any emotion, and turned his gaze back to Li Gui.

"My lord, the matter of the eldest son does not cause us much passiveness. If someone really wants to force us to rebel, they can take the risk of killing the eldest son and putting the blame on the court."

"But the eldest son's matter is neither big nor small. It's not like the group of forces who want us to oppose it."

"If it wasn't done by the group of forces who want us to oppose it, then it must be the imperial court."

"There is room for negotiation, and the purpose may be planned to weaken the prince's military power."

After all, Li Gui is Huang Dongjie's low-level intelligence leader. He has no ability, so how can he be worthy of the position of intelligence leader.

Moreover, he is also the head of the palace and a member of the think tank. Although he is not the most powerful, he is not at the bottom.

He can hold multiple roles because he is only loyal to Huang Dongjie.

"Then what is the purpose of the person who sent the note behind?"

Huang Dongjie lamented that there are quite a few capable people under his command, and it is okay with the original owner, but with him now, he can only mourn for these subordinates for three minutes.

Because the moment the natal Talent awakened, he had already figured out how to live a low-key life.

"The person who sent the note behind his back may accidentally discover Chen Huaijiang's plan, and he doesn't want the court to successfully weaken the prince's military power."

"I want to take this opportunity to push the prince. Of course, they are very happy that the prince rebelled directly because of this matter. They can't let the prince rebel, but they can also let the prince angrily cut off the arm of the court."

"Prime Minister Chen Huaijiang is very capable, and he is the emperor's right-hand man. He lost an arm to the emperor. This is what many people want to see."

Li Gui expressed his own guess respectfully.

"Indeed, if it was me in the past, seeing the contents of the note, the probability of rebellion is very low, but it is certain that I will pinch with Prime Minister Chen. With my energy, there is indeed a way to get rid of Prime Minister Chen."

"Why does it feel like there are so many old men? If this note hadn't appeared, Chen Huaijiang would have taken the opportunity to negotiate and let the court weaken my soldiers."

"The note appeared, and it was another conspiracy to force me to kill Prime Minister Chen and weaken the power of the Great Xia Empire."

"Everyone is plotting against me. I really think that I am still the old me. I want to play and dream. I am too lazy to play with you."

Huang Dongjie had made up his mind. Others plotted against him because of his military power, so he just returned the military power.

This is also what he had thought about before. After thinking about a low-key life, the military power must be returned.

"Prime Minister Chen sold his daughter, did his daughter know about it?"

Huang Dongjie asked again when he thought of something.

"Put in the prime minister's dark net to respond. Ms. Chen Yuling didn't know that her father was behind the incident, and she even asked her father to find out who was behind the scenes."

Li Gui replied.

"Chen Zai is really loyal to the empire, and he does not hesitate to sacrifice his own daughter. Let the dark net look at Chen Yuling, and she may be the wife of my stinky son in the future."

Huang Dongjie ordered.

"Yes, my lord."

After Li Gui took the order, he thought about it, and then asked about the next arrangement.

"My lord, what shall we do next?"

"You don't need to do anything, and besides, this little note has never existed."

As Huang Dongjie spoke, he picked up the little note and tore it again and again until it was completely dusted.

After Li Gui nodded and exited, he came back to Huang Dongjie within a short while.

"Your Majesty, there is news from the people who are arranged in the palace that His Majesty wants to summon you, and the decree should arrive soon. Besides, Prime Minister Chen is already in the Emperor's study."

Huang Dongjie was not surprised when he heard that, the original body was full of ambitions, how could there be no one arranged by him in the imperial palace, not to mention the imperial palace, there are more or less people from him in the official palaces of all sizes in the capital.

"This is asking me to negotiate. I hope their appetite will be bigger, so that I can relax."

Not long after, the order came, Huang Dongjie accepted the order casually, and set off with the eunuch.

Taiwei Mansion

Sima Xiuhao also received the news that His Majesty invited the Eastern Martial King into the palace.

"It's a good show, I hope East Martial King can give a little more strength."

Sima Xiuhao was ready to watch the play. Based on his understanding of Dong Martial King, he knew that Prime Minister Chen was plotting against him, and Dong Martial King would definitely turn upside down in the palace.

the palace

Huang Dongjie followed the leading eunuch all the way, and he found that these eunuchs were very nervous, not only these eunuchs, but also the palace maids and imperial guards who met along the way were also nervous because of his arrival.

It's not because of anything else, but because of fear, Huang Dongjie can still see it.

Why are you afraid, what did Huang Dongjie do in the palace before, now Huang Dongjie said that he didn't mention the bastard things he did in the past.

Huang Dongjie followed the leading eunuch to the door of the imperial study, stood there for a few seconds, and the eunuch inside invited him in.

Soon, Huang Dongjie met the emperor and prime minister Chen Huaijiang who had been waiting for him for a long time.

Huang Minglong, the current emperor of the Great Xia Empire, ascended the throne at the age of twelve, and is twenty years old this year. During his eight-year career as emperor, Huang Minglong did not have the vigor and vitality of other youths.

Huang Minglong can't be said to be a hero, nor can he be said to be a mediocre person. It is also possible that the internal and external pressure made him hide.

The moment Huang Dongjie saw the emperor, he felt bad. It's not because of anything else, but because his nephew, the emperor, has a serious physical problem.


Huang Dongjie is not mistaken, apart from his natal Talent, he is most popular for his medical skills in so many lifetimes of Samsara, and he has been a miracle doctor for many lifetimes.

There is a problem with the emperor, and it is certain that the emperor will not have any heirs in the future.

Huang Dongjie didn't know what to say. If this problem was discovered by the world, there would definitely be a big mess.

However, Huang Dongjie is very calm, he is not interested in the throne, he doesn't even care about the chaos in the world, he just wants to live his stable life.

"See Your Majesty, Prime Minister Chen."

Huang Dongjie cupped fist saluted to the emperor, and signaled to Prime Minister Chen Huaijiang that he was coming, and then Huang Dongjie stood quietly aside.

When I was not talking, I just looked at the emperor and the prime minister quietly, as if if you were not talking, I would keep quiet. .

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