I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 182: Wu Qitian Who Doubts His Life

Wu Qitian soared to the same height as Huang Dongjie, and his spiritual force added layers of murderous aura to envelope Huang Dongjie, trying to interfere with Huang Dongjie's state of mind.

Huang Dongjie's eyes turned cold, Wu Qitian's overwhelming murderous aura instantly dissipated, his body trembled, and sweat appeared on his back.

This made Wu Qitian terrified. Huang Dongjie's murderous aura was so terrifying that he was released in an instant, and his murderous aura was instantly disintegrated.

At that moment, he saw a sea of ​​corpses, the sky was crying, and the ground was cracking.

Suppressing the throbbing in his heart, he threw out the adverse effects of Huang Dongjie's inhuman murderous intent with firm belief.

He thought that the reason why Huang Dongjie had such a perverted murderous aura was because Huang Dongjie massacred more than one million people in Qingzhou.

Immediately, he stopped competing with Huang Dongjie in mental strength and murderous aura.


Wu Qitian yelled loudly, covered his whole body with obsidian markings, and headed towards Huang Dongjie with a hardened body.


As soon as Wu Qitian's fist and Huang Dongjie's fist came into contact, there was a loud bang as two big clocks collided suddenly.

Seeing Huang Dongjie catch his punch, Wu Qitian was also very surprised. He didn't expect Huang Dongjie to practice Cultivation Technique.

"Hahaha,,, come on, punch to the flesh, let's see who can't hold it first."

What responded to Wu Qitian was Huang Dongjie's powerful punch, which directly sent Wu Qitian flying.

Let Wu Qitian plow a trench more than 30 meters long on the ground.

"Come down, it's not a good fight in the sky."

Wu Qitian jumped up from the ditch like a normal person.

Feeling that flying into the air consumes too much real energy, and he is not very used to air combat, so he hooked his fingers to provoke Huang Dongjie and asked him to come down and face him head-on.

"I didn't expect your blood to be so thick. You plowed such a long trench on the ground, and you are still alive and kicking."

Huang Dongjie landed lightly, seeing Wu Qitian was alive and kicking after being hit casually by him, he felt that Wu Qitian was a good sandbag.

"There are still many things you don't know, so what's the point?

After Wu Qitian finished speaking, he ran towards Huang Dongjie with all his strength.

Huang Dongjie was not polite to the sandbags delivered to his door, and rushed towards Wu Qitian.

In an instant, the bangs of the impact of the giant clock did not stop.

Afterimages, everyone at the scene could not see the figures of the two contemporary Grand Great Masters, but all they saw were blurred afterimages.

The ground trembled slightly, and for a moment the dust flew violently, and now even the afterimages of Huang Dongjie and Wu Qitian could not be seen.

They only heard countless deafening crashes in the dusty sky, and the sound of cracks on the ground from time to time.

"Well, now I know why people say that the Grand Great Master is not human."

Huang Tianqi swallowed his saliva when he saw the scene of his daddy fighting. From now on, his father is not a human being.


A figure cut through the thick dust and flew out, directly crushing many houses in the Cangbing Pavilion to pieces.

With one hand drawn away, the dust in the sky dissipated instantly, revealing Huang Dongjie's figure on the field.

At this moment, everyone knew that the person buried in the ruins was Wu Qitian.

At this moment, the audience was silent, and everyone looked at Huang Dongjie in astonishment.

I was thinking in my heart: Can Huang Dongjie really kill Wu Qitian and create a new legendary record.


Wu Qitian's true energy was shocked, and the pile of ruins pressing on him directly collapsed. He wiped off a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Huang Dongjie angrily.

He is jealous, jealous of Huang Dongjie's terrifying Talent, so jealous that his eyes are full of murderous intent.

"You can't do it. I beat you back several times with three punches and two kicks. An old Grand Great Master is at this level. It's somewhat disappointing."

Huang Dongjie looked at Wu Qitian with a disappointed look.

Hearing this, Wu Qitian's anger and murderous intent grew even stronger, his aura exploded, and he galloped towards Huang Dongjie again.


Seeing Wu Qitian punching him, Huang Dongjie also punched him.

As soon as the two fists came into contact, the ground between the two of them cracked instantly, and the high air pressure spread out around the two of them.

In an instant, the two of them fought together once again.

"To be honest, your level really makes me unable to take it seriously!"

Hearing these words, the powder keg in Wu Qitian's heart was instantly ignited, and his fists blasted towards Huang Dongjie even more violently.

"I really don't know how you reached Grand Great Master, this level is really bad."

Huang Dongjie kicked upwards and hit Wu Qitian directly on the chin. The huge force made Wu Qitian fly upwards.

It's just that Wu Qitian was less than two meters away from the ground [Huang Dongjie grabbed his left foot.

As soon as Wu Qitian felt his left foot being grabbed by Huang Dongjie, he thought to himself: It's broken.

Huang Dongjie grabbed Wu Qitian's left foot, and grinned at the corner of his mouth.

With all the strength in his arm, he swung Wu Qitian hard and smashed it to the ground.


A human-shaped pit appeared directly on the ground!

Huang Dongjie didn't stop, and continued to swing Wu Qitian to the ground on the left.

Soon, there was another human-shaped pit.

Just like that, Huang Dongjie smashed Wu Qitian to the ground on the left, then to the ground on the right, and repeated several times in a row.

It wasn't until Wu Qitian controlled the balance that he bent over and punched him in the back of the head before he let go and kicked Wu Qitian away.

After smashing into the ruins, Wu Qitian got up again and calmed down a lot. He wiped away the blood from his nose and the corners of his mouth, and his eyes reassessed Huang Dongjie.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Huang Dongjie's speed was much faster than him, he just suffered from not being fast enough.

He looked into the crowd, ready to plunder the brains and blood of several Great Masters to restore his strength, but as soon as he found a suitable partner and was about to make a move, Huang Dongjie suddenly appeared in front of him and stopped him

"Don't think about those crooked ideas, I'm busy, I don't have time to restore your strength."

"Hurry up, let me send you to The Underworld!"

Huang Dongjie looked at Wu Qitian calmly and said.

"You think you can take me down if you can slightly injure my internal organs, you are arrogant!"

"Blackwater Realm"

Wu Qitian didn't keep his hand anymore, and directly used his hole card. (promised)

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, and endless black water surged towards Huang Dongjie, as if to drown Huang Dongjie.

Huang Dongjie showed a sarcastic smile, and opened his arms as if to welcome the arrival of endless black water.

"court death"

Seeing Huang Dongjie's behavior, Wu Qitian concluded that Huang Dongjie was looking for death.

But the next second, he was speechless.

He saw a huge black hole appearing behind Huang Dongjie. The black hole seemed to swallow everything, sucking all his black water Realm into it.


The Blackwater Realm was directly broken, and Wu Qitian spurted blood immediately after receiving the backlash.

"How, how is it possible, how long have you been a Grand Great Master, how can you be my opponent."

"No, it's impossible, none of this is real, I must be dreaming.

"Yes, I must be dreaming,,,"

Wu Qitian's mood was broken, and he still couldn't believe that he was defeated by Huang Dongjie just like that. .

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