I Am Very Low-Key In The Heavens

Chapter 12: Who Hasn't Killed A Serious Person


"Kyoto is really more dangerous than Longtan and Tiger's Den. If I didn't have your father watching from behind, I might have been eaten long ago, and there was not even a bone left."

For the first time, Huang Tianzhen felt that the place where he had lived for more than 20 years was so dangerous, the surface was as calm as water, but in the dark it was a place full of monsters and ghosts.

"Kyoto is a bit dangerous, but most people are safe and sound, not everyone is eligible to be counted."

"You got involved in the chessboard because of me. Even your father king me, they want to use it as a chess piece."

"But how can I do what they want, I don't want to be a chess piece, nor a chess player."

"I just want to be a spectator, or a harmless bystander."

"I was drawn into the chess game because I had a lot of pawns in my hands and was qualified to be a chess player."

"But if I don't have military power, it means that I don't have the qualifications to enter the chess game, and I don't even have the qualifications to be used."

"Things obtained through fighting and fighting can't be taken away after death, so why work so hard."

"I am satisfied with what I have so far. I have decided to be a leisurely prince. No matter how violent the storm outside is, it is none of our business."

What Huang Dongjie said is simple, but there are few people in the world who are capable of doing it.

Sometimes people cannot make decisions by themselves. Whether it is voluntary, forced, or influenced by the surrounding environment, people's hearts will change.

Only those who have been reincarnated repeatedly, Samsara, have experienced a lot, and their hearts are tired, so they want to live an ordinary life.

"If I saw that my father had such an idea in the past, I would be very happy."

"But now, I'm a little scared."

"The recent events have changed me too much, and let me see the darkness hidden under so many bright and bright things. People's hearts are too sinister."

"Father, you have given up your military power. If they still refuse to let us go, what should we do?"

Huang Tianzhen suddenly felt that he was so stupid and naive in the past. At that time, he had little knowledge and people showed kindness from time to time.

Thinking that Kyoto is bright and bright, Kyoto is good and worthy of his protection.

The father is ambitious and wants to rebel, so he thinks that the father belongs to the villain, and he doesn't give him a good face every day.

But what he experienced during this period of time made him realize how ignorant he was before. Under the bright and bright surface, the road is usually paved with bones.

Now his father is a person full of great wisdom in his heart, he respects all his decisions, and thinks that everything his father does has a backup.

So he was curious, after handing over the military power, what backhand did the father leave behind for self-protection.

"If so, father let them know what the real terror is."

"If the great terror still can't suppress the people's troubles in the world, then as a father, let them know what the real massacre is."

"When all people die, no one is doing evil."

Huang Dongjie squinted his eyes halfway, speaking in an uneven tone.

I don't know if he was joking, or if he had actually died before.

"Father, you really know how to joke, there are so many people in the world, human beings can do it, but if you want to kill the world, there is no one except gods,,,"

"Wait a minute, father, you have been reading books like Medicinal herbs recently, father, you don't want to study some plague to bring about troubled times, right?"

Huang Tianzhen thought of something suddenly, and said in a half-joking tone.

When Huang Tianzhen mentioned it, Huang Dongjie recalled a certain hopeless world.

He really slaughtered the world, and indeed used the plague he researched to silence that world.

It can be said that he is a miracle doctor, but it can also be said that he is a cleaner in the world.

The boundary between good guys and bad guys is to him, well, he doesn't care about it at all.

"Didn't I tell you that, except for things exclusive to women, I know a little bit about everything as you are my father."

"Medical skills will naturally be a little bit, and you don't have to be surprised if you really research something in the future."

Huang Dongjie didn't exaggerate himself, nor did he belittle himself. He felt that his medical skills had reached a level of understanding.

When he can bring the dead back to life, he can say that Own's medical skills are not bad.

"Father, how do you feel that you have lived an old man's life ahead of time."

Huang Tianzhen has recently learned what his father's normal state is, he often reads in a daze, repairs the flowers and trees in the garden by himself from time to time, and likes to brag about his own skills in front of future generations.

Isn't this the life of the elderly, knowing a little about everything, this is not boasting too much.

How can a person have so much time and energy to learn other skills, father and king brag about himself like this, okay?

"Take care of me, go and go, stay where it's cool."

Huang Dongjie got up after finishing speaking.

"Father, where are you going?"

Seeing his father preparing to go out, Huang Tianzhen asked casually.

"Go see the emperor. I was invited into the palace last time. Now I take the initiative to enter the palace."

Huang Dongjie left without looking back.

Being at home, Huang Tianzhen felt relaxed from inside to outside, so he wandered around the palace.

The palace is very big, and he only picked a few important places to stop and walk. For some reason, he walked into the treasure house of the palace.

He can enter the treasury, but he can't bring anything out of it. His father won't give it to him, and neither will the strong guards who guard the treasury.

It doesn't matter if you can see it or not, just look at the gold and silver mountains and feel happy.

When he opened the door of the treasure house and looked in, he was stunned.

"This, this is, the house was burglarized..."

All of a sudden, the entire East Martial King Mansion jumped up and down.

the palace

Royal Study Room

"Why did Uncle Wu Huang come here?"

Huang Minglong didn't know the purpose of Uncle Wu Huang's initiative to come to see him, but it must have something to do with the Azure Dragon Guard, so he had to be careful.

Because Uncle Wuhuang has changed too much recently, he can't see through Uncle Wuhuang at all, and those who can't see through are often the most troublesome people.

Chen Huaijiang also squinted at Huang Dongjie from the side. He found that Dong Martial King was the person he couldn't understand the most. He used to always suspect that Dong Martial King had some big conspiracy.

But judging from the recent situation, no matter how other people plan Dong Martial King, Dong Martial King just doesn't follow others according to the routine and continues to remain motionless.

And the return of military power is also true. The Eastern Martial King did not make any small moves. According to the intelligence, the Eastern Martial King also took the initiative to let the Black Armored Army actively cooperate with the court to receive it.

All kinds of Dong Martial King's feelings are completely different from the past, and he suspects that Dong Martial King is a fake.

But East Martial King's Mansion is as steady as Mount Tai, if East Martial King is replaced, how could the East Martial King's mansion, who is as tall as a cloud, not notice at all.

Not even a little movement.

I don't understand, I really don't understand, what caused the East Martial King to change so much.

"The conversation between Quanzi and Lei Ye is believed to have been known to you. I want to know how you handle this matter."

Huang Dongjie asked straight to the point.

"Dong Martial King, it is true that Lei Ye was framed. We will try our best to find the murderer and give Dong Martial King an explanation."

Chen Huaijiang thought that Huang Dongjie was here to pursue responsibility. In order to calmly accept the military power of the Black Armor Army, he had to find a way to find the murderer to appease Dong Martial King. .

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