"Hahaha... I killed four, I killed one, I killed one, I can go up to two ranks in a row, mine, it's all mine.

"It's too weak, it's simply too weak, let it all be my military exploits."

"Don't run, die."

The imperial army was like possessed by evil spirits one by one, with scarlet greed in their eyes, they threw down one enemy after another.

Facing the unstoppable army tide, the combined army seemed to be swallowed up by a sudden tsunami, and it was completely unstoppable.

"Crazy, all crazy,,,"

"We are not fighting with people, we are fighting with a group of evil spirits,,,"

"No, I don't want to die here, I want to live..."

Seeing the extraordinary ferocity of the imperial army, wherever they went, they rushed like wolves to sheep, and they were powerless at all.

It was only now that they discovered that the enemy's heavy armored cavalry was just a gunpowder primer. What was really terrifying was the imperial army following the heavy armored cavalry, and that was the real bomb.

The gunpowder primer was ignited, causing the bomb to explode completely.

When they killed a court soldier, that court soldier had already killed three or four of them. Before they could breathe, they were swallowed up by more court troops.

"How could it be, I, we are so vulnerable,

"It's over, it's over.

Seeing that the United Army was being beaten back by the imperial army, with almost no power to fight back, they knew that everything was over.

"Stop hitting, daddy stop hitting, they are not human at all,,,"

Facing the threat of Death, someone in the United Army finally couldn't take it anymore and began to flee backwards. This escape was like a flood breaking through the mouth of the dam, and it couldn't be stopped anymore.

One after another, after a while, a large number of deserters appeared. They seemed to have seen the giant beasts, and they wished they could give birth to a pair of legs and run.


Seeing the defeat of the rebel army, the court army was excited at this moment, and they knew that the victory already belonged to them.

For the sake of military exploits and money, how could they let go of these lambs and pick up the butcher's knife one by one to kill them.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Haihua and Cheng Gu showed excitement on their old faces. If the prince was not still by his side, they would have wished to draw out their butcher knives and kill them.


Fear also appeared in the eyes of Feng Lanlei and Hou Dengfeng, and they were powerless to take a deep look at the Eastern Martial King behind the imperial army.

They want to remember this Devil, if they can escape back. They will definitely stay away from this terrible Devil, and they can even give up everything and leave Qingzhou.

Facing the rushing imperial army, Feng Lanlei and Hou Dengfeng ran away separately with their remnants.

They all want to run back to their old lair, as long as they return to their prefecture, they will have a glimmer of life.

In order to survive, they did the same thing as Dai Gaohang before, and ordered people to gather the remaining troops to save their lives.

As long as they persist for two or three days, the forces behind them will come to rescue them.

The premise is that they can escape the pursuit of the imperial army.

"Thief, where are you running to!"

Feng Lanlei saw Dong Chaoqi, the general of the Black Armored Army, chasing up with a large number of soldiers, and decisively separated half of the defeated soldiers around him to stop Dong Chaoqi and them.

He continued to run with the rest of the defeated generals, but he didn't run for a while, and he saw the shadow of Dong Chaoqi catching up again.

Knowing that the defeated generals around him could not stop Dong Chaoqi behind them, he stopped sending troops to stay and die.

Continue to flee, as long as he doesn't stop, it will be difficult for Dong Chaoqi's army to surround and kill them. As long as they escape back to Fucheng, they will have a glimmer of hope.

The same is true for Hou Dengfeng's side. They are being hunted down by Zhu Chengwen, the general of the Black Armored Army. As they press on step by step, there are fewer and fewer people around him.

But he can't control these, he dare not stop, as soon as he stops, he will be finished.

"I hope that Dong Chaoqi and the others can catch Feng Lanlei and Hou Dengfeng. Only in this way can we take advantage of Buddhism and the Demon Sect before they can react and take down the remaining six houses.

Zhang Haihua said with great anticipation.

"Yes, the prince has made arrangements, how could they escape. Just wait, our beloved generals will catch them back soon."

Cheng Gugu had a grin on his face, seeing such a perfect victory in his lifetime, it would be worthwhile to come to this world once in this lifetime.

Absolute channel

"Brothers, hurry up, as long as we pass this dangerous place, we can rush back to our lair, and then we will be able to reach the Buddhist gate to support us.

Feng Lanlei was very happy to see the dangerous place ahead. There are peaks and cliffs on both sides of this passage, which is a place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Before joining the army, he left two or three teams stationed here. These two or three teams should be able to block the pursuers for a period of time by virtue of the natural danger, and let him rush back to his lair.

...asking for flowers...

"Thief, where are you running!"

Hearing Dong Chaoqi's voice from behind, Feng Lanlei didn't even think about it, and plunged into the passage with the defeated general.

"General Lu, they are here."

The soldiers of the Zhenwu Army reported to Lu Yulong who closed his eyes and meditated.

"Okay, when they reach the designated location, hit me hard with stones."

The mountaintops on both sides of the Jueyi Passage were filled with Lu Yulong's men and horses at some point, each of them with a lot of stones around them quietly observing the situation inside the passageway.

"This this..."

Not long after entering the passage, Feng Lanlei saw the ruined defense entrance and the scattered corpses. These corpses were all the soldiers he left behind.

At this moment, he panicked, and it was obvious that he realized something.


When Lu Yulong saw the enemy below, he was not polite, and directly asked the soldiers to throw stones down.


The sudden rain of stones directly stunned Feng Lanlei's remnant soldiers, and when they took some precautions, they had nowhere to hide from the rain of stones.

"Follow me!"

Feng Lanlei's eyes were full of fear, facing this situation, it was impossible to retreat. Dong Chaoqi is chasing after him, and the only way now is to continue to charge forward.

Even if he knew that there might be an enemy's defensive opening ahead, he would still charge.

It wasn't until he charged a certain distance that he showed a desperate expression.

There is no enemy's defensive opening in the front passage at all, and some of them are blocked by an extremely huge boulder.

At this moment, the rain of stones had stopped, and the desperate Feng Lanlei looked at the less than two hundred soldiers around him who were all wounded.

He laughed, laughing so miserable.

While he was laughing, Dong Chaoqi led his men and horses to catch up, and Lu Yulong also led his soldiers and horses to emerge from the tops of the mountains on both sides.

"Suddenly I'm a little envious of you guys. There are strategists like Dong Martial King helping you."

"But don't be too happy too early, Dong Martial King is destroying the layout of the forces behind me, and the forces behind me will not let Dong Martial King go."

"Not only the forces behind me, but also the forces behind Hou Dengfeng. Facing the pursuit of two terrorist forces, your Eastern Martial King is doomed to fall.

Feng Lanlei knew that it was impossible for Buddhism and the Demon Sect to allow such terrifying talents to exist in the imperial court. Facing the malice of the two transcendent forces, he did not believe that the East Martial King could withstand it.

"Go up, rebels, kill your father!".

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