I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 208: Unknown Existence

"Guang, Guangwen you, you..."

Everyone in Dafo Temple saw Guangwen wearing the costume of members of the Holy Court, and many nearby members of the Holy Court turned a blind eye to Guangwen.

At this moment, they don't know the tricks inside, so they are living in vain.

"The members of the Holy Court, the subordinates of the father, what's going on, what's going on?"

The moment he saw Guangwen, Huang Tianqi's murderous intent reached a critical point. Seeing Guangwen wearing the costume of a member of the Holy Court, the surrounding members of the Holy Court clearly knew of Guangwen's existence.

This made him sober up a lot, and temporarily suppressed his hatred, but he couldn't figure out why Guangwen was his father's subordinate "why put his woman into eternal darkness.

Except for the Grand Great Master, anyone who fell into the Eternal Darkness Yangtze River would have escaped death, let alone Ren Yuner who was still seriously injured at the time.

Is this what the father means, or,,,

"Second son, Saint Lord said to leave you a surprise. Seeing me, can't you guess what the surprise Saint Lord left for you?"

Guangwen said respectfully with a smile.

"You, you mean Yun'er,,,

Hearing this, Huang Tianqi's body shook, and his eyes showed excitement and excitement. He had already guessed what the surprise his father had left for him was.

"Is Yun'er still alive? Tell me, is Yun'er still alive?"

Huang Tianqi let go of the sword in his hand, and suddenly appeared in front of Guangwen, holding Guangwen's shoulders tightly with both hands, and couldn't wait to ask.

"Young Madam is of course still alive. Everything Saint Lord has done is for the purpose of cultivating you, the second son. Although the methods are a bit dark, it is impossible for Saint Lord to disregard the sexuality of his own daughter-in-law253

. "Life

Guangwen replied respectfully.

"Where is Yuner, where is Yuner now?"

Huang Tianqi was sure that Ren Yuner was really alive, and excitedly just wanted to know the whereabouts of Ren Yuner.

"Second son, in fact, the young lady has been guarding you by your side...

"Yun'er has been by my side?"

Huang Tianqi was taken aback for a moment, why didn't he know that he was beside him.

"Second Prince, the young Taoist boy who appears near your practice site every day is actually the young lady in disguise."

"Young Madam has been repairing flowers, plants and trees near you, secretly watching you, but the second son, you are only thinking about revenge and practicing, so you didn't notice Young Madam at all."

As soon as Guangwen finished speaking, Huang Tianqi didn't care about anything, and returned directly to Tianshidao, he was in a hurry to see Ren Yun'er.

Several Holy Court members looked at each other, followed Huang Tianqi's pace closely, and protected Huang Tianqi personally.

"Kill them!"

The envoy of the Holy Court knew that Saint Lord didn't like the monk's attitude, so after thinking about it, he simply did not do anything but kill them all.

For a moment, the Great Buddha Temple smelled of blood again...



A voice came from behind, making Ren layer, who was repairing flowers and plants, startled.

Seeing that her identity was revealed, Ren Yun'er slowly turned around and looked at Huang Tianqi, who was covered in blood and was panting.

"You're back."

Ren Yun'er was not worried about Huang Tianqi's safety from the beginning, she believed that under the double protection of the Holy Court and the Heavenly Master Way, Huang Tianqi would be fine.

Huang Tianqi shouted out her identity, believing that the training given to him by his father was over. Ren Yun'er touched her face a few times, and she lifted the disguise to reveal her true face.

"Yun, Yun'er, it's really you..."

At this moment, Huang Tianqi didn't care whether he was dirty or not, he ran over and hugged Ren Yun'er tightly.

After hugging the real Ren Yun'er, Huang Tianqi cried, and he didn't know if it was tears of excitement or the influence of the incident during this period.

"Why are you crying, haven't I been by your side all the time!"

Ren Yun'er didn't care whether Huang Tianqi's body was dirty or not, she felt that Huang Tianqi was crying, she patted Huang Tianqi's back with her hand, and comforted Huang Tianqi with a smile.

Yang Lulu saw Huang Tianqi and Ren Yuner embracing each other in the distance, and she didn't show a surprised expression. It was obvious that she knew that this Daoist was Ren in disguise.

She left the scene secretly, not disturbing Huang Tianqi and Ren Yuner's reunion.

After a long time, Huang Tianqi calmed down, and then the two whispered.

The Yunhai Sect was destroyed, Tingyu Pavilion was destroyed, and news spread that the Demon Sect and Buddhism were also destroyed.

For a while, there was silence!

No matter how shocked they are, they all know that the court is now unstoppable.

All the restless forces have settled down at this moment, and the four transcendental forces will be destroyed as soon as they say it. They are small fish and shrimps, what can they do to resist the court.

In order to survive, it is now what the court says they do.

No way, who made them meat fish on a wooden board now.


"Haha, this feels so cool. No one dares to stop the pace of the imperial court, allowing the imperial court to easily recover one continent after another. Within a few days, we will be able to recover all the continents."

"What is this? I didn't see those forces with their tails between their legs. They didn't dare to breathe in front of us. This was something that was possible before."

"I am already satisfied that the Great Xia Empire has recovered to this extent, even if I close my eyes and go to see my ancestors now, I am not afraid anymore.

With such achievements, the happiest and most excited people are the elders of the royal family.

They struggled all their lives for the rise of the Great Xia Empire, and now that their goal has been accomplished, what dissatisfaction (bhef) do they have.

"We can't be happy so early, we still have threats, and that is the few Grand Great Masters in the underground palace!"

As soon as Huang Guanwu said this, the other royal clan elders immediately fell silent.

"How about, let's be more ruthless and send two million troops to surround the Haoqin Mountains. Once they leave the underground palace, we will cooperate with the ancestors, Dong Martial King and Zhang Nine Heavens to surround and kill them

Those Grand Great Masters will definitely fall into a state of madness when they come out of the underground palace and see that their own forces have been wiped out and their family members have been killed.

Everyone knows how big a threat the Grand Great Master who has fallen into madness is, so they simply act first and use the army to surround and kill them.

As soon as this suggestion came out, all the elders of the royal family thought it was okay. For a moment, their eyes all turned to Huang Tianzhen.

"My father's plan has reached this point, and I must be prepared to deal with the Grand Great Master in the underground palace. What is my father's arrangement?"

Huang Tianzhen also knew that the suggestions of the elders of the royal family were good, but he still asked the envoys of the Holy Court what they thought, and he felt that his father must have a backup.

"The meaning of Saint Lord's staying is that no troops are allowed to encircle and suppress the Haoqin Mountains, and no one is allowed to interfere with the situation inside the underground palace.

Xia Techeng replied respectfully.

"Why, why not wipe them out in one go?"

Huang Tianzhen and the others asked in confusion.

"Saint Lord did divination once before going to the underground palace, and the result was that there is a great horror in the underground palace, but Saint Lord can't figure out what the great horror in the underground palace is."

"But one thing is certain, Saint Lord will not be in danger, this is what Saint Lord said himself."

"Other Grand Great Master matters, Saint Lord told us not to worry about them, he has his own arrangements."

Xia Techeng thought for a while and said.

"There is great terror in the underground palace. Could it be that the blue dragon Deva is not completely dead, or there are unknown terrifying creatures sleeping in the underground palace."

Huang Tianzhen couldn't help thinking to himself when he heard the words.

"Tianzhen, do what your father said. Your father has never let us down. If we do too much, it will affect your father instead."

The elders of the royal family discussed for a while, because some of them agreed to the East Martial King's arrangement.

Huang Tianzhen thought for a while and nodded.

underground palace

Not surprisingly, the third person to pass the first level was Zhang Nine Heavens, followed by Huang Tianshi and Zheng Tian who walked out together without distinction.

"East Martial King, why didn't you cooperate with Lu Tianyou to break the second stone gate and pull us out of the first level.

Zheng Tianjue said to Huang Dongjie with a dissatisfied expression.

"If you want me to cooperate, I will cooperate. Who do you think you are?"

Huang Dongjie said with contempt.


Zheng Tianjue was so angry that his murderous aura burst out, but when he saw Zhang Nine Heavens and Huang Tianshi beside Huang Dongjie, he held back his murderous aura again.

"Master, don't worry about him, let's work together to break through this stone gate."

Zheng Tianjue nodded, and then joined forces with Lu Tianyou to forcefully export to the second level.


The second checkpoint was blasted open.

The fog in the first level disappeared, and everyone trapped in the first level came out.

"What, what's going on, the mechanism beasts in the second level are all destroyed."

Everyone had just come back from the first test, when Lu Tianyou's shocked voice surprised everyone.

"What's the matter, someone passed the test of the dragon Deva one step faster than us?"

Seeing the large number of destroyed mechanism beasts in the second level, all the experts felt uneasy, and felt that someone had entered the underground palace of the blue dragon Deva before them.


Everyone walked in quickly without hesitation, and soon they came to the third time.

Seeing the destroyed gate of the third level, everyone's heart sank.

Go in and take a look, sure enough, the test of the third level has also been destroyed.

The crowd didn't stop, but moved even faster.

The fourth pass, Shimen, was destroyed, and the test inside was still destroyed.

The fifth level is also gone. At this moment, everyone sank to the bottom. .

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